MTL - Seventh Year of My Secret Love for You-Chapter 63

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It doesn't matter if you break the boss's relationship, it's too embarrassing to expose the boss's lies on the spot.

They themselves are also embarrassed, holding the mentality that the boss treats guests without slaughtering them for nothing, but who knows that they are caught by the boss on the spot, and now they are stronger than anyone else.

Li Rui put the steps in front of the boss, "Mr. Jiang, what a coincidence. The flight has been changed?"

Jiang Shenghe smiled lightly: "I said the sign has been changed, do you believe me?"

Everyone laughed.

Be stupid to believe.

"No change. A friend is here to celebrate his birthday and come over to eat a piece of cake." Jiang Shenghe said in his usual serious tone: "Ripu's overseas market needs to coordinate some relations. I will accompany Luo Qi there."

Rocky: "..."

In order to keep the majesty of the boss, it is hard enough.

"And by the way, celebrate the first anniversary of Rocky and I being together."

Even Li Rui was shocked that they have been in love for a year.

Just now the boss said that he has not changed his ticket and that he will continue to 'go on a business trip'. They were still skeptical, but now they fully believe it.

It is more convincing to admit that self-serving is more convincing.

Li Rui smiled: "The confidentiality work is done well enough."

Jiang Shenghe understated: "I didn't deliberately keep it secret. I often drove Luo Qi to and from the car, and the car stopped at the entrance of the building."

Someone remembered that he had seen Luo Qi get into the boss's car, and he had passed by the front of the boss's car more than once, but he had never looked into the car, subconsciously thinking that the driver was sitting in the driver's seat.

Jiang Shenghe pretended to glance at his watch: "It's about time, I have to go to the airport." After a short pause, he said leisurely: "You should relax, the environment here is really good."


They smiled awkwardly.

In terms of momentum, the boss who "goes on a business trip abroad" strongly deters the high-level executives who "do not treat themselves badly".

Jiang Shenghe never let go of Luo Qi, and led her past the crowd.

He called the driver and asked the driver to bring the car over.

The driver wondered, didn't he come here not long ago, why did he have to leave again?

Their luggage was still in the room, Jiang Shenghe said: "Let the hotel deliver it directly to our home."

Getting in the car, Luo Qi's palms were sweaty, and he wiped her hands with a wet tissue, "Why are you so nervous?"

Luo Qi: "I'm not nervous, I was a little embarrassed for you just now."

"It's okay. At this time, whoever doesn't admit it won't be embarrassed."

"Where are we going now?"

"Go home first. I'll ask Xiao Jiang to book a plane ticket, and we'll go to Manhattan tomorrow morning. Ruipu needs to open up overseas markets, so I can't miss celebrating with you."

There is no secret from Yuanwei's high-level executives, Jiang Shenghe finds out the wedding ring and puts it on the first thing when he gets home.

Luo Qi went to the cloakroom to pack her business trip luggage. Jiang Shenghe asked Luo Qi to put his clothes in her suitcase, "One suitcase is enough."

There is no need to deliberately cover up.

Today was considered semi-public, Jiang Shenghe thought for a while, and still took two boxes and put them in the box.

Luo Qi didn't speak, and took out the two boxes again and put them on the jewelry stand.


"Well. My hands are tired."

Every time she asked her to help him put it on.

scorching hot.

piping hot.

When she helped him put it on for the first time, her palms and fingertips were hot.

Rocky: "I won't wear it anymore. Let nature take its course."

She squatted down to close the box, the zipper hadn't been zipped yet, Jiang Shenghe crossed her legs and hugged her horizontally.

Rocky had put on his bathrobe after the shower, the loose neckline slipping down to his shoulders.

Jiang Shenghe lowered his head and kissed her on the shoulder, and carried her back to the bedroom.

Without any barriers, he pressed against her, almost trying to embed her in his body.

The bathrobe was on the quilt, damp.

Early the next morning, I dragged my tired body to catch the plane.

During the three-day trip, I met with the director of the hospital invested by Linghong Group overseas in two days. Ruipu has obvious advantages in the mid-end market, and initially reached a cooperation intention.

The decision to abandon the high-end market was correct. After leaving the hospital, Luo Qi and Jiang Shenghe didn't get in the car and walked back along the sidewalk.

"When it was decided to cut off the low-end and middle-end market of Yuanwei Medical, the high-level opposition was not small, right?"

Jiang Shenghe: "Yes."

Luo Qi put his arms around him, "President Jiang, does Yuanwei Medical have anything to do with me?"

Jiang Sheng and Wen Run smiled, "What do you think? I have set up my headquarters in Sucheng."

Luo Qi took out her mobile phone to check what movies were released recently, "I'll treat you to a movie."

"Where are you going?"

"Where you met me."

Take the subway to the old movie theater they first met.

