MTL - Restart Spain-Chapter 104 National enterprise!

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After Rubio left, the mayor Mata immediately began to edit the telegram to the urban area of ​​Madrid. The first person to eat crabs could only be him. Mata was already quite old.

Whether he can take a step closer to his career depends on whether he can show his face well this time.

In Madrid, the capital of Spain, Alfonso also paid great attention to this matter.

Alfonso also has an uneasy attitude in his heart as to the extent to which companies from all over the world are dealing with this matter. In case the natural development continues, he will not get any response.

This can only show that the cost of capital stimulation in Spain is too high, not only because of the importance the society attaches to the Spaniards Aid Society, but also to see the progress of domestic capital in Spain.

Companies that are not motivated are destined to compete internationally with companies from other capitalist countries.

"Your Majesty, there is news from the headquarters of the Spaniard Rescue Association that the Barcelona businessman Benister has prepared to officially invest 100,000 game towers and set up the Barcelona branch."

Howard entered the door and reported the news to Alfonso. The news also made Alfonso, who had been a little nervous, finally relieved and put his heart down.

"What does this Benister do? Since he is so good, we should give them a little reward."

Alfonso sat on the desk, turned to ask Howard, and was also curious about Benister.

"It's the boss of the 'Encounter' clothing brand!"

As Miss Coco is now almost the only competitor, the name of the encounter, Alfonso, is still known, and then a rather playful smile appeared on her face.

"Let's inform Le Monde that we will start with the Spaniard Rescue Association, and carry out a comprehensive publicity for the two brands, Miss Coco and Encounter, and Benister, who should also focus on publicity."

Alfonso instructed his subordinate Howard whether he would create a strong competitor for Miss Coco. Alfonso was not worried about this.

Alfonso's job is, after all, the king of Spain, and using all means to get better is what a king should do.

And to bring a strong competitor to Miss Coco, it is still unknown whether it is malignant or benign.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

With the special approval of Alfonso, the matter of granting the privilege to Benister and the Barcelona branch of the Spaniard Rescue Association quickly began to be resolved.


"In order to implement the call issued by the Spanish government, the process of establishing the Spaniards Relief Society in various places has gradually begun. His Majesty the King specially commended and thanked those who performed well among them."

"Mr. Benister of Barcelona, ​​as the owner of the 'Encounter' brand, they have not been prosperous for a long time. According to our detailed understanding, Mr. Benister does not have much net worth."

"After seeing what the Espanyol Rescue Association did, Benister himself expressed that he was deeply moved, and announced the establishment of the Barcelona branch at the same time as we announced the news."

"Benister and his 'Encounter' have generously donated money from their own lack of sufficient funds, and took out a huge sum of 100,000 competition towers to devote themselves to public welfare."

"This is almost all of Benista's net worth. King Alfonso XII expressed his gratitude to Mr. Benista on behalf of the Spaniards in need in the country at the Royal Palace of Madrid."

"For such kind-hearted enterprises and bosses, I think our society should be more and more, and the Spanish government will not let such conscientious enterprises fall because of their dedication to public welfare."

"Encounter is the brand of the Spaniards, and the Spaniards will definitely support our own children!!"

The news was published in Le Monde the next day. You must know that Le Monde can be said to be popular in every corner of Spain.

"I've worn the clothes of 'Encounter' before. At that time, I just thought it was a relatively novel clothing brand, but today I announce that she is like Miss Coco, and I have become her die-hard fan!"

"Go buy an encounter, let's throw away the British clothes and support the Spaniards' own brand!!"

"Don't let conscience companies become less and less!!"

"come on!!"

The publicity of Le Monde immediately achieved an immediate effect. The above-mentioned voices in the society came one after another, and even made the limelight of the encounter overwhelm Miss Coco for a while.

Unlike Miss Coco's royal bloodline, the encounter is far less famous than Miss Coco, both in terms of publicity and self-acknowledgement, but the current situation has completely changed.

With this one thing alone, encountering this brand is no longer rootless duckweed, but a national enterprise with roots.

The shift between this is huge, and before that, even bankruptcy wouldn't have caused a little attention in society, but now. Once the encounter falls into some kind of crisis, there will be countless patriotic Spaniards to stand up for it.

This is what a company can tell Spain, after Miss Cocoa, once again appeared a brand with a well-known full name.


Seeing the report of Benister, it can be said that he was surrounded by happiness in an instant.

The first person to eat crabs will have great benefits. This Benister is completely imagined, but His Majesty the King personally went off to express his gratitude. This is simply an honor.

With His Majesty the King's attention, that means encounters won't be difficult anywhere in Spain.

Not to mention the huge popularity and popularity brought about by this publicity, for the encounter, it can be called an opportunity to reach the sky in one step.

"Immediately expand the production scale of the factory. Next, our orders will be greatly increased. We are going to open our stores across the country. We must ensure that there will be no problems!!"

Benister immediately instructed his assistant Rubio, knowing that now is the best opportunity to encounter expansion, even if the capital is borrowed, he will not miss this opportunity.

"Yes! Boss."

After Rubio went out, Benister, who was sitting alone in the office, lit a cigar from Cuba. His slightly trembling hands indicated that he was not as calm as he appeared to be.

He knew that in this step, as usual, he had won the big gamble, and the future waiting for the encounter must be full of light.

Immediately, he turned his head to look at the globe in the office, slowly turned to the European position, and rubbed his fingers lightly.

He has always been an ambitious person, he wants his brand to go out of Spain, into Europe, into the world...

And now that the opportunity is in front of him, this ambitious capitalist is bound to grasp him firmly and build his own business empire...

slag m..

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