MTL - Scum Male’s Whitewashing Manual-v2 Chapter 222 The scum of the patriarchal family

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When the old lady went out and sat on the desk and read the memory completely, Wei Mingyan had to admit that this was just the most common world.

The same is a novel. The country he is in is C. According to the author's setting, this country is now in a poor time, because technology can't keep up with other countries, being bullied, being humiliated, hard, a great When the leader came to power, he took control of the whole situation and drove those aggressors away, but faced the dilemma that the country’s technology could not keep up with other countries.

Because no one is strong, the country is limited everywhere, and it can only be boring, and because of the aggression that lasted for several years, even if the people have reached liberation, they still can’t reach the point of food and clothing. The city is still okay, but the country has been hungry for a family until now.

The original master's house is not so exaggerated. Although it is better than the people in the city, it is better than most of the countrymen, except because there are three strong labors in the family, and because there is a very adventurous in the family. Father, when the original owner was not born for a long time, every time he picked up the food accumulated in his home and went to the city to trade money with others.

Now the sale and purchase relationship is fine. At that time, the private sale of food was to go to jail, but the father did not hesitate. By going to the city to see the head of the married woman, he slowly took down some family business.

When he was young, he was alive. When he was old, he still didn’t lose his age. With his flexible mind, when he saw the house rebuilding a large yard, when he passed the pond, he saw someone drowning. Saved up, I want to go up again, but I have no strength, and I am dying in the water.

Le Laotao is waiting for the old lady who enjoys the blessing of her own wife to almost cry and blink. I almost have to leave everything to go with my wife. At that time, the whole family was in chaos. Although both sons had children, they When I remembered, I listened to my parents’ words. Now that my father died, they were sad and confused. They didn’t notice the old lady’s wrong.

It was only when the three-year-old original owner was hungry, and the parents were not around, crying and running to find grandma to pull the man back. The old lady was crying with her grandson, and suddenly remembered that the little grandson said the old grandson I look at my grandson again, as if I saw the continuation of my own wife.

Since then, the original Lord has turned from the much-loved grandson to the life-long root of the old lady.

What to give, what to buy.

Naturally, it will spoil people.

[This world mission: guarding the three sisters of the guardian family, guardian Du Letong, the current task degree: 0, please host as soon as possible. 】

This time is still a guardian mission. The difference is that the people to be guarded this time are four girls.

If the old lady is just a eccentric lord and pays for it wholeheartedly, then the original owner who grew up is selfish and self-serving to the extreme.

Perhaps it is really like a grandfather. He has been smart since he was a child. His achievements have always been among the best. He has been admitted to the university from the primary school. The college students of this era are worth more than just the old lady. Even the original owner is happy.

At this time, the university tuition is not expensive, but the original main face, went to the big city, found that the clothes that he is proud of, in fact, everywhere, and watches, bicycle pens and other luxury goods that can envy and pay attention, He doesn't have it.

In fact, it is not only the original owner, but after all, in this environment, the family is superior to buy these things, but he wants.

The original owner covered his own rusticity from the country, but he couldn’t hide his family’s situation, but he couldn’t hide the money that the family could give him every month. Although he would not be hungry, he would like to buy a watch pen to do the job. Absolutely not enough.

He himself knows that there is no extra money in the family. Even the ones that are squeezed out every month to give him are all squeezed out. After all these years, there is no money at home, all of them are buried. Working in the field, but also for the original owner to eat well, the original half of the university in the first half of the year still have some spare cash, wait until the original owner of the money to fill the face, and then completely lost money to give him a swollen face to support the fat.

No money, what should I do?

At this time, he set his sights on the three sisters in the family.

The three girls in the family are all in the same way as the original master. They are all looking like grandpa. They are all white and beautiful. Although they have been affected by the long-term work and sunshine, they are absolutely beautiful in this small village. landscape.

When the girl is married, the other party is going to give a bride price. His three sisters are all well-dressed and married. Isn’t that a big dowry?

