MTL - Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World-v2 Chapter 1744 : Are you teaching me how to do things?

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Ye Fan's complexion changed, because he knew that the other party was not bluffing, but that someone really strong was approaching this world. That kind of momentum is unmistakable, it is definitely a taboo, and it is a taboo existence not inferior to Pangu, who broke through the barrier and landed in this world.

Before meeting him, he could feel that kind of extreme arrogance, which is the mentality produced after fighting for nine days and finding no opponent. It is conceivable that this new Taboo must be an extremely belligerent existence.

Now Ye Fan doesn't need to ask why this taboo left this world to go outside, because this is definitely a master who can't stand peace, and he must go out to find new opponents and new ways to become stronger.

Just like him and Shi Hao, they were not very peaceful after the breakthrough, always wanting to go out for a walk, to see the world of the new realm. Trouble, the enemy is not bluffing, but really has reinforcements, and they are extremely powerful!

At this time, it was already extremely difficult for Shi Hao to deal with Pangu alone, and only Xunguang was not so nervous when facing the Chijin Taboo who was still fighting for his life.

If there is another strong man not inferior to Pangu at this time, even if he rises to the top, he will fall into an absolute disadvantage. At that time, only Brother Lu will be left to face the Nine Wings taboo. As time goes by, it is very likely that will fall.

Above, Shi Hao and Xunguang also noticed that a strong man broke through the wall, and their expressions were dignified. "Haha, Brother Ao Dao kept me waiting, come and kill these invaders together."

The red gold taboo also laughed and said, in fact, all of them taboos have no feelings for each other, but at least they are familiar taboos from the same world. When encountering the invasion of their hometown, they must stand on the united front.

Pangu did not speak, but was attacking Shi Hao. He was burning part of his existence at this time, in exchange for stronger power, and knocked Shi Hao to the ground several times. If there was no occasional help from Xunguang, Shi Hao would almost be suppressed.

Seeing the enemy and reinforcements coming at this time, Shi Hao also became a little impatient, ready to burn himself and fight Pangu desperately, otherwise if he dragged on, he would have no chance to recover, and he might be suppressed by two strong men at once.

"Brother Shi Dao fights against the enemy together."

Xunguang shouted, wanting to pull Shi Hao over. Before, they played in their respective battlefields, because the taboo battle was too powerful. If they didn't have a tacit understanding, they would hurt each other's teammates if they cooperated in the battle.

Shi Hao didn't have time to answer. After the explosion, the immortal sword shook the Pangu axe, and he came to the battlefield on Xunguang's side in an instant. boom--

At this time, a big hole was blown out of the barrier of the world. This feeling was like an arrogant person kicking open the door of his house, obviously it was his own house.

The turbulent sea blue torrent broke into this empty space, instantly dyeing this space with color, and a euphorbia passed by on the tide, paving a dark blue road in the azure blue space.

Behind the blasted barrier, a figure manifested, stepped on the road, and released its breath undisguisedly, causing the entire space to fluctuate.

He didn't hide his figure, and his appearance was directly exposed to the taboo eyes of everyone. This is an existence that looks like a male human race, and he has blue hair, which is loosely scattered behind his back.

His appearance is masculine and handsome, with raised eyebrows and a natural arrogance. If one sees this kind of appearance on a weak person, it will give people a feeling of being disowned and dragged to heaven, but in this supremely strong person, there is only A sense of dominance unparalleled in the world.

He is wearing sea-blue armor on a battlefield where light and darkness are mixed, and the refracted light is like the division of Yin and Yang. His pair of blue eyes are dazzling with divine light, scanning the world, including the long river of time below.

When Shi Hao was swept by this taboo gaze, he felt a bit glaring. The other party obviously reached this realm much earlier than himself, and to reach this realm, it is actually difficult to distinguish talent.

What is certain is that this is definitely an enemy who is as difficult as Pangu, or even more difficult than Pangu. "There really are... It seems that we are missing information about this place."

Xunguang was also surprised. Originally, there were four taboos in this exiled land, which he knew clearly, but what the other party said was true, and there were really taboos returning.

This means that the other party was not blowing the air before, and there is a stronger taboo

In addition, he did not come back, so in this way, there are six taboos in this world.

