MTL - Scum Male’s Whitewashing Manual-v2 Chapter 234 The scum of the patriarchal family

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The Wei family had a meal at Duanjia.

Although the taste is average, the ingredients are no better than eating at home, but I can see that Duan Duan’s mother is already trying to entertain.

It was only at night that it was difficult.

There are only two rooms in the Duan family. They are all short and small. The previous family still lived in three. Now the Wei family has four people in one breath. It is how to squeeze again. The two small beds in Duanjia can’t be put down.

For this kind of embarrassment, the section of the father is naturally ashamed, and there are some concerns that the guardian does not look at them, and then looks down on her daughter.

Fortunately, Grandma does not mean this.

She is very sensible and it doesn't matter, they can go to the old section to live.

The father of the paragraph did not react, "old... old family?"

"It was just the old lady's house. I looked at it. She wore it well. How big is the house?"

Grandma’s grandmother smiled and didn’t feel that she was cheeky.

People talk about the country people always say that they are simple, but on a poor word, they can make a lot of things. The grandmother has lived in the village for so many years, and the wind and rain have seen so many, like the Duanjia In the case, even if she only listened to the old lady who sweared a few words, she could guess eight.

This look is that the old lady who is taking care of her own family is awkward, and her nose is on her face as a big head.

The most invisible part of Grandma’s grandmother is such a person. Don’t look at her at home. It’s because she thinks about the whole family. Even if she has a little bit of eccentricity, she has starved to death in the village for so many years. How many people are there, but at the Wei family, that is all good.

Even if she is eccentric, she only eats eggs for her grandson, but she is also eating and drinking against the three gimmicks.

Look at this home again.

The old lady dressed herself was the same. The two of them were just like the ones that had just been removed from the soil. There is this room. Now the year is not the same as the hungry land. I look at this room. What are you?

This room is a representative of the rainy days and the sun-stained weather, not to mention the two small broken beds. When you look at it, you feel awkward and panic. It’s hard to sleep, let alone two parents sleeping on a bed. .

Wei's grandmother doesn't feel bad about these two embarrassments, but she is distressed by her future granddaughter, her **** is actually growing up in such an environment, and there is such an old lady who sees the sky, no long 歪The ancestors bless.

Thinking, Wei’s grandmother kissed Du Le’s hand in his hand, and he said happily, “I’m not familiar with it here. Tonight, let Tong Tong take my wife and My son’s grandson went to his grandmother."

Duan Dad was shocked. He hadn't forgotten that his old lady was scared to run out of his trousers. He quickly advised, "Hey, my mother and I have already separated, and it is not suitable to live. In this way, you will live for one night, and I will go out to live."

When Ms. Duan looked at her husband, she knew that he was afraid of her mother-in-law being scared, her nose was sour, and she almost did not shed tears in front of her grandmother.

Every time it is like this, obviously he|mother is divided into such a way, he has to talk for her, always said that her mother is not easy, it is normal to have a temper and a temper, and they are more likely to be children. .

You can be eccentric, and you can't always catch their homework!

They are almost unable to survive in their own homes. Why should they hung their stomachs and feed a family that can eat some meat from time to time.

She can still bear it, but today, her daughter's boyfriend came to the door. If it wasn't for the guardian family, the mother-in-law didn't care about it. Even if the two young people's feelings were so noisy, they would have to be scattered.

She clearly deliberately dismantled the stage, and the mother did not believe that her husband could not see it.

But even if I saw it, at the crucial moment, he still had to protect his mother.

Although her grandmother is older, her eyes are so good that she is standing straight, and she looks at the face of her mother’s face, and she has an idea in her heart.

The old lady wearing a gold thread wrapped around the red dress touched her neat hair, laughing and swearing a good temper. "Your family is divided, and the old lady is following your brother?"

Duan Dad’s face was a little embarrassing, but the two big men standing behind Wei’s grandmother didn’t dare to lie. They could only bite the scalp. “My mother, she followed my older brother.”

Wei Grandma didn’t even notice the face of this family, and continued to ask, “How many brothers in your family?”


"Three?" Her wrinkled face immediately showed a slightly surprised look. "Isn't that just giving you a single person?"

"Which is such a separation."

This incident has always been the past that Wei Dad did not want to mention with others. He was uncomfortable in his heart, but he did not dare to say a word. He could only mutter his head down and silently.