In the original master's shackles, Wei Grandma followed his wishes. The three granddaughters were found by her to have rich people. They said that they were married to their daughters. In fact, they were similar to selling daughters. The final result can be imagined. Did not bring back, pretending to be equal to the three girls who did not have a hard life after marriage.

The last three girls, committed two suicides, the remaining one, were also driven by the husband's family, and spent all their lives in numbness.

The sin of the original Lord did not stop there. After the big sister got married, he had money in his hand, and immediately set himself up for himself. He spent a lot of money in the school, and with that nice face, he quickly attracted A girl with a good family.

With this girl, the original decisively abandoned Duan Letong, a girlfriend who had already had a husband and wife. After graduation, she married the girl who was superior in the family. She completely left the chicken coop and, with the help of her father-in-law, turned into a Phoenix.

The abandoned Le Duo lost his body and did not want to believe this fact. When he questioned the original owner, he was vetoed by the two of them. The object of his second generation, the second generation of the girl, sneered at the music. I want to eat swan meat, making her a joke throughout the school.

The classmates in the same village with Duan Letong passed these to the village, and the prostitute who regarded the prostitute as a hopeless father refused to believe that he wanted to ask the bus, but there was a car accident on the road.

I finally managed to get out of my grief. I never liked her grandparents. However, Duan Letong was not the parents’ own family. He occupied the family property left by the father’s mother. Duan Letong eventually dropped out of school.

If this is the only thing, then this is not a novel. Duan Letong married a person who has always liked her in the next door. The other party has repeatedly said that she does not mind that she has lost her life and is willing to take care of her for a lifetime. After marrying this person, Duan Letong’s husband started to do business, and the business grew bigger and bigger. She became a rich wife, but her husband’s outside woman could not count one hand, and those women, each of whom was better than her. .

Yes, Duan Letong’s husband is the protagonist.

And still a kind of Ma Wen male master, although born poor, but has a general luck, what to do, what to make money, on the road to open this road, first of all the coveted neighboring village sister, then the childhood, then The 18-year-old girl, Lori, the sister of the royal sister, the rich family, and so on.

Only the beautiful women who couldn’t think of it and who couldn’t do it, fell in love with Duan Letong’s husband, his appearance, talent, and the fact that he gradually cultivated later.

Against the backdrop of such a good woman, even the first time she was not given her husband's Duan Letong, her status was very embarrassing. Fortunately, she has been shackled in the drums.

The husband is more and more disliked to go home, Duan Letong only thinks that she is busy business, and at a party, she actually saw the man who abandoned her, has been relying on his father-in-law, also stepped into the mall, and The man is the original owner of the enemy.

The reason why the original Lord hated the male master was very simple, because the unscrupulous male master slept his wife, and the rich family was rich, and his wife still had a male-female child and intended to divorce him.

The original master was not courageous and the male master who had already entered the climate had a hard time. When he did not know how to retaliate, he saw Duan Letong.

He consciously thought of a good idea, did the man not sleep his wife? Then he went back to sleep.

It is a pity that even if she feels her husband's increasingly cold attitude, Duan Letong still has a cold attitude towards the original master, and even has a hint of hate.

In such a chaotic relationship, the original owner was given a green hat to his wife.

He was completely crazy, but even if he was crazy, he did not aim at his wife and the man who was protected. Instead, he stared at the innocent paragraph of Le Letong from beginning to end.

The man is afraid of death, and many people around him are protected. Even his little lovers have placed people around for protection. Only his wife, Duan Letong, is blank and wants to start. It is easy.

The original owner kidnapped Du Letong and asked for a ransom with the male owner. In the harem opened by the male lord, a woman who wanted to go to the top did the hand and foot. Finally, Duan Letong did not wait for her husband, but instead saw him and another pretty woman. Intimate video.

The original subject who had been blinded by hatred for a long time raped her, and the glamorous photos of the sky spread to the Internet. The man and his confidantes joined forces to tell the world that the woman in the photo was not her wife, and his reputation was preserved. But she didn't.

