MTL - Return of the Dead [Holo]-Chapter 213

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In the last life, before the destruction of the dead, humans, orcs, and elves fought wars for a long time. Their main purpose was to divide the territory and still want to fight for a ranking to see who can become the overlord in the end.

This period of time is about two to three years. During this period of time, they slightly relaxed their hunting of the dead and gave the dead a chance to breathe. However, this opportunity seems to be before the storm. As calm as it is, it has no meaning except that it brings a longer foreshadowing to the **** final massacre.

Before that, Ming Yuechen, who had been wandering on the edge, finally returned to the vision of humans in the battle against orcs and elves. As the strongest human being, and the only player among all races who has reached level eight, his Toughness can no longer be described in words. Basically, a battle with him is equivalent to deciding whether to win or lose in advance.

The victories again and again allowed him to win the glory that the strongest human being should have, but it seemed that he no longer had the sincere smile that was with Mo Ran at that time. It is a mask-like slut, although beautiful and attractive, but extremely cruel, at this time Ming Yuechen has become like a war machine who seems to be uninterested in anything except fighting.

Such a change made Xu Nancheng very satisfied. He tested Ming Yuechen again and again to confirm that Ming Yuechen had become a weapon he was satisfied with.

Until that day comes.

The territory of the dead is gradually shrinking. Under the siege and interception of the three major races, the dead are becoming less and less. After years of circling with other races, they also clearly know the secrets about their hearts, so they have to do the last thing. Therefore, a special gem called Explosive Gem appeared, which can be made into various accessories and worn, and at the most critical moment, as long as it is crushed, it can detonate itself.

No one wants to die, but compared with death, encroaching without dignity seems to be more terrifying, so suicide by detonating burst gems has become a shortcut to return to peace.

Mo Ran never thought that he would watch the whole process of his death from a different angle, probably few people in the world would have such an opportunity.

She watched Ming Yuechen walking out

"Bring back all the last remaining dead." Ming Yuechen had a faint smile on his face, his eyebrows swirling, and he was full of flair.

Xu Nancheng's hand that was tidying his cloak slipped down, and patted his chest a few times: "The dead are our most important resource, and now there are fewer and fewer dead left, so the remaining dead, Not one of them is missing. Remember, they all have Explosive Gems on their bodies, and they must be removed."

"No problem." Ming Yuechen nodded obediently, then raised his eyebrows towards Xu Nancheng: "Is there anything else?"

Xu Nancheng stared at the face of Ming Yuechen in front of him, as if he wanted to see his heart and his true thoughts through this smiling face. After a long time, he said slowly: "The goal of this time is There is an acquaintance in the middle, do you know who it is?"

"Did you say Mo Ran?" Ming Yuechen mentioned the name as if he didn't care at all, and it was no different from calling a cat or dog on the street casually. "I didn't expect that she is still alive, and her life is still very hard."

Xu Nancheng smiled. After so many years, he has cultivated more peacefully and calmly. Even though no one can guess his thoughts, he listened to Ming Yuechen's words and nodded in agreement: "Yes, so many years She hid it well." However, as he spoke, his tone changed: "Did you know that she is already a level-7 dead person, and many of our level-7 masters ended up dying when fighting her , so we speculate that her level is above level seven and five lamps."

Ming Yuechen seemed to be puzzled and raised his eyebrows: "So?"

"Achen, you are the strongest of us humans, so I leave it to you to deal with Mo Ran. She is a very fierce opponent." Xu Nancheng looked at Ming Yuechen, with a very meaningful expression on his lips. smile.

"Level seven and five lamps..." Ming Yuechen gently rubbed his chin with his hand, as if thinking about it: "It doesn't matter whether it's life or death?"

Xu Nancheng froze for a moment, then shook his head immediately: "No, I want to live."

Ming Yuechen was obviously not satisfied with such a request. He clicked his tongue a few times, and his eyes showed his respect for Xu without hesitation.

As he said that, he put down the finger rubbing his chin, looked at his palm meaningfully, raised his eyes and smiled without concealing it at all: "My lord, let the horse run and not let the horse eat grass. You can change things."