He didn't talk, but he didn't mean that Grandma had let him go. "My wife has lived for so many years, but I have never seen a separation. I have to separate the children. Then look at your house..."

Her eyes turned around in this dilapidated room. Although she did not show contempt in her eyes, she couldn't help but start to burn red on her parents' faces.

Interpretation of Ms. Duan’s weakness, “This house is an old house of his uncle who had just moved out and had no place to live.”

"Is your family separated and not placed in the house?" Grandma was suddenly "shocked".

Her appearance of "this is simply impossible, how can there be such a ridiculous thing in the world" makes Duan Dad unable to lift his head, only to feel that he can't wait to find a place to sneak into it.

The mother of the paragraph is full of grief and indignation. She brought some helplessness. She first complained to others. "At the beginning we were separated, when we went to the woods to cut trees in the winter, my family was broken by the tree. I went back to the doctor. The doctor said that he had to raise for three months. He could not work for three months. Later, he was separated."

Duan Dad’s face burned red, and he said, “Don’t say...”

His wife did not listen to him this time, but looked at the sympathetic grandmother, who was saddened to say all his unwillingness and resentment for so many years. "When we were separated, we even set a decent The beggars didn't give it, the house didn't, there was nothing, or the three uncles couldn't see it, and gave us the old house that hadn't lived for a long time. Even so, my family's head was hurt and couldn't do anything. We There is no food at all, and it has been difficult in the winter."

Duan Mama said and said, she remembered her desperation for a while, tears fell directly, choked and said, "I am a woman, and I have no strength to do the hard work together with the men in the winter, the cold of the home. Trembling, a pair of | the legs were frozen and the ice was cold and there was no thick quilt cover. I ran to her and wanted to borrow a quilt. The result was directly driven out..."

"I didn't eat, I didn't get a quilt. I really couldn't do anything. I can only go to the hometown of my neighbor's neighbor to help me cook for the family. I went to the city to wash clothes for a whole winter. The hands are on the ice. The water is soaking, if not, my body will not..."

"Oh!!" Duan suddenly raised his head and was full of troubles. "Things have been going on for so long, what do you say?"

He has always been a slap in the face, suddenly so fierce, really stunned Grandma's grandmother, she stared, and when she saw the mother who was scared, she immediately became mentally motivated.

"What are you murderous, isn't the parent's mother all telling the truth? What happened after such a long time in the past? Didn't it happen in the past? What the man still has to do!"

Wei Grandma squinted, and after a slap in the face, she immediately eased the tone, and slowly followed the tone. "My family, I am also your half elder, this boy, I am a granddaughter." I am a nosy, I am going to talk about it once a day. I will talk to you about it. The aging mother of your family can’t do things well. This is not the idea of ​​your wife. I have to eat food for you, maybe you are early. It is ascending to heaven."

"Don't tell me that you are still alive, then your wife is holding on. If she doesn't stop? If you are cold in the winter, you don't know, you don't have a quilt, the food is not enough. Listen to what you said. At that time, Tong Tong was not born yet? Twenty years ago, people who died of starvation and death were not uncommon. Your wife and daughters gave up their lives to save you. Just tell the truth, you still blame her, I If you are a wife, I am in my heart, chilling!!"

When Wei Mingyan heard the tone of her grandmother, she immediately looked at her mother. She saw her expression more angry and looked at her husband's eyes. She also felt disheartened.

Duan Dad didn't notice his wife's look. He was said to have a more red-hot face, but he dared to yell at his wife, but he dared not stand against the two grandmothers who were standing behind him, so he struggled with Zhang. Zhangkou, whispered in a low voice, "At the time, my mother was not easy. She was difficult to give birth when she was born. She almost didn't survive, so..."

"So I have never looked at you?" Wei grandma did not want to install it, and sneer directly revealed it. "Have your mother always blamed you, saying that if it is not for giving birth to you, she will not be so big." Sin?"

Duan Dad’s mouth squirmed a few times, although he did not speak, but it was obvious from his reaction that Wei’s grandmother was right.

