MTL - Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World-v2 Chapter 1802 : The secret letter of the blue siren flower

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"Senior, when you practice this method, you can tell your future disciples to pay attention, you must first practice the soul mind, without the foundation of the soul mind, it is difficult to practice this method to the highest level."

Lu Chen instructed, because when he created the transformation of the true injury system law, he borrowed the condensation of soul will, so the new law also needs the assistance of soul will.

To put it bluntly, the requirements for his Dharma practice are also very demanding, for example, he needs a high foundation of soul will, and outsiders want to cultivate to achieve a 100% true damage effect, at least root-level soul will, and their own cultivation base must be true self The situation is at its peak.

However, he feels that this method is not considered as a major cultivation method. Generally, if you can learn 30% to 40% of it, it is already very useful for combat. Moreover, if you practice it a little bit, it will not have strong side effects, and it has universal significance. .

"I still need to cultivate my soul...

Fang Pu was stunned for a moment and realized that the conditions of the new method left by Lu Chen were equally harsh. In the eyes of the people of the highest world, it is difficult to practice soul will.

There are so many strong people in the Mind School, and there are only a few people who can cultivate the root soul, and they are all super masters.

According to Lu Chen, the basic requirement of soul mind is probably not ordinary. Doesn't it mean that only the "high-achieving students" of Xinyi Academy can hope to come here to learn about it?

After thinking for a while, Fang Pu came back to his senses, and realized that he had become obsessed. This kind of method is basically a method of attacking and attacking. If it is so easy to practice, the strong will be worthless.

No matter how excellent the dharma is, you need to meet someone with predestined relationship. It is impossible to say that there is a dharma that can be easily learned by everyone, and all of them will become extremely powerful.

At this moment, watching Lu Chen chatting with Fang Pu, the excited Palace Master was the first to react. He knew that Lu Chen had already created the Dharma, and his attainments were quite high.

"Palace Master Lu, congratulations on accomplishing a feat that is unmatched in the past and present. You have created your own laws at a young age. From then on, the sky is high and the sea is wide, and you can fly freely. If you have time, can you come to the Golden Body Academy again?"

The mansion master of Jinshen Academy stepped forward, and immediately made all the strong people behind scold him for being shameless.

Lu Chen was also stunned for a moment. He was an absolute junior. Fang Pu called him the master because he was the only one in the Dahuang Academy who had cultivated the true scriptures of the wilderness, and he also created a new method to convince him that he was the master. The contemporary palace master should be.

But to put it bluntly, the official members of Dahuang Academy are just him and Fang Pu, and Lu Chen always feels that the position of the palace master is dispensable.

You, the master of a university like Jinshen Academy, is older than me by many epochs, and when you went to practice before, you still called your own name, why did you change it to Master Lu now?

Isn't that too kind?

"Senior, you are very polite. I practiced in your school and received a lot of care. I should come to thank you."

Lu Chen still replied politely, but in fact it was just

You're welcome, he's going to go to the other world next, and won't stay in the Nine Heavens Continent for a long time.

"That would be great!"

The mansion master of the Golden Body Academy said happily, "If it's convenient then, let's talk about the Golden Body Law."

"Old Jin, you are shameless, you clearly want Palace Master Lu to leave you a new scripture!"

There was a Palace Master from behind who saw through the thoughts of the Golden Body Palace Master, "Palace Master Lu, don't worry, I am shameless, you come to our school as a guest first!"

Lu Chen was speechless for a while, because he was quickly surrounded and overwhelmed by the masters of many schools. Obviously, his previous process of creating a law was seen, and he also left a new law for Tianhuang School, which made many The palace master was moved.

In the form of his law transformation, the strengthening of various fields is indeed stronger than the original laws of some universities, but Lu Chenxin said that you asked me to help you retain the law. Isn't this deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors?

The Golden Body Academy, the Immortal Academy, the Divine Wind Academy... etc., etc., the masters of each academy said that they wanted to leave a scripture for themselves, so that they could reflect each other and teach.

In fact, Lu Chen didn't know, because the universities on the Nine Heavens Continent are not sects at all. For academic collections, they have always pursued progress. As long as the methods left by the ancestors can't compare with the new methods, it will be early.

Eliminate early.

Deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors? They don't respect their ancestors at all, they only pursue progress.

We are all children of families from all corners of the country, and they only attend school temporarily, and the master of the school is only the principal. After the term of office, some of them don't want to go home.

