MTL - Scum Male’s Whitewashing Manual-v2 Chapter 221 The end of the world to find the way to the end (end)

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The people in this base turned their eyes to the same kind from the beginning of the last days, because the base position is easy to defend and difficult to attack, as long as the bottom of the zombies is not able to get up, even the abilities of the base have little force. And these people have been killed on the way, with the tacit team members, the ending has long been doomed.

When those who were still eager to eat the same kind of people in the past moments pleaded on the blood-stained ground, no one in the team had mercy.

At the beginning, they still had hope. They felt that such a large base could not be all the same kind of animals. When everyone gathered together, everyone was shocked. The anomalies they always felt were where.

The entire base, no old people, no children, no women, and some, only one, eat the fat and strong adult strong.

Soon, they forced the answer.

Children, the first to be eaten, because they are the smallest, the meat is tender, and the easiest to capture, even if the adults look at it, how can it be tight, it is impossible to bring it 24 hours a day, often go out for a trip, come back and everything Gone.

Adults who have lost their children are either going to avenge their vengeance, being eaten, or gazing after they have stared at other children.

The old man, the woman, and finally the men who were unwilling to join them in the same time and did not leave the base in time. At the end of the day, there were only a few strong men in the base who could not be provoked. Others could not eat them, they also ate. Not to others.

Originally, these people are also considered to be laborious, even if they are taken from the wild vegetable fruit that has grown wild since the end of the world. Although they will not eat too much, they will never starve to death. Some people in the E base who have not killed the zombies are This is the case, at least to save a life.

If they can taste the delicious meat, how can they be hungry and the stomach is flat and can't eat meat?

People in the base have a vigilant attitude, and then they deceive people from other places.

Anyway, there are no people around, no one is rushing to escape the base, or a survivor who wants to escape from the zombie city and want to settle in the base.

In the last days, people are the most vigilant and the easiest to believe in others.

When you are tired and hungry, there is a good-hearted person in front of you who has sent delicious meat, even if you are more serious, you will give up your reason.

One by one, the human beings were deceived, locked in cages, like auctions, pulling the ropes to the stage, the people who were bought were immediately killed by the seller, and finally they could not be sold out, they would be cut. A piece of meat on the lower body, bought in two pounds.

Some sellers still have some human nature. They will give these victims a good taste before they sell meat, while others find fun in bullying the "two-legged sheep". They pull people on the stage and tie them tightly with ropes. Strictly, on this lucid body, cut the meat of the knife, and listen to their screams with satisfaction.

The latter are all said by survivors who are kept in cages and have not yet been killed.

The players on the scene were also experienced in the knives and mountains of fire. But this is the case. Just listening to the words that these people have numb, they feel that their stomachs are nausea, and several people have vomited while holding their chests.

If you just said that some people think that their psychology and physiology are very uncomfortable after killing people, then after seeing the human beings in those cages, these discomforts have turned into disgust and hatred, and there is a thick Strong self-blame!

How did they just kill those people so happily! Why don't you torture it a few times!

Otherwise, according to the tricks of those people who treat the same kind, they also use it once again. How good it feels.

It is a pity that when they think that they still have a mouth in their hands, no one still treats them as they thought.

After all, they are people, they can't do such a killing.

The bodies of these people were eventually burned clean by a fire, and those who were rescued chose to leave without exception.

Even knowing that the demons are dead, those nightmare scenes are still dead on everyone.

Individual cages were opened, and the surviving human beings were released, and they found that in almost every household, there were some residues that they had eaten humans.

Sometimes it is bones, sometimes clothing, and the team that Wei Mingyan brought, found an arm in the barrel.

Apparently the girl's hand, the time to cut down is not very long, the bottom is full of blood, and in the original filigree jade, the ring finger is wearing an ordinary ring.

Wei Mingyan sighed and let the man put the arm together with the bodies that were found to have not been eaten. The last one was burned clean.

When disaster strikes, some people choose to stand up and protect the people they want to protect, while others turn into demons. When they make a series of unworthy things, what face is pleading for mercy before death.

When the entire base was emptied and the survivors were placed in the Grand Place, they looked at the abilities of the crowd. Some of the former squad members who were detached were more quiet than before.

In the eyes of this person who eats people, the meat of the abilities is better to sell than the average person, just like the difference between a free-range chicken and a caged chicken. Of these people, of course, the most caught It is the three kinds of powers that have no attacking power.

