MTL - Reincarnation of Master Su-Chapter 97

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One who helped him cover his feet

A snowman played for him

And one for him

People die and live, not just to live more comfortably.

If two people are together, aren't they just heating each other?

That's it ...

The author has something to say: The plot of the main text is now over, and the first free end of the essay is of great significance!

Thank you very much for supporting us all the way:


Chapter 75

Song Chuyun saw Chen Yu for the first time at the tenth birthday birthday of Chen Tianhe, the ten-year-old Chen Tianhe. The ten-year-old Chen Tianhe already looked like a young boy, posing with a young face in a arrogant posture, Song Chuyun, who has been in junior high school at twelve years old, does not like the young Chen family.

The protagonist on the bright side of the birthday banquet was Chen Tianhe, but it was actually just a cover-up for the social interaction of the adults. Song Chuyun sat idly in the corner and looked at the masked people to show disgusting smirks. He suddenly felt a little disgusting , Because he will live such a life in the future.

For what? Money and status? For money and status?

He had been thinking about it all night, and the sight of him fluttering in the hall accidentally caught a strange rabbit.

The little rabbit was about seven or eight years old. Bai Nennen's face was filled with big watery eyes, full of panic and caution. The little white rabbit drilled under the buffet table and occasionally probed Fearing that someone would find out, a small hand quickly grabbed a piece of cake from the table, and hurriedly ran down with his head down.

Which child of Chen's family?

Song Chuyun, who was in front of him, followed, and he found the little white rabbit in a small grove in the garden. The white rabbit retracted in the grove and bowed his head, holding the cake. He looked very hungry, and his nose and mouth were not covered. Less cream.

Song Chuyun wanted to laugh, he had never seen such a cute little guy. The little white rabbit suddenly sobbed and cried when she was half-eaten, chewing and chewing, and wiped her hands with her hands, making her face look like a cat, Song Chuyun didn't understand why this little white rabbit suddenly cried Up.

"Why are you crying?" He walked over.

The little white rabbit seemed startled, a pair of watery eyes widened, staring at Song Chuyun who suddenly appeared.

"Don't cry, although you cry very well, but I don't want you to cry." Song Chuyun squatted down and wiped the tear marks and cream on the face of the little white rabbit with his sleeve.

"Thanks ... Thanks." Sure enough it was a little white rabbit with red eyes.

"Are you hungry?" When he was twelve years old, the son of the Song family cared for others for the first time.

"Um." The little white rabbit nodded his head hard, and the dazzling appearance made Song Chuyun can't help but think.

"Then ... I'll get you something to eat. Will you please kiss me?"

"For ... why kiss you?" His face turned red, and the little white rabbit was embarrassed. He didn't dare to look at the gentle big brother in front of him, his head was as low as a mosquito, Mother said, only kiss the person you like. "

"You don't like me? But I like you very much."

"Like ... Like me?" The head lifted sharply, and the little white rabbit who had just stopped crying suddenly cried again, his mouth sulking, "Woohoo, everyone ... everyone doesn't like me .

"That's because they don't have good eyes. I like you." Song Chuyun stepped forward and hugged the crying little white rabbit and kissed him hard. He looked back at the other person and looked at him dumbly, and his heart suddenly heated up.

Song Chuyun was a little embarrassed and let go of the little white rabbit: "I'll get you something, right, what's your name?"

"Little fish." The little white rabbit looked at him. "Mom calls me a little fish."

It turned out to be a small fish, not a small white rabbit. Song Chuyun grinned: "Wait for me!" He turned and ran out quickly. When he came back with a bunch of food, let alone a small fish in the bush. , Not even a little rabbit.

One did not wait, one did not arrive.

One miss is ten years.


Why can't one remember a person who happened to meet him ten years ago after ten years?

This question, Song Chuyun thought for a long time, has not been answered, he even wondered what he has done for the past ten years?

Take control of power, gain wealth, and a stable position. Only when it is in his hands can a person do whatever he wants, and he just wants to know who the little boy was then, and where he is now, maybe he After seeing the little fish again, I can solve my ten-year heart knot.

Song Chuyun thought so. It was simple and he didn't take it seriously.

When he was twenty-three years old, he got the answer he wanted from a private detective, but after seeing the answer, not only did he not get the peace of hope, but he lit a time set as early as eleven years ago. Bomb.

The little fish is not a little fish, but Chen Yu, the illegitimate son of the Chen family, redundant.

On the surface, the Song family is a single-handed family, but in fact they have an unknown relationship with the Su family in western Europe. The Song family received an order from above, and they went south to Hong Kong to occupy a certain force.

An alien family has to enter Hong Kong. Someone has to go on. Song Chuyun first thought of the Chen family. The Chen family has lived in Hong Kong for generations. Although it is not as powerful as it was then, the camel is thinner than a horse. Fortunately, it is fortunate that the network of connections is huge, and I can barely meet the requirements of the Su family.

Song Chuyun Mao then proposed to come to Hong Kong with a group of people and funds. He also saw the little fish that year as expected, far worse than he imagined.

Twenty-year-old Chen Yu heard that he had just returned from abroad. He was thin and tall with no spirit, his face was pale and ugly, and his eyes were still as big as before. The watery ones lacked some souls. The whole person was like Was struck in the corner like a muffled sound.

"Xiaoyu, come here." Chen Tianhe ordered to speak to Chen Yu, who shrank aside, a flash of panic flashed in the pupils of the latter, but quickly returned to silence.

"Come here! Don't let me say it a second time!"

Chen Yu shuddered slightly, and slowly moved to the place three steps away from Chen Tianhe. Chen Tianhe sneered at the corner of his mouth and reached out and patted the young man's ass. "Go, accompany Song Dasong."

Chen Yu bit her lower lip and slowly moved to Song Chuyun's side like wood.

"This is Chen Dashao?" Song Chuyun's face looked puzzled, and the hand on his knee became a fist.

Read The Duke's Passion