Lu Chen was besieged by many school masters, and was very troubled. At this time, looking at the distant and independent Master of Hehuan School, and Niu Yong, the muscular master of the God Religion who was standing with his elbows in his arms, Lu Chen felt that the master of a super strong school had some morals ah.

But when he promised one by one that he would go there when he had time, and let the palace masters disperse, the palace master of Hehuan Academy came over.

This was the first time Lu Chen saw the other party in person. The last time he went to Hehuan Academy, the other party talked to him through the chain, only heard his voice, but never saw him.

The Lord of Hehuan Mansion is surprisingly tall, not much lower than Lu Chen, with lotus steps and a veil on his face, but a smile can be seen through his winking eyes.

"Congratulations to Palace Master Lu for his great achievement. I heard that he came to my residence as a guest the day before yesterday to teach his disciples. Now that he has just completed his magical skills, why don't you come to my residence to discuss it?"

As soon as she opened her mouth, Lu Chen retreated.

"Senior's kindness, this junior appreciates it. It's just that the methods created by this junior are all related to combat. The laws in that area have not been improved, and there is no way to leave new scriptures for Hehuan Academy."

Lu Chen declined, saying don't try to get me. He was telling the truth. In terms of the laws of Hehuan Academy, he didn't have any high-level comprehension, not enough to create new transformation laws. "Cluck..."

Palace Master Hehuan laughed for a while, "Palace Master Lu misunderstood, it's just Jane

Shan Ludao, and another generation of patriarchs in Hehuan Academy once left a secret letter, which I think should be given to you, so when you have time from now on, be sure to come here. "

Lu Chen lifted his spirits, "Secret letter? Which Palace Master is it?"

He was a little confused, what relationship could a certain generation of patriarchs of Hehuan Academy have with him? Whether the other party is a fortune teller or what, how could there be a secret letter to give to himself?

Palace Master Hehuan seemed to have water flowing in his winking eyes, full of thousands of charms, "Bihai Yaohua, you should have heard her name. As for what she left behind, only Palace Master Lu will know when he comes."

Lu Chen's pupils shrank. Bihai Yaohua is one of the nine space powerhouses of the same generation as Joker Magician and the others. He is the pioneer of the final space. I am afraid that his strength is very strong.

Such a character said that he left something for himself? I have never seen the other party before, and even the name was only heard when I came to the Supreme World for the first time.


"I see, I will visit you in the future."

Lu Chen said seriously, he guessed that this is probably part of the layout of the various spaces, not so much for himself, but for the new generation of void pioneers.

"That concubine will wait for Emperor Wu's 'day' to visit."

Hehuan Academy laughed softly, and then stepped back slowly. The figure turned into a gust of fragrant wind and disappeared in place. This is not her real body, but an avatar who came here to observe.

"Senior Niu is the one who firmly believes in the method of the patriarch."

After the masters of many schools left, Lu Chen looked at Niu Yong who was not far away and sighed, and greeted him. This is the first school he went to practice, and he has received travel expenses from the other party.

"Don't rush to shoot, kid, I was just thinking, can you improve your perfect body with your ability to integrate various laws?"

After Niu Yong left, when Lu Chen opened his mouth, he immediately changed his face and said with a smile.

Lu Chen shook his head with a bitter face, "This is really not good, it is a matter of my own talent, I still learned how to perfect my body to enhance my talent."

After hearing this, Niu Yong also knew that Lu Chen was not trying to shirk. This was similar to his original analysis, so he stopped forcing him. He only said that he would come to the Muscle God Church for a drink when he was free. Want to get together with him again.

Lu Chen naturally agreed. Anyway, drinking and having fun is not a troublesome thing. Writing heart scriptures for other schools is a job.


Lu Chen's creation method was just completed, and he practiced steadily in the Great Wilderness Academy for a year. After checking and filling up the gaps in various places, he got up and prepared to leave the Great Wilderness Academy.

Although he is the nominal master of the Dahuang Academy, there are not many people in the Dahuang Academy, and there is really nothing to manage. It is better to leave it to Fang Pu on weekdays.

In fact, Fang Pu also knew that Lu Chen would not manage the Great Wilderness Academy, and his title of mansion master was mainly a kind of respectful title. After all, Lu Chen is a person of space and will not stay in the supreme land of God for a long time.

"Brother Lu, we are almost ready here. Didn't you say that someone above will cover us? Can we go now?"

Tianji Martial Saint sent a contact and asked Lu Chen in the messaging device. "What is the current strength of the Origin Adventure Group? How much improvement has it achieved in three thousand years?"

