MTL - Seventh Year of My Secret Love for You-Chapter 58

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Jiang Shenghe had already notified the administrative department to set aside two floors for them. When he went to Ruipu to attend the high-level meeting and saw the multi-functional reception area, he asked Xiao Jiang to take a picture of it. According to the similar layout, it was enlarged three times in the Yuanwei Building There is also a multifunctional area designed for her.

Currently under renovation and completed a year ago.

She moved in after the next year, in time to catch up.

"You don't need to go to the president's office all the time, I can often go to your Ruipu to learn about the research and development situation."

Luo Qi pressed the back of her hand to his palm to keep warm, "Boss Jiang, you are doing your own business for your own benefit."

"Well." He looked at her, "You will find out in the future that I have a lot of places where I use public affairs for personal gain."


It's really not shy at all.

Finally, her hands were warmed up, but Luo Qi's face was still cold. Just now, when Lu Rui took the car and walked away, she stood outside for a long time.

Jiang Shenghe unbuckled his seat belt, leaned towards the passenger driver, and pressed his face against her cheek.

"Don't cover it, the seat is hot, and it won't be cold in a while." She sat up straight and let him drive.

Jiang Shenghe held the steering wheel and started the car.

Luo Qi didn't notice it before, and only now saw the ring on his ring finger. The other ring with her is a pair ring, and I thought he would wear it after the wedding.

"Why are you wearing it all of a sudden?"

"Try it on to see if it fits." After putting it on, he didn't take it off.

When he got home, Jiang Shenghe took off the ring. If he wore it to the company, the people in the president's office might think he was married to someone.

You can wear it during the Spring Festival holiday and Qin Moling dinner.

When Luo Qi got to the bed, she realized that his ring finger was empty again, and the room was dark. Jiang Shenghe clasped her fingers tightly, pressing her hands on both sides of the pillow, and she endured his emotion.

The pillow at the head of the bed fell under the bed.

The quilt slumped halfway down the edge of the bed.

The ice silk suspender nightdress was pressed down by his knees.

"I saw the Bund photos you posted in the shared album." He lowered his head and kissed her, "Aren't you talking about something this afternoon, do you have time to take pictures?"


She said, "I kind of missed you at the time."

After saying that, Jiang Shenghe took her lips and kissed her deeply. He let go of her hand and put his arm on her side.

The blows after that almost reached her heart.

Luo Qi hugged Jiang Shenghe tightly, her heart was full and empty at the same time.

In his arms, even her hair trembled.

After Jiang Shenghe hugged her for ten minutes, Luo Qi finally calmed down.

Her voice became hoarse, and she said, "I'll put a ring on you later."

Jiang Shenghe's lips touched her face, and she wanted to take a bath, but he took her into his arms again, and he didn't let go of her.

The floor lamp came on.

Luo Qi saw him clearly, and she unconsciously bit him on the neck.

"Does it hurt?" She stroked her thumb.

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt."

Rocky pulled off the shirt he was wearing today, "Try it."

"try what?"

"I'll see if the collar can block it." The place bitten by her will definitely turn purple tomorrow, which makes people think about it.

She was worried that the collar would not be able to cover it, and if it couldn't be covered, she would have to wear a turtleneck sweater, but he didn't seem to have a turtleneck sweater.

Jiang Shenghe put on his wrinkled shirt and buttoned it to the top, barely covering it.

Luo Qi told him: "Don't turn your head too hard tomorrow, and turn your head slightly."

The mall shopping card that Jiang Shenghe gave her some time ago is still useless, and she plans to ask Jianhang to go shopping tomorrow Friday.

Jiang Shenghe took a quick shower, Luo Qi took a shower again and came out of the bathroom, he was arranging the messy bedding, she was tired and sleepy, lying directly on the unmade quilt.

Jiang Shenghe wrapped her in a quilt like a silkworm chrysalis, her hands were wrapped inside and she couldn't move.

"Boss Jiang, let me out."

"Wait for me to tidy up the quilt next time, okay?"

"No wait."

Jiang Sheng smiled, kissed her, raised his hand to turn off the floor lamp, spread the quilt, and pulled her under him.