How many taboos are there in the Sun World and the Supreme World! ? When did the Exiled Lands become so strong?

He was the only one present who didn't feel the pressure from this new taboo, because he was the oldest creature, regardless of age and talent, he was at the forefront of taboos.

If he tried his best at the beginning, he could even fight four with one. The arrival of Shi Hao and Ye Fan greatly relieved his pressure. At this time, it was also because he had burned too much before, and it was not easy to use too much power, otherwise, if Chi Jin tabooed one, even if he tried his best, he would not be able to stop him.

"Friend Ao, time and space have changed, the core of the world is about to be engulfed by space, please act first to block that force."

Pan Gu and Shi Hao separated after attacking each other. They didn't mention the matter of killing the intruder first, but asked the other party to destroy the Final Yan Yaozhu first. That is the fundamental thing that shakes this world.

However, the strong man who arrived in this world didn't answer anyone's words. His gaze was withdrawn from the long river of time, and his eyes seemed to have changed slightly.

Other taboos also noticed the emotional changes of this strong man, and several taboos in this world wondered if this strong man was dissatisfied with their guarding the house?

It is also true, because the part of history that Lu Chen was shaken involved the era when the taboo himself was born.

They knew that this taboo was born in the burial calendar, but before he was about to preach, no taboo paid attention to him. It was not until this strong man was about to preach that everyone taboo looked at that period of history. What a coincidence The strange thing is that the opponent succeeded once, and then covered up the history related to him.

Therefore, the taboos present only know the section of the other party's birth and self-burial divine calendar, and he became enlightened in the later generations, but they don't know his journey when he was very young. At most, he has watched some of his "videos"

At this time, several taboos saw the change of eyes of this strong man, thinking that he was angry, because no taboo wanted to interfere with the era of his birth, even though they must have made arrangements for their own childhood, Even if that piece of ancient history is annihilated, I will be fine, but I still feel uncomfortable.

"Is it space..."

The new strong man withdrew his gaze, raised his hand, and the halberd fell into his hands. With one step, he was about to step into the long river of time.

"Fellow Daoist, please stay."

Xunguang smiled and stopped in front of this blue-haired strong man, with the red gold taboo locked behind him by a divine chain, he burned himself again, ready to hit two.

He has a clear judgment on the situation. If this newcomer is allowed to go down, Lu Chen and Ye Daoyou will definitely be invincible. When the transfer of the world is stopped, it will be a trivial matter, and they may have to reduce their staff.

"The taboos in the Zhiyang world, do you know the fate of blocking my way?"

The man's voice was low, and the breath behind him erupted like a sea tide, and the battle was about to break out.

But the man glanced at the long river of time again, his breath weakened a bit, and he carried the halberd behind his back, "Get out of the way, we are not enemies today."

Xunguang was stunned for a moment, he didn't understand the meaning of the other party's words, this is the help of the four taboos in the world, hoping for the stars and the moon, but the other party said at this time that they are not enemies?

He couldn't figure it out, but the other party was obviously a quiet and arrogant person, and his attitude seemed to be serious, not joking. As far as taboos are concerned, if you have to say that the time limit expires and then make a surprise attack when confronting the enemy, it would be too cheap, and generally there is no taboo to do this.

I don't mean to be pedantic, it's just that basically every taboo has reached the top after defeating the world's invincible opponents, so naturally they all have their own pride more or less.

At the moment when Xunguang was stunned, the blue-haired man had already stepped past him, and it was too late for Xunguang to stop him, just as he was about to move to Hanoi with Chijin Taboo, just in case , he saw a scene that made him look weird.

At this time, the Nine Wings Taboo in Hanoi was being crushed and beaten by Ye Fan and Lu Chen, and another wing was chopped off by Lu Chen, looking very embarrassed.

Nine Winged Taboo, who lost his patience, shouted, "Brother Ao Dao, kill these two people quickly!"

But in the end, the new strong man made a move directly, but the target of the attack was not Lu Chen and Ye Fan

, but the halberd flew up behind him, and was thrown out by him like a javelin, with the force as if it wanted to penetrate a big world.

