MTL - Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World-v2 Chapter 1801 : Emperor Wu's Scripture

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The pitch-black sharp blade that covered the sky and the sun descended. It was the evolution of endless law fragments. It was Lu Chen's transformation into a form that represented the ultimate attack, but now it rushed towards himself.

The people watching Lu Chen's creation became nervous, thinking that Lu Chen had gone mad and wanted to kill himself.

But in the next moment, those pitch-black sharp blades did not hurt Lu Chen, but entered Lu Chen's body with Lu Chen's breathing. His clothes danced slightly under the strong wind brought by the rain of knives. Nothing moved.

After the last fragment of the law poured into Lu Chen's body, the world seemed to quiet down. People around held their breaths and looked at Lu Chen, not knowing what state Lu Chen was in.

Bai Lao and Hei Lao looked at each other and made eye contact, they could see the doubt in each other's eyes, they didn't know what Lu Chen was.

Just now, Lu Chen's pose has already demonstrated his excellent control, which means that Lu Chen can control every piece of law fragments in his meticulously. Even if there are countless law fragments, the amount controlled by ordinary people is much higher than that of ordinary people. More than a few times, Lu Chen can also use it freely.

The array of swords covering the sky and the sun, the moment they entered Lu Chen's body, many people couldn't see clearly, but Bai Lao and Hei Lao were the pinnacles of the true self, and they could see clearly. The moment those laws entered Lu Chen's body, It has been restored to its original state.

That is to say, the new law created by Lu Chen looks like when there is no form change at the beginning. In that state, it seems to be in a neutral form, which can be changed to other properties at any time.

When those jet-black blade laws entered Lu Chen's body, they became that neutral form, which meant that it was possible for Lu Chen to further refine these laws.

Hei Lao felt that he had been slapped in the face because he sensed that Lu Chen was not using profound skills to absorb these laws, but his body was absorbing them.

Unlike the perfect body of the Muscular God Sect, Lu Chen accepted these fragments of laws extremely quickly. By accepting these fragments of laws, his body seemed to have the nature of transformation. That is to say, Lu Chen did not need to go out of his way to Manipulating each piece of law, his physical body will naturally carry these effects.

For example, when Lu Chen needs to defend, it is a subtle process to spend spiritual power and energy to mobilize the power of law to control and transform, and if his body itself has this characteristic, it will be like a fully assembled army. The nature can be changed in a short time, and the enemy's attack can be perfectly defended.

Moreover, Lu Chen can accommodate more law units than other powerhouses of the same level through the many laws contained in his body, which is a great advantage in a match of the same level.

Many people didn't understand until now why Lu Chen was able to have such awe-inspiring power in the Supreme Competition, because his foundation was different from others.

"He started this method that looks like a perfect body, but the effect is much stronger. Did he also improve the method of our school?"

Niu Yong, the master of the Muscle God Sect, looked at Lu Chen suspiciously, because Lu Chen's body breath was constantly rising, which meant that he had re-integrated those laws.

Originally, Lu Chen's basic attributes fell because he cut off many laws, which was seen by people in the highest world as a decline in realm, but now it has started to rise again, indicating that the laws are returning to their place one by one.

It's just that what entered the Valkyrie's body this time is no longer the original laws, but the new laws created by Lu Chen's control.

"The integration is so fast, is it possible that the laws created by oneself can be integrated into oneself at will?"

Some palace masters exclaimed, because they found that Lu Chen's aura rose rapidly, fusing those law fragments, the body seemed to have no barriers, and they were quickly accepted and fused together.

"There is also this possibility, but I think it is more likely that his physique is special and his talent is different from ordinary people. At least I don't think that one day I will create a new law that can be easily integrated into a perfect body."

Niu Yong analyzed that Lu Chen's aura was getting stronger and stronger at this time, and as the dagger array that covered the sky and the sun entered his body, the aura climbed back in just a quarter of an hour.

After an hour passed, Lu Chen's aura had completely recovered to its previous peak, and it appeared even more majestic and domineering.

Lu Chen unified thousands of laws and created his own unique law, which has great beauty.