Duan Letong was crazy, and at the end, even her voice was always loved, she would not dislike her male master, and she could not face this woman who was too messy and could not even eat rice.

She was thrown into a psychiatric hospital and muttered to herself all day.

She eventually died and died in endless pain.

Duan Letong only believed in two men in his life, but it was the two men who joined forces to kill her and helped her in her despair.

Thinking of the picture she saw last time, she fell to the ground, and a pair of eyes that had been laughed at was full of turbidity and quietly looking out the window.

Outside the window, the birds on the tree squatted, making a crisp, tender voice.


She looked at the birds, and the dry lips picked up slightly, showing a smile.

A tear fell from the cheek and immersed in the ground, and the eyes were completely dark.

The bird is still awkward.



"What is it called!! Didn't see my grandson and grandchildren studying!! I can't see you when I grow up with bugs in the field. Now when my grandson and grandson are studying, I will come to trouble, and I have to take a **** to smash you." A group of small family birds have turned over the sky, and they have to go to the aging mother quickly-"

As the thunderous sound slammed, the little birds that Wei Mingyan was watching were frightened, and they fluttered with small wings and flew far away. They fell on a tree outside the courtyard, and the frightened screaming hoped.

Wei Mingyan’s eyes showed a bit of helplessness. Some headaches licked his own eyebrows, and the old lady who looked out the window was screaming and holding a long stick to reach out to catch the birds.

At this point in time, his school returned to live for a period of time, and among the three sisters, the older sister has been sold, not right, has been married.

The original owner is screaming at the rich family, and at the same time he is not familiar with Duan Letong. If it is not unexpected, when he returns to school, the next day, Le Tong will come to question.

Looking down at the books on the table, looking back at those plots, Wei Mingyan already had some ideas.

He simply got up and opened the curtain and walked through the lobby to the yard.

The yard is very ordinary, although it is large, but it is all built with stones. The ground is full of dust. There is a girl who carefully sweeps the floor with a large broom. There is also a younger one, sitting on the leeks with his hands and feet.

Both of them have good facial features, although the skin that was originally white and dry because of long-term sun drying is somewhat yellow and rough, but when it is old, it can be said to be clear, and the girl who picks up the cabbage sees the standing. Wei Mingyan at the door, his face was a bit strange.

"Brother, why are you coming out at this point? The rice is not good yet."

Wei Mingyan’s face showed a faint smile, and he replied briefly. “It’s a little tired, it’s coming out to the sun.”

Wei Chuncao nodded, not much to ask, continue to bow down and concentrate on work.

She has long been accustomed to her own cousin's words. Wei Chuncao is innocent and doesn't like to think too much. He just thinks that maybe the readers are like their cousins, sitting in the room every day reading books and talking to people. Time is also faint.

In fact, where the original Lord is faint, just purely look down on the three sisters who have rolled up their trousers and got muddy.

In the past, the original owner was also willing to pay homage to the family and sit with his family at dinner, but after he was admitted to college and saw the life of a real city man, he became more and more disdainful about the family that he had raised.

Whether it is a bare-headed sweaty man with a sweaty hands and a muddy father, or a big aunt who is busy squeezing clothes under the kerosene lamp in the evening, or three are busy from morning. The late sister, even loved him to grow up, from childhood to big, he was not willing to let him live a living grandmother, the original owner is the disdain in the bottom of my heart.

He disdains this family, disdains the village, and disdains everyone in the village.

Of course, even if the heart can no longer afford it, the original Lord will not be stupid, but when someone talks to him, every sentence is shortly answered to express his disdain.

Even in school, facing the students who only know how to die, he is so disdainful.

His purpose from the beginning was clear, hard work, just to make money, like those who said that reading is to serve the motherland, the original owner simply scorned.

Of course, everyone else has written it, and he must have written it like this. He will not let these idiots know the true thoughts of his heart.

