MTL - Return of the Dead [Holo]-Chapter 212

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Those who stand at the bottom will never think that those decisions that have a great impact on them are actually decided by a few people in a small room at the beginning.

So is fashion, so is economy, so is life and death.

"Isn't the heart of the dead their weakness? As long as they are slightly injured, they will become waste at least, or die at worst. This is a recognized fact, and it's not that you haven't done experiments on the heart of the dead, isn't it as long as If it is removed, the heart will turn into ashes in a very short time, and there is no way to conduct experiments.”

Although Xu Nancheng was brooding over the loss of Mo Ran, it did not mean that he stopped paying attention to the experiment on the dead. On the contrary, he spent more time on it. After all, losing Mo Ran Ran, the essence extracted from other dead people can also be used on Xu Ran's body.

Until now, Xu Nancheng has not found Mo Ran, let alone received the news of Mo Ran's death, so he still has hope. Before capturing Mo Ran, he must ensure that Xu Ran is alive. Then when Mo Ran is captured, what? It's not too late.

Just because he thought so, when he talked about the results of various experiments on the dead, he was able to speak clearly.

"Now you're telling me that the heart of the dead is a panacea for bringing the dead back to life. Are you planning to let Xu Ran eat a handful of ashes?" Xu Nancheng stared at Bai Yuanshan, and Xu Nancheng acted more like a simple person when facing a professional. His father, as long as Bai Yuanshan nods his head and says that is the case, as long as Xu Ran can be revived by eating ashes, then Xu Nancheng will not hesitate to do so.

Bai Yuanshan shook his head. Although facing Xu Nancheng's doubts, he still maintained a high-spirited nature, even with a smile on his face: "That's not the case, City Lord."

"Then do you mean that your original experimental results were wrong?" Xu Nancheng's spirit was very tense now, he didn't even give Bai Yuanshan a chance to interrupt and explain, and kept asking questions, speaking at an extremely fast speed.

"No, it's not like that." Taking advantage of Xu Nancheng's marble-like questioning space, Bai Yuanshan finally took the initiative of the topic, and he took a deep breath: "The heart of the dead is indeed from their race." Weakness, if the dead person hurts the heart, he will definitely not be able to live. This is a fact, and there is nothing to dispute.

"According to the division in "Tomorrow", any race from level one to level three is a beginner player, while from level four to level seven is an intermediate player, and above level eight is an advanced player. From the end of the day to now, no matter what race None of them are above level seven, especially the dead. Since they went into hiding, it has been difficult for us to catch high-level dead people. The experimental subjects we can have now are basically three or four levels, and even five levels Also very few."

Bai Yuanshan looked at Xu Nancheng's expression while talking, and it could be seen that he was listening to every word Bai Yuanshan said very seriously, even the usual smile disappeared, and he was staring at Bai Yuanshan closely.

This kind of seriousness made Bai Yuanshan's already excited mood a little more proud, "It is precisely because there are very few high-level experimental subjects that we basically cherish the high-level dead. Experiments that are more harmful or innovative We basically didn't do it on them, so we missed the most important results all the time."

It is precisely because he knows that Xu Nancheng is very concerned about these results, so although Bai Yuanshan is very proud, he does not dare to show off, and straightforwardly stated the results of the experiment: "The heart of the dead will become a kind of crystallization, and this kind of crystallization is very Hard, this kind of crystallization can not only bring people of other races back to life, but also greatly enhance the strength of other races."

Xu Nancheng listened carefully to every word Bai Yuanshan said, and his brows became more and more tight because of the result Bai Yuanshan said: "Since their hearts will turn into crystals, why didn't you find out before that?"

"This is because this kind of crystallization begins to change from the core of the heart. You must know that our fluoroscopy equipment is basically gone, so we can't do fluoroscopy experiments. All the results are obtained by dissection. In order to ensure the health of the deceased As for the survival rate, we generally don’t dissect their hearts, and even when we do have to dissect their hearts, the particularity of their hearts is often turned into ashes before my experiment begins.”

