MTL - Seventh Year of My Secret Love for You-Chapter 62

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A few days after Luo Qi's birthday, the 11th holiday was ushered in.

The strawberries that Jiang Shenghe planted in the planting equipment were missed by Qin Moling. During the long vacation, he brought Jian Hang to pick them, under the guise of watching Doudou and Mimi.

Jiang Shenghe choked on him: "You really know how to pick your time. They all go to my mother's place during the holidays. It's not like you don't know."

"Be considerate." Qin Moling started to pick strawberries with a basket in his hand, "I was pregnant for three years and was stupid, although I wasn't the one who was stupid, we're together every day, and now I'm not going anywhere."

Jiang Shenghe was speechless.

"Knowing that you are a father, you don't need to show off a hundred times a day."

Jian Hang was pregnant for more than three months, and after finally being able to speak publicly, Qin Moling never left him to upgrade to become a father.

Jiang Shenghe saw him picking off the slightly reddish strawberries, "It's so sour, can you eat it?"

"Jian Hang wants to eat something sour right now."


Strawberries are average in appearance and taste, and they are better than pure green and pollution-free.

The basket was not big, Qin Moling picked half of the basket, Jiang Shenghe looked in the planting equipment, and could no longer see any red strawberries.

Under the umbrella in the yard, Luo Qi and Jian Hang were drinking afternoon tea, and the table was full of snacks.

When Luo Qi answered an email, she raised her head to speak again. Jian Hang was already asleep in the chair. She had heard from Jian Hang that after being pregnant, she was so sleepy that her mother almost didn't recognize her, and she wanted to sleep during the meeting.

Worried that Jian Hang would catch a cold, she went back to the house to get a blanket.

Qin Moling washed the strawberries and gave them to Jian Hang. Unexpectedly, she fell asleep. He took off his coat and covered her. She tilted her head to one side, looking very uncomfortable.

He moved a chair and sat down, and put his hand under her head as a pillow for her.

Jian Hang opened her eyes in a daze, but didn't see the person in front of her clearly. Based on her breath, she knew it was Qin Moling.


"Sleep, I'll watch you."

She turned over to face him, An Xin leaned on his palm and continued to sleep.

Luo Qi took a thick woolen blanket, and Jiang Shenghe put away the parasol.

Covered with a woolen blanket and the sun shining on her body, Jian Hang Meimei fell asleep.

Jiang Shenghe checked each of the strawberries in the planting equipment and found two that Qin Moling had missed. He led Luo Qi into the villa, washed the two strawberries for Luo Qi, and asked her: "What are you doing?" Are you sleepy?"

"I'm not sleepy at all." She specially emphasized: "I'm really not sleepy."

Jiang Shenghe laughed, "I didn't mean that, I just asked if you want to take a nap."

Rocky shook her head and leaned into his arms.

She took the initiative to ask him, "Have you ever thought about having a few children?"

"Up to you. A few. I like them all."

"After it's made public, we don't have to use it anymore."

Jiang Shenghe doesn't know when she will make it public, let her decide.

The reception for the 30th anniversary of the establishment of Yuanwei is scheduled for October 9th. The senior management of all subsidiaries have received invitations to the reception, and Yuanwei's important partners and major customers are also invited to attend.

Linghong Group received two invitation letters, and Cui Ran called her husband to ask how to arrange them.

My husband is abroad, and there is a project that requires him to sign, so I can't get away.

"You go for me. Mr. Jiang knows that this project is important. I will congratulate you on the phone then."

Cui Ran originally wanted to take the vice president of the company there, but when she was off work, her cousin came to her and begged her: "Sister, take me to see the world."

Going to the reception to meet the world is one reason, the main reason is to see who Jiang Shenghe's other half is, and to see Luo Qi in distress.

Cui Peng promised: "I'll never leave you even if I go. Do you really think I'm so out of my mind that I'm crazy about drinking at other people's receptions?"

She told the truth: "I don't like those who chase me around me. I also want to find a better boyfriend. Now it's almost two points on the line, home and company. I rarely even go shopping, so I want to prove to You see, I'm not that bad, I was just out of my mind at the time."