Therefore, although the original Lord slammed the air in his heart, in the eyes of others, he was just a nerd who was a bit cold and single-minded.

Even the villagers in the village who were despised by the original lords were completely unaware that the children they had seen since childhood had looked down on them from the bottom of their hearts.

Until the three sisters were pushed into the fire pit, they did not think that the hands that pushed themselves in were not the grandmother, but the original master.

Wei Chuncao picked the vegetables, and took the basket to go to the kitchen to put it. Wei Chunhua, who was quietly sweeping the floor, saw her sister unable to lift the two baskets and quickly came up to help. There was only Wei Mingyan left in the yard.

These dishes are packed and sold. Since the country was open for private sale, the people in the village only thought it was convenient to buy things. Wei Grandma began to pick up the dishes at home and let the younger son carry the burden. Sold in town.

In the village, people finally realized that they could still make money like this. When they learned to go together, Wei’s grandmother had no self-sufficiency to sell vegetables and sold well. Every day, the girls in the house would have a lot of water. The dishes were cleaned up, the yellow leaves went, sprinkled with water, and then tied with fine linen, placed neatly, and looked at the spirit of others.

The two girls went to the vegetable, and the grandmother also took the bamboo poles and took it from behind. She saw her grandson standing under the sun and immediately greeted her with a distressed look.

"Speaking clearly, this day is very dry, how do you stand underneath, is there anything you want? Chunhua Chuncao, where are the hoes? Where are you doing them? You are going to do this. If you read a book, how can you get it if you have a bad sun!"

"Milk, I am fine. The tree says that the sun is good for the body. I specially came out to the sun." Wei Mingyan said to the old lady, "The second sister and the younger sister went to the dish, milk, I just saw it. You are so smart, those dishes are looking at the spirit of others."

Wei’s grandmother’s face, which was still full of anger, immediately smiled. “It’s that when your grandfather used to do business, he could talk to the milk a lot. Even now I don’t remember so much, compared to the village. Those idiots are also stronger than a little bit."

"I think so too, milk you are better than them."

I got the most beloved grandchildren's compliment, and Wei's grandmother's face almost laughed into a chrysanthemum, and satisfied with it. "Speak clearly, you will study with peace of mind, and you will have money at home. If you want to eat, you will tell milk. Get it for you."

Wei Mingyan reached out and pulled the grandmother's hand. The expression was still faint. The eyes looked at the yellow-black back of the old spot. The tone brought a bit of distress. "Milk, I have bought the books I bought now." I can't use that much money in the future. Don't do so much work every day."

Wei grandma stunned, her grandson, is this distressed her?

Almost immediately, the old lady who was still sinister was red. She held her grandson’s hand back and gently patted the back of Wei Mingyan’s hand. “You can rest assured that the milk is not working, it’s all for you.” Yes, I understand the matter, I know that I am distressed, you are studying, and after finding a good job, the milk will be happy."

"I know that when I earn money from my work, I buy a house in the city and take my milk and enjoy it."

"Okay, okay, the milk is waiting for that day."

Grandma only felt that her heart was so happy. Looking at the four children in the family, she also said that she would buy a house to raise her. Sure enough, her grandson and grandchildren were most intimate.

Looking at the happiness of Wei’s grandmother’s face, Wei Ming’s words seem to be unintentionally mentioned. “Right, I have been back for so long. I haven’t seen my big sister coming home for a long time. I haven’t seen it for so long, I really want to She is."

The three daughters in this family, the big sister Wei Chunshu, the second sister Wei Chunhua, the three sister Wei Chuncao, are all daughters of the Dabo family, and also the cousins ​​of the original master.

At the current time, the granddaughter Wei Chunshu has been married and married to a family who is doing business in the town. Before the grandmother married the grandmother, she married the sister and then hired her to go to the school. Wei Chunshu did not marry. come back.

It’s almost a month since Wei Chunshu’s marriage.

