MTL - Scum Male’s Whitewashing Manual-v2 Chapter 233 The scum of the patriarchal family

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The villagers who were still blank in the face, Wei Grandma cheerfully took her grandson and the future grandmother in the direction of going home.

When she entered the door, she shouted with a scorpion. "Spring tree, spring tree, come out and see, your brother came back with his girlfriend."

Wei Chunshu, who was drawing the drawings in the room, was shocked and quickly put down the pen and walked out of the house.

When she saw Duan Letong’s first sight, her eyes lit up. Wei Chunshu grew up in the village. After she was married to the town, she was kept in the house. In a strict sense, this Or she first saw a beautiful girl like Duan Letong.

Speaking of beauty, she and the two sisters are also absolutely out of the appearance, but for the upper part of the music, there is a kind of incomprehensible compared to her feelings, just standing there, just like the people on the painting The same, good-looking people can't move their eyes.

Wei Chunshu felt like it when she saw it. She came down the steps with a friendly smile. "Hello, I am Wei Chunshu, Ming Tang."

Duan Letong had been listening to her boyfriend's family members in the car, and quickly introduced herself.

When the warm grandmother was invited to the house, the person said that the kind and kind old lady had been passionately cooking.

Wei Chunshu was going to go, and was stopped by the guardian grandmother. He said that the dishes they made did not have their own authenticity. The children’s children came to the door for the first time, of course, let her come to cook for themselves.

The great enthusiasm of Wei Grandma made the first time to come to the boyfriend's home, some uneasy paragraph Le Tong relaxed, and waited until it was no longer so nervous, she only talked with Wei Chunshu.

When the Wei family came back, Duan Letong had completely understood the Wei family through the exchange with Wei Chunshu.

After the family introduced it, they had a good meal.

In the evening, Duan Letong’s room was a boyfriend’s, Wei Mingyan’s study room with his quilt sleeping, lying under the quilt that was often sunk by the grandmother and fluffy and soft, Duan Letong looked at the two pots of flowers outside the window, how to turn over and over I can't sleep.

For her, the Wei family is like a dream family.

Wei grandma and kindness, the other four elders of the Wei family, although not many words, but they are very harmonious, Wei mother and Wei Da Bo Niang, and sisters.

The three girls did not see depression, but they all smiled. At the dinner table, they could say what they said. Duan Letong also saw the little girl named Chuncao holding the grandmother’s arm.

Although Duan Letong himself has not been treated harshly by his parents, other people in the village who have daughters are almost always attitudes towards their daughters and sons, especially her uncle, who lives in the house and does not want to live. Just growing up, I was directly rushed out.

Marrying may be a good thing for the girl, but it is not the case for the girl in Duanjia. The people in the village know that whoever has a problem with the man has a bachelor and finds a grandmother with a bride price.

Whether it is squatting or breaking his arm and blinking, as long as the dowry is enough, the grandmother will not think about what the granddaughters will marry.

These girls have been working hard at home since childhood, and they have not been able to raise any rebellious minds when they catch up with their father’s bad mood, and every time, Duan Letong’s cousin is married. She looked at their numbness and felt that they had only changed from one **** to another.

She is fortunate, although her parents do not dare to defy grandma, but every time, as long as they are on the opposite of Du Letong, they will silently violate the will of the grandmother.

Maybe they didn't stand up and refused, and they didn't tell the grandmother Duanle that their daughter had nothing to do with her, but compared with those cousins, Duan Letong was really lucky.

In Duan Letong’s memory, she seems to have had a serious illness. When she was lying in the house, she was suddenly violently hugged and went out. She opened her eyes and saw that her mother was crazy. Grab it back.

The father also squatted on the ground and pleaded.

Perhaps because of the serious illness that caused her to lose too much energy, and then go forward, Duan Letong can not remember clearly, or grow up, only then vaguely began to recall.

During that time, it should be when she was a few years old, the high fever did not return, my parents asked the doctor to see a doctor, the family spent a lot of money, the grandmother glared at them, and went into the house to pick her up and get her outside and lost her.