Only once, he was not full.

Luo Qi took the wrong shower gel just now, and used Jiang Shenghe's men's shower gel, which merged with his breath.

The hem of the newly changed nightdress was rolled up to the heels of the legs, and one side jumped up to the waist.

The water in Jiang Shenghe's hair was not wiped dry. When he lowered his head and kissed, the water on his forehead's hair rubbed against the hem of the nightdress and wet the skirt.

The lips fell, tender and charming.

Luo Qi's insteps were tense, and at that moment, electricity spread from the place where his lips and tongue kissed.

"Jiang Shenghe, from now on... I promise not to... mess with the quilt again."

He kissed her soul out of her body.

It was difficult for her to speak a complete sentence intermittently.

His kisses didn't stop.

Like provoking and flicking on her heartstrings.

"Loki, do you love me?"

With a hoarse voice, he asked while kissing.


This pleading didn't work, he kissed more wantonly.

She cried, "I will... eat pumpkin pies in the future, eat more, and don't waste your... little pumpkins."

Puchi, she cried and laughed to herself.

Never been so unpromising.

Jiang Shenghe also laughed, looked up, and finally let her go.

Luo Qi wiped her forehead with the back of her hand, it was covered with sweat, and so was her back.

The shower just now was in vain.

Jiang Shenghe fell down and held her in his arms. Her eyes were moist and crystal clear. He couldn't laugh or cry, "Who forced you to eat pumpkin pie?"

Luo Qi turned her head away from him, because she was embarrassed to look at him because of his kiss just now, and because her brain lacked oxygen, she pleaded with the little pumpkin.

When she was still immersed in Little Pumpkin's sense of shame, he went in.

Luo Qi pressed close to him, and couldn't help calling him husband.

Not as soft and possessive as when he kissed her just now.



It was more than three in the morning when I fell asleep.

Jiang Shenghe didn't know that she fell asleep so fast, so he told her that the names of the two little milk dogs had been chosen, one was named Doudou and the other was named Mimi, and asked her how she was doing.

"Hmm." There was no more text.

Luo Qi thought she had a dream, dreaming of the name of the little milk dog.

It was dawn after a few hours of sleep.

Jiang Shenghe didn't go to the company today, someone asked him to talk about something.

Arrive at the golf club at one o'clock in the afternoon.

Luo Qi opened her eyes, she was still in Jiang Shenghe's arms.

He turned off her alarm, "Sleep for another half an hour, in time."

With sore legs, Luo Qi took it easy, told him what dream he had, and asked him, "What do you think of Doudou and Mimi?"

"...Okay, listen to you."

So the names were decided, the older milk dog was called DouDou, and the younger one was called Mimi.

Luo Qi posted a frontal photo of Mimi, with the text: [New member of the family, Mimi. 】

Go around and leave it to Jiang Shenghe to post on Moments.

When I got up from the bed, my legs were sore and my walking was affected.

Jiang Shenghe changed into casual clothes and found something that could cover the hickey.

He squatted down, "I'll carry you down."

"No. Walking more will get better soon."

If you really dare not go down the stairs later, there is an indoor elevator at home.

Jiang Shenghe squatted there and didn't get up, "Give me your back."

Luo Qi satisfied him, took the mobile phone and lay on his back.

She was light, and Jiang Shenghe got up easily.

It felt completely different on his back than in his arms.

A little more intimacy in the arms.

A little more youthful and enthusiastic on the back.

Jiang Shenghe carried her downstairs, and Luo Qi hugged him when she came down, "Thank you. By the way, I will go shopping with Jian Hang at night, and I may be late when I come back."

"I also have a dinner." Coincidentally, Qin Moling also went to the evening dinner.

Luo Qi disclosed the fans, and Jiang Shenghe posted a circle of friends at four o'clock in the afternoon, blocking everyone in Yuanwei Group except the president's office.

There are only pictures of Doudou in the dynamics, without any copywriting.

Qin Moling asked: [Have you chosen the name? what is it call? 】

[Go around. 】

Of all the friends, only Qin Moling and Jian Hang, the others didn't know that Jiang Shenghe had two dogs.