Bai Yuanshan knew that Xu Nancheng would definitely ask such a question, so he was not in a hurry. He explained his question little by little, without rushing.

Although Xu Nancheng was a little bit dissatisfied with knowing the result now,

"We dissected a fifth-level deceased some time ago, and we discovered by accident that most of his heart had become crystallized, and it was covered with a thin piece of flesh. During the operation, there was a sudden power failure, but, When the power was cut off, his open heart was able to glow..."

Bai Yuanshan didn't describe the process in detail, but he left room for people's imagination.

So it turned out that it was from this time that the secret that the heart of the dead was the crystallization of the source power was announced. It was also from this time that all races joined the team of hunting the dead, so that the dead who originally wanted to keep a low schedule had no choice. Don't embark on the road of exile.

Mo Ran relaxed her back, and then simply lay down on the ground. She raised her head and looked at the high sky, feeling empty in her heart.

Is the fate of the dead to perish because of human beings? Yes, not all. Is the fate of the dead because of other races? Yes, not all. After all, the fate of the dead has been imprisoned by God from the very beginning. He put the life and death of a race on the chessboard like a joke, and then watched them being plundered and divided , watching them finally vanish into thin air.

Mo Ran spread out her hands, looked at the patterns on her palms, and kept recalling everything she had entered into the dungeon.

Except for the content presented in the dungeon, there are only two most important information for Mo Ran in this dungeon.

First, God can be defeated.

Second, the way to defeat God is in the dungeon.

Up to now, Mo Ran has not found any other valuable things in the dungeon that can be used to defeat the gods, except for this pattern and fragments, so can she infer that the fragments are the ones that defeat the gods?

So, what exactly is this fragment that defeated God?

Mo Ran didn't know if this dungeon was set up by God, and she couldn't help but think, if this dungeon was set up by God, it would be too ironic, but the dungeon set up by herself could be used to defeat herself in the end?

If these fragments were carried by Mo Ran, where is the last fragment?

After careful analysis, it is not difficult to find that the first fragment was obtained by Mo Ran when he was a child, and the second fragment

Mo Ran pondered silently. Although she didn't want to admit it, the only possibility she could think of was when she died.

As if responding to her thoughts, Mo Ran suddenly felt the dark light in front of her eyes dissipate. She raised her eyes and looked into the distance, and found that she was actually standing in the palace hall of the Human Heavenly Capital City. This is the most important hall in the human royal city, and it is also the hall used by humans for the most important gatherings.

Outside the hall is the largest square in Tiandu City. Under normal circumstances, this square is only open for major celebrations, but now this square is crowded with people, each of them is wearing armor and holds a sword in his hand. The shining weapons look like they are ready to fight.

Xu Nancheng stood at the highest point wearing a robe. He raised his hands and said to everyone, "This is a battle of life and death. This is a battle that concerns whether we humans can regain control of the earth."

"You all know that before the end of the world, we were the only intelligent creatures on earth, but when the end of the world came, many other races were born. They plundered our resources and compressed our living environment, leaving us in a corner , Now is the time for us to resist."

"I know that many of your relatives and friends have become the dead. They have come from us humans. We have sympathy and tolerance for them, but the dead have failed our trust and tolerance. They treat us They don’t have any compassion for us, they won’t die, they won’t even be injured, they came out of us, but they have become monsters like zombies!”

"Are we destined to be killed by monsters?" Xu Nancheng's ability to incite people's hearts is not unreasonable. Every word of his, like a cuckoo crying blood, aroused the sympathy of people who didn't know the real situation. He began to raise his hand, roaring continuously.

"No! No! Don't!"

"We should never be the object of massacre!"

"Humanity must stand up!"

louder than louder

Xu Nancheng was obviously satisfied with this effect. With a smile on his face, he raised his hands together, and under such hands, he could only see the shouts that were just like ocean waves slowly calm down. Stopped, only to hear him go on.

"Is the dead human?"


"What is the dead?"

After this question was thrown out, the whole square began to whisper, and no one could tell what the dead were.