Grandma’s sight to him is no longer a hateful iron, but a red|naked contempt:

"Duanjia Xiaozi, I just told you that when you were pregnant with you, it was because she wanted a child, it was the kind of your majesty. She gave birth to you, she also wanted to live, and you are willing to let him live. Do you tell her that you must give birth to you? She has to have a baby, she has a child who is difficult to give birth, and how this is wrong, it belongs to you who didn’t even have a long brain."

"Of course, it is not that the world must be guilty of the child, for the sake of eating and drinking, the child is not filial, what to do when the mother wants to recognize this son, but like your mother, gave birth to the child is useful When you use it, when you use it, you don’t have to worry about it when you throw it out. When you are so hard to survive, you will come up with it, take your family’s things and control your family, and still have to give you a home. The pro-female girl retired, and you felt your own conscience, did she care a little bit about your son?"

Duan Dad was said to be blank, but her mother’s expression was always changing. She hoped to look at her husband, hoping that he could wake up and say something, but Duan’s father’s head bowed, but eventually he broke out. One sentence: "My mother is not intentional, maybe she will be fine later."

Everyone can see that the mother looked at her husband's gaze, and the words were grayed out for a moment, except for himself.

Grandma was directly laughed. "You might as well expect your mother to enter the coffin faster. I tell you that she has seen so many people, just like the grasshopper in the ground, catching a person can **** blood." If no one takes the initiative to get it down, it can wrap you around for a lifetime."

"Don't say it is now, even if you are old, you can't work anymore, as long as she is still alive, it is definitely more active than now!"

Duan Dad’s head is getting deeper and deeper, and the mother’s fist is getting closer and closer. In a silence, the first one is actually her.

"When you are a family, even if you really almost put you in the first place, the mother killed me. For so many years, I have given her a cow and a horse, and I have paid for it. I have paid it off."

"She came over this day, and once she came to the cabinet to take care of your brother, for so many years, they are fragrant and spicy, we can't eat even if the old hen is dead and stewed. At half point, she had to go to her. At the beginning, if I used to die with death, even the child’s tuition could be robbed by her...”

This time, the crying mother did not shed tears, but her face was numb, red and swollen, and looked at her husband who was looking up. "This day, I really have enough."

"I and you | Mom, you choose one."

Duan Dad looked at his wife incredulously. "Choose... What?"

"If you choose me, go with you|Mom, since we have a family, we will do it. It is definitely no worse than the boss, but they have not done it, we will not do more. One point, since she had chosen to live with her boss, and there is something in the future, we can help, but definitely not all."

These words obviously made Dad’s father into a huge shock. “Is this slap? Isn’t this not filial?!”

The numbness on the mother's face was one more layer. She smiled and looked at her husband's eyes full of disappointment. "If you don't want to, choose you. Mom, I am going back to my mother's house. My brother is suffering too much. But not to give me a meal, Tong Tong is now doing things, she can take care of herself, and later, you will be alone at home, guarding your mother."

Duan Dad is jealous.

When Wei Grandma taught him, he felt that these things were very shy, but in fact he did not agree with him.

That is the birth of his mother.

But now, how can the wife who has been standing with him go wrong?

Duan Dad was a little panicked and quickly went to pull his wife's hand. "Bamboo shoots, don't make trouble, this boy boy is still there."

Duan Mama opened his hand with a blank expression. "I didn't make trouble. I have never been so awake now. I can't stand your mother anymore. For years, you have earned money for her." Opinion, you are her son, you want to give it, I earned the money for the child, why do you take it to her, the clothes I bought for the child, why did she take it? I don’t If you owe it to your family, I haven’t had a day when I am married. I don’t have a day to let your family raise it. Even Tong Tong is raised by my own hidden money and food. I used to be stupid. I am being fooled by you, but now I am not stupid. Today, I am in the face of a child boy. Choose me and Tong Tong or choose your mother. You choose."

Duan Dad almost collapsed. He wants to keep his wife, but she will only force him to make choices. One is a wife and a child, and the other is an old lady. How can this be chosen?

Duan Letong looked at her parents, she wanted to reconcile them, but she first heard her parents talk about these things. She always thought that Dad and her mother, even if they dare not defy grandma, are good for her. Will protect her.

But now, how could it be?

Grandma Wei feels that she is also very close to her eyes. She thought it was a sly, but she did not expect to become a big shackle.

Looking at the painful section of Dad and seemingly cold, the eyes are full of helpless mothers. As the culprit of all this, Wei Grandma is very happy.