Several people in Jiang Shenghe's contacts overlapped with Luo Qi's. They compared the photos and confirmed that they were not the same Samoyed, with different eyes and a different body size.

When others post photos, he also posts them.

His dog is called Mimi, so he comes to go around.

A friend left a message: [Jiang is a fine scholar. 】

People who don't know the situation also follow suit and leave messages.

Qin Moling felt that this description was very appropriate, he wanted to stay but didn't, lest Jian Hang say that he was small-minded.

Xiao Jiang sent photos of the two milk dogs to his wife, and briefly explained the situation, [Is this hopeful? 】

At first glance, the boss is very close, the boss is so straightforward, sister Luo should understand how much the boss loves her, right?

My wife had a severe pregnancy reaction recently, and she was lying on the table without energy. When she saw the two photos, she sat up straight and analyzed carefully: [It can be seen that your boss is persevering, but Luo Qi’s attitude cannot be seen. If one day your boss posts a post first, and Luo Qi posts a similar one, then it will be sugar, otherwise it will be unilateral glass slag. You can eat CP so well, understand? 】

Xiao Jiang: [If they really do, I might be able to take a month off under the paternity hypothesis. 】


Xiao Jiang hopes that the boss will have a son soon.

Jiang Shenghe was still on the golf course, and the person who asked him to play joked: "I have to squeeze time to post a circle of friends when playing golf, and even send a pet dog. Is this in love?"

Jiang Shenghe smiled, neither admitting nor denying, "I would like to borrow your good words."

The other party continued to talk about business: "I have 200% sincerity in the strategic cooperation with Ling Hong." He smiled, "You don't have to be humble, outsiders don't know, but I know you have the right to speak in Ling Hong , otherwise I wouldn't bother to find you."

Cui Ran's father-in-law has always been at the helm of Linghong Group. Cui Ran and her husband are in charge of specific operations, but the actual controller is Xu Xiangyi, and another behind-the-scenes investor who has the right to speak is Jiang Shenghe.

In the private hospitals that Ling Hong has invested overseas in recent years, the resource relationship and most of the funds come from Jiang Sixun and Jiang Shenghe.

Jiang Sixun seldom returned to China and entrusted his voting rights to Jiang Shenghe.

The cooperation between Jiang Shenghe and Xu Xiangyi is far more than these, and he has no way of knowing about the others.

Jiang Shenghe will not push out any profitable business.

"I'm going to visit Uncle Xu in a few days, and I'll talk to him about it then."

The sky darkened, and the half court was not finished yet.

The cooperation has taken shape, and the two made an appointment to continue next time.

Putting away the cue and preparing to go to the hotel, Jiang Shenghe picked up his phone to watch, but Luo Qi didn't like his post.

[Why don't you like it? 】

Rocky: "..."

I also chased her to give her a thumbs up.

[Likes are easy to be seen by people. 】

She and Jian Hang are about to arrive at the mall, 【Stop chatting. 】

Jian Hang has recently been busy with the online release and marketing of new products, and has lost a lot of weight, so he decided to treat himself tonight.

She took out the VIP shopping card and asked Luo Qi, "Do you know how much money is in the card?"

"I don't know, Jiang Shenghe didn't say anything."

"Do you really believe what they said, it was a gift from a friend?"

"Do not believe."

"When the two of them made it up, they might even have fooled themselves."

Rocky laughed.

Jian Hang doesn't intend to expose Qin Moling, and will buy him something later.

After shopping for women's clothing first, Luo Qi bought a few autumn and winter long skirts and two sets of New Year's clothing.

Jian Hang chose the same as her, a skirt and a coat, and a few scarves at the end.

Send the clothes to the car and continue shopping.

Luo Qi said that she wanted to buy a black turtleneck sweater for Jiang Shenghe. Jian Hang thought about it, but he had never seen Jiang Shenghe wear a turtleneck sweater. "Is he suddenly afraid of the cold?"

"...intermittent cold neck."

Jian Hang came to his senses and laughed.

