MTL - Reincarnation of Master Su-Chapter 96

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"Like." Su Bai reached out and hugged Chen Yuan, slowly put the other side down on the bed, and the dark black cold ice gun held in his hand was stained with blood.

The chest was undulating up and down, and a steady stream of blood flowed down the corner of his mouth. Chen Yuan's vision of Su Bai began to blur, the sun poured indefinitely from behind Su Bai, and the world under the backlight was milky. Everything seemed so unreal. He reached for the man, his mouth raised, "I saw heaven ..."

"You will go." Su Bai reached out and covered Chen Yuan's eyes, and stroked them gently.

"Su Ye ..." He finally held Su Bai's wrist.

"I've been there." The man's voice made Chen Yuan feel very at ease. There was never a peace of mind. Everything, bullet holes penetrated the heart, Chen Yuan's breath gradually disappeared, and finally he closed his eyes quietly.

The man leaned down and dropped a gentle kiss on the forehead of the first child he adopted. He closed his eyes forcefully before the water mist in his eyes filled with wanton.

For them, this may be the best ending.

Su Bai stood up and took a deep breath in front of the sea. The cool breeze with a bit of sea water blowing on his face made him feel very comfortable. He turned around and walked towards the stairs. Just now, a man was panting fast. Climbing up, the action is agile and chic, no less inferior than professional agents, this skill can go to the movies, no need to substitute.

"Su Bai!" Tang Yan took a step forward, and at first glance he saw the blood on Su Bai's white robe twitched, but unfortunately he aimed at him before he took the second step with a gun.

Grandpa Su smiled and put down the blood-stained gun: "I didn't tell you, the princess stayed in the castle obediently and didn't run around. Uncle Ben doesn't need you to rescue."

Walked over and patted Tang Yan's shoulder, Su Ye smiled and walked down the stairs.

Tang Yan smiled helplessly, his eyes fell on the big white bed on the top of the ship, Chen Yuan lay there motionlessly, his hands crossed his chest, and the sun fell on the red and white clothes with a layer of milky white Translucent halo.

The sound of gunfire had stopped, and there was only silence.

Ye Zibo and Simon did not pass even when they saw the man. At this time, Su Bai didn't need anyone's comfort and sympathy, and he didn't need anyone's care and greeting.

Su Bai went barefoot to the bow of the ship alone, leaving red footprints of varying shades on the ground. He put his hands on the railing, and the sea breeze blew his hair back.

The hand holding the gun loosened, and the blood-stained pistol fell from the air, smashed into the sea and splashed a small splash, and finally sank silently.


City A ushered in the first snow of the early winter. Snow-like snow fell from the lead gray sky, piece by piece, and fell on the concrete floor into a white blanket. Occasionally, pedestrians hurried away. After leaving a series of messy footprints, the cold wind pushed hard into people's collars, forcing people to shrink their heads into their clothes, and the thick scarf wrapped only exposed a pair of eyes.

A matte black Aston Martin parked at the door. As soon as the car stopped, a younger brother ran over to help open the door. The man in the trench coat held a cup of freshly brewed coffee and walked away. When he got down, the car keys were thrown away to his subordinates A Mao and Big Cat.

Tang Yan strode into the villa, the coffee in his hand was still steaming, and A Feng, who was sitting in the living room, saw his boss come up and quickly stood up, his waist straight, his legs clamped, and he shouted respectfully. "General Manager Tang."

"Where is Grandpa Su?"

"Still upstairs," A Feng replied.

Tang Yan lifted his feet up the steps and trot upstairs, his legs were moving, but the hand holding the coffee cup was very stable, and no drop of coffee was spilled.

It has been several months since I returned from the Middle East. Su Bai returned to Britain for a while, and gave Su family to Su Yu while raising his body. Then he returned to China with Tang Yan under the pretext of cultivation. Su Ye When Tang Yu left, Su Yu's eyes looked like Tang Ye as a wicked trafficker, and he wanted to bake Comrade Big Bird with his eyes.

It's winter, it's snowing, and it's cold.

Pushing the door open, Tang Yue walked in softly.

The Victorian-style and modern-decorated house has a warm smell, the fire in the fireplace is still jumping, a man leans on a ottoman beside the fireplace, closes his eyes and rests, a blanket is placed on his knees, and one leg Hanging on the couch, one leg dropped to the ground at will, a furry puppy like a snowball crouched on the man's barefoot and licked his tongue.

"Go!" The terrible devil Tang Yan came over in the eyes of the puppy, kicking the little snowball with one kick.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" Rolling around the ground two times, Xiaoxueball stared at a pair of round, wet black eyes making a grievous sound, as if to say why only your grandpa's feet are not allowed to lick me?

Su Ye supported his head with one hand, and Su Ye, who closed his eyes and rested, slowly raised his eyes: "Come back?"

"Um." Tang Yan put the coffee on the small table next to the low couch. Su Ye said half an hour ago that he wanted to drink coffee from the OO coffee shop on XX Street, and Tang Daiao immediately opened his wings and flew out.

"Snowball." Suddenly, Su Ye hooked his fingers.

Tongue sticking out, Xiaoxue ball fluttered and ran towards the man, and when he was about to pounce, he was hit by a finger by Su Ye.

"Lick again, next time you cut your dog's leg."

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo." Snowball, hurt by his feelings, lifted his front paws and grabbed his head, leaning down on the couch.

"That's good." Grandpa Su sat up and reached for a sip of hot coffee.

Tang Yan sat aside and hugged the man's feet in his arms. Although the room was warm, his feet were exposed outside, but it was still cool. He rubbed his hands hard and felt hot, and then Tang Yan rubbed them. At the feet of men.

"it snowed today."

"Isn't the snow big?" After drinking a few sips of coffee, Su Ye picked up the snowball crouched on the side of the couch and rubbed it in his arms. The snowball turned over to reveal the white belly and let the man scratch it. .

Tang Yan stared at this little smelly dog ​​that Su Bai picked up from the side of the road, that is, his skin was white and white enough to be loved by Su Ye. It was more white than white. He could dye white hair one day. .

"Large, there is a layer of snow on the ground."

"Go and make a snowman." Su Ye discarded the snowball after speaking, and the puppy was used to being thrown away. Knowing that the master did n’t need it, he consciously ran by the fireplace to roast his belly.

Tang Yan stood up: "It's cold outside, get dressed first."

On the roof, Su Ye, who has been wrapped in