Rocky couldn't remember which seat she was sitting in, whether it was to his left or right.

Jiang Shenghe: "On the right."

After watching a movie, walking through Times Square hand in hand, it was getting late when I returned to my aunt's house.

Jiang Yueru raised an Alaska, whose name was picked up by Jiang Sixun, called Rere.

With the addition of DouDou and Mimi, do, re and mi are all collected.

Jiang Sixun followed Mao in Alaska, and deliberately asked Jiang Shenghe: "How about your name?"

Jiang Shenghe: "I don't know how to complain about you, let me think about it."

"Is it so difficult to praise me for being musical?"

"What does this have to do with music? People who are tone deaf also know do, re, mi." Jiang Shenghe commented on the name rere: "You are my father's nephew."

Jiang Sixun laughed, the inspiration for his name really came from Doudou and Mimi.

Dinner was ready, and Rocky called them over to eat in the restaurant.

Tonight is Jiang Yueru's cook. Since she retired, she has become obsessed with cooking and has learned cooking skills without a teacher. This is also the reason why the number of times Jiang Sixun went back to China to eat fried food has dropped sharply in the past year. Jiang Yueru cooks for him what he wants to eat directly, and the taste is not bad from the restaurants outside.

Rere is only three months old, and Jiang Sixun plans to wait for Rere to grow up and bring him back to China for a while, "Let him meet his cousins."

Jiang Shenghe emphasized: "They are all his cousins."

Jiang Yueru told Jiang Sheng and Sheng Tang, "Yuanwei has just celebrated its 30th anniversary and has a lot of things to do, why do you come here when you have time?"

"Stained by the high-level light."

"What's wrong with the upper echelons?"

"I lied that I was on a business trip abroad, and I didn't have dinner together, and I was bumped into by them at the resort with Luo Qi."

Jiang Yueru smiled and said, "It's not what you want."

"...Auntie, don't say that."

Jiang Shenghe turned his head to look at Luo Qi, who was also looking at him with a smile.

"I don't really want to be public," he explained.

Rere just snorted, and Jiang Sixun took the words: "Even a three-month-old puppy won't believe what you said."

"..." Jiang Shenghe didn't say a word, and sipped his soup with a smile.

After being knocked out by the higher-ups, Jiang Shenghe simply did whatever he wanted.

On the first day of returning to work from Manhattan, he drove the car to the basement and got out of the car at the same time as Rocky. Anyone who saw it would see it, but unfortunately, he came early, and no car came in for these two minutes.

Luo Qi took his special elevator to go up, and she took the initiative to raise her hand to press the floor when entering the elevator, the right hand is more convenient, she prefers to use the left hand to press.

Jiang Shenghe noticed that the diamond ring on her hand had been changed, and it was replaced with the wedding ring he customized for her. It was a matching ring with him. She used to wear it on her middle finger, but now she changed it to her ring finger.

Chi Xin and Lu Rui were also the ones who found out that her ring had been changed.

Chi Xin put a pot of cut flowers on Luo Qi's potting stand. She likes to grow flowers, and this pot of cut roses grows very well, so she brought it to Luo Qi.

"Boss Luo, when will you eat your wedding candy?"

"Soon. You must have two."

"Then I'm lucky."

Chi Xin went back with a stack of Luo Qi's signed documents, opened the door, and almost bumped into Lu Rui head-on, "Boss Lu."

Lu Rui nodded and turned to let her pass first.

"Thank you, Mr. Lu." Chi Xin wondered why Lu Rui came to Mr. Luo's office on his own initiative.

Lu Rui came over to send the project plan, and he spent three weeks carefully studying Luo Qi's plan eight years ago, and rearranged everything that was suitable for Rui Pu.

The old plan should have a different meaning to her, and it should be returned to the original owner when it is used up.

"The plan is good."

He put it on the desk.

"It's just in time, I'm looking for you." Luo Qi turned on the printer and printed out the letter of intent in the email, "You come to the professional negotiation."

She handed him several letters of intent.

Just when he thought she was going abroad for sightseeing a few days ago, she gave Rui Pu a letter of intent for cooperation in the overseas market, and she was always one step ahead of him.

Lu Rui took the letter of intent from her hand, and saw that the diamond ring on her ring finger was different from the previous one. From the **** to the ring finger, it means the transformation of the relationship.


Luo Qi was slightly startled, and after realizing it, "Thank you."

Lu Rui took the door and left.

Did he reconcile with her?

In a good mood, Luo Qi made a cup of coffee, stood by the window to drink afternoon tea, and all the flowers on the potting stand were in full bloom.

In the meeting room on the fortieth floor, there is a high-level meeting today.

They met for the first time after the incident at the resort.

Get over the embarrassment of the first few minutes and get into a meeting.

There are not many things to discuss in today's meeting, and it will end in an hour and a half.