For example, he did not change the basic energy added by the law to the body, that is to say, each piece of the law actually has a balanced foundation, attached to the body of the Valkyrie, which can bring him the stability of the basic attributes.

His comprehensive naked attribute has now become 330 points, which means that he has not regressed a bit. On the contrary, Lu Chen feels that his foundation has become more stable, because this is a law created by himself and will not be affected by external objects.

This is very meaningful. If you fight against taboos in the future, if a certain law you control is an extension of the opponent's concept, you will suffer a big loss.

But if all the laws you use are created by yourself, then taboos can't interfere. This is a relatively independent concept.

Lu Chen integrated almost most of the power of law into the body of Martial God, and only a small part of the power of law that he circulated in the Emperor Martial Manual, this is because even the amount of law that he can accommodate in the spiritual power technique It is also limited, but the Valkyrie body has no upper limit and can be filled all the time.

As long as he is still alive, the law fragments created by himself will continue to be generated and stored in the body of the Valkyrie, which is completely opposite to the taboos.

Taboos are created after reaching the peak, and the concepts are introduced to all

The sky diverges, thus throwing the laws they extended to the heavens, and then every world will have such a law.

However, this divergence also takes time, and it is also related to the strength of the taboo itself. For example, the new concept created by Shi Hao may not have spread to a few world systems, but for taboo, thousands of eras in the blink of an eye, It may be very little time for them.

Lu Chen is not a taboo. He just created his own rules, but he has no concept of his own. This is the opposite path to taboos. It feels like taking a shortcut. Without the pre-steps, there are naturally more restrictions.

He cannot arbitrarily mobilize his own laws in the world, because there is no law in the world, his laws come from himself, and only his body can generate them, and Lu Chen will not plant seeds in the world, because that is very inefficient , and this kind of law can't be used even if others get it.

Those who watched his creation method may think that he changed these laws seem simple and casual, but in fact Lu Chen also lost his mind, because he was not very proficient at the beginning.

If this kind of thing is given to others to play, I am afraid that it may not be possible to change the basic law once in more than ten years, and it will completely lose the practical significance of this kind of law.

If you want to exert its power, you must be able to change in a blink of an eye. When attacking, you must play the ultimate attack. When defending, you will be impregnable. When recovering, you will be immortal.

Lu Chen felt that even if he passed this kind of law to his son, it would be very difficult for Lu Pingan to comprehend it, and most of them would be difficult to learn, so this method should be regarded as unprecedented.

This is a new method that was born based on the severe trauma of Emperor Wu, and it also cooperates with the body of the God of War. The combination of the two can exert the greatest power.

In theory, only Lu Pingan has the opportunity to learn it, but it is also difficult. Lu Chen does not intend to let his son learn it. He thinks that Lu Pingan should create his own method in the future instead of learning from his father all the time.


Lu Chen let out a long breath of miscellaneous air. He said it was miscellaneous air, but it carried a misty fairy mist. He exhaled and inhaled like a white dragon lingering in the air.

He slowly got up, pointed like a sword, and engraved a few lines of words on the stone tablet in front of him. These are not ordinary words, but contain the truth of Dao rhyme. If a person with excellent understanding, he can understand it from it. The kind of transformation about attacking in the laws created by oneself.

Yes, in the process of creating the law, he was equivalent to severely injuring the Tianhuang Zhenjing, and the Tianhuang Zhenjing without many side effects was born, which is his law fragment in the shape of a regicide knife.

It is said that there are not many side effects, but in fact it also means that there are some side effects. If this law is fully activated, it will also harm the body, and the enemy will be hurt first. At least half the damage will be backfired.

Belongs to the skill of killing mad attack

Yes, this is the maximum power

In extreme cases, if only half the power is turned on, for example, a half of the damage will be

If half of it is converted into real damage, the side effects will be smaller, and you will only suffer backlash from 20% of the real damage.

In such a comparison, it is difficult to say which method Lu Chen created is better than the original operation method of the Tianhuang Zhenjing. After all, if the Tianhuang Zhenjing is used well, it will not harm oneself, but will be' Shi Lezhi,

But Lu Chen believes that it is much better to control the damage to oneself than to lose control in battle. Once you become a mindless beast, the enemy will have more ways to deal with you.