Xu Nancheng's face was a little embarrassed, but soon he raised his head and laughed, as if he was very happy. After a while, he restrained his smile and looked at Ming Yuechen again: "I have a daughter, if If you can catch Mo Ran alive, I will marry her to you." After speaking, he paused, and said very subtly: "Everything about me belongs to her."

Ming Yuechen narrowed his eyes, and slightly retracted the flirtatious smile on his lips, as if evaluating Xu Nancheng's words, and said after a while: "Very sincere."

After saying that, Ming Yuechen turned his horse's head and left quickly.

From Xu Nancheng's point of view, Ming Yuechen had already agreed to his request. He let out a shallow breath, and Bai Yuanshan, who had been standing beside him, asked in a low voice, "Are you going to marry Xu Ran to him?"

"He is worthy too?" Xu Nancheng still had a warm smile on his face.

Mo Ran looked at Ming Yuechen's back and blinked.


By this time also no promises?

In the wilderness, the last dead were like blooming flowers, bursting one by one under the withered grass and the scorching sun.

Mo Ran stood behind Ming Yuechen, she looked at herself standing opposite, she was thin but unusually radiant, probably the madness before death, she was not polite to Ming Yuechen, but unfortunately, she faced too many people , she was eventually captured.

Ming Yuechen held Feng Chuixue and stood in front of the former Mo Ran. He said some cruel words, but Mo Ran noticed that his hand holding Feng Chuixue was trembling uncontrollably.

Then he raised his sword and pierced the former Mo Ran's chest. At that time, Mo Ran probably couldn't believe it in her heart, with the last trace of expectation for Ming Yuechen. She widened her eyes, and all the suppressed love It all turned into hatred, and her eyes became redder.

However, Mo Ran, who was standing on the side, saw more,

At this time, Mo Ran felt that she finally understood the reason why Ming Yuechen wanted to stab her. If she hurt her heart a little bit, her heart would crystallize and be damaged. Even if she didn't die, Xu Nancheng would no longer be able to use her heart. , and this knife will hurt himself, but it will not kill him.

Probably this is the only way Ming Yuechen can think of to save his life under the current situation.

It's a pity that because of the shaking of Ming Yuechen's hand just now, it was still a little bit off, probably a little bit away from the angle of the heart, so...

So he twisted the wind and snow.

Mo Ran saw that although Ming Yuechen's hand holding Feng Chuixue was motionless, all the knuckles had turned white, while the other hand hidden behind the cloak was trembling violently, and thin sweat broke out uncontrollably from his forehead. The whole person is as stretched as a thin bowstring, as if it will break when it is plucked lightly.

When looking at this matter from Mo Ran's own point of view, all she saw was Ming Yuechen's lack of hesitation, Ming Yuechen's cruelty, and Ming Yuechen's betrayal regardless of the feelings between them. Looking at the past, everything that can be seen is different.

Ming Yuechen said: "Mo Ran, don't forget, you are a human being." He couldn't let go of his identity, he knew that the dead would perish, and he thought she would leave a way out.

Ming Yuechen said: "Mo Ran, you have to be obedient." He didn't want to control himself, but told her not to move around. He was afraid that he would not be able to control his own strength, and if the wound on his heart was left too deep, he would not save her again. not her.

Ming Yuechen said: "Mo Ran, follow me." This was the only way of life he could arrange for himself, the only way of life he could give her under the pressure of powerful enemies Lin Li and Xu Nancheng.

At this time, Ming Yuechen is still the strongest human being who lives for the great cause of mankind and for the supremacy of the interests of the race. This is probably the biggest betrayal he has done in his life...

The sorrows and joys of human beings are not interlinked, and Mo Ran cannot accurately feel the feelings of Ming Yuechen at this moment.

After thinking for a long time, Mo Ran saw that his former self resolutely crushed the explosive gem hidden in his skin, turning into a **** mess.