She really likes Tong Tong, and Tong Tong really likes her parents. If this matter is not resolved, maybe Tong Tong will be a hundred times more difficult than now.

Duan Mama is no problem, but this paragraph of Dad, still have a good adjustment | teaches | teach.

I made up my mind, and my grandmother went straight up. She was very kind and brought her mother to her side. "Children, don't be too sad, so if her dad refuses to choose, you don't want to. Going back to my mother's house, you go back with us. I have two daughter-in-law in my family. Every day, you can also lick what you are doing, just because I am not willing to have a child boy here. What if the old woman is bullied? Don't worry, the people in our village are all good. I let the words go to his house and there is no impression."

Duan’s mother looked suspicious. Although she wanted to leave, she still didn’t want to bother others, let alone go to Tong Tong’s boyfriend’s house. This is not true...

Duan Letong does not feel anything about her reputation. She and Mingyan have long had a husband and wife. In her heart, she is going to be her boyfriend's wife sooner or later. Seeing her mother hesitating, Dad is still not answering, just go forward. "Mom, just go with me and say it to your family."

The daughter said so, the mother of the paragraph is more entangled.

When Wei Mingyan saw it, he quickly stepped forward and proposed. "Auntie, if you are worried about the reputation, it is better for us to go back home and give the wedding first. When you are there, you can also help with the wedding."

The grandmother was first stunned, and then her eyes lit up instantly.

Yes! Why didn't she think about it!

It’s not that you have to graduate to get married. It’s not what you want to do when you run the wine!

The thought of Tong Tong, a sly, beautiful and gentle girl, can immediately marry her own home to truly become her grandmother, and the smile of her grandmother’s mouth can’t help but rise wildly.

"Right right, right in the right way. Anyway, the two children will have to do it sooner or later. It’s better to have a holiday here. If they go back to school, they want to rent a house outside. Conveniently."

Even if the grandmother was restrained, the ecstasy smile on her face was still revealed.

Ms. Duan looked at her so happy, but she felt a lot of peace of mind, not to mention anything else, at least the elders like children, so that she can be assured a lot.

But this has just met, the engagement can still be accepted, and suddenly said that I want to get married, and my mother still hesitated.

Duan Dad is directly sullen. "Children are still young, or don't do a wedding. How can it be difficult to say in the future?"

Grandma is not happy at once.

What does this mean? What is it difficult to say later, cursing her family’s words and childlikeness is not good?

Duan Mama did not know what to think of, her face was even more ugly than Wei's grandmother, she was still hesitating, she looked at her daughter.

"Children, you tell your mother what you want, if you want to get married now, if you feel too rushed, let's slow down."

Duan Letong looked at Dad, and Wei Mingyan, who was beside him, quickly grabbed his girlfriend's hand and the warm temperature was uploaded from her hand to her.

She is firm, "Mom, we are going to the wedding."

Duan Mama did not know whether she should be happy or awkward. She finally glanced at her husband. "Old paragraph, you are now choosing, as long as you say choose me, I will stay."

The Wei family did not speak again, and the house was quiet again.

Grandma’s grandmother’s nervous look at Duan’s father, and he’s mad at him: choose your mother! Pick your mother!

Duan Mama has a sentiment for Duan Dad. She doesn't have it. Even today, this **** chose her wife. When these people who can support them are gone, this man still can't stand up, so he is still bullied and die.

It is better to choose his mother, let the mother and family follow them back, even under the roof of others, for the paragraph mother, it is definitely more comfortable than in this ghost place.

Most importantly, if he chooses a grandmother, he will be able to go home for a wedding.

Such a lovely girl who is hurting people has become a shackle for their family.

Under the eyes of everyone, Duan Dad opened his mouth. "Bamboo shoots, can you stop?"


Since she married him, she didn’t know how much bitterness she had eaten. She broke her body and didn’t complain to him. She was bullied and insulted by her mother-in-law. She didn’t go to see him crying. Now, she is forced to make this share, he actually Still think she is in trouble.

The mother's eyes were completely cold.

"Hey, let's go today."

Wei's grandmother almost didn't laugh out loud. She almost wanted to give her dad a best idiot award. Of course, she still couldn't stand it.

"Well, let's go, but fortunately, the weather is not too late, but I can still get on the bus, clearly, help you point your mother."