It may be because the grandmother never concealed the maliciousness. Duan Letong’s childhood will always be in the narrow yard. Even if the parents go out, they have to bring her, for fear that the grandmother will not be prepared. Take Duan Letong out and sell it or lose it.

It is precisely because of this that Duan Letong actually does not get along much with the sisters, but this does not mean that she can't see their situation. She was scared at that time and went back home all night and nightmare.

Later, when going to school, Duan Letong was always the hardest one among the children.

She knows that Mom and Dad are always weak when facing their grandmother.

So she has to study hard, and when she earns money after work, she buys a house in the city, picks up her parents, and no longer has to worry about her grandmother bullying.

Duan Letong’s goal has never changed, but today, after seeing the family of the Wei family, she began to be confused.

She knows that Mom and Dad love themselves, and that Grandma loves the children at home, but why both of them are so far away.

This thought has always floated in the heart of Duan Letong. I don’t know when it was, she was so sleepy that she closed her eyes and fell asleep.


In the days of Weijia’s for Duan Letong, it’s undoubtedly easy and happy. Wei’s grandmother seems to be very close to her. She looks at her eyes and can’t tell the truth. When people see it, it’s warm. The ocean is very comfortable.

Uncle Wei didn't like to talk, but when she saw her face, she was full of smiles. Wei Aunt took her to see what she had left from small to large.

Big sister and second sister are warmer and more vocal when they talk. Xiaomeichuncao may be because of the smallest one, lively and cheerful, and pull the paragraph music boy to ask questions in the school. Listening to these things. The pretty eyes are full of yearnings.

Duan Letong couldn't help but mention this matter with her boyfriend. After all, she had heard the plain words before. The sisters at home were not able to read because they had to go to elementary school because they were too poor.

And these two days of getting along, the three girls, obviously want to study.

Wei Mingyan put down the book in his hand and smiled softly at his girlfriend. "I also have this plan. Now I have a scholarship in my hand, and my family can relax. I am thinking about worshipping my grandmother tomorrow morning. Say this thing."

The reason why they came to defend the family first is because tomorrow is the day of the grandfather of Wei. On this day, no matter how busy the whole family is, they must put down everything on their hands and go to the mountain to worship the grandfather.

This is also the only thing that Wei Grandma has not relaxed about her baby grandson for more than 20 years. No matter how he doesn’t want to go up the mountain, whether he can’t get up or not, he must start early, and the family will go all the way. Sacrifice.

Wei’s grave is not far away. It is next to the Weijia land. Although there is no tombstone in the small tomb, it is clean, and there are not even wild grasses. It can be seen that it has been cleaned up by people.

The husband has passed away for so many years, although the grandmother still wants him, but also laughs, and is happy to take the lead in the front.

"Today, I have to tell your grandfather about the explanation. This child is really like him. He is smart, but he is so quick to bring back a grandson who is obedient and capable, like a boy, if the old man still Living, definitely like me, I like it very much!"

Duan Letong has to be numb by the grandmother in the past two days. In the heart of Wei’s grandmother, she seems to be always good, even drinking water, saying that the movement is beautiful, Duan Letong has been from the beginning. I was flattered, and now I don’t change my face.

She thought that it might be that Grandma’s grandmother was worried that she had just come to the guardian, so she was so enthusiastic. It was a kind and gentle old man.

Wei Dad and Wei Dabo are not the ones who can talk. They stand on one side when they are stunned. Others are also gimmicks. Even Wei Mingyan is silent and does not speak. Duan Letong has a kind of learning and follows. Standing on the side after the girl.

"Go, there is a lake over there, I will show you the past."

She just stood up, Wei Mingyan took her hand, "Milk, I took the children to go there, and we will go back together."

Wei Grandma’s eyes were directly on the hand of the grandson who was holding the future granddaughter. The smiling teeth suddenly disappeared and nodded. “Well, well, you are slow, be careful to meet the long worms.”