"Thinking about what she did! I heard that the girl who had been married had poured out the water. Before that, the milk still felt that it was not counted. I didn’t expect it to be the case. When I returned to the door, I went back home once. I went out for a month, never went home once, and said that she was married to the town. After that, I would like to pull your brother. It seems to be useless."

Speaking of this grandmother's anger, she prefers her grandson, thinking that her granddaughter's dowry will make her grandchildren better at school, but it will not harm her granddaughter, even if she is in a hurry, it is also Carefully selected people's.

The family she chose for her granddaughter, although the man has no father, but doing business is very good, although the grandmother saw the price of the bride price straight, it was also focused on the investigation, she went to the streets to check, did not hear the man What are the bad habits, but also opened a small shop in the town, usually sell and sell what to eat, see him as a mother, is filial.

Although Wei’s grandmother had only two sons, both of them were filial, and they were all good to their wives. Plus, my dead wife was a filial person, so she thought that the man who was filial to the aging mother was worthy of entrustment. Once again, I heard that this person is usually laughing and greeted with the neighbors, and he is satisfied with a few points.

Before the order was made, she was still afraid that Chunshu’s dead girl would not like it. She took a look at the town and looked at it from afar. After she nodded, she decided to set her family.

Wei grandma originally thought well, her granddaughter married, and gave her grandchildren to school. After she married, she was also a blessing. Maybe she could pull the words afterwards. After all, Chunshu followed her mother and her personality was good. , definitely obedient.

As a result, people married in the past, so close, they came back once, and even a message was not brought back.

Wei Wing's face wrinkles are shaking, with his beloved grandchildren. "I also thought that Chunshu was thinking of you, saying that you didn't see her married at home, and gave you clothes before you got married. I didn't expect people to marry in the past. When you came back, I asked you to bring a message to the house of the niece. This dead girl refused to go home and came to see you. Our family couldn’t help her, then you were king. Grandma also followed the media, saying that the fool of the village was watching Chunshu, and the gift was much more than that given by your brother-in-law. I didn’t agree. I knew that she was such a personality. I should marry her directly. Give that fool!!"

She said that it is the same as true. Wei Mingyan knows that her grandmother can't do such a thing. Although the three granddaughters in the family are not in the same place, there is no such thing as Wei Mingyan's grandson. But in the end, it is the biological, grandma. Even if you are fierce in your mouth, how can you not expect them?

Even in the original ending, if it was not the original leader, the ending of the three girls would not be so miserable.

In front of this old lady who said that her granddaughter looked fierce, she finally took out all the savings to Wei Dabo after seeing her little granddaughter crazy. She jumped on the river where her husband died.

She couldn't accept it because she, the three granddaughters will fall to this end of the day, and it is unacceptable. The grandson who has loved for more than ten years is such a hearted person.

Now, Wei Mingyan looked at her mouth and said all the old ladies who were swearing, and looked out of the kitchen and saw that the grandmother was swearing, and the two girls who looked a little timid, stretched out. I will help her.

"Maybe the brother-in-law is busy, isn't that they open a store? Big sister is married after all, how can I always run to her house."

"Fart!! Your mother and your wife, it is married! It is less than half a month to go back to the mother's house, sometimes to help her family, then look at your sister, usually do not come back, even if, When you come back to live at home, she doesn't want to take a look at it. Feelings of thinking about you on weekdays are all about my old woman!!"

"Before, when you haven't come back, I am not feeling well. I went to the town to look for someone to see. Your brother-in-law ran after running and asked for help. Ask your sister where to go and say that she is not feeling well at home. Listen!!!! My grandmother who grew up pulling them is sick, she is still sleeping at home! Married people really feel that they are not expensive! If you don’t look at our poor relatives, you can’t see it, don’t look Just don't look, I am not rare!!"

"Wait until she was bullied at her husband's house, she didn't support her family, what to do with her!!"

The grandmother said that the more gas, the two sides of the kitchen looked at the side of the kitchen, look a little dazed.

Wei Chuncao is holding the hand of the second sister. "Second sister, is the big sister really abandoning us poor?"