Regarding the relationship between the boss and Luo Qi, there is nothing to criticize. Both of them are single, and the company has no rules that the boss cannot fall in love with his subordinates. The only sensitive thing is that Luo Qi is the person in charge of Ruipu.

Before the meeting ended, a director proposed: "Mr. Jiang, congratulations to you and Mr. Luo. Although love and marriage are personal matters, you are different. You are the largest shareholder of Yuanwei and the boss of Yuanwei. Half of them happen to be the person in charge of our subsidiary company Yuanwei, so private affairs will not be part of the company's official affairs. So I will say a few more words."

"You say."

"Mr. Luo proposed to give up the high-end market for Ruipu's future, and at the same time cut off the low-end and middle-end markets of Yuanwei Medical. To this day, they have not completed some follow-up matters after withdrawing from the low-end and middle-end markets. If the management of Yuanwei Medical The higher-ups know about your relationship with Luo Qi, and I'm afraid there are criticisms behind your back, thinking that Boss Yuanwei doesn't distinguish between public and private."


"The impact on your personal reputation and the image of the group is not very good."

The meaning of the director: "I was thinking, how to avoid this unnecessary crisis of public opinion."

Jiang Shenghe asked back: "How do you think you can avoid it?"

Director: "There are so many positions in the group, and Mr. Luo's ability is obvious to all. You can adjust any one at will. When Yuanwei Medical gets on the right track, and the advantages of cutting off the middle and low-end markets and focusing on the high-end market are revealed, you will make it public. .”

"One, Luo Qi will not leave Rui Pu. Two, when I want to make it public is my personal business."

The director hesitated to speak, Jiang Shenghe's jaw tightened, he felt Jiang Shenghe's displeasure.

"Again, I don't distinguish between public and private matters. In order to expand the market of Yuanwei Medical in East China, when I sacrificed the interests of other projects to exchange with He Wancheng, and used my personal connections in exchange for more market resources, Yuanwei Why didn't the senior executives of Victoria Medical accuse me of not distinguishing between public and private?"

The conference room was silent.

Li Rui picked up the water glass to drink water. She accompanied her boss to Sioux City on a business trip. For Yuanwei medical treatment, he personally gave He Wancheng far more resources than what he just said.

She knew about it, and so did the executives of Yuanwei Medical. The market resources that He Wancheng gave at the beginning were all brought by He Wancheng to connect with the president of Yuanwei Medical.

Jiang Shenghe waited for half a minute, but no one answered, "If no one has any objections, I will continue. I don't distinguish between public and private, and there are many places where I don't distinguish between public and private. Two years ago, I asked everyone in the president's office to help me. Chase Rocky."


"Even my return to China was for Luo Qi. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have come back to take over Yuanwei. Yuanwei wouldn't have achieved today's performance, and you wouldn't be able to get doubled bonuses and dividends."

The meeting room was even more silent than before.

No one refuted.

Jiang Shenghe looked at Li Rui, "Mr. Li, when you decided to cut off Yuanwei Medical's low-end market, you asked whether you should make up for them. I said a word, do you still have an impression?"

Don't be too impressed, she was in a fog at the time.

Li Rui put down the water glass and repeated the sentence: "Without Luo Qi, there would be no Yuanwei Medical."

Jiang Shenghe: "Eight years ago, Luo Qi and I worked together on a project plan that led to the current Yuanwei Medical. At that time, I had no fate with her. I founded Yuanwei Medical by myself, with its headquarters in Suzhou City."

All the participants looked at Jiang Shenghe in unison.

"Why did Luo Qi go to Ruipu? Because other people think that Ruipu has no future and is far away from the power center of the group. No one wants to go. Only she wants to make Ruipu well. Why does she let Yuanwei Medical focus on the high-end market? Yes In order to make a brand effect and consider the long-term comprehensive competitiveness of Yuanwei Group in the medical industry."

"Loki and I both know what we're doing."

"The meeting is over."

Jiang Shenghe got up, took the notebook and left.

The boss left the meeting room, and they remained silent.

Jiang Shenghe sent a message to Luo Qi while walking: [Take my car, I will wait for you downstairs. 】

Going back to the office to get his coat, he asked the driver to go back and drove the car to the front of the building.

Like the previous few times, the car was under the steps. The difference was that today the driver's side was facing the gate, and he lowered the window.

It was time to get off work, and they came out of the building in groups of three or five.

Recently, I got used to the boss's car parked in front of the steps. Someone walked up to the car and found that the driver in the driver's seat was actually the boss himself.

Pretend to forget something at the office, turn around and sneak back to the building, wanting to know who the boss is waiting for.

Even if you wait for a high-level, you don't have to drive yourself.

More and more people gathered in the hall.

The person who just got off the elevator didn't know the situation, "Why don't you leave? Is it raining?"