Duan Letong was a little confused and went away with her boyfriend. This strangely turned back and looked at the Wei family who returned to the land. "Grandma don't go home together?"

"No, grandmothers come to the door, and the milk must be good to talk to Grandpa."

Wei Mingyan said, laughing and looking to his girlfriend, "Children, our customs here, but the married girl can follow the worship."

"Grandma can let me bring you to see Grandpa, indicating that she really likes you."

Duan Letong blushes red and whispers, "Grandma really likes me, is it because I love the house and Wu?"

Because she is a girlfriend of the Ming Dynasty, so she is so good with her?

"It is the love of the house and the black."

Wei Mingyan smiled and reached out and gently took his girlfriend off the leaves and took it down. "But it is not loving me and you."

Duan Letong was accelerating his heartbeat when he took the fallen leaves, and he couldn’t care about this problem. He licked his lips slightly and embarrassedly bowed his face to cover his face.

But on the hand, but quietly, the hand of Wei Mingyan was tightened.

She tried hard to ignore the hot on her face, whispered. "When we graduate, I will really worship my grandfather as a daughter-in-law."

"I think so too."

Wei Mingyan pulled her girlfriend's hand to her side and gave her a picture of the future. "When is the time, we don't want children in the first year, wait until the work is stable, regenerate a lovely daughter, we can buy her." Beautiful little clothes, buy a cradle, and then dress up and send her to school."

Duan Letong thought of this scene, and couldn't help but smile on his face. "What if it is a son?"

"If you are a son, you should dress up as a little handsome guy. You should teach him to treat the girl as a gentleman. Maybe when he is, just like his father, he knows his mother."

Wei Mingyan finished laughing and said, "But I still like little girls, it is better to be like you."

Duan Letong imagined himself on the small one, and his eyes were full of expectations. "We can give her a small room."

When she was young, the most wanted thing was to sleep in a room.

"Yes, small rooms, small beds, these are all good choices for us to be fathers and mothers. When she grows up, she will send her to learn martial arts. Girls still have some means of self-defense."

Wei Mingyan took the hand of Duan Letong and said warmly, "If she is not happy, I will say to her, you are not a mother, and Dad has always been personally protected. Before our baby is an adult, I still have to protect myself. ""

"If it's a boy, it's even more important to learn. Otherwise, how can he protect the people he likes?"

The two men clearly did not have a marriage, but they said the same thing as the real one. They said it and smiled when they looked at each other.

Wei Mingyan looked at his girlfriend gently and whispered, "Would we only have one child in the future?"

“Why?” Duan Letong is somewhat puzzled. Everyone’s current concept is still the best. If it is not a special case, it will always be born.

"Pregnant pregnancy in October, giving birth to children is so painful, your body is weak, and where you can get this, let's have a child, just raise him up."

Wei Mingyan’s voice was clear and beautiful, and he was troubled by Duan Letong’s unbearable look. “And it’s said that it’s a child’s anti-aging, I don’t want our children to raise, you are not allowed, you, let me raise one by one. enough."

This is undoubtedly the best love story. Duan Letong listened to the warmth of his heart and leaned against his boyfriend. "I am also, you don't need children to raise, I will raise you."

They are talking about children here, and the grandmother over there is talking about the children's topic with her wife.

She was experienced and moved to the bench when she came. She sat in front of the tomb and began to say Barabala’s situation at home.

"I am very satisfied with this daughter-in-law. Before I said that I was looking for a person like me, I was still awkward. I was so good who went to find him. I didn't expect him to let him find it." ”

"The plain language is that when I graduate, I will marry. I will think about it. When they graduate and get married, two college students will work. If they have no children, I will go to the city to help them bring their children. The three granddaughters must have been married too. The four potatoes in the house will not be lost. I am afraid that I will leave you. If you can hear it, then I will take you to the grave. Go with you, you will follow me."