Wei Chunhua also looked at her grandmother with some fear, but she still shook her head firmly. "No, the older sister told us before we got married, we want to help us find someone in the town, and she said that it is so long. Time did not see the words, and when the words came back, she came back with her brother-in-law and said that she would bring us delicious food."

Her young face is full of determination. "The big sister must be too busy, and she can't get out of the air. Let's wait, she will definitely come back."

The two girls are thinking about waiting slowly, but Wei Mingyan is not willing to wait like this. He said directly, "If the big sister doesn't come, let's go, I just want to go to the city to buy books, and take a look at the big sister."

The look of Wei’s grandmother suddenly seemed like he was wronged by the big day. “You go to see what she is doing! She doesn’t want to see you again, you take the initiative to look at it again, and don’t take our family members seriously next time. It!"

"You can rest assured that my brother did not catch up with the marriage. It is normal to come back to see my sister..."

Wei Mingyan's comfort did not get results, but the old lady was more violent. "You don't go! I still don't believe it, this dead girl is still not willing to go home!"

Wei Ming said nothing, just say, "I am always empty in my stomach. I can't eat anything. Isn't the big brother-in-law opened a shop? If you buy it, it's too expensive. If you have a big sister, you can't save some money." ?"

Sure enough, as soon as said, Grandma Wei hesitated immediately.

Seeing it, Wei Mingyan quickly hit the iron, "Milk, I have to pay for my reading. I need to make more supplements. There are so many chickens at home. I can’t always give me a stew of chicken soup. The big sister hurts me the most before she marries. She must be what she is. I’m stunned, we’ve passed, and she’s sure to be very grateful to see them in the past.”

Grandma Wei will automatically pick up the last sentence. After gratitude, I must definitely get some food to give it to me. After all, reading is too tired, or college students.

Although she still has grievances about her granddaughter not taking the initiative to go home, she is still important to her grandson. She is unwilling to nod. "Okay, but I have to go with you. You are young, thin, and a college student. It’s not appropriate to eat anything you take."

Wei Mingyan’s smile could hardly be maintained. This old lady is quite reasonable, knowing that it’s not good to eat white.

Of course, Grandma will not eat white, she can have a face.

The old lady akimbo, turned her head and shouted at the sisters standing at the door of the kitchen. The voice was like Hong Zhong. "You two quickly gave me the bundle of the dish, and the clean and beautiful point! Look for a small dish. Put the basket on! Fill it up!"

When I saw the two obedient sisters to work, this turned around and explained to Wei Mingyan's whispering voice, "Let's bring things to the door, look good, and have a face when you take it."

Wei Mingyan stood straight in the body and tried to hold back the desire/destination to lick his ears, nod and smile.

"You can be really smart with milk."

By noon, the people from the lower land came back and sat at the dinner table. The grandmother announced that she was going to the town to see the granddaughter.

She said this, "If you are married to a younger generation, you don't come back to look at it. The elders can't remember what they can do. They can only do it with their own old bones."

While saying that Wei’s grandmother was holding the eye knife to defend the uncle and Dabo Niang, “I don’t know how you taught it. She wouldn’t come to see me. It’s clear that this college student is hard to go home and is not willing to look at it. At a glance, if you marry, you really don’t rely on your mother’s family?? It’s not good to say that if she has something in the future, it’s not to say that the man is going to support.”

At the dinner table, Wei Dabo licked his lips and wanted to say something to his daughter. He didn't know what to say. He struggled for a long time, but he didn't dare to speak in front of the angry old lady.

Not to mention the big Bo Niang, from the beginning of the first sentence of the grandmother, I can't wait to bury my face in the bowl.

Wei Dabo was a good man, and Da Bo Niang was a weak one. When they first got married, they gave birth to two daughters in three years.