Ming Yuechen didn't seem to have thought of such a consequence at all, he just stood there, his eyes still wide open, seeing that Mo Ran, who was still alive just now, had turned into a **** mess, and the people around him not far away The masters of all races seemed to be terrified by the scene before them, and they all took a step back involuntarily, and the whispering voices soon spread in the wilderness.

His lips opened slowly, and there was a low gasp in his throat, his whole expression was extremely hollow, Ming Yuechen stood there like this, even his body trembled uncontrollably, he went Taking a step back, the heel of his left foot pressed against a hard rock, as if this was the only way to support his body.

Mo Ran was standing directly opposite Ming Yuechen, she looked at him motionless, the pores on the skin could be seen from a close distance, she saw Ming Yuechen's eyelashes trembling uncontrollably, and then a big tear fell from his cheek The inside of his left eye slipped down, as if he realized something, he lowered his head to hide the tear.

The human beings who followed Ming Yuechen flocked to them. They searched continuously in the wilderness full of corpses, trying to find usable fragments. When the crowd surged up like a tide, Ming Yuechen easily It was submerged in it, as if a drop of water had merged into the ocean, never to be seen again.

Only Mo Ran, Mo Ran was still standing in front of him, watching him trembling, and finally regained his composure after a long time, at this time he seemed to have found something on Feng Chuixue, Ming Yuechen lifted Feng Chuixue up flat , put it in front of your eyes.

It wasn't until this time that Mo Ran also realized that there was a small amount of black powder left on Feng Chuixue's blade. They were glued into lumps by blood and stuck to Feng Chuixue. They were very small, probably only fingernails. Size, if you don't pay attention, the weapon will disappear with a flick.

Mo Ran stared at the pinch of black

Ming Yuechen stared at the pinch of black powder for a few seconds, with a horrified expression on his face, his body trembled a bit, but his hands holding Feng Chuixue were steady, without the slightest hint of shock. In the next second, he took out a small bottle from his bag, carefully swept the black powder into the bottle, and carefully kept it close to his body.

Mo Ran just looked at Ming Yuechen like this, and after seeing that he had put away the bottle, he tried his best to lift the corner of his mouth, trying to show that romantic smile again, but in the end he couldn't do it, so he simply lowered his head and wanted to blow the wind away. Fubuki put it back into the scabbard, but his hands were shaking violently, and the things that are usually easy to do at this moment are so rare that they seem to go to the blue sky.

After inserting it several times in a row, Ming Yuechen was still unable to put Feng Chuixue into the scabbard. In the end, he simply used the most stupid way, holding the blade of the sword and inserting Feng Chuixue in. When he put the knife into the sheath, his head Hanging all the time, even Mo Ran couldn't see the expression on his face, but the moment he closed the scabbard, Mo Ran saw a drop of water stains left on the shining sword, but then followed the knife. The sheath disappears.

When he raised his head again, Ming Yuechen was already the familiar Ming Yuechen again, with a sloppy smile on his lips, his footsteps were flying, and he turned around smartly, and the cloak he lifted drew a bright line in the wind in the wilderness. And romantic arc.

He strode to his horse, got on the horse, Liao Shibo just walked over, raised his eyebrows and asked him, "How is it?"

Ming Yuechen clicked his tongue twice, shrugged his shoulders, and looked very regretful, but Liao Shibo was not surprised. He rode the horse and approached Ming Yuechen, and said very sincerely: "There is nothing in this world that is better than one heart." Is it more difficult to resist someone who wants to die?"

Ming Yuechen just smiled, if it wasn't for those eyes that were too deep and silent, maybe his smile would look more sloppy, he just sighed, as if it came from the heart, in fact it really came from the heart Sigh: "Falling short of success

Liao Shibo was amused by his words, he just shook his head and said: "There are many things in the human world." After speaking, he didn't talk to Ming Yuechen, and rode away. It was his job to clean up the battlefield.

But Ming Yuechen didn't look back, and soon his back disappeared from Mo Ran's vision.

Mo Ran turned her head and looked at the place where she used to commit suicide. There was a **** mess, and even a bit of fragments could not be put together, but even so, there were still many people of different races searching on the pile of **** fragments, hoping to They can find something that can be used by them from the strongest man who was once dead.