"You saw that the girl didn't, the eyebrows, the body, when I was young, it was exactly the same. I still remember that when you saw my eyes, it was straight, holding the flowers and waiting at the intersection."

"I thought it was a bad person. If I pressed it, it was a fight. I was so strong. You were screaming by me. I didn’t dare to be too afraid to bring people over. That silly, I am giving you I didn’t talk to the juniors when I stayed in the face!"

Grandma Wei said that this is still somewhat proud. "The people who chased me in the ten villages were so old. If you look good, people are resistant, I won't find you..."

She said, throwing some paper money into the fire, "You talk about you, what is the use of the dog planer, save the individual can also put yourself in, for so many years, you look at our home in me The leadership has been so good, and the words are clear and obedient, and it is estimated that they are blind."

"Look at my hand, I still remember that you used to praise my hand white and tender, and said that it is more beautiful than jade, I can remember this sentence, but unfortunately, now even a stone can not match, Dry and so many wrinkles, dark ugly death."

Grandma's grandmother stretched her hand out, and a breeze blew through it, as if someone was holding her hand in a distressed way, saying that it was not ugly, she would always be the most beautiful.

She was red-eyed, but she still looked up high. "You are useless. I am now in a hurry. I can say that I can be filial. When I get to the bottom, he will definitely burn me more money. I am definitely not. For you, and those you are squatting have to give it to me, have you heard it!"

Even if she didn't get a reply, Wei Grandma was very satisfied. She lost some money in it. "Speaking to me secretly, the situation at Tong Tong's home is a bit complicated. He can't keep up, I think I will follow them in the afternoon. You don’t have to worry about Tong Tong’s family. I have lived for so many years. Apart from one, there is really nothing I can’t live with.”

"Now I am also literate with Spring Tree. Even if I am older than you, I will not be worthy of you. And, ah, you remember to bless our three granddaughters to find the right wife, it is best, mother-in-law. As good as I am, the family situation is as harmonious as ours. When I was eating these two days, I saw at a glance that Tong Tong can envy our family. This child, the temper is too pure, I can see her at a glance. what."

"I sometimes think about it. When you look at me, are you also watching me like a child? Anyway, the more I look at it, the more I like it, and you must be."

"Okay, come here today. I am very tired when I sit. If you are there, I will follow me down the mountain for a while. Let’s go to Tongtong’s house and look at it. I am going to bring the boss and the second. Although they are stupid, the block is quite big, and it is quite scary to stand at that stop."

When Grandma finished her speech, she was not in a hurry. She burned the rest of the paper money, blinked and made herself look as usual, and then stood up on the small bench.

Looking at the grave in front of her, she sighed. "If you are alive, how good it is..."


In the afternoon, Wei’s grandmother followed Wei Mingyan and went to Tong Tong’s home.

On the way, her old man looked at the scenery outside the window. It was the first time to go out, but it was calmer than anyone else. "Look at the mountain, it looks so good, it looks like a pheasant in the far distance, and there is a big tail. Look at it."

Wei Mingyan and Duan Letong were with her, and they followed it. "Yes, it's really like."

Grandma was satisfied with her eyes, looked at her handsome and sensible grandson, and looked at the beautiful and beautiful grandmother, and she was very happy.

She is happy here. In a blink of an eye, she saw the faces of the two potatoes that I had born. The smile immediately pulled down. "You two really gave me a shame. It’s hard to get a second door. How can I still get motion sickness?" ""

Wei Dad and Wei Dabo came out this time to wear their best clothes. They are the children of Grandma and Wei’s grandfather. Although they usually look at the cold, they don’t have a sweat, take a bath and comb them well. Putting on a good dress and a tall figure, it’s really like watching it.

But the problem is that they have motion sickness.

The two are so big, they really have never been out of the door. They just want to wait for the places in the house. They don’t want to go far. When they think that they are slipping out of the old lady, they are still sick.

In the face of the two juniors, they can only die, so that all the way to the dead fish eyes, in the abandonment of the grandmother, when the car arrived at the station to buy a motion sickness medicine, this is better.

