MTL - Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World-v2 Chapter 1743 : I haven't stewed meat for a long time

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Nine Wings Taboo was really angry, and a claw pierced through Lu Chen's chest, shattering it, and he himself was cut in half.

This kind of injury doesn't matter to Taboo, because he has already surpassed the form of normal life, and the regeneration of blood is just a child's play for non-taboo people.

At their level, even if the beheaded spirit and soul are all wiped out, not a single drop remains, as long as the concept remains, it can be restored instantly.

The reason why they still retain their physical form is just a nostalgia for their youth before enlightenment, a way of distinguishing themselves from other taboos.

In fact, every taboo can completely abandon the body and exist in the world in the form of will.

Just when Nine Wings Taboo closed his body and was about to rush towards Lu Chen's remnant body and annihilate it completely, Lu Chen also recovered in an instant. When the secret blood warrior was at the highest level, his recovery power was ridiculously strong.

Nine Wing Taboo shrank his pupils. He is the representative of extreme speed in Taboo. He thought that Lu Chen would not recover in time, but he did not expect Lu Chen to be so fast.

He struck again fiercely, using taboo means to disperse the dark rays of light passing through the long river of time. The precious fan blocked the regicide, scratched Lu Chen's head with one claw, and then moved downwards, trying to shatter Lu Chen's origin , so that it can no longer regenerate at super speed.

But Lu Chen's reaction speed was extremely fast, and he didn't play cards according to common sense in the battle. The treasure fan failed to stop the regicide, because Lu Chen withdrew the knife strangely in the middle, and changed the route of the knife with the law of cause and effect. From the very beginning, it was with the intention of exchanging injuries for injuries.


Dark green blood rose up in the void, and Lu Chen's saber actually slashed the taboo of the nine wings vertically from bottom to top!

The injury of Nine Wings Taboo gave Lu Chen time to move around. He repaired his body in an instant, and the source of divine blood did not decay at all. If he did not consider the risk of going berserk, he could even fight in this state for hundreds of thousands of years.

After practicing in the Xianwu ruins and absorbing the remaining source of Lu Xingtian's divine blood, his divine blood has begun to approach the legendary true ancestor of the secret blood, reaching the concentration of Lu Xingtian's secret blood back then.

But secret blood concentration and purity are not the same concept. Lu Chen feels that Lu Xingtian's secret blood concentration is higher than his own in terms of level, but it seems not as pure as his own, which is the difference between quality and quantity.

"It's no wonder that Pangu fought for tens of epochs before taking down Lu Xingtian. The secret blood warrior is really extraordinary, and you are a more terrifying existence than Lu Xingtian."

Even Nine Wings Taboo was admiring from the bottom of his heart at this time, marveling at Lu Chen's talent in martial arts.

The reason why he dared to be so sure was because according to what Pan Gu said, Lu Xingtian was at the peak of the True Self Realm back then, and he caused a lot of trouble to him after he ran away. He fought fiercely for more than seventy epochs before it ended.

But what is Lu Chen? In terms of realm, Lu Chen is still one level away from the peak of the true self state at this time.

If calculated by the attribute standard of space, at this time, all his attributes are on top of Lu Chen, and he used taboo methods to fight against Lu Chen, but Lu Chen was still able to persevere.

In this comparison, if Lu Chen's attributes at this time can really reach the extreme value of the true self state, then I am afraid that he himself will really be in danger, and he may not be able to win Lu Chen in a short time.

"Exit this world, and you can travel in all worlds. If you are looking for strength, why not go to the legendary battlefield!?"

During the fight, Lu Chen said that he probably knew what these taboos were plotting, they just wanted to get the things in the Xianwu Ruins. But in fact, there is nothing useful for taboos in the Xianwu ruins, but some combat teachings and the origin of the mysterious blood of God.

But if he said that, the taboos would not believe it 100%, because he knew that when a person waited for something for too long, he would wishful thinking that it must be true, otherwise it would be a waste of time spent on himself. and denial of belief.

"Boy, what do you know? Reincarnation has been repeated thousands of times, and there is no place to be covered. The heavens have their own birth and death. This is the root principle. Everything has yin and yang. Yin and yang go back and forth. Everyone has their own way. Let us go Yes, it is our way."

Taboo Nine Wings opened his mouth, and at the same time, his offensive became more and more ferocious. As Taboo who has been invincible for an unknown number of times, his fighting skills are naturally superb.

Not inferior to Lu Chen at all.