"Boss Jiang is at the door, waiting to pick someone up, but I don't know who to pick up."

"Wait for Assistant Jiang, otherwise who can I wait for?"

"Some people say that Assistant Jiang has gone back long ago."


Suddenly he became very excited, "Could it be possible to pick up the lady boss?"

Luo Qi was also a little dazed when she got out of the elevator. She reacted like everyone else, thinking that it was suddenly raining and she couldn't leave.

But looking outside, the sun hasn't set yet.

When she stepped out of the glass door and saw the man in the car from the car window, she stopped, why did he roll down the car window?

She subconsciously wanted to go back.

Jiang Shenghe looked over, his eyes seemed to say, get in the car quickly, so many people are looking at you.

Luo Qi didn't dare to turn her head, and felt a few gossip, amazed or probing gazes falling on her back.

For a moment, I couldn't even walk.

Very unnatural.

I don't know how I walked down the steps and got into the car.

She sat up, and Jiang Shenghe raised the window to block all gossips from the outside of the car, and the car drove away slowly.

" did it on purpose."

"Yeah." He said, "I've long wanted to pick you up from get off work openly, and I've long wanted to let people know that I am your husband."

He was driving, and she couldn't hug him even if she wanted to.

The car merged into the traffic flow, and Rocky found that it was not the direction to go home

"Where are you going?"

"Go and order chocolates. Everyone in the company knows about it, and I will give them each a wedding candy tomorrow."

"Didn't the wedding candy be given out at the wedding, and everyone's benefits would be distributed?"

"Send a copy to the public."

"Okay, I'll listen to you. Iridium." She didn't know how many copies to order, Jiang Shenghe said: "I have data in my mobile phone, and Xiao Jiang has counted the total number of people in our building."

Luo Qi laughed, it seemed that she had planned it for a long time.

The wedding candy was chosen by Jiang Shenghe himself, and the packaging box was also the style he chose.

Luo Qi said: "Order a few more, I promise Chi Xin that I will give her two wedding candies. Good things come in pairs."

"All of you in Ruipu can give two copies. Chi Xin will give six copies."

The amount of wedding candy is too much, the boss said that even if everyone in the store worked overtime overnight, they couldn't make so many boxes.

Jiang Shenghe: "Then send it to Yuanwei Group next Monday."

It's almost nine o'clock when I get home after work. It's a busy, fulfilling and exciting day.

Rocky tells her mother she's about to go public with her relationship.

Jiang Yifang said with a smile: It is announcing that she is married.

It's the same for her and Jiang Shenghe.

Jiang Yifang asked her daughter: Have you thought about when the wedding will be held?

"Not yet." She had just decided on the time for the release, and she hadn't considered other things yet, "We'll discuss it after the Spring Festival, don't worry."

Before going to bed, Luo Qi set the alarm for the next morning at 5:10, and put the phone next to the pillow.

The next day, just before dawn, Jiang Shenghe was woken up by the vibrating sound of his mobile phone. A friend's call, afraid of disturbing Luo Qi, he hung up directly.

Luo Qi was not in his arms, lying on his pillow, with his arms and most of his back exposed. She took a shower last night and didn't wear her pajamas anymore, and the smoky gray quilt made her pink and white.

Jiang Shenghe moved over with his arms propped up, and took her into his arms.

Luo Qi's back was pressed against his heart, and the touching skin was warm for a while, she would not wake up, and continued to sleep on his arm.

Jiang Shenghe sent a message to ask his friends: [What's the matter? 】

Only then did I see dozens of unread messages in WeChat.

They were all jokingly congratulating him on finally getting a title.

The friend replied to him: [Seriously doubt that you sent it with Luo Qi's mobile phone. 】

Jiang Shenghe was confused, and quickly clicked on Moments. Luo Qi posted a Moments at 5:20 and 5:21 in the morning.

No wonder she was lying on her pillow in order to post on Moments.

Copywriting of the first circle of friends:

A family of four, Doudou, Mimi, me, and my husband.

Attached are the photos in Jiugongge, seven of which are the life details of them and DouDouMimi this year. DouDouMiMi has grown up from a snow-white group when they first arrived at home.

The eighth is the marriage certificate.

The ninth is a screenshot of his circle of friends that is only visible to her, "May my Luo Qi be twenty years old forever".

The second circle of friends only has two photos, one is the original picture of the back photo captured by Xiao Jiang in front of the Sioux City Hotel, and the other is the back photo of their wedding dress on a rainy night taken in the same place.

She wrote:

write to you my love,

Come here, I'm still here.

will always be there.

No matter this life or the next life.

(end of text)

The author has something to say:

It's over

Daily routines, weddings, and raising babies are all written in extra pages.

The deputy CP will also write some, He Xu and Luo Yu, Luo Yuli and Chu Lin, but the space is not too much.

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