Accompanied by endless roars and overwhelming sea tides, the halberd pierced the chest of Nine Wings Taboo, like a bow and arrow hitting a bird.

The powerful impact and destructive power caused the body of Nine Wings Taboo to burst after being penetrated, and His shocked and angry voice echoed in the void, "What are you doing!?"

Ye Fan was stunned when he saw this scene. When he saw the reinforcements coming from this world, he thought that his party was going to be over. Who knew it would be like this.

Not only did the new blue-haired man not do anything to them, but he broke the Nine Wings taboo with one blow. He never thought of this reversal.

Mainly...they don't know this person.

At this time, the blue-haired strong man stood in the void, and time fluctuated around him, distorting everything, but he couldn't shake his figure.

With disdain on his face, he looked down at the remnants of Nine Wings Taboo, "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Nine Wing Taboo's figure recovered slightly, with fright and anger in his will, "Can't you tell the situation!? Our world is about to be plundered by space. Even if you were arrogant and out of place in the past, you should know the importance of your hometown. "

The blue-haired man stood above the sky, and the halberd flew back and fell into his hands. He said coldly, "It's you who can't tell the situation. I did receive news from you that my hometown was under attack. I just turned back, but you have to know, I just don’t want this world to collapse, and I didn’t come back to help you.”

"What's the difference!? We're on the same front right now, and killing foreign invaders is the first priority!"

Nine Wing Taboo was really angry, so they didn't want to invite this person back unless they had to, because it was really difficult to communicate.

In the past, when the other party was still in this world, they often fought against them because of quarrels, and even Pan Gu fought him several times.

The main reason is that when the Lord is too crazy to speak, he looks at people as if everyone is trash. Even if they have a lot of taboos, they can't bear it every day.

In the end, this guy felt that it was boring to fight around in the world, so he left his hometown to find a new opponent, which made this world a lot more peaceful.

That is to say, the stronger one has long since left. Although the other party was only born in the history of the later generations of the blue-haired taboo, they actually became enlightened earlier than the blue-haired taboo, so they never met.

History is so miraculous, the blue-haired taboo was born earlier, and he covered up that period of history with his own hands when he was born in the funeral calendar. On the contrary, when he preached in later generations, he didn't cover up the history of his great strength.

Another stronger taboo was born nine hundred years after the extinction of modern times, but it was quickly proved. The process of its birth, the process of becoming stronger, and the process of becoming enlightened, all the taboos knew nothing about.

Even Pan Gu was very afraid, feeling that the opportunity for that taboo to become enlightened was tricky, as if he had completely detached from the concept of timeline, he was theoretically the oldest taboo in this world, but even he couldn't trace back The origin of the taboo, because in terms of origin, the other party's first birth may be earlier than him!

It's just that the strongest taboo, the first time he manifested above, was after the four taboos. After getting along for a while, he left, and then the blue-haired taboo came to this rank.

At this time, the blue-haired Taboo held a halberd and walked forward slowly, "That's why I said that you can't tell the situation clearly, and you don't have any thinking ability when you become Taboo. I said, I'm not here to help you, we never The same front, but when a certain target overlaps, I can not deal with you."

He continued between steps: "And now we... don't have the same goal."

As he said that, under the unexpected gaze of Nine Wing Taboo, the blue-haired Taboo didn't walk towards him, UU reading www. Instead, walked to the location of Lu Chen and Ye Fan, which made Ye Fan feel as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

But the next moment, the blue-haired taboo looked indifferent, with three points of madness, and nodded to Lu Chen as a greeting, "Brother Lu, long time no see."

Lu Chen: (°°)

He could never have imagined that this

The reinforcements that the taboos of the world have called for, the fifth taboo, is actually an old acquaintance of mine!

This... this blue hair, this face, this crazy and cool expression, this tone as if someone owed him money, isn't this clearly Ao Tian! ?

He has a deep memory of his opponent, because this is the first time in his life that he has fought so hard in a battle of the same level, and let him know that there are people beyond people and beyond.

It can be said that if he hadn't taken a gamble at the end and realized the causal sword intent, Ao Tian could only use the moves and skills he had comprehended before the experience, and it would be hard to say whether he would win or lose.

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