Da Bo Niang’s original temperament was weak. Since she gave birth to her daughter, she even consciously couldn’t lift her head. Later, after she gave birth to her three daughters, she never looked back. She turned to this age and listened to her mother-in-law every day to keep her children. The idea she accepted from a young age was that her son could support the elderly. The daughter was destined to marry, and with the dissatisfaction of her mother-in-law, she did not dare to say a word.

Wei grandma originally loved her grandson. Since her husband died, he faced a grandson who was similar to him. It hurts even more in his heart and heart. When he was young, he was planning for him.

It is precisely because of her tireless chanting that the defender has no son, and that he wants to support the elderly is not to ask him to be a child.

Under the long-term brainwashing of Wei's grandmother, in the hearts of the two, Wei Mingyan is going to give them a pension, a college student who supports the three daughters. They are not relatives, they can't lie on their faces to ask for closeness, but they can do everything. Fully support him to go to school.

Wei Dabo is listening to her mother. Dabo Niang is wholeheartedly for her daughter. She doesn’t live up to her own life. She didn’t give birth to a son. The three daughters who got it didn’t even support their brothers. They could only work hard to be good. After the daughter has something, the nephew can help.

It is precisely because of this kind of thinking that the big daughter who came back to the Ming Dynasty did not come back to look at it. Dabo Niang was a shame from the heart.

Finally, in the eyes of Wei’s grandmother’s victory, she carried her basket and went to the town with her grandson.

Along the way, Wei's grandmother carried something and her face was not red and not breathing. In contrast, Wei Mingyan, who had never exercised before, had a few thin red eyes on her face, and the young girls who passed by looked around could not stop. I will look at this side.

Grandma was more proud of her, but she was proud of her enthusiasm. She was still gentle to her grandson. "Speak, don't be embarrassed by these women. You are a college student, and you should find a college student."

Wei Mingyan nodded obediently. "You can rest assured that I am sure to find a college student to come back and give you a grandmother."

After thinking about it, he said again, "But the female students around me can be squeamish, and even the land is not willing to sweep. I still want to find someone who can come back and help, at least I have to cook."

Grandma agreed, "Yes, you have to find this, and when you get back home, the milk will give you a total of the total."

The two grandparents and grandchildren had to go directly to the store in the town, but Wei Mingyan advised the grandmother that it was now at noon. It is estimated that people are not there, and it is better to go directly to the house.

Grandma’s grandmother has always listened to her grandchildren’s words. She did not even want to go to the son-in-law’s home and walked a lot. The two men walked for another half hour before they arrived at the family that Wei Chunshu married.

This place is a little remote, there is no one around, but the victory is big and good in the yard, there is also a big iron gate, the grandmother was also very satisfied with this point, I feel that the granddaughter is married, the man goes out to do business, at least two women are quite safe.

Wei Mingyan went forward and was about to knock on the door. Suddenly he heard a cry from a woman.

He looked at him and turned to look at his grandmother. "Milk, how do I listen to crying like a big sister?"

Grandma was also paralyzed, and quickly squatted at the door to listen.

The sound inside was even more miserable, and it was indeed the voice of her gentle granddaughter.

She immediately panicked. "What is wrong with this? Is this what your elder sister is doing?"

Wei Mingyan helped him, his expression was dignified, and he slammed into the door.

In this home, the big sister Wei Chunshu is the worst dead, because the family she married, the surface looks good, although it is an orphan, but the man is young, although the appearance is generally not ugly. And it is still a business person. Although it is a small business, the assets in the town are considered to be richer people.

But who else thinks that this seemingly normal man, like his mother, has the problem of beating people.

When Wei’s family discovered it, Wei Chunshu had been scared. The husband said that Dong did not dare to go west. The bride price was already cleaned by the original owner.

"Come here, who!"

Also appeared in the door with an impatient tone, the door opened, a man appeared in front of the grandson and grandson.

After seeing the people, he didn't show any strangeness in his face, his nose was a sour, and then he was punching again.

Seeing the man squinting at his face, Wei Mingyan went straight to the ground and put people on the ground.

Fortunately, it is not too late.

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