Finally, under the expectation of the two brothers, the car arrived.

Grandma’s grandmother immediately shook her spirits. Today she was wearing this dress that she was going to show off. The gold thread was very different, as if the whole person had become the old lady in the city.

No, the old lady in the city doesn't have her good looks.

Wei Grandma confidently got out of the car and smiled and looked at her grandson's future grandmother, and then she took the lead and walked ahead.

Behind him, the brothers of Gao Mada both screamed at the gift and followed the mother.

They have never been so clear why their mothers are so disgusted with them. Obviously, they have always been very obedient.

Wei Mingyan looked worriedly at the two people behind him. "Milk, dad and uncle, are they all right? I still help you."

"Nothing, don't worry about it." Grandma said that this is mad. "There are too many people, just like a milk doll. Everything has to be my mother's care. It's like I don't talk, they don't." Know how to live the same, used to them!"

She is going to wait until the grandson or granddaughter is born and go to see the children in the Ming Dynasty. The three potatoes at home are like this. When she is there, she will be in a mess. If she is gone, they will not dismantle themselves. Let's take it apart!

Anyway, there are still a few years. In the past few years, she has looked at these four works. After doing it for a few more times, I know that they are normal adults.

Grandma said this, even if Wei Mingyan wants to help, he can only carry his own hands. The two brothers behind him have been bitterly faced, and they have seen the entrance to the village. They are blinded by the old lady and immediately put their faces out. Expressionless look.

They came out of the door, but the mother-in-law got a machete to teach them how to control facial expressions in order not to expose the stupid nature.

Although the grievances felt that they would not lose face to the words, but in the face of the machete, the two brothers were obedient obedience.

Wei Dabo and Wei Dao are tall and strong, and they are both abdomen and abdomen, and they are all in black. They are standing on the expressionless face and looking at it. It is still scary. of.

In particular, the grandmother is also looking up, wearing gold silk red dress, hair combed neatly, looking at the old lady in the village is very different.

Wei Mingyan also wears the same attention today. He also deliberately turned over the watch that was not worn at the end of the experimental pressure box. Duan Letong wore a long skirt and supported her grandmother with her boyfriend. As soon as it appeared in the village, it immediately ushered in the crowd.

They first met, then someone recognized Duan Letong, carefully looked at Wei Dawei Wei Bo, a look at the gossip desires | hopes to overcome the fear of strange men, the man stood up and asked carefully "Children, who is this?"

Duan Letong didn't know how to answer it. It was Wei Grandma. After taking a bite, she was very confident. "We are a child boy's fiancé. Isn't this a look at my future family?"

This person is dumbfounded.

I have only heard of my family, but I have never heard of my future family.

But she looked at Wei Da, who was very uncomfortable in appearance, and looked at the grandmother who looked very natural. Then she was too embarrassed to ask for it.

The old lady came to see it in the city. Maybe they are such a rule in the city.

Because Wei’s attitude was too strong and strong, when the group of people walked toward the section home, there were already busy children running to the field to ventilate the letter.

"Uncle Duan Duan, my milk told me to tell you that you will come back with your Tong Tong sister in the future, and are going to your house."

Future family?

What is this strange name?

Duan Dad’s mother did not respond to her for a while. They knew that her daughter would come home with her boyfriend. I have never heard of even the parents coming along.

Even though I felt that this was strange in my heart, both of them rushed to the house and rushed to the past. Once they passed, they just happened to run into it.

Duan Dad hesitated to look at the old lady next to her daughter. She wore it and the posture. At first glance, it made people feel worried. The footsteps under his feet eased down, and they did not dare to pass.

He had this scruples, but Wei Wei’s grandmother didn’t have it at all. When she heard that Duan Letong called her parents, she immediately went up in an imposing manner, and grabbed their hands and shook hands under the stunned faces.

"You are a boy and a child, I am the grandmother of Tong Tong's fiancé, this time, it is special to see you."

