MTL - Seventh Year of My Secret Love for You-Chapter 57

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In the second week of the high-level meeting, Lu Rui still did not agree to the plan to abandon the high-end market, but his attitude was somewhat relaxed.

Luo Qi had a serious talk with him, "Don't lose out because of small things, even if you don't give up the high-end market, you can't compete with Yuanwei Medical, and you will lose even the mid-range market in the end."

She stated: "In the future, the R&D team will still be under your control, that is your strength, and the market will be under my control. If you cooperate well, the profit will not lose to Yuanwei Medical."

"I hope more than you that Ruipu can grow bigger and make money. You know that my family is in debt. I was sincere on the first day I came to Ruipu."

That night, she received an email from Lu Rui, asking her to arrange a time to visit Linghong Group, a major customer of Ruipu for many years, to negotiate the contract for next year.

This is to agree with her plan and take her to meet customers.

Before the new year, Luo Qi and Lu Rui went to Shanghai. Ling Hong got involved in the medical service industry in the early years and made his fortune through this.

In the past ten years, Ling Hong has invested in a number of private specialized hospitals overseas.

Cui Ran is responsible for all the purchases of Ling Hong, and she has the right to make decisions.

Lu Rui met Cui Ran first, and Cui Ran was very interested in his 3D printing. Ruipu also focuses on orthopedics and dentistry, and is the counterpart of Linghong's business.

At that time, Ruipu had a team and a dream, but had no money. Cui Ran hooked up and introduced Xu Xiangyi to him, and only then did he get the angel investment from Lingjia Capital.

He didn't know that Cui Ran was Cui Peng's cousin until some time ago.

"Cui Ran follows her mother's surname, and her mother is Cui Peng's aunt." Lu Rui said to Luo Qi.

"The two sisters have completely opposite personalities. Cui Ran is strong and straightforward. But this time I want to meet you, and most of them have something to do with Cui Peng."

Lu Rui was worried that the tit-for-tat would confront Maimang, and there would be an unpleasant disturbance, so he vaccinated her in advance, "Try to keep quiet after the meeting, and I'll tell you."

Luo Qi was learning about Ling Hong's family history, and said casually, "Why don't you say anything? It's like I'm a mistress. I'm not afraid of her."

"..." Lu Rui was speechless.

"It's not a question of whether you are afraid or not. If you are under the eaves, you have to keep your head low, and you have to keep your head low. He is Party A, and his husband is the nephew of Xu Xiangyi's wife. He has a background. Is it enough?"

Rocky just smiled.

I saw Cui Ran at 2:30 in the afternoon, in Cui Ran's office of Linghong Group.

Cui Ran has just left the meeting, and she walks in style, wearing a high-end suit, short dark chestnut hair, her eyebrows and eyes are a little bit like Cui Peng, the most eye-catching thing is her black and red manicure.

"It's hard work on the road, you sit down." Only when he spoke, he smiled, very lightly.

From Cui Ran's scrutinizing eyes, Luo Qi felt that the visitor was not kind.

Covered by water, she sat down and sipped tea leisurely.

Cui Ran sat across from them. She has always had a good impression of Lu Rui. She has been very happy with her cooperation over the years. Even though she has different positions, it does not affect her appreciation of Lu Rui, otherwise she would not have raised financing for him in the first place.

It's just that Luo Qi in front of her is really not pleasing to the eye.

"Both parties' time is precious, so I won't waste your time. Today is mainly about two things, one, Luo Qi. Two, the next cooperation."

Isn't this the opening statement of her high-level meeting?

Give her a blow.

Luo Qi thought it was funny, "I would like to hear more about it."

Cui Ran didn't even bother to lay the groundwork, "Cui Peng is my uncle's cousin. At the high-level meeting, you humiliated her by turning black and white in public, making her a laughing stock, and making her unable to stay in Lingjia. I have been betrayed by a man for ten years. I sympathize with you and understand you, but you should take revenge on men, not on my sister, who is also a victim."

Rocky smiled, "She said she was a victim?"

"Of course my sister is not completely right. If you want to blame her, blame her for being ignorant of people. She is innocent and easy to deceive. She will believe what a man says. When Pei Shixiao said that he broke up with you and canceled the engagement, she really believed it."

Lu Rui didn't interrupt, but looked at Luo Qi.

Luo Qi listened with gusto, "Mr. Cui, continue."

"Pei Shixiao told my sister that after he arrived in Shanghai and lived in a different place with you, his relationship faded. You quarreled with him every day, and he was also tired. It was you who stalked and refused to let go, and had a cold war with you for several months."