Cui Ran was soft-hearted, and because her cousin had changed her mind this year, performed well, and worked hard, she planned to take her there.

Repeatedly urged: "Do you know whose place it is?"

"Don't you know?" Cui Peng laughed at himself: "Do you think I dare to provoke him? Didn't I always behave honestly this year with my tail between my legs."

She really didn't dare to provoke Jiang Shenghe.

This year she was not going well, and her heart was in a panic. Only if Luo Qi had a bad life and ended up worse than her, could she feel at ease and completely balanced.

When Pei Shixiao came to Linghong a few years ago, he let it go to help Luo Qi, and even told his mother to come over and settle her matter. His mother thought she called Pei Shixiao again.

The next day, Li Jin went to her parents and asked her how they disciplined her.

The parents were stunned and didn't know what was going on, so they called her back.

She explained to Li Jin that it was Luo Qi who called Pei Shixiao, not her.

Li Jin smiled, looking at her with contempt, "It's a good lie, you're still pushing Luo Qi on the head at this time? It's impossible for Luo Qi to call Pei Shixiao proactively in eight lifetimes."

"If you don't believe me, you can check..." Pei Shixiao's call records.

Half of the conversation was interrupted by Li Jin: "I don't have time to listen to your lies. I told you the first time I saw you, I'm not a man, and I don't follow your style. Do you have any shame?"

Hearing Li Jin's harsh words, my father stood up excitedly, "I tell you, I've been putting up with you!"

Li Jin brought a few people there, not afraid at all, "Let you see what your good daughter has done."

When her parents saw the video of her and Pei Shixiao, Luo Xin rushed over and beat Pei Shixiao.

"It was my son who was beaten in the video. He has a fiancée, and the one who beat him was his fiancée's younger brother. My son is nothing, and neither is your daughter. I knew he was going to get married, and I didn't feel ashamed."

"As a last resort, I won't show this video. I feel ashamed. It's a pity that the video is only shot here, and you can't see the more exciting ones."

It was also on that day that her parents found out the reason for her selling the house. Li Jin came prepared and found out everything about her becoming Luo Qi's creditor.

Her parents were so angry that she was not allowed to live alone in the apartment and asked her to move back home.

She doesn't blame Luo Qi for these accounts, and it's hard to relieve her hatred.

In order to gain the trust of her cousin, she devoted all her attention to work this year besides eating and sleeping. Her parents loved her and cooked delicious dishes for her in different ways every day.

The cousin still comforted her in this way: "It's time to turn over the chapter, Pei Shixiao is no better than you, lost his girlfriend for so many years, Dongbo Medical was bought by Jiang Shenghe with tricks, parents divorced, and the company's follow-up mess has to wait." He cleans up.

Maybe Pei Shixiao hoped that Luo Qi would live well, but she didn't.

So how to turn it over?

Now that Jiang Shenghe is backing Luo Qi, she has nothing to do with Luo Qi, and she is waiting for the day when Luo Qi is discovered by Jiang Sheng and his wife.

It's not that the time has not come.

On the 9th, Cui Peng and his cousin flew to Beijing and arrived at the resort in the evening. Yuanwei rented out the entire resort to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the group.

After checking in and putting the luggage in the room, Cui Peng accompanied his cousin to take a walk by the lake.

Today's lakeside is very lively, with self-service barbecue.

I met a lot of people along the way, none of whom she was familiar with. Occasionally, my cousin met an acquaintance and said hello.

Cui Peng suddenly stopped, and saw the woman she hated the most besides Luo Qi.

"Know?" Cui Ran followed her gaze and saw a coquettish and beautiful girl.

"Luo Yu." She gritted her teeth.

Cui Ran only heard about Luo Yu from her cousin, and said that it was Luo Yu who ran to find her and took the video. Who doesn't want a cousin who can catch **** for her cousin without telling her, and defends her cousin everywhere.

"Who is that man next to her?"

When Cui Peng asked, he thought it was a nonsense question, how could my cousin know everyone.

Cui Ran really knew someone who had a lot of fun in the Shanghai circle, "He Xu. Nephew He Wancheng."

Cui Peng was unwilling to admit it from the bottom of his heart: "Could you have misjudged someone?" How could Luo Yu be with nephew He Wancheng!