Wei’s grandmother came over and looked like it’s not like visiting a family. It’s like coming to beat people. Duan’s parents were directly scared, or Duan’s mother pulled out a smile. “That, welcome, welcome. ”

"Oh, polite."

Wei Grandma smiled and waved, and turned and screamed at the two sons. "You still haven't come, see your family and your mother."

Duan Dad is still a little awake, "That, can't be called a relative..."

He said that Wei Dad and Wei Dabo were walking straight in, dressed in black, and expressionlessly, Wei Wei’s grandmother reached out and shook hands, shaking hands for the first time, even if they didn’t dare to make any expressions, They were very excited, and they couldn’t help but hit some of them. The father who shook hands with them hurts, and the rest of them are swallowed up.

Duan Mum looked at the two tall, strong men in front of them, and they were afraid to hide behind their husbands. "What are these two?"

"This is my two sons, this time, I am coming out, they are not at ease, and they come with a special one."

Wei Grandma laughed and pulled Wei Dabo over and showed him the bag he was carrying to the parents. "Look, this child, going out, what to kill with a knife."

Wei Dabo, who was forced by his mother to stuff the pig knife into the bag, stiffened his face.

More rigid than his face is the parents.

Their daughter, the family they are looking for, what is it?

Why do you still carry a pig knife with you?

I have to say that Wei’s grandmother’s operation completely stunned the parents of the section. When Wei’s grandmother proposed to sit in the door and sit down, she quickly ushered in the room and poured tea into it, for fear that they would not When I am happy, I will take out the killing knife.

When I stabilized, I still loved the woman's heart better than fear. Duan Dad asked carefully and carefully. "That, what is your home?"

Grandma put down the water and waved her hand. "We have the same conditions at home, and the name is right."

Duan’s parents looked at the gold line of Wei’s grandmother and looked at the clothes on her body. I didn’t believe she was telling the truth.

They waited until the stock was scared, and dared to look at her daughter's boyfriend. When I looked at it, my eyes lit up.

The child looked particularly lovable, his eyes were clear, and he thought of the age of the daughter's letter, and they looked more satisfied with the look of the past.

Of course, satisfaction is satisfied, looking at the old lady in front of them, the two still have some embarrassment.

"That... mother-in-law..."

"It’s all family, what kind of mother-in-law is it?"

Grandma’s grandmother said awkwardly, “Let’s not doing anything yet, just add me a sigh, wait until you get the card, then change your mouth, ah.”

"Lead, lead the card..."

When Ms. Duan was anxious, she said, "Our children are still young."

"I know that I know, isn't this waiting for a cross-examination? Now it's just a matter of giving this marriage."

"Pro-family, you can rest assured that our family is definitely good for children. If there is, we will not be less. I will think about the bride price. I will tell you..."

Wei Grandma said this, the expression on the mother's face is no longer a fear, but some happy, if it is really according to the grandmother, then the child boy must have a good life.

Even Dad’s father, who looked at the two young people standing in a glance, was completely different from his grandmother, and Sven’s polite Wei Mingyan had some good feelings.

Wei Mingyan just called someone, but maybe they were too panicked and didn't hear. At this moment, listening to my grandmother blowing over there, I immediately stood up and promised, "Uncle, hey, I will be good to Tong Tong. ""

Duanjia’s parents hesitated to look at his steadfastness.

This young man, watching it makes people think about it.

Grandma swept them and took a big shot. "Look at this forgotten! The boss, the second, quickly put the gifts on, let us go back to the door, you can't forget the number of gifts."

Duan’s parents had just been shocked. I really didn’t notice the gift. I immediately stood up and looked at it. I watched the big bag’s stuttering and refused. “How can this be done? This is too much... ..."

"It's okay, it's all family."

Wei Grandma laughed and held the two people down, and my heart was strange. Isn’t it clear that the Duan family has something difficult?

She has made the situation a success, and she is ready. What do I see when I see it?

Just thinking of it, there was a sudden scream from the old woman outside.