"Really?" Luo Qi smiled lightly.

"At first, my sister didn't believe his words. After all, you have been in love for so many years, and you are already engaged. It's not so easy to say it."

"Until your birthday, the day when you were supposed to get the certificate, Pei Shixiao didn't celebrate your birthday, didn't get the certificate with you, and didn't visit you in those few months, and you didn't go to the company to look for him. During this period, Pei Shixiao has been I am inseparable from my sister, work overtime with my sister until midnight at night, eat supper with her after overtime, and buy her breakfast the next morning. I have never seen you call before my sister believes his words."

Cui Ran spoke dryly, took a few sips of water before continuing: "The video you played is that they just came back from a business trip abroad and took a vacation. How could she know that you still haven't divided?"

The cousin burst into tears when talking to her, and choked up several times to the point of being speechless.

She could see how sad and emotional her cousin was, but she was cheated by a man, lost her job, and was labeled as a mistress, which she couldn't even expose.

"As for calling Pei Shixiao after drinking too much in the middle of the night, it's because Pei Shixiao told her that when she felt uncomfortable, she would look for him as a boyfriend and girlfriend. If she didn't look for him, who would she turn to? Sending blessings at zero o'clock would be reduced to your ridicule. Sarcastic about her?"

Both high-level executives were present that day, and they were all watching the excitement. No one spoke for Cui Peng, and even Yu Bo didn't defend his subordinates.

Not only did she not give Cui Peng any face, but she never cared about her face at all.

"Relying on your Ruipu's territory, bullying a little girl who is also a victim of love, and directly letting her die, Mr. Luo, is bullying too much."

"Mr. Cui." Before Lu Rui could say anything, Cui Ran interrupted: "It's not that I don't give you face today, it's that I can't. I said there are two things today, the first one, Luo Qi. Let Luo Qi I apologized to my sister face to face, and then clarified and apologized in Moments, explaining that she misunderstood my sister. One has two, and after she apologizes, we will continue to discuss the next cooperation."

"Of course," Cui Ran smiled, "You don't have to apologize, it's the same."

The cooperation ends here.

"I don't like to go round and round when I do things. I can't do it if I can, and I don't like to trip you up behind your back." She stood up, "Think about it."

Lu Rui knew Cui Ran well, and he said exactly what he said.

"Mr. Cui, I have to say a few more words. The truth may not be what you heard."

"Ten thousand steps back, even if it's not." Cui Ran smiled, "I have the ability to vent my anger for my sister, why not?"

Averting her eyes from Lu Rui, she looked at Luo Qi, "Just like your cousin Luo Yu, one day she is humiliated like this, you will stand on the standpoint of a spectator and rationally judge whether she is right or wrong, and then decide Can you protect her? You won't, you will be angry with her, scold her and turn to her at the same time. You see, Cui Peng is not happy, but I have been in a relationship with her for more than 20 years, and she has been protecting everything since she was a child. Me, just like Luo Yu is to you."

"Apologies are not negotiable."

Cui Ran sat down at the desk, and she turned on the computer, "I still have work to do, so feel free, think about it, and let's continue discussing cooperation."

Lu Rui suddenly wanted to smoke. This is not his office. He stood up and said to Luo Qi, "Go, go outside and smoke a cigarette."

The aisle is well heated, and the cold wind comes in through the windows, which is quite cool.

Luo Qi didn't like the smell of smoke, so she stood at the upper air outlet, overlooking the Huangpu River.

"What do you think?" Lu Rui exhaled smoke.

"I want Ling Hong as a client, but I can't apologize."

"Oh. What are you thinking. I didn't tell you about her background on the way? You can't compete with her background, even Jiang Shenghe has to give Xu Xiangyi some face."

Besides, it is impossible for Jiang Shenghe to mobilize people to find Xu Xiangyi for her personal affairs.

"To deal with them, there is no need to fight for relationships."

Luo Qi asked Lu Rui to inform Cui Ran and Cui Peng to visit Linghong Group.

"Go to Cui Ran's office first, and I'll make a call."

Lu Rui stubbed out the cigarette **** and made sure she would not apologize, so he went to Cui Ran.

She called Pei Shixiao, who answered in seconds.

"I'm in Linghong now, less than 500 meters away from your company. Come here and solve your crimes. What you are affecting is not my daily work, but my career. I really thought you were busy before. I couldn’t spare it for a few hours, so I was busy with people working overtime, eating supper, and traveling with people. Come here and solve what needs to be solved.”


The phone is disconnected.

Luo Qi's cup was empty, she went to the pantry to pour water, but did not return to Cui Ran's office.