Xu Nancheng didn't have much time to chat with these people, so he quickly went on to say: "The essence extracted from the dead can bring us powerful strength. Everyone understands this, but you must not You know, the heart of the dead is a good product that can directly increase my level..."

Mo Ran has always felt that the dungeon has been carried out until now. She has seen all kinds of storms and waves, and she has experienced all kinds of unbelievable things, so even if there are any weird things, she can treat them calmly, but Only now did she realize that she still overestimated herself. She is not a **** and Buddha, and she has not cultivated well at all.

Therefore, when Xu Nancheng blatantly degraded the dead from a race, from a race like human beings, to a tool for slaughter without emotion, and then to food that can be eaten, her body couldn't help but tense. Stretched, at this moment, in her eyes, the man in front of her is no longer her father, but her naked enemy, a devil, everyone can punish him.

Even though she knew that everything in the dungeon was played upside down, it was a fictional truth, but suddenly she couldn't help being filled with anger because of Xu Nancheng's words, she even wished she could go up and chop this man in two right now. part.

After slandering the dead in the early stage, and exaggerating the efficacy of eating the dead in the later stage, after a speech before the war, Xu Nancheng successfully turned human beings into man-eating devils.

The scene in front of me seemed to turn red, and the blood of the dead was splashing everywhere on the continent. Those humans who hunted and killed the dead, after discovering the dead, all jumped on them, cramped and skinned them, and even dug out their hearts.

In contrast, Ming Yuechen, who lives in a remote corner of the Tiandu City, feels like a paradise here with the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers.

Ruda stood in this small courtyard full of blooming flowers and looked around. He had seen too much blood and massacres in the laboratory, and now seeing such flowers and plants seemed to be like a world away, full of amorous feelings.

After looking around, he set his sights on the man standing in the yard carrying a bucket and watering the flowers. Over the years, he seemed to have been gradually marginalized from the upper echelons of human beings, and finally disappeared among all human beings. In the field of vision, if it wasn't for his level to always stand above everyone else, it would almost make people think that he was dead.

Back then, he was already a person who was above one person and under ten thousand people, but now he has become like this. What happened? Ruda couldn't help being curious, but curiosity was nothing more than curiosity, and he didn't dare to ask about some things easily.

"You are so beautiful here." Lu Da sighed, putting his hands in his trouser pockets: "Where did you get all these flowers? It's really not easy."

Ming Yuechen obviously didn't want to discuss these flowers and plants with Lu Da, although he didn't turn to look at him, he still asked his own question very calmly: "At what level can the heart of the dead be fully crystallized? "

"According to the existing data, it should be after the sixth level. At the sixth level, it will initially become fully crystallized, but the crystallization at that time should be unstable and relatively fragile. At the seventh or eighth level, it should be able to become It's a very hard crystal." Speaking of his profession, Lu Da can't make mistakes even if he closes his eyes.

"However, the highest level of our current experimental body is only level five, so whether it is level six or level seven, it is all speculation, not to mention that there is no dead person at level eight at all, and the rest is basically guesswork without reality. data support."

"Does the heart of the dead really have a healing effect on the dead or the vegetative?" Ming Yuechen was silent for a long time and finally got up and dropped the ladle in his hand, turned around and looked at Lu Da, his eyes were burning and dazzling, making people feel sick. One simply cannot ignore his existence.

"Theoretically, this is the case." After thinking for a while, Ruda decided to speak more rigorously: "To be precise, it should have a great effect on vegetative people."

He seems to be mocking Bai Yuanshan's idiotic dream: "Life is a very rigorous, mysterious and great existence, and it is absolutely impossible to change because of some people's thoughts."

"As for the vegetative person, although he is similar to a dead person, he is not a dead person after all. The strong vitality of the dead person can indeed bring him a great hope of recovery. However, according to the specific analysis of specific cases, it may not be true for case B. It can work."