"I'll buy some for my family too." Qin Moling likes to secretly show off the things she bought for him, wanting others to know that she is actually very kind to him, and she let him go on a blind date because she didn't see her. to himself.

Once he bought a shirt for him and forgot to give it to him, he tried to hint why she didn't give him a shirt.

Luo Qi chose another coat for Jiang Shenghe, which was of the same brand as hers, and looked like a couple's coat.

After coming out of the mall, they bought the same type of clothes for both of them, the same number of pieces, but different brands and colors.

Luo Qi and Jiang Shenghe arrived home at about the same time. He drank a few glasses of wine at night, and the private room smelled of cigarettes again.

"I'll take a shower first."

"Yeah." Luo Qi laid out the clothes, "It's time to try the clothes after washing."

"You bought it for me?"

"I bought a few." She said, "Jian Hang also bought it for Qin Moling."

"You know my size?"

"Yes, I know all the sizes. I looked at them when I sorted your clothes."

Jiang Shenghe hugged her, "Thank you."

"Thank me for what. It should be."

Jiang Shenghe asked again, how many pieces did Jian Hang buy for Qin Moling.

"The same number as yours, six."

Jian Hang said that the comparison heart should be strangled in the bud.

Jiang Shenghe subconsciously explained: "Don't worry, I don't mean to compare, I just ask casually. It's not that there is a lack of clothes, a few clothes, there is no need to compare."

This was the first time he had explained so much for a small matter, and the description became darker and darker, and he couldn't help laughing.

After taking a shower, he dried his hair half-dry without dripping water, tried on the clothes, and everything fit.

"Go visit Uncle Xu next Monday."

"Go on Monday?"

"Well. Aunt Xu is not at home, so you don't need to be questioned. I'll talk to Uncle Xu about business."

On the day of going to Shanghai, Jiang Shenghe took out the wedding ring and put it on.

Luo Qi went to Shanghai in the name of a business trip to visit a big client.

Regarding whether to move to Yuanwei Building for office, Lu Rui has always disagreed with her. She has already notified her that she will move after going to work in the next year, but Mr. Lu will not move and work at the original location.

They were used to Lu Rui and Luo Qi not dealing with each other, and after a long time, they found some patterns, and found that Lu Rui was the one who compromised in the end, so they unanimously approved the relocation.

It's not that they are merged into a certain department of Yuanwei, and they still worry about being squeezed out. It's just a new environment to work, who doesn't want to.

On the high-speed rail, Luo Qi received a message from Chi Xin: [Mr. Luo, Mr. Lu agreed to move, let the administration separate your offices as far as possible. 】

Out of sight is pure.

Luo Qi: [Desks, chairs and file cabinets don’t need to be moved, there are ready-made ones over there, and you should sort out the files that need to be sorted out in advance. 】

She turned her head to look at the man beside her. Jiang Shenghe felt that she was looking at him and turned her head.

Luo Qi withdrew her gaze and didn't meet his gaze.

For breakfast today, he made pumpkin glutinous rice cakes for her.

Seeing the pumpkin pie made her ears warm, thinking of pleading with a small pumpkin on the bed that night.

Jiang Shenghe turned his gaze back to the laptop, "Why are people I don't know in the car pretending not to know me well?"


"come here."

Rocky turned around, he took off the wedding ring and asked her to put it on.

"Moving to Yuanwei, do you see that I don't even count as greetings?"

What he thought was different from what she thought.

Luo Qi didn't explain, she put the ring on his slender ring finger with well-defined joints, and said, "Didn't I say that I would visit you often."

Jiang Shenghe looked at the wedding ring, "Someday you want to make it public, and you take the initiative to find out the ring for me to wear, and I will know."

Luo Qi responded to him, not thinking about when to make it public.

She had just adjusted the market layout of various medical companies, and there were constant doubts. Before Ruipu and Yuanwei Medical got on the right track, she didn't want to make it public. Don't let the board of directors condemn him for using the public to seek personal gain.

She also plans to take her career to the next level.

Jiang Shenghe smiled, "You don't have to think about it for me. Didn't I say that there are more places where I cheat public affairs for personal gain than you think."