Most of the squad are these three series, especially the water system is the most soil, the rabbit is dead and sorrowful, watching these abilities who are used as food in the cage, their feelings will certainly be deeper, and more The person who is grateful is cast a glance at the teenager sitting at the top.

If it weren't for him, they might be like those who were locked up in cages. They had no self-protection ability and could only be slaughtered as cattle and sheep.

For them, death is not terrible, but it is too disgusting and wrong to die.

The survivors who were found scattered in the square were supported by two or three, and some were injured and temporarily unable to move. Some were crazy to leave this infernal place, and in this confusion, they were The two elderly people who helped the team out were more conspicuous.

"The old man is having a fever. I have a fever medicine and I will take it for him."

The hair is full of gray, the old grandmother's eyes are red and swollen, and I don't forget to look at the two good people with gratitude. "Thank you, if you are not you, I really don't know what to do."

"It's okay, we are following the above."

"Yeah, hey, it's coming, let's rest in front, then I will go back and take the antipyretic."

The two young boys scratched their heads and smiled embarrassedly. They are typical examples of the team's break. After the end of the world, although the awakening power is waste wood, the young and strong, the brain is flexible, has not joined yet. Although the squad was not full before eating, at least not starved.

Since joining the squad, the person they admire most is Wei Mingyan. However, they dare not go together to offer their courtesy. They have to squash each time with Feng Xinglu, who has been with his brother, listening to his various rumors.

In Feng Xinglu's eyes, Wei Mingyan is a good boy with all-round development of morality, intelligence, beauty and beauty. If it is not the end of the world, it is definitely a good person who will see the old grandmother crossing the road before the end of the world.

Not to mention how many bragging ingredients in this sentence, I just said that these two young people, since then, secretly decided to learn with idols.

Xing Lu Ge said, follow the words and learn, you can definitely get a good result.

Don't say anything else, the luck can be increased!

I was thinking that Feng Xinglu, who was about to cook, passed two people and saw them carefully guarding the two elderly people and said hello.

"Avon Awu is doing good deeds too? Do it well!"

The young man immediately straightened his waist, "Yes! Star Lu!"

Watching them finish greetings and continue to carefully support the two old men to go forward, Feng Xinglu is a little funny, just a high-ranking team member came over and saw him laughing at Awen Awu, the brothers, smiling together.

"Xing Lu, what is the truth you said to them? Is it true that the brother is such a person?"

Feng Xinglu coughed twice and suppressed his smile, forcing himself to be serious. "What told me, that is what they understand."

"Go to you, it's not that you brag, these two deceived to believe."

"What is called me bragging, what I said is correct, my brother is a good person, my brother is very lucky, I have not said that if they learn to speak, they can be lucky!"

After Feng Xing’s reply to Lu Yizheng’s words, he suddenly found that the two had stopped. “Hey? What happened to them?”

The team member also curiously looked at his feet. "It seems like a buddy..."

"Speaking... really is you..."

When the two talked, this will work. Wei Mingyan has already ran to the two old people. Grandma Liang’s hands are shaking with excitement, tears are flowing, and the old voice with crying is full of joy and helplessness for a long time. .

"Grandma thought that I couldn't see my words in my life..."

After the outing, the youngsters who did not like to be in contact with people were also red-eyed. They let their grandmother pull themselves to the side, and a pair of worried eyes looked at the confused grandfather. "What happened to Grandpa?"

"Hot fever, I just met two kind-hearted boys, not only rescued us, but also said to give your grandfather a fever-reducing medicine."

The restlessness and fear of Liang’s mother’s heart finally disappeared after seeing her favorite grandson. “Bright words, you can thank everyone.”

Avon Awu has long been stupid.

At the same time as the juvenile eyes looked over, they were a spirited person and quickly stood up straight. "Speaking brother, taking care of things, taking care of things!"

Wei Mingyan looked at the two people's eyes compared to the previous cold and soft, not a little bit. "You two are good, I will follow me later."

Avon Awu: Mom! The sky is falling!

They stood rigidly in the same place, watching the youngster take over the grandfather Liang, followed by Grandma Liang, the family slowly walked away with the joy of reunion.