Regarding all this, Lu Da has already made it very clear, Ming Yuechen nodded, and after thinking for a few seconds, he asked again: "Can the heart of the dead have the effect of improving the strength of humans or other races under any circumstances?" ?”

Lu Da nodded without hesitation: "Yes, as long as it is intact, as long as it has been crystallized, then it must be a treasure for all races to improve their strength."

It could be seen that Ruda didn't approve of this kind of thing very much. Although he admitted it in his mouth, an expression of disgust and disdain appeared on his face involuntarily.

"Intact, crystallized?" Ming Yuechen accurately captured two very important words from Lu Da's mouth, he squinted his eyes and asked Lu Da: "What if it's not an intact crystallized heart? "

Lu Da shook his head: "Firstly, these two conditions coexist, and secondly, these two conditions restrain each other."

Ming Yuechen felt that he could understand the other party's words, but he couldn't guarantee whether his understanding was accurate, so he asked in detail: "Can you tell me more specifically?"

"That is to say, only the intact heart of the deceased can be crystallized, and only the crystallized heart can be helpful to other races." Lu Da took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it slowly, deeply After taking a deep breath, he let it out. "It's very miraculous to say that the weakness of the race of the dead lies in the heart, but after reaching the eighth level, their heart will become a completely hard crystal. At that time, the heart will become the strongest place. I think It's basically impossible to kill them by stabbing the heart."

"But if their hearts are taken out,

Lu Da squinted his eyes, and seemed to see a lot of **** scenes again: "You don't know, I saw with my own eyes that there were hundreds if not thousands of dead and injured in Baiyuan Mountain..."

He smiled lowly, lowered his head, and suddenly uttered two words: "Beast."

Ming Yuechen did not give any relief to Lu Da's ups and downs. He picked up the water ladle and continued to water, as if very unintentionally said: "That is to say, if the heart of the deceased is broken, then it will not crystallize. Is it melted? It doesn’t have the effect of healing human flesh and bones, does it?”

"That's what it means." Ruda nodded and shook his head while talking: "However, as long as the heart of the dead is damaged, it will be difficult to live."

"Is there no chance?"

"No, in short, it depends on the size of the damaged wound and the conditions of the treatment." Luda had already finished smoking the cigarette in his hand, and he threw the cigarette **** in his hand under his feet, stomping hard: "You ask these do what?"

"Just curiosity." Ming Yuechen still poured water silently.

Lu Da is not a fool, of course he understands that Ming Yuechen will not aimlessly, but he will never say some things even if he guesses in his heart, the world is dirty enough, who can control who?

"Are you so willing to stay here forever?" Lu Da looked around Mingyuechen's small courtyard. When Tianducheng was crazy about eating people, his place was as quiet as a paradise, completely ignorant of the filth and filth in the world. kill.

"There is no willingness or unwillingness." Ming Yuechen said silently, as if a fringe person with no desires and desires should have the attitude.

Lu Da clicked his tongue twice, and just about to say something, he was summoned by the research institute. While cursing in a low voice, he could only turn his head and leave the quiet small courtyard.

There seemed to be a lot of guests that day, not long after Lu Da left, Yu Er came again.

Unlike Ming Yuechen, who is in commoner clothes and watering the water, Yu'er is now the supreme commander of the human army. She is wearing a military uniform with no attributes, but the shining military rank on it is enough to make people daunting.

She stood in the small courtyard, looked around, and couldn't help flicking her teeth lightly,

Ming Yuechen looked back at Yu'er, did not speak, and continued to water his flowers and plants, as if this was the most important thing in his life.

Ming Yuechen's ignorance made Yu'er very bored. She raised her toes and tapped the ground with her heel a few times, as if to attract Ming Yuechen's attention: "The city lord needs you to go out and teach the orcs and elves a lesson. , Don’t say that the city lord didn’t give you a chance, Ming Yuechen, don’t be so stubborn, this world is the world of human beings after all, are you, as the strongest, going to watch us fall into the siege of orcs and elves?”

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-05-15 16:24:10~2021-05-16 12:06:02~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: An Chenyun 1;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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