At the same time, he also surpasses Lu Chen in terms of attribute power, and can use taboo conceptual means, making Lu Chen hard to guard against. After all, it was the first time to fight against Taboo. Lu Chen suffered a lot when he came up, and was blown up many times. If it weren't for the blessing of the regeneration ability of the mysterious blood of God and the law of indestructibility, he would never have a chance to rise again.

However, as the battle time passed, Lu Chen's condition began to improve, and he gradually began to be able to withstand the opponent's offensive, and even counterattack, slashing the taboo of the nine wings.

Lu Xingtian taught him a lot, but he didn't teach him the precautions for fighting taboo, because Lu Xingtian himself in the Xianwu ruins didn't know how to fight taboo, he was different from his real body after all.


Lu Chen's slaying the king shook off the endless wind and separated from the taboo of Nine Wings. He had a ferocious smile on his face, "Don't talk to me about those polite things, I only understand one sentence, you are in my way!"

As he said that, Di Luo slashed out with a single knife, shattering everything in the universe, causing cause and effect to be reversed, life and death overturned, and the root cause reached the nine wings. The pitch-black knife light flickered, and with the roar of the giant python, two more wings fell.

It was too late and then too soon, from the time when Lu Chen started the war with Nine Wings Taboo to this situation, it took less than ten breaths. Nine Wings Taboo also entered a ferocious fighting posture at this time

With a ferocious fighting posture, he is a generation of fierce beasts. The more injured he is in the battle, the fiercer he will be. It will always be his advantage to exchange injuries with Lu Chen or above, so he also began to only attack but not defend, and collapsed Lu Chen's body. broken.

Just when Lu Chen was about to be in a dangerous situation, a big tripod came from outside the sky, suppressed it, and smashed it on the body of Nine Wings Taboo. "Brother Lu, I'll help you!"

With a roar that spanned the ages, covering the entire world, the man was dressed in white, heroic, and the Emperor of Heaven was unrivaled in his aura. He punched the nine-winged taboo, shaking his body to the side.

"Haha, long time no see!"

Lu Chen also laughed and said that his body had recovered. He knew that his urgent task had been completed, and Ye Fan had arrived, so it would be impossible for Nine Wings Taboo to touch the final demon bead again.

"Brother Lu, after you return, you must come to my place for a sit down, everyone misses you very much."

Ye Fan had a nostalgic look on his face. For him, it was indeed a long time since he had seen Lu Chen. He and Shi Hao retreated once in the past three eras. They didn't dare to leave the world until Chu Feng broke through.

Facts have proved that it is necessary to keep a taboo in the world, just like they came to this world, if there is no taboo left here, then they will do whatever they want.

"Right now, I only think about you, the Mother Qi Cauldron of Everything."

Lu Chen licked the corner of his mouth, swallowed with blood, and looked at Nine Wings Taboo with ferocious eyes, "I just cut off a few chicken wings, I don't know how it tastes when stewed."

Ye Fan was also stunned for a moment, and the cauldron of all things that flew back from afar trembled even more. Obviously, he did not expect that under such a nervous situation, Lu Chen would still want to eat.

Then Ye Fan laughed again, "Okay, chop off the wings of this birdman and put them all in the pot!" At this time, another voice came from outside the sky, "Don't forget to leave me a bite!"

That was Shi Hao's voice, but hearing the rapidity of the voice, it was obvious that facing the desperate Pangu one-on-one at this time was extremely stressful. "I've searched through ancient history, but I haven't seen anyone who dares to talk to me like that."

Nine Wings Taboo looked gloomy, looking at Lu Chen and Ye Fan, if it was only one-on-one, he was sure to defeat Lu Chen, it was only a matter of time, if they beat Ye Fan, they would probably end in a tie.

But if he hits two by himself, it will be a little troublesome, because Lu Chen's ability to use that coat is not incapable of hurting Taboo.

"Then you will see it today."

Lu Chen said calmly, and then stepped forward to draw his sword. The situation above is also more urgent, and they want to solve it quickly. Ye Fan also knew that this was not the time to reminisce about the past, so he rushed straight to the Nine Wings Taboo, and the three of them fought together.

At this time, in the void above, the red gold taboo was pierced by a pitch-black chain, nailing the shoulder blades to death, and he grunted, "As expected of the strongest night clan."

"It's also possible that you are too weak."

The light-seeking tone is full of ridicule, and the life-threatening attack is a taboo in the presence

Inside, only Pangu can be 50/50 with him. The other taboos are after all lower seniority, less age, and the taboos are also slightly divided into strengths and weaknesses.