On the blood-stained loess, Mo Ran saw a piece of golden fragment lying there quietly, shining, so dazzling, but no one noticed it when people came and went around. Things do not exist in the reality at that time, only you can see them.

She walked over, lowered her head and picked up the fragment, and before she even had time to take out the fragments that had already been synthesized, the scene in front of her changed again.

Dense crowds stood on both sides of the city's main street, laughing and laughing inside and outside the city, and the majestic Tiandu City was filled with colorful flags everywhere, even if Mo Ran didn't know what happened, but through this atmosphere, she could know , Tianducheng should be celebrating something.

Soon, she saw a group of troops striding into Tiandu City, and the person on the horse at the front was Ming Yuechen. It was obvious that this was a triumphant team.

Xu Nancheng stood on the square in front of Wangcheng, watching the visitors with a smile on his face.

But if you observe carefully, you can still see that Xu Nancheng is not really happy at this moment, at least that's how Mo Ran feels, she thinks, probably because she blows herself to pieces , so that everything he had planned was in vain, and that Xu Ran who was lying in the secret room of the city lord's treasury had no hope of surviving because of his own broken body.

Although she didn't know all this at the time, but now Mo Ran can feel a kind of heartfelt joy, she thought, she has never been a good person, for people like Xu Nancheng, to her, seeing him unhappy , I would be happier to see him suffer.


But Ming Yuechen's face still had that slutty look on his face, and Mo Ran couldn't even see what he wanted to do now.

In fact, Mo Ran is still a little strange. It stands to reason that she has already obtained all the fragments. The former Mo Ran has also died. The following things have nothing to do with her. Why can't the dungeon end? ?

Seeing that Ming Yuechen and Xu Nancheng both had bright smiles on their faces, but they didn't know what kind of darkness was hidden in their hearts, yet they still wanted to show the scene of meeting happily, Mo Ran felt that it was so interesting that he couldn't express it .

Of course, the more interesting thing for Mo Ran was the piece she just got. She took another look at Ming Yuechen and Xu Nancheng's hypocrisy and deception, and she was no longer interested. She put the piece she just picked up on the In the palm of his hand, he carefully wiped off all the blood stains and silt on it, and then took out the three pieces that had been synthesized together from the package.

Two fragments, one large and one small, collided with each other in her palm, and they had already merged together without waiting for Mo Ran to straighten them. Suddenly, Mo Ran's palm emitted a very dazzling light, The light was even more dazzling than the previous few fusions, and even Mo Ran couldn't open his eyes.

Squinting her eyes slightly, she patiently waited for the light on these fragments to fade slowly, and finally returned to normal. Then she looked towards her palm, only to see a piece of very special jewelry lying quietly in her palm .

The size of a palm, the whole body is a very special kind of gold, which is more pure than gold, and it also has fluorescence. It looks extraordinary just like this. The various clean and neat lines are complicated but clearly outline the shape of an eye. But it only has one piece, and there is no place to wear it, but it seems unreasonable to say it is an accessory, but if you want to say it is something else, it seems that you can't find the right words to describe it.

Mo Ran flipped the thing up and down in his hands, and took a look at the description of the thing by the way.

of truth

This is the description of the thing in Mo Ran's hand. It is very simple. There is only such a plausible statement. It has no attributes, and there is no indication of its identity. Mo Ran doesn't know what it belongs to, jewelry? arms? Or a legendary item, or an epic item.

Nothing, nothing.

It seems so simple and ordinary, but Mo Ran has a faint feeling in his heart that the reason why all of these things are not displayed is because they cannot be displayed at all, or in other words, its existence has long surpassed that of the world. The concept of items.

It is extraordinary, it is different, it is unique.

Just when Mo Ran was about to take a closer look at this thing, she suddenly heard the sound of metal weapons touching each other, and she subconsciously raised her head to look in the direction of the sound.

The sight in her eyes made her eyes widen involuntarily...

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Chapter 192

30 minutes ago

Chapter 191

a day ago