Today, there is no cloud in the sky, and the sky is blue. I poured water and went back to the window to enjoy the river view.

Suddenly I miss Jiang Shenghe.

Luo Qi took a picture of Jiang Jing and shared it in the shared album.

While waiting, she also processed two emails.

Lu Rui sent her a message: [Where is the person? Pei Shixiao is here. 】

Not too late.

Luo Qi went to Cui Ran's office.

Cui Ran didn't want to see Pei Shixiao, she didn't even bother to cast her eyes over him.

It's just right, she cleans up with him.

Pei Shixiao still has a meeting at four o'clock, he looked at his watch, "I'll give you half an hour at most."

This was said to Cui Ran.

Cui Ran snorted coldly, and didn't raise her head while approving the fee.

Lu Rui is cleaning his glasses. Actually, he has nothing to do here, and he is not a person who likes to join in the fun. He just didn't avoid it for a while.

Luo Qi was looking at the phone album, and Pei Shixiao was looking at her momentarily. When he came just now, his mother was in his office, and the daughter of his mother's friend came with him.

Why bring it, everyone tacitly.

He told his mother that there was something wrong with Cui Peng, and he went to deal with it.

It just so happened that I no longer had to deal with blind dates in disguise.

"Sister?" Then there were two more knocks on the door.

Lu Rui thought to himself, so he would knock on the door too.

"Come in."

Cui Ran put down the mouse and solved everything that should be solved today.

Cui Peng pushed open the door, "Sister, what's the matter?"

There are several people on the sofa, she hasn't seen clearly yet, "You still have guests..." People. See clearly the faces of everyone sitting on the sofa.

Stupid in place.

Why is Pei Shixiao here?

What on earth does Luo Qi want to do!

"Come here." Cui Ran waved to her, and she also moved to the reception area. She leaned back on the sofa, "Today I will vent my anger on you."

"..." Cui Peng pursed his lips and bit them slightly.

"Sister, didn't I say it..." She forced a smile, "Is this over? I want to make a good adjustment and then look for a job again."

Cui Ran patted her side and asked her to sit down, "It's easy to find a job, but if your reputation is ruined by others, it will be with you for the rest of your life, and you won't be able to speak clearly at that time. If you don't solve it now, you will leave it to you after marriage?"

It was so hot in the office that it was just right to wear a T-shirt, but she still felt cold even though she was wearing a coat, and her fingertips were cold.

She didn't think about finding anyone to settle the score, but she just cried to her cousin and blamed Pei Shixiao and Luo Qi, hoping that her cousin would trust her as always.

What the **** went wrong.

Luo Qi exited the mobile phone album, "Everyone is here, there is no misunderstanding that cannot be explained. If you still disagree, then find a lawyer and sue for defamation."

She looked at Cui Peng, "It's hard work, please tell me again, how Pei Shixiao lied and concealed it at the time, saying that he was single, and how he talked so sweetly that he made me worthless and coaxed you into my hand. It's okay, just tell the truth, don't be afraid Him, I will back you up."

Cui Peng: "..."

Luo Qi rubbed her face against the steps.

Lu Rui laughed.

He has never met a more ruthless woman than Luo Qi, and she has to support a third party.

Pei Shixiao narrowed his eyes slightly, "When did I tell you that Luo Qi was bad at half a word?"

Cousin was looking at her, Cui Peng could only fight, trying her best to save herself, she knew that Pei Shixiao would not ignore her feelings, her eyes turned red instantly, "I said at the beginning, it was my fault. I shouldn't have I fell in love with you when I was not clear. I have nothing now. It’s not that I haven’t waited for you. I’ve been waiting for you for a year. You don’t reply to your messages or phone calls. Your mother’s secretary often threatens me .I have no choice. When I miss you, I can only go to the places you often go to see if I can run into you. In a year, I only meet you once in a restaurant."

"I admit that I'm worthless, and I can't let you go. I tried every means to get a place in the financial summit with Yu Bo, but you still ignored me. So what else can I do?"

As he spoke, tears fell down.

She fell in love with Pei Shixiao, and her life was not easy that year.

"I have no hope with you. Is it wrong for me to let you go and start my own new life?" She glanced in Lu Rui's direction.

As long as Pei Shixiao doesn't expose her, he can pass this test with his cousin.

Pei Shixiao: "It's my fault that I cheated, and I never blamed you, but you shouldn't say that I cheated you to be single. I never let go of my wedding ring. The company has a lot of surveillance. You can see it clearly by just calling it in the elevator." , In the video captured by Luo Yu, the wedding ring can also be seen."