Even Yuanwei Medical is a product of selfishness.

When they arrived in Shanghai, Xu Xiangyi's driver came to pick him up.

Xu Xiangyi is in a semi-retired state. He doesn't necessarily go to the company twice a month, and works from home.

The sun is fine today, and he is playing chess with himself in the yard.

Jiang Shenghe knew the way, and took Luo Qi directly to the backyard.

Xu Xiangyi held a chess piece and hadn't let it go yet, someone came over.

He sat up straight, "You really know how to pick your time. Your aunt flew to your aunt's place to play last night."

"I only came here because my aunt was not at home, otherwise I would be forced to give birth again."

"Uncle Xu." Luo Qi followed Jiang Shenghe in addressing.

"I'm just waiting for you to come. Sheng He has long said that he will bring you to dinner."

Xu Xiangyi and Luo Qi were no strangers to each other, he pointed to the chair next to him, "You're welcome, just sit wherever you want."

Jiang Shenghe sat across the chessboard and chose the black piece.

There are fruit snacks on the table next to Luo Qi, only the oranges are Jiang Shenghe asked Xu Xiangyi to prepare some for him, saying that he likes to eat.

Rocky took an orange and peeled it.

She used to like to eat oranges when she was under a lot of pressure. The main reason is to smell the fragrance of orange peel, which is very calming.

Jiang Shenghe saw that he was about to lose, "Take a break."

Xu Xiangyi: "How tired are you? A chess piece weighs a hundred catties?"

Jiang Sheng smiled and admitted defeat.

He rarely played chess, so he was no match for Xu Xiangyi.

Xu Xiangyi took away the chess pieces, picked up a document bag from the chair next to him and handed it to Luo Qi, "Give you two wedding presents. Others don't know how difficult it is for you, but I know. Especially you, these seven years have not been easy. I won't say provocative words, I hope you and Shenghe will be well."

Documents are not red envelopes. You can know the approximate amount of money at a glance. If the things in the document bag are equity, they will easily cost millions.

How can Luo Qi accept it casually.

Jiang Shenghe gave it to her next, and said to Xu Xiangyi, "Thank you, Uncle Xu."

"Open it and have a look. The lawyer is waiting in the reception room to help you with the transfer procedures. Just sign a power of attorney when the time comes, and the lawyer will take care of it for you."

Luo Qi opened it, and it was a gambling agreement signed by Lingjia Capital and his father's company.

"All the shares held by Ling Jia are transferred to your name. I told you at the beginning that this is a wedding gift for you."

Xu Xiangyi smiled again and said, "You can make a bet with your father. If he fails to meet the requirements of the agreement, then all his technology patents will belong to you."

Luo Qi looked at Jiang Shenghe, and his eyes told him that this gift was too expensive to accept.

Jiang Shenghe put the agreement into a file bag: "Uncle Xu is rich, so when will you not get the cash?"

Rocky was amused.

Xu Xiangyi also laughed, and pointed his chin at the villa, "Go and find a lawyer."

Luo Qi went to find a lawyer with a document bag, but Jiang Shenghe didn't accompany her. He still had something to talk to Xu Xiangyi about Ling Hong's strategic cooperation.

Xu Xiangyi didn't ask about Ling Hong's operation, and now Cui Ran is basically responsible for the domestic business.

He looked at his watch: "I called Cui Ran over, it should be here soon."

"Cui Ran doesn't know what relationship I have with Luo Qi?"

"she does not know."

While chatting, a car came in from the yard.

Cui Ran received a call from her uncle in the morning, saying that Jiang Shenghe was coming. She was at the airport to send her cousin to travel abroad. She was angry with her cousin for several days and felt uncomfortable, but she couldn't ignore it. She bought a ticket and told her to leave Go out to play for a few days, and come to see her again when you figure it out.

Cui Ran got out of the car and walked over quickly.

"President Jiang, long time no see."

Jiang Shenghe nodded.

Cui Ran sat down next to her uncle, and inadvertently picked up Jiang Shenghe's wedding ring.

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