Wei Ming Yan Li's came to the mother's side. When she touched her hand, she found that the cold was almost like an ice cube. He didn't show up on his face. He quietly opened his hand, and the heat was never stopped. Passed over.

"Mom, you don't have to worry, I will honor you and Tong Tong in the future." He said clearly, but he did not mention the word Dad.

Duan Letong looked at his father with a complicated look. He stared up and screamed. "Dad, we don't want you to sever the relationship with your grandmother. Just don't let her manage things at home. You should be filial, I Mom and Dad will never stop you, so that won't work?"

Duan Dad’s mouth opened his mouth, “Children’s, that’s your grandmother...”

Duan Letong looked at his father silently. She wanted to say, isn't I your daughter, isn't your mother your wife?

But these words seem to have no meaning.

She took out the banknotes in her bag, wrote the address of the guardian, and handed it to the father. "This is the address of the plain language."

Duan Letong gave the address, turned and left, she was afraid she would cry out in front of her father.

Wei Grandma smiled with two expressionless sons in front of the father. "Family, look, I count, 18 is a good day, although there is still a week, but it is not necessary. Ready? Although the two children still have to go to school, but we are parents and elders, some of them still can't fall. If you want to see the children's wedding, come to our village, I will definitely entertain you."

Then, depending on whether he has awakened or not, anyway, as long as she thinks, she has a way to deal with the person who vents to the family but is a slap in the face.

Duan Dad only felt that his head was empty. He stood in the same place until the house was empty. Even the hot air seemed to be taken away and cooled down. He was slow to take a shot and chased it all the way.

When he caught up with them, the group happened to arrive at the entrance of the village. The mother looked at her. When she heard that her husband was yelling at her, her eyes suddenly lit up and she was turned and looked over by Duan Letong.

"Bamboo shoots, don't go, can't we, don't we come over for so many years?"

This sentence is full of words of retention and reluctance, and did not let the mother agree to stay.

She laughed at herself and looked at the man in front of him for most of her life. "How did I see you in the first place?"

"The money was hidden in the hole at the bottom of the bed. The grain was in the big pit under the firewood. I used to find out where I was hiding it and gave it to your mother. This time I left, no. People are hiding, what do you do if you love what to do."

"Bamboo, bamboo shoots, bamboo shoots!!"

Duan Mama did not look back at her husband's confused face, she walked firmly forward, even if she burst into tears, she would not look at the man again.

She was bullied by herself, but as long as she and her husband stayed in the village for a day, Tong Tong could only be clamped for a lifetime. He always said that it would be good. She never thought it would be good, but for him, she could only Hold it down.

But there are things that I endure, but I am not willing to let my children endure.

When I got out of the village, Wei Grandma looked at the tears on her mother's face and sighed. She took the position of her grandson and patted her hand gently. "You don't feel bad, I see, he is I am used to it!"

"Look at it, just like his old lady, without you, he can't stand for three days."

Grandma’s grandmother remembered the grievances she had seen in her father’s eyes. It was a sneer. “What is wrong with him? He sacrificed his wife and children to please the old lady. What kind of man, look at my two sons, they are listening. I am saying, but if I say let them play their own wife and children, you see they will not."

"Why are my two daughter-in-laws filial to me? Not because my husband is good to them, what they are given, what is coming..."

Wei Mingyan reminded, "Safety grandma."

"Yes, security!"

"Don't think that the world is going to be a good mother-in-law's fierce temperament. I have never murdered my two daughter-in-laws. They are especially gentle to them. They are especially good to talk. Look, isn't our relationship really good?"

The two brothers who still maintain their expressionless expressions have drawn their eyes, but in the end they are afraid that the old lady will not tell the truth.

The mother who didn’t know the truth was a girl’s approval. “Yeah, I see you know about our children’s children. Is that really painful? You can see it from your eyes. Are you really It’s a good man, and it’s not going to run our home.”

"That's not awkward." Wei's grandmother's waist was quite straight. "I am famous for the daughter-in-law of our family. The three gimmicks at home are more watery, children." Children and their relationship are good. Afterwards, there is no problem between aunts and aunts."

Wei Dabowei's father tried hard to let himself not laugh out. They admitted that the family relationship is indeed harmonious, but there is such exaggeration as the mother said.