Lu Chen asked, he had retreated and created dharma for thousands of years, with no distractions, and he didn't know much about the outside world.

Chu Zihang's improvement is not small, because the supreme sacred soil supplies unlimited resources, which completely piles up several people and improves their basic attributes a lot.

Speaking of this, I have to mention the rotten Ke who waved his hand and thought that the supreme **** Tujia Daye was a casual person.

Chu Zihang taught Lan Ke a truth, no matter how rich you are, don't just write a check for someone.

At the Institute of Science and Technology and Truth, student Chu borrowed the check that Lu Chen asked for from Lanke, and bought a lot of heavy combat equipment. It was like sucking the blood of the Supreme God.

The cultivation resources requested by several other people are also extremely precious, rare resources that are only produced by the highest sacred soil in almost a hundred epochs.

For example, the Tianxin Asking Stone, after using it, can allow oneself to enter the perfect state of enlightenment at a deep level for three hundred years, supplemented by other immortal medicines, it can completely allow a person to ascend a small realm like a rocket, and there is no need to worry about any side effects, because it is his own. Realization rises.

The Tianxin Asking Stone, in terms of the appraisal standard of space, is a full-rated prop at the Dao level. Chu Zihang thinks that if it is a super large and complete form, it may be regarded as the origin level.

These kinds of training resources are often good things that the managers of the supreme world have kept at the bottom of their boxes, and they have all been prostituted by Chu Zihang for the promotion of the team.

At the beginning, Lan Ke dared to say that the resources were used by Lu Chen and others. On the one hand, he felt that there were not many people in Lu Chen and the others. On the other hand, he felt that the Supreme God Land was really rich. He felt that Lu Chen and the others were ignorant and didn't know what good things were available in the Supreme Divine Land. At most, he asked him to ask him for some immortal medicine inheritance crystals to assist in cultivation or something.

But who knew that as soon as Chu Zihang went back, he first called up the list of rare props that only existed in the legends of the Supreme God Land at the Institute of Science and Technology and Truth, and sent a copy of the past to Lanke directly, saying: "Senior, everything first Come on, let's try and see which works best."

Not only did Chu Zihang take advantage of the All Heavens Sightseeing Adventure Group, but he distributed all the good things that could not be used up to the Origin Adventure Group, which led to a dramatic improvement in their cooperation team for this operation.

At this time, Tianji Martial Saint can proudly answer Lu Chen's question, "My comprehensive attribute has increased a little bit, Yuxian's comprehensive attribute has reached 331 points, Mengluo and Kunling are currently at 330 points, and there is another colleague The members of the regiment have a comprehensive attribute of 329 points, which is enough to form a formation to save their lives."

Tianji Martial Saint is indeed talented, coupled with the supply of a large amount of resources, the realm has also risen in the past three thousand years, and the basic attribute can reach 333 points. If the state is fully activated, the comprehensive attribute can reach 338-339 points. If you cooperate with the team formation , he felt that he had the confidence to stop a taboo.

"Not bad, I'll help you figure out a solution for the pass later, get ready now, have a meeting with Brother Chu and the others first, and I have to do something

Lu Chen arranged the actions of the two major teams and did not intend to delay any longer

Now, go to the other world for World War I.

As for the matter of agreeing to those schools, he can only do it after he comes back, and it can be regarded as a thought for the palace masters.

"It's already at this time, where is Brother Lu planning to go?"

Martial Saint Tianji wondered, the three-thousand-year agreement has already arrived, they shouldn't let the taboo wait for a long time, and delay the time, in case the other party does not meet them when they retreat, they wait

What should people do?

"Go to Hehuan Academy. UU Reading"

When Lu Chen spoke, he had already left and went straight to Hehuan Academy.

Wusheng Tianji who received the reply had a strange expression on his face, "Brother Lu, it's already this time, I understand that you are under a lot of pressure, but you also have a family, isn't that bad?"

"What are you thinking!"

Lu Chen almost fell down in the air, "I'm going to Hehuan Academy to pick up something, there may be some good things left by Senior Space."

While speaking, he quickly came to Hehuan Academy, still as beautiful as before.

If Lu Pingan came here when he was young, he would have fled in despair. Lu Chen, who had no woman in his heart, drew his sword and rushed straight to the main hall where the palace master was.

"Senior, so what exactly did the Blue Sea Demon Flower leave behind?"

After seeing the palace master, Lu Chen asked for advice, knowing that the other party could not just leave a secret letter, otherwise it would not help him at all, and there must be some props or equipment.

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