He penetrated the red gold taboo in the void countless times, like a reverse overclocking pile driver, he couldn't beat the red gold taboo, and even helped Shi Hao distractedly, preventing Shi Hao from being split by Pangu.

"Hmph, time is running out. He will return before the world changes hands. So what if you have the upper hand? We are immortal."

Chijin Taboo snorted coldly, and didn't quarrel with Xunguang, because he felt that as a taboo, Xunguang talked too much, and he couldn't win arguing with this kind of person.

"When the world changes hands, everything is fixed. I have never heard of anyone who can spit out what they eat from the mouth of space."

Xunguang said calmly, continued to shoot, and at the same time shot a light spear in the direction of Pangu. "It's just that they are afraid of the power of space, we are not afraid!"

Chijin Taboo said coldly, "When He returns, everything will be over, the world will return to its place, and you will be suppressed." "It seems that you are very confident, do you think you are not as good as the taboo who left?"

Xunguang smiled and said, "So, two taboos here have both left, don't you disdain to be with you?"

"The power of words and tongues is not inferior to Brother Pan Dao. You should be glad that the strongest taboo has not yet set foot on his way home. If it is him who returns, all chaos will end in an instant."

Chijin Taboo's voice was indifferent, he broke free from the chain of seeking light, and shattered light and darkness with his palm, obviously starting to burn his own existence, otherwise he would be too embarrassing in the battle.

In the prehistoric calendar, in the snowstorm of Luzhou in Beiju, the girl in the dark green dress wrapped her clothes tightly and sat down in a place that could keep out the wind. "hiss-"

She took a deep breath, stood up again as soon as she sat down, and rubbed the two **** of flesh with bare hands, "If you don't wear it, it's cold..."

However, her attention was quickly diverted, she stared at the compass in her hand, "My good fellow, Lu Chen is so reckless, he directly messed with Taboo!?"

At this time, she also understood the purpose of the final mission sent by the space. The orb she put down was the origin-level special equipment of the former pioneer who did the dirty work. Before leaving, the space was transferred to the space. own.

The original owner of the item is the Blue Sea Demon Flower, which was originally ranked ninth in the Void Arena, but this does not mean that it is the weakest. The ranking is very vague, except that the top three are recognized as strong, and the latter few are difficult to distinguish between strong and weak .

This piece of equipment is the mother of molecules. I once put down the child demon beads in the original mine in the Burial God Calendar, and now I put down the mother demon beads in the prehistoric calendar. That is to pack up time and space and forcibly kidnap the will of the world.

And the compass in her hand, said to be a time-space detector, is actually an amazing magic weapon, also at the origin level, not only can carry out extremely accurate causal time-space positioning, but also can shield and cover one's own breath, so that taboos cannot be detected own actions.

One of the functions that satisfies her the most is that she can now use this prop to eat melons and observe the battles in different time and space in a safe place, such as the fights between fierce people above the long river of time.

"Damn it, Niu Niu is really dirty, he pretends to be scared, did he have such a ghost on him back then?" Mo Yu was startled when he saw the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and finally realized that it was just The fake was relieved.

Because the three major spaces have been planning for this world for a long time, but in the final decision of ownership, it must depend on who will contribute the most in the final execution.

At present, the final space has paid the most. For this mission, it took out two pieces of origin-level equipment, and the two pioneers participated in the contribution, and finally began to collect the net.

In the case of Hongmeng Space, if you just use the Zhuxian Sword Formation to block it, it can only be regarded as a little effort, not a great achievement.

The only problem now is the origin space. No origin-level props in the origin space are useless, so Lu Chen is directly thrown down.

Originally, before Mo Yu came, he thought she was here to wipe Lu Chen's ass, UU reading who knew that the origin space is the most ruthless, so he directly invited two taboo foreign aids, and picked a good time to find The light just happened to be there,

Straight to the top.

And Lu Chen is even more outrageous. When he entered the world, he was still a strong man at the end of the ninth level. It has only been nine thousand years, and he directly confronted Taboo.

From this point of view, it is a bit difficult to store the final space.

Mo Yu looked at another prop in his storage space, thought for a while, and stretched his waist, "Forget it, I've done enough anyway, Lu Chen's obsession is so deep, this world will not be Forget the origin."


The prehistoric calendar node shook for a while, a violent impact erupted on the long river, and the nine-winged taboo was blown away by Ye Fan.

However, during the recovery process, he was not angry, instead, there was a trace of relaxation in his eyes, "It's finally here......Brother Ao Dao, why don't you take action to suppress these intruders!?"

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