Even, they can still hear the old lady who is kind enough to talk to her brother. "Brightly, do you know the two guys? They are all good people, especially taking care of me and your grandfather."

"I know that they have two hearts."

"My heart is good, how many black-hearted people I met with your grandfather on the road, clearly, when you are young, you must stay with the good-hearted people, you know?"

"Grandma, don't worry, I will take them with you in the future. Right, tell me about you and my grandfather, and what happened to my grandfather's fever. I have medicine on the car. We say one side. Go get the medicine."

Feng Xinglu has already come to war, and I don’t know why. Ming Ming’s brother hasn’t cut him off for the first time. It’s OK to be ridiculous and ridiculous, but Feng Xinglu feels that he is particularly afraid of him.

Of course, he firmly believes that this is not awkward, just an effective instinct for dangerous animals!

Fortunately, when Feng Xinglu quietly came over, Wei Mingyan had only one back left to him. He breathed a sigh of relief and patted the shoulder of one of the young people. "Awen, his brother and just now. Two old people know?"

Awen’s eyes are sluggish: “Speaking brother called their grandparents...”

Awu nodded, and seemed to be immersed in this huge pie. He was incredulous and unbelievable. "It won't be what we got out this time... old gentleman, old lady..."

Feng Xinglu: "..." will not be so smart.

He swallowed, "Where did you find the two?"

Awen Awu replied honestly, "When the cage is on the side, when it is about to go down."

Feng Xinglu: "...Do you know your brother?"

The two shook their heads. "You shouldn't know now."


Along with a huge sound, the building that was said to have seven or eight floors in front of it was frozen by ice. The bottom of it was like an earthquake.

Feng Xing Lu Yan looked at the building that had become an ice sculpture, and said, "You should know now."

They are ten miles away, except for the brothers, who can have such great destructive power!


Awen Awu is also a silly look at the building for a while. Seeing everyone rushing to see the excitement, and eager to go, before I went, I took Feng Xinglu and expressed my sincere gratitude.

"Thank you for teaching us before, my brother just said, let us stay with him!"

The face of the young man is a pure silly smile.

"Sure enough, as you said, there will be good news in good deeds, and we must do more good things in the future."

Feng Xinglu: ...he won't fall out of favor...


Good things don't necessarily pay off, but Wei Mingyan has been trying to do good things.

For example, after killing all the human beings who have eaten people, facing the ridiculous base, he took it very kindly and avoided the weeds.

Grandma’s body is still okay, and Liang’s grandfather is not very good. After he’s apocalypse, he doesn’t know why it’s greatly increased. When the group came to pick up two people, in order to avoid extra-budgets, they only said that they were sent by Liang Weimin. Liang's grandmother followed with joy, and Grandpa Liang found out that it was wrong.

After several temptations, he finally determined that these people, even if their sons were sent and sons, were definitely not a heart, looking at the sight of their two old guys, full of malicious.

Grandpa Liang did not say it at the first time he found it, but his performance was like Grandma Liang. After those people relaxed their vigilance, they quietly told their husbands.

Originally, both of them planned to flee. I didn’t expect such a bad luck to meet the cannibal base. Those who betrayed Liang Weimin’s abilities were put into the pot early because of the special status of the abilities. Only two of them were left. Because of the frail age, I have observed it for a while.

After all, Grandpa Liang was older, and he thought much more during this time. When the cold wind blows, the burning face is light.

Fortunately, Feng Xinglu, who has been more and more like a serious doctor since the end of the world, looked at it. Although it burned badly, it still stabilized.

The two old people were frightened and old enough. It was not very smooth to go to the E base for a long time. In addition, Wei Mingyan had other plans, so they temporarily settled at the base.

The first is to reset the defense, the terrain here is easy to defend, and the original layer of defense, the players work together, and soon set up.

Then, it is the big cleaning of the entire base.

Here, it used to be a base for people who have eaten. Maybe in a corner, there was a corpse. Everyone was awkward and a little jealous. So I used the boiling water to clean the whole base and finally controlled it. Those waters rolled out.

Then, the house was demolished and rebuilt. Those big pots that didn't know what they had cooked were handed over to the two gold sisters to melt and recast. When everything was in order, the white snow had fallen from the sky and there was a white everywhere. .

The zombies are slowing down with heavy snow, and this winter may be cruel, but perhaps it is a breath for humans.