"That's right, he is a friend of your brother-in-law's friend, and he has had dinner with him."

"Is he so superficial? Luo Yu has no ability at all, she is just an ordinary employee. What does he like about her?"

"..." Cui Ran was speechless.

Over there, Luo Yu also saw her.

Luo Yu wore a skirt inside, and it was a bit cold outside, so she put on a coat.

Seeing that face, she rolled up her sleeves.

Cui Peng was afraid of being beaten, and formed a conditioned reflex. Seeing her roll up her sleeves, she couldn't help but take a half step behind her cousin.

He Xu didn't know that she was fighting across the air, "You're wearing a haute couture underneath, rolling up your sleeves so rudely? Can you be more elegant?"

Luo Yu smiled slightly, "I can't. I'm hot."

He Xu put down the sleeves of her coat.

Luo Yu saw her cousin and waved at her, "Sister!"

Luo Qi is wearing a skirt of a light luxury brand today, but she wears a big-name aura on her body.

It has long been heard that the person in charge of Ruipu is Yuanwei's beauty. Many people saw Luo Qi for the first time today, and after seeing it, their eyes followed him like a shadow.

The diamond ring on her hand blocks people who think about her.

"Sister," Luo Yu asked in a low voice when the cousin approached, "Why is Cui Peng here?"

"She works in Ling Hong, so her cousin should have brought her here." She heard Cui Ran mention it, saying that she kept her cousin by her side and took care of her.

The sun hadn't set yet, and the two groups of people were more than ten meters apart, so they couldn't pretend to be blind.

Ling Hong is a major customer of Ruipu, Luo Qi had to say hello, "You guys play, I'll go say hello."

Cui Ran also walked this way, and the scene was decent.

"Boss Luo, long time no see."

Luo Qi smiled, "I'm planning to finish this part and visit you in Shanghai."

Everyone knew why they visited, because it was time to renew the contract.

After exchanging pleasantries, Luo Qi said that there is a self-service barbecue area, and many people are grilling and chatting there, "There are still more than two hours before the reception, and Mr. Cui can have some barbecue over there first."

Cui Ran said politely: "Okay, you are busy, we are going there."

Cui Peng snorted coldly: "I really think of myself as the hostess."

Luo Qi looked at her, "So what?"


Shameless enough.

Cui Peng held back his cousin and didn't scold, "You say I have no shame, what about yourself? Are you sure that Jiang Sheng and his wife won't come tonight, or are you proud that you are no different from the main palace?"

"Cui Peng!" Cui Ran slapped her on the head, this slap was very light, and it was for Luo Qi to see.

"She was controlled too strictly by me, and she felt unhappy. Don't take it to heart when she catches someone who vents her anger on someone."

Luo Qi: "Then it seems that the control is not strict enough. If you slap her twice, see if she dares to speak so freely in front of you."

Cui Ran was speechless.

Cui Peng said bitterly: "I'll see how long you can be proud."

"I can let you go at any time, but I won't drive you away." Luo Qi took out the phone from her handbag, "I want you to go back crying."

She still has important things to do now, and she will clean up Cui Peng later, and made a voice call to Xu Xiangyi, who answered right away.

"Uncle Xu, where are you and Aunt Xu? I'll pick you up."

"Already entered the resort. We came here with your mother. She is fine at home. She brought Doudou and Mimi over to play and said that the atmosphere in the resort is good."

"Is my mother here too?"


"I'll be there right away."

Luo Qi put away her mobile phone and walked away without saying hello.

Cui Ran didn't care about cleaning up her cousin, and wanted to know who the "my mother" Luo Qi was talking about was. To be able to come to the resort with my uncle in the same car, that must be someone my uncle is very familiar with.

Cui Peng panicked inexplicably, Luo Qi actually called Xu Xiangyi Uncle Xu.

Cui Ran didn't go to the lake, but walked towards the hotel, and Cui Peng followed her cousin closely.

She saw her uncle's car parked at the main entrance of the hotel, and three people got out of the back seat, uncle and aunt, and another person, Cui Ran, who seemed familiar but couldn't remember who it was, and two Samoyeds jumped out of the car.