Just like lions and tigers are powerful, in the era of primitive people, people in the tribe can subdue them through tools and cooperation.

Fighting also requires wisdom. After all, not everyone has the extreme fighting talent and intuition like Lu Chen.

The new scriptures left by Lu Chen have side effects, but the true injury attack produced by him using the law of transformation has no side effects.

Because he is different, he is the creator of the law, and he transforms by changing the form, not using that law originally, and the controllability of this process is much higher.

For example, he can transform the law into a pitch-black blade when the attacking power is out of the body, then this will not harm himself, that is, there will be no side effects at all.

It is impossible for others to do it. The method left by Lu Chen is essentially for people to cultivate a new law, and only you can use it if you cultivate it. If you can't understand it, there is no way in the world, because there is no such thing law.

He still doesn't know what a shocking thing he has done. Since ancient times, there have been very few heroes who have created a new law without taboos. one.

But it only took Lu Chen three thousand years, not only combing and recasting all his own laws, but also creating a new law especially for the Great Wilderness Academy, which can definitely be called unprecedented.

When Fang Pu saw Lu Chen engraving on the inscription, he was so excited that he couldn't help himself. He went to check it out. He himself was not low in cultivation and had the strength of the late stage of the True Self Realm. After reading it once, he was at a loss. .

"This is....."

Fang Pu looked at Lu Chen suspiciously.

"The new law, in the future, when the juniors come here to study and realize it, they can think about it accordingly. If the above ones cannot be practiced, then practice my method."

Lu Chen explained that compared with some races, the threshold of the Heavenly Desolation Scripture may be lower. For example, the monster race or the beast race, if the talent is extremely talented, it is fine to practice the original version of the Heavenly Desolation Scripture.

And the method he left behind is more convenient for the human race to cultivate, and both have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Of course, Lu Chen's Dharma Monster Clan orcs can also practice, it's just a matter of personal choice.

Fang Pu looked at the scriptures on the stone tablet and was very excited. Although he couldn't understand it, he knew it was normal, not because of Lu Chen's teaching ability.

There is a problem, the scriptures are the scriptures, it all depends on personal insight, just like the wild

The scriptures are engraved here, and no one explains them to the students.

This kind of scriptures depends purely on one's understanding. Those with excellent talents can learn the scriptures without a teacher, and those with poor talents can't teach them without a teacher.

Fang Pu couldn't learn the true scriptures by himself, so he felt that there was nothing wrong with not understanding Lu Chen's scriptures, but Lu Chen couldn't have written them indiscriminately, because Lu Chen used them himself, which shows that its efficacy is not inferior to the original scriptures. The wild scriptures.

He saluted Lu Chen deeply, with a serious and solemn expression, "Fang servant... On behalf of the ancestors of the Great Wilderness Academy, thank you, Master Lu!"

Lu Chen hurriedly helped Fang Pu up, "Senior, don't do this. It's because I learned from the wisdom of the sages that I created a new method. It should be me who thanked the ancestors of the past generations."

From Fang Pu's address, Lu Chen knew that at this moment, he became the new generation master of Dahuang Academy, UU Reading www. can also be regarded as a person of the highest world patriarch level.

Tianjiao and the palace masters who were watching here also showed expressions of emotion, feeling that Lu Chen really left a good story here.

"Excuse me, Master, how is this scripture named? How is this law

call? "

Fang Pu asked, even though Lu Chen is the new master of the Great Wilderness Academy, and this method was created based on the Heavenly Wilderness Sutra, the principles are quite different. He should ask Lu Chen for his opinion and give the two scriptures The scriptures are separated and the new scriptures have new names. This is a respect for Lu Chen, the creator of the law.

"This is up to seniors, I'm not very good at naming things."

Lu Chen smiled and said, in fact, he only felt that he had done a small thing.

But Fang Pu didn't dare to be negligent and thought about it for a while, then said: "If not, let's call it the Emperor Wu Zhenjing."

When Lu Chen heard the name, he nodded in satisfaction. It was very straightforward, and he knew it was the method he left behind.

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