MTL - Restart Spain-Chapter 105 US elections

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In November 1876, the U.S. election was in full swing, and the contest between Democrats and Republicans gradually reached its peak.

Author Mark Twain's famous satire "Running for Governor", first published in 1870, vividly described the absurdity and darkness of American election politics at that time.

Democrats have slammed the ruling Republican Grant administration as corrupt and ridiculed the GOP for "waving **** shirts." The Republicans shot back, saying, "Not every Democrat is an insurgent, but every insurgent is a Democrat." As Election Day approaches, rallies and marches between the two camps have intensified.

November 7 is Election Day. Democratic presidential candidate Samuel Tilton, surrounded by a group of officials, came to the congressional elections office in the United States.

During Grant's second term, the United States fell into a severe economic recession, with a large number of unemployed people, and everyone blamed the ruling Republican Party.

This also gives Democratic candidate Tilton a huge advantage in this popular election.

"Mr. Tilton, please don't worry. Connecticut, Indiana, New Jersey and other swing states have given us assurances in advance, we just need to play normally."

Tilton's aide whispered in his ear, adding the southern states, the Southern Democratic Party can be said to be a must for the presidency tonight.

The Republican presidential candidate Hayes did not look this way. The situation of the Republican Party was as bad as he expected.

"I will now announce that the new presidential election in the United States will officially start now, and the two candidates will each prepare their speeches."

The Republican Hayes was the first to speak on stage. As the Republican Party of the current ruling party, he has the right to speak first.

"When the last Republican administration ruled the United States, we clearly knew our mistakes, whether it was the whisky house embezzlement case."

"It's the continued recession of the U.S. economy and the gradual increase in the number of business people. These are all issues that we need to pay attention to at the moment."

"After the Republican Party came to power, we will begin to purge the government as soon as possible, improve the people's sense of belonging to the country, restore the national economy, and introduce foreign investment to reduce the number of unemployed in our country."


The national hero Hayes on the stage gave thousands of speeches all the way, and the content was nothing more than what everyone knew needed to be done.

Restoring national strength and reducing the number of unemployed people are the things that the United States needs to do most now. Another possibility is the weakness of the army and navy.

"Your Excellency, their speeches are far worse than ours, and this time we Democrats are already winning."

Tilton's assistant, William, listened to Tai Heise's speech with disdain on his face.

What the Republicans have done cannot be forgotten by the American people in a short period of time. These promises have been made countless times to the American people during Grant's term.

However, Grant, who was very happy but did not have much ability, never fulfilled his words, and even at the end of the general period, no one broke the whisky house corruption case.

People across the United States now have confidence in the Republican Party, which is infinitely close to 0.

After a while, Hayes' speech was over, and the sparse applause from the audience seemed to remind the Republican president that this election seemed to be a little off.

"Let's get Democratic presidential candidate Tilton on stage to speak."

The presiding justice, after Hayes stepped down, then called on Tilton, the leader of the Democrats.

As one of the two protagonists, Tilton is much older than Hayes, and it even makes people wonder if he can end his four-year term as president alive.

"Today is a humiliating opportunity for Democrats who have been in office for 16 years, and in fact has proven that Republicans have ruled America for so long."

"There have been countless worms among them that are hurting America's interests, and the Democratic Party, the new party, will break it all."

"The Democratic Party will not only completely deal with the rampant corruption within the US government, restore the US economy and reduce unemployment."

"We will look abroad more. Powers such as Britain and Spain have seriously affected the dignity of the United States."

"The United States will respond to this increasingly dangerous national defense crisis by engaging in massive military expansion when conditions permit, rather than doing nothing like the Republicans have done."


Tilton's speech directly means that the Republicans have ruled the United States for too long. Although there is no dictatorship yet, the long-term rule is bound to cause suspicion in the states.

America's two-party system will exist in name only.

Tilton's speech also ended quickly, and the situation at the scene was not particularly enthusiastic, but there was still applause.

Among them, William, Tilton's assistant, is one of the most hard-working people, which arouses the attention of others.

The German-born William did not have a strong sense of belonging to the United States in the strict sense. Not only William, the Americans in this period had no substantial sense of belonging to the United States.

As William, who has been bought by the Spaniards, it is the sharpest dagger placed beside Tilton.

After the speeches of the two parties are over, the next step is the most important part of the election.

"Representatives, please put the approved votes into the corresponding ballot box."

The representatives in the audience also walked out of their seats one by one, ready to start voting.

"Democrats 1 vote."

"Republican 1 vote."

"Democrats 1 vote."

"Democrats 1 vote."

"Republican 1 vote."


The voting session showed an unusual stalemate. Except for South Carolina, Oregon, Florida and Louisiana, which never played, representatives from other states came to the front one after another.

"165 Republicans."

"Democratic 184 When the judge in charge of the announcement announced the number of negative and negative votes, there was a burst of cheers at the scene.

The Democrats have officially won the Republicans in today's election by an overwhelming majority.

Unlike the cheers of the Democrats, the seat of the Republicans remained silent and sighed.

The Republicans seem to be losing, with 20 popular votes in the four states that did not vote, but these four states are in the heart of the South,

During the Civil War, he was a die-hard supporter of the Democrats. It would be very difficult to win over all the people in these four states.

"Looks like something needs to be done."

Among the Republicans, unintelligible smiles began to appear on some faces, as if a scene from Mark Twain's "Running for Governor" was about to become a reality.

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