When Grandpa Liang can laugh and happily come out to enjoy the snow with his wife, Liang father brought his team to it.

The reason why the team is driving slowly is because there are too many people this time.

Wei Mingyan dialed half of the people before going out to return to the E base to bring news to Liang's father, and the other half of the team members who did not go to the team also wrote letters to them, and got rid of them to send these letters to their families.

This base, they are one by one, they are maintained by themselves. Compared with the E base, although the population is small, it is far better than the topography and safety. They also decided to I have to stay with my brother for a long time, and of course I want to borrow my family and live together.

There are letters written by relatives, as well as the members who went together to testify, plus Liang Fu to protect, although the heart is awkward, these are old, or few relatives still keep up with the team.

Before Liang’s father left, of course, he also greeted the leader of the base. Since Wang Xing fell, Liang’s father was a big one, and the small general was also unable to sleep at night. Before that, he and Liang’s father had a good relationship, but in the end, the hearts of the people were separated. I am afraid that he will want to shoot for himself.

Even if a person’s thoughts are hidden any more, they will still be revealed. Liang’s father did not expect to leave the E base. After all, he has devoted so much effort here, and if he wants to leave, he must find a new base. Don't talk about how much trouble there is, just go to a new place, and have to deal with the local snake again, it makes him a headache.

Plus, if he wants to go, he is not alone. The people under his hand must always take it away. And these people can't all be single, they are doing it with themselves, isn't it just for their loved ones to live a good life? The loved ones must always take it away, plus a lot of supplies, etc...

Liang’s father’s concerns are many, but he did not expect that his son had a single base and solved it directly.

Is it dangerous on the way? They came straight on the road and killed the zombies and mutant beasts.

Are you afraid that the new base will not work well with the leaders? Put a base and be your own master.

Shipping supplies is too much trouble? Feng Xinglu has been wearing a space bracelet for life.

Is there too many cars for subordinates? Inside the snail shell, it is warm and safe.

Liang’s father habitually wants to find the drawbacks of leaving the E base. However, after the son has handled everything, it’s nothing.

In addition, the young general is no more than the former attitude. He is also somewhat disheartened. He simply took it down. After he greeted him, he took the people and walked through the city that Wei Mingyan had cleaned up. New base.

Liang father couldn't help but proudly, the base his son found!

Sure enough, those who used to say that his son was jealous are nonsense!

Look at his son, there is more interest! How powerful!


When Liang Fu thought so, there was also someone who thought that his son had a great interest.

Because Chen Gang’s old mother is old, she has been taken care of by the snail shell. Even so, when she arrived at the base, she was uncomfortable.

But because my heart wanted to see my son's thoughts, even if I really wanted to take a nap, Chen Mu still trembled next to her wife.

Chen Gang’s daughter was born after he left. Although he was in a hurry, the things that should be given to the old mother and his wife were not dropped at all, because Wei Mingyan said before this time that the road was difficult and the family did not stay. Men, it is best to move people to the small yard on the side of the father, commonly known as the family.

There, he gave his training rewards and the meat from the base of the mutant beast to his mother's wife, so although Chen Gang's wife was produced without her husband, it was good. .

Under the harsh winter, she was hiding in a thick quilt, next to a small and well-behaved daughter, and Chen Gang’s old mother was very helpful.

Although the son specially hired someone to entrust her to help when the wife produced, but she is a child grandmother, how can I just watch it!

The child has always been very well-behaved, holding a small fist to sleep every day, watching people feel soft and happy, Chen mother looked at the little granddaughter, while enjoying, but worried about her father and her son.

It’s been a long time.

Fortunately, the child did not worry about how long, the child was asked to trust back.

The letter said that the brothers occupied an empty base, they made it safe and good, just waiting for the family to enjoy.

When other people are still hesitating to go to a strange place, Chen Mu is very firm and signed up. Her son knows that if the base is better than the E base, how can she be willing to let them travel long distances? It.

Therefore, Chen’s attitude towards this strange base has always been optimistic.

She has been observing since she came, and sure enough, just like what her son said, it is a good place.

And looking at the people around and going to patrol, and the neat and clean road, even if the children grow up in the future, they don't have to worry too much about her safety.

Chen Mu is more and more happy, and she is more and more happy. When she is happy with her daughter-in-law, she will follow the people who lead the way to Chen Gang’s residence. Looking at this solid big house, the smile on her face will be even bigger.