"The third child!! What are you doing!! How the village people told me that the family of Shantou came!!"

This familiar tone, this familiar battle began, when Wei Grandma heard it, she immediately became mentally up. She quietly picked up the bowl in front of her and looked at the thin old lady who came in from the door of the yard.

Grandma came in and saw so many people, but she did not care. She began to rush to the son and daughter in the waist. "Is there water in your mind! I told you that I found a family for the dead girl. I will give you a gift." Received, this time you let the dead man bring the wild man back, is to let the whole village people laugh at us!"

Duan Letong’s face was ugly, and Wei Mingyan patted her hand gently, whispering, “Don’t be afraid, milk will solve it.”

Grandma’s grandmother saw the strange man’s hand on the granddaughter’s hand in a blink of an eye. A pair of eyes blinked at once and they would start playing. “Bag rabbit, you give me your hand down –”

Wei Grandma sat steadily and threw the bowl in her hand at the foot of her grandmother.


The loud voice sounded, and Grandma looked at her own water, and for a second, she was furious.

"Which is a shameless darling!!"

Grandma sneered, "Don't say who!"

"Don't say you!"


Grandma was happy at once. "You still know that you are shameless."

The little old lady was stunned for a few seconds before she reacted. The whole popularity is going to heaven. "You, he|mother, dare to marry me!!"

"The old lady has to tear off the skin of your little beast today!"

Watching her rushing up, Wei Dad and Wei Dabo quickly stopped and stopped. They usually stopped using the chopping knives to get used to it. This cooperation directly gave the grandmother a tight lock.

She didn't expect it to be like this, and the swearing words in her mouth immediately came out.

"You are a beast! I don't know who my son is! He is doing things in the city! It is a word to kill you!"

"Dead scorpion film, you hooked wild man to bully your grandmother, live impatient! The third child still does not hurry to stop me!"

Duan Mama looked coldly, and Duan Dad wanted to go forward. Wei Grandma violently took out the pig knife in the Wei Dabao bag and slashed it on the table.

The moment the knife came out, everyone was quiet.

Grandma's grandmother was indifferent, her hand pressed on the knife, and her eyes looked at the little old lady's eyes as if she were watching a dead person.

"Do you know who I am?"

Grandma was scared by her and stunned. "No, I don't know."

Grandma took the knife and shook it in front of her cold sweaty face. "Do you know who my husband is?"

The little old lady was scared by her grandmother and her legs began to tremble. In this tone, did she get rid of people who should not be provoked?

She blinked quickly and saw the people who had not looked carefully.

Big man, two.

The old lady in front of me, is actually a gold silk dress? ?

Is it...

Really the person she can't afford? ?

Just when I thought about it, I killed a pig knife and fell straight into her eyes. As long as the grandmother released her hand, she would fall.

"The old lady told you that my husband can bear very much. He wants to kill you. He can't even use a finger. You better give me a point, let me know that you are pestering my grandmother..."

Grandma continued to sneer. "You know clearly."

The most terrible thing in the world is no more than unknown.

Grandma’s soft legs were out of the yard, and the pants were still ticking.

Wei Dabo looked at the aging mother and took the pig knife. "Mom, I am not..."

"Does she know you, my mother?"

I don’t know why Wei’s grandmother asked, Wei Dabo shook his head.

Grandma asked again, "Does she know you?"

Seeing his son shaking his head, Wei Grandma looked at him disdainfully: "That won't be, stupid!"

The old man didn’t know her and didn’t know her old man. It wasn’t what she said.

The stupid Wei Dabo still doesn't understand: "But I love him..."

Still can't make sense!

Grandma's fierce eyes swept over and he quickly shut up.

Seeing that the son has stopped, the grandmother is satisfied with the knife.

When I got it, she was much better at the two shackles. "Come here, let's continue to drink tea, don't care, my temper is a bit big."

Duan Dad’s mother laughed and said, “No, don’t care...”

God, the old lady’s husband, who is it?

Read Versatile Mage (Web Novel)
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