"Also, I accompanied Luo Qi on the last trip in these few years. You can check it all. Where did I come from to accompany you on the trip?"

"Mr. Cui," he looked at Cui Ran, "I'll let the lawyer contact you. The evidence you need will be provided in surveillance video."

"I still have a meeting, excuse me."

Before leaving, he glanced at Luo Qi again.

As long as there is an excuse, he will come to see her once.

In the future, there will probably be no more excuses.

The farce is finally over.

Cui Peng burst into tears in front of his cousin.

Cui Ran had a headache and pressed her temples hard.

When leaving, Cui Peng gouged out Luo Qi angrily, "How noble are you compared to me? I'll just wait to see what happens to you. I heard that he has already obtained a marriage certificate. Do you still want to be superior? Dreaming!"

This is who he is.

Both Cui Ran and Lu Rui were at a loss.

The office finally quieted down.

Cui Ran signed the contract to them without saying a few words from the beginning to the end.

Coming out of Ling Hong, Luo Qi didn't let Ling Hong's car drop her off, but took a taxi to the high-speed rail station.

Originally, the contract would be signed tomorrow morning, but Cui Ran signed it to them in advance.

Lu Rui asked the secretary to refund the hotel and bought a ticket to go back in the evening.

"Mr. Lu, have you thought about having too much income?"

"What income?"


"Where's the rent?"

"Let out our current office space."

Lu Rui understood that she wanted to move to Yuanwei Building.

"Rip has no shortage of rent money."

Rocky didn't argue with him, he certainly didn't want to move.

"I'm not discussing with you." There was nothing to discuss with this person, "I will move after the year, you don't need to move, I will move with others."


Luo Qi is not worried that the staff will not support her. After all, she improved the food in the cafeteria and the office environment, and took the lead in getting off work on time.

In Chi Xin's words, she is still a little popular.

On the high-speed rail, Luo Qi reported to Jiang Shenghe: [Honey, I'm going back. 】

Jiang Shenghe's phone call came in, and when she left, she said she would stay in Shanghai for one night.

"Things are not going well?"

"It went very well."

Thanks Cui Peng.

This time, because Ruipu gave up the high-end market, it will bring a lot of troubles to Ling Hong in the future. Cui Ran will definitely lower the purchase price. He signed the contract in a fit of anger.

Jiang Shenghe: "I'll pick you up now."

"Don't worry, I just got in the car."

"I'm fine at the company. I'll wait for you at the station."

Jiang Shenghe sent a message to the driver on the website and WeChat, telling the driver to get off work and leave the car to him.

He drove himself to pick up people.

On the way to the station, I received a call from my mother.

Liang Zhen told her son that the names of the two puppies had already been chosen after discussing with her husband.

When the husband heard that he was naming the two puppies, he was so angry that he almost hung up the phone.

"Jiang Sheng and him are full!"

She explained to her husband that the youngest son actually wanted to ease the relationship with them and let them have a sense of participation.

After the husband calmed down, he thought of two names awkwardly, one called DouDou and the other Mimi. He was most familiar with the musical notes and chose them according to the pronunciation of the musical notes.

"Your dad took it. If you think it's normal, think about it again."

Jiang Shenghe wanted to say it was normal, but he didn't.

Against his will, he said, "Very good."

How to tell Luo Qi this enigmatic name.

Liang Zhen laughed and said, "I also think it's pretty good."

Jiang Shenghe: "..."

From the mother's voice, you can hear how satisfied the mother is, and she is happy for her father to be recognized.

At the station, Jiang Shenghe read the names of the two puppies again, still feeling weird.

I wanted to tell Luo Qi in the news, but I typed out all four characters and deleted them all.

After ten o'clock, Luo Qi arrived at the station.

Lu Rui sat far away from her, and when he got out of the car, he asked her, "Take my car?" His car was parked in the parking lot.

"No. Someone will pick it up."

Luo Qi waited for Lu Rui to leave before she called Jiang Shenghe.

It's cold, and I get hot when I speak.

Jiang Shenghe cut it off directly. Seeing that Lu Rui turned and disappeared, he slid down the car window, "Luo Qi, I'm here."

Luo Qi walked over quickly with a smile, and looked left and right before getting into the car, but there was no acquaintance.

Jiang Shenghe closed the car window and covered her hands with his hands.

"Why did you come back early?" Signing a contract is such an important matter, and without special circumstances, it is impossible for the other party to advance.

Luo Qi knew that she couldn't hide it: "It's all settled."

She changed the subject and said something to make him happy, "I will move to Yuanwei after the next year, and I will visit you often."

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Chapter 192

30 minutes ago

Chapter 191

a day ago