This house is good, there is a yard, it is convenient for children to grow up and play in the yard.

"Auntie, nephew, I put it here, Chen Gang should be inside, I will continue to send the next one."

The men who escorted the two men smiled and put their luggage down, and they greeted and left.

Chen Mu and her daughter-in-law looked at each other for a long time. They didn’t meet each other for so long. The two were more or less excited. She took the lead and knocked on the door.


Chen Gang just finished training and was going to go outside to see how the mother and daughter-in-law had heard the sound of knocking outside when they had not come. I opened the door and saw it.

"Mom! Wife!!"

The excitement on his face was not completely bloomed, and he saw the embarrassment held in his wife's arms. After a second of confusion, he was even more excited.

"This, this is..."

"It’s a daughter, it’s awkward, I haven’t got a name yet, just waiting for you to take it.” Chen Gang’s wife, holding her child, looked at her husband’s sweet smile.

A family of four entered the house, and they were about to talk about how they lived separately. Chen’s eyes fell into the house.

She is silent.

There is nothing in this room, empty!

Her son is not saying that life is good! Is this life good? I don’t see the roots and leaves!

Chen Mu is not abandoning her own son, but there is also a daughter-in-law who wants to feed the milk doll to drink milk.

Chen Gang’s wife also found an empty space in the house. Although she was worried that she would not be able to eat milk if she could not eat enough, she still firmly said to her husband, “Gangzi, as long as we can be together, we will suffer bitterly. Eat bitter."

Chen Mu moved to look at her own good cockroaches, and looked at the son who had not changed a few days. "Yes, the family is the most important thing."

Chen Gang was careful to hold her daughter to see her. Hearing this words and nodding his head, he felt inexplicably strange.

How do you feel that this sentence is a bit wrong?

The same scene appears in countless houses.

These people used to eat big pots of rice. Every day they were busy with various trainings to go hunting. When there was time to clean up their houses, there was nothing but the wardrobe and the bed. There was nothing careful about picking up the family. I have already been picked up by the beggars before, and I am pleased to ask the plant abilities to help create tables and chairs. If Chen Gang is so careless, he can only be misunderstood by the family.

In the afternoon, Feng Xing Lu Qin diligently sent the box to the door, and the kind of comfort that the family had before was broken.

Waiting for the passengers to take Feng Xinglu away, Chen Mu looked at the large meat in the box, her tears immediately fell off before meeting.

Even Chen Gang’s wife is crying with her children.

Chen Gang, who is waiting for his loved ones to praise him, is full of joy: "... are you crying?"

"These are all exchanged for your life. You are not willing to eat, but you have to leave it to us..."

Chen mother wiped her tears with her sleeves. "Gangzi, Mom knows that you are good to your family, but if you are so hard, you must feed yourself first. If you are tired, I will marry you and your wife. What else do you look forward to..."

Chen Gang’s wife nodded.

Chen Gang: ...he doesn't feel tired, these mutant beasts are not very easy to fight down? At that time, the brothers still laughed.

"Mom, I can't eat it until I leave it to you, really!"

"How can the meat not be eaten, husband, don't yell at us, we know your heart."

Chen Gang, who has a variety of fancy meats along the way: "..."

Looking at the widowed mother-in-law, he sighed, forget it, don't explain it.

Anyway, time will prove everything.


In the third year of the last days, Chen Gang’s daughter was already able to run in the yard. Chen Gang’s old mother had become accustomed to eating meat at home and eating meat. When she wanted to eat, she ate vegetables. When there was no difference in life before the end of the world, Liang Mingxi and Cheng Yu married. It is.

In the past three years, Cheng Yu has always guarded Liang Mingxi's side to solve problems for her, but she has never said a word, like a loyal wood, always guarding Liang Mingxi.

Everyone saw that Cheng Hao liked Liang Mingxi, and even Liang Mingxi had asked him several times, but every success of Cheng Hao’s reaction made her admit that she thought more.

In such a situation that the emperor was not in a hurry and was in a hurry, Wei Mingyan directly said that he had a secret, and he asked very much, and he was euphemistic and not eager.

"Sister, when are you married to Chengge?"

Liang Mingwei Cheng Yu: "..."

The two finally talked for one night and finally decided to get married.