Cui Ran suddenly remembered, "Isn't that... Jiang Shenghe's mother?"

Famous pianist Liang Zhen.

She also met Liang Zhen at her uncle's house.

I saw Liang Zhen tidying Luo Qi's long hair, and the two Samoyeds circled around Luo Qi intimately.

So the 'mother' Luo Qi said was Liang Zhen?

Except for Liang Zhen, there is no one else.

Cui Ran was sweating coldly on her back. Fortunately, she had signed the contract to Luo Qi.

Aunt and Liang Zhen entered the hotel with two Samoyeds, they will not attend tonight's reception, Luo Qi accompanied uncle to the lake.

Cui Ran slapped Cui Peng on the shoulder: "You almost killed me."

Cui Peng collapsed on the spot, "How is it possible! Impossible! How could she get a certificate with Jiang Shenghe! How could Jiang Shenghe marry her!"

Cui Ran recalled now why Jiang Shenghe suddenly appeared at Ruipu's high-level meeting that day. Why did Jiang Shenghe take Luo Qi to his uncle's house. Why did she ask her uncle Jiang Shenghe which family he was married to, and his uncle answered the question irrelevantly. Why did Jiang Shenghe pick Luo Qi's lamb chops in front of his uncle at dinner that day.

Cui Peng burst into tears, Jiang Shenghe is Ling Hong's major shareholder, and Luo Qi married Jiang Shenghe, which means that Ling Hong also has Luo Qi's share, and she actually worked for Luo Qi this year!

She didn't attend the reception and lay down in the room all night.

Luo Qi didn't see Cui Peng the next morning. According to Luo Yu, Cui Peng saw Cui Peng with swollen eyes early in the morning, and dragged the suitcase and called a car to leave.

Cui Ran hasn't left yet, so I'll meet with an important client today and talk about next year's cooperation by the way.

Jiang Shenghe was busy entertaining Yuanwei's important partners. In order to avoid suspicion, she stayed in her own room last night. She didn't know what time Jiang Shenghe played cards until she returned.

The mother-in-law and Aunt Xu played on their own, went for a walk in the resort and went to the hot springs.

She didn't see Jiang Shenghe until noon.

"Today is the tenth, and I will accompany you to celebrate the first anniversary of your relationship."

"You haven't forgotten?"

"Remember no matter how busy you are."

She said at the time, don't forget to celebrate her.

If you promise her, you won't break your promise.

The important partners all went back in the afternoon, and tonight is the senior management dinner of the Yuanwei Group. He told them that he was going on a business trip abroad and that he was going to fly in the evening.

Tonight's dinner was paid out of his own pocket, and he worked hard all day to reward them.

Rocky asked, "Where are you going to celebrate?"

"Go to the resort next door." The resort there is not as big as this one, but the environment is better than here, and there are mountain springs directly drawn down from the mountain.

The two resorts are one owner, and the owner is one of his youngest.

"I have booked the room."

The two packed their luggage and left in different cars.

Xiao Jiang does not participate in the high-level dinner at night. The boss is "on a business trip", so he has to "accompany" and go home to coax the children at night.

After a busy day, the brains were noisy, and a director suggested with a smile: "Anyway, Mr. Jiang pays for it personally. We can't treat ourselves badly. Go to the resort next door to get together? The food in the private room over there tastes better than the hotel here, and the air is better. Good here, you can still fish."

He asked Li Rui: "What's Dong Li's opinion?"

"Okay." Li Rui said, "Let someone book a room."

So a group of twenty or so people drove to another resort in a mighty manner.

It is said to be next door, but it is actually quite far away, nearly an hour's drive.

Four commercial vehicles stopped at the entrance of the hotel, and people came down one after another, only to see two people coming out of the hotel, holding hands.

Both sides were stunned, staring at each other.

In front of him were all the high-level executives of Yuanwei, and Luo Qi subconsciously withdrew her hand tightly held by Jiang Shenghe.

Jiang Shenghe didn't let go, "Don't lie to yourself."

Rocky: "..."

Who would have thought that in another resort, the boss who "goes on a business trip abroad" would bump into the senior executives who "do not treat themselves badly".

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