Bragging is not drafting. If they are not sons, they must laugh out loud and tear down the stage.

"Come on, let's go back to the previous topic. You see, my two sons, although they don't have the big skills, they don't know how to speak sweet words, they are ugly, and they don't do much about housework. It can be said. The top is nothing."

Two brothers whose mouths are quietly tilted up: "..."

Wei Grandma did not notice that the two sons behind him were looking at themselves with a sly look. Seriously, they really talked with the mother of the section. "But they at least hurt their wives and children. They would rather be hungry and never I will be hungry for my wife and children. What are you? You are hungry for you and your family, and then fatten the old grasshopper who is sucking your blood!"

If Ms. Duan thought thoughtfully, Wei’s grandmother continued. “He’s a problem, he’s used to it.”

"Look at what you just said. In the winter, you can wash your clothes and make money to support your family. He, lying in bed, waiting for food, even if you are frozen, you don’t even look at your mother. His death is terrible."

"You suffer from sin, it is not a deserved, it is because he is a man who has no ability, I told you, I am with my old man, that is to sew clothes and be tied with a needle, he must cry with him, which one I will not help you to blow my hand. Although hard work is a virtue, but this virtue is not revealed to let people know, but also expect people to open your heart to see?"

When my grandmother talked about this, she would not be proud of it. "My old man is very hardworking. Every time he does something good, it is all the people in the village know. Even if others do good things like him, then everyone says It’s all about my old man.”

"He always teaches me, we are people, don't do bad things, don't do bad things, but you do good things, why do you want to hide them, don't play hide and seek, you sneak a good thing, others don't ask Say, what's the point, so ah, every time I do something good, whoever asks me, the whole village people talk about me, then no one can say no!"

The old lady is proud of her chest, and the two potato sons behind are bursting with eyes.

They said that every time the old lady did something good, she had to force them to say it outside, and the feelings were dropped out of school.

However, if you think about it, even if you have been away for so many years, the old people in the village mentioned him, but there is no bad thing. It can be seen that the success of being a man was very successful.

The more she said, the more she said, the more she was happy. She took her mother and taught her her experience. "You are a man who is far worse than my old man, but it is not impossible to get better. You are like this, listen to me. what……"

Duan Letong and Wei Mingyan walked hand in hand and looked at the two elders who kissed each other intimately.

"It’s a good name, Grandma is so good, I have never seen an old lady like her kind."

That is to say, such a good old lady can raise the good character of the three girls of Mingyan and Weijia.

Wei Mingyan smiled and nodded. "Yes, milk is the most kind."

He looked at his girlfriend who was still red and swollen in his eyes. He said, "Children, don't worry, your father will definitely change his mind."

Duan Letong barely squeezed a smile and nodded.

Grandma has never seen such a deceit like a mother, not a good speaker.

It may also be because she has never met other people in the village. For the grandmother who has never known her, the mother is of course what the grandmother said and believes.

So before arriving at home, Ms. Ms.’s impression of her grandmother’s grandmother has changed from a “very aggressive domineering old lady who has money to be irritated” to a great image of “very kind, gentle, kind, and kind to women at home”. .

After sitting for a long time, everyone was tired. When I got off the bus, everyone couldn’t help but move a little.

Duan Mama listened to Wei Grandma and said all the way. At this moment, she looked at her eyes very much. She held the old lady’s hand and her eyes were bright. “Children can marry a good person like you, my mother’s Just rest assured."

Watching the mother-in-law reveal a "gentle" smile, the numbness of Wei Dabo and Wei Dad.

When I got to the door, Dabo Niang and Wei mother happened to be together and went to the ground. When they were walking, they saw the mother-in-law who was walking in front and another strange woman.

They quickly greeted me, "Mom, you are back."

Wei Grandma kindly smiled at the two daughter-in-laws, and the soft voice could soften the water. "Yes, yeah, Mom is back, these two days are outside, I miss you."

Looking at the face of a gentle mother-in-law, Wei Dian Niang and Wei mother looked amazed.

"Mom!! Your scorpion is stunned?? I am sick? Is the illness serious? Do you want me to come to the doctor!!"

"Yes, Mom! Are you cold? The scorpion is like this! It hurts!"

Grandma: "..."

She has these two stupid daughter-in-law!

Read The Duke's Passion