On the day they got married, Wei Mingyan turned to find the firecrackers he had saved for three years and let him go.

If it is the first year, maybe this firecracker will have scruples, but now it is no exaggeration to say that there is no threat around the base.

Now everyone wants to eat something meat, and they can't go out and grab it as if they wanted to eat it before, but they have to eat it in the base.

Below the base is green and oily food, not yet in the harvest season, but because the plants have grown very fast since the end of the world, they can harvest a lot of food after a few months.

Almost everyone in the base is not lacking in food and clothing. At first, it may be a little hard, but with the encouragement of Liang’s father, they lacked clothes, and they learned to do it themselves. If they lacked food, they would scatter seeds and harvest, although there was no last days. It’s that easy, but good, they all survived.

More and more people know this safe and worry-free base, and even several other bases have contacted Liang's father, and are willing to use materials in exchange for food.

And the father of Liang's father is married, such a good day, other bases in order to show friendship, of course, also send people.

When the firecrackers sounded, the people from other bases were reflexively taut, and even some people directly took out their weapons and watched them around. After all, in their impression, this fierce sound rang, not more than five minutes. A large number of zombies have to arrive.

On the other hand, the people in the base, almost all of them looked at them with strange eyes, first confused, then comforted by the sudden realization, "Don't worry, the zombies around our base are cleaned up, nothing will happen."

People at other bases: I believe you have ghosts.

Then it turned out that until half an hour later, various kinds of cuisine were served, newcomers were admitted, and no zombies came to the base.

Many kinds of cuisines that only existed before the end of the world have been on the table, and many people have begun to swallow. Three years later, many of the abilities have been much stronger, plus the method that was taught before Wei Mingyan, now The mutant beast is not incomprehensible, but like today, a table of ten dishes and eight dishes are amaranth, and I have never really felt it.

Just as everyone sighed that the base was the richest and swallowed, no one noticed that the woman sitting on the left side of the head of a base in the east was looking at a pair of new people on the stage with a complicated look.

She was Bai Xiang who fled in the same car as Wei Mingyan’s younger brother and sister.

At first she thought that these two people were whimsical, or that Wei Mingyan wanted to take the opportunity to take revenge. I did not expect that they actually found Liang Mingxi.

Finally, he became the owner of this base.

Seeing Liang Mingxi seems to be coming over, Bai Xiang quickly bowed his head. She is no longer the self-righteous college student. After three years of research, she has already understood what it means to be a man with a tail.

In the past three years, she was thinking about following a man in the first place. Now, she only wants to get some of her family from the man she followed before she left.

But before that, she had to solve the problem of grabbing business with herself.

Thinking, Bai Xiang glanced at the woman sitting on the right side of the man.

She looked pitiful and pale, and saw Bai Xiang glanced over, and quickly and carefully hid behind, and wished to put the whole body in a group.

Bai Xiang is weird. This woman is always a bully of her, but she is not as scared as she is now.

But seeing the scars on the woman's arm, she was not interested. The man who followed this time was generous, but he was a violent person. Once she went to bed, she had to raise it for several days.

Forget it, still don't think about it, live a life.

On the stage, Wei Mingyan glanced at the direction of the person in charge of the base. Liang’s father looked serious. “What do you look at? Do you see the two women? I told you that they are raised by others, don’t think about it. ""

"The one on the right is the little lover of my ex-boyfriend. I didn't expect to be alive." Wei Mingyan was afraid that Liang's father couldn't remember, reminding him, "That is the one who was directly stunned by my sister."

Liang's mouth was pumped, and he glanced in that direction. He saw the woman's bruises and was not interested.

It’s okay for his daughter to be good, what to do with it.


Liang Mingxi’s life after marriage is very happy, because the attitude of Cheng Yu has never changed. If he has to say it, it is more intimate.

Although he doesn't like to talk sweetly, he pays more attention to practical actions. He is stupid and doesn't know what to ask for. The two stay together. Even if they don't do anything, it's pink bubbles.

She originally thought that this life is like this, although there are times of thrills from time to time, but there are also surprises to go on. I did not expect the fifth year of the end of the world, Grandpa Liang actually researched the zombie vaccine.

The vaccine is administered 24 hours and will not be infected.

As long as the injection is the first time, it will never be infected again.

The news said that it is not a sensation to the world. Even if there are too few devices, each country still has a difficult contact with the base. After paying some price, it has successfully obtained the vaccine formula.

The vaccinated warriors began to completely remove the zombies, which is different from the previous boring. This time, everyone is full of hope.

As long as you kill this batch, there will never be a new source of zombies like before.

Humans, finally no longer need to hide!

In less than half a year, all zombies were cleared.

But in order to prevent the fish from leaking, everyone must be vaccinated.

The sixth year of the last days

The number of pedestrians on the street has gradually increased, and various equipments have sprung up like the last days. Modern society has finally returned.

In this environment that was finally completely safe, Liang Mingqi gave birth to a daughter.

Cheng Yu gave her the name 兮兮, taken from the homophonic hope.

Since the zombie was completely wiped out, Wei Mingyan, who had been ecstatic, had come back. He asked if he could give the little girl a nickname.

Liang Mingxi has always loved this younger brother. Cheng Xiao and he are his own brothers. Apart from the father who has been clamoring for the nickname of his little granddaughter, there is no obstacle at all.

In the past six years, the face has gradually disappeared from being male and female, but the handsome Wei Mingyan gently embraced the baby in her arms. She looked at her in the middle of her voice and smiled and laughed.

"Just call her grass."

"I hope she grows healthy like grass."

Liang Mingqi nodded quickly and smiled. "Well, it is called grass."

"This is also against my abilities. Mom is a plant abilities, and it is not wrong to scream grass."

She took the child handed over by her brother, and smiled and teased the child in her arms. "Small grass, my little grass."

Cheng Yu also looked at the smile of his daddy, and cautiously put the little hand that had exposed his daughter outside.

"Alum, your body is still weak, come and cover the quilt."

"Look at you, how can it be so delicate, how many days have I been."

"Little grass, look at your father, this silly..."

Liang Mingxi’s happiness lasted for a lifetime.

As her younger brother, Wei Mingyan’s life has not been embarrassed. He seems to be the long-lost child. He likes to play around in various countries and then send gifts back.

At the beginning of the country's unified detection of abilities, Wei Mingyan's abilities directly let the instrument explode, the whole family knows, so it is not very worried about his safety, only when he is a child's heart, every time you receive a gift, you have to be surprised.

Until Liang Mingxi passed away, her daughter always received all kinds of gifts from Xiaoyan.

【Ding! The mission is completed, please choose: 1, vacation, 2, continue the mission. 】

[Continue the mission. 】


When Wei Mingyan opened his eyes again, he found himself sitting at his desk, and an open book was on the table.

In the ear is an old voice yelling: "Dead scorpion film! Let you work a little bit, where the ear grows! If I bother my grandson to study! I must have licked your skin!"

The sound was sharp and long, and at the same time it was strangely accompanied by the violentness of the bellows, and almost did not scare the pen on his hand.

It’s not been three seconds, and it’s screaming again outside: “Wei Chunhua! The broom in your hand gave me a small voice! I don’t know if my grandson is studying! I’m going to sweep the ground and give me the chicken nest. The eggs are coming out, I have to give my family and grandchildren a good supplement!"

After saying this, the outside quieted again, Wei Mingyan was about to read the plot, and it was picked up outside. In less than a minute, a grinning old lady opened the curtain and walked in.

"Speaking, are you hungry? Thirsty and thirsty, Grandma lets you cook your eggs and you can eat them right away."

The voice, how gentle and gentle, how much more affinity and more affinity, can not help but let the face of Wei Mingyan relax.

He struggled to read a little memory, opened his mouth, "milk..."

In the next second, the old lady’s ear, which was just full of good looks, changed her face and looked fiercely toward the outside. “Wei Chuncao!! Don’t talk to your dead girl! I don’t know if I will quarrel with my grandson. Read a book! Give me a tight mouth! Let me say a word more, my aging mother, let me drink the northwest wind today!"

As soon as the voice fell, she turned her head and her face was refilled with a loving smile. Looking at my grandson, how gentle and gentle, "Don't worry, the milk won't let them yell at you."

I didn’t even hear someone talking outside. Instead, the old girl’s ear canal was like a bit of pain. The smile on Wei Ming’s face was stiff and stiff, and while reading the memory, she burst into a smile.

Maybe this is a sss-level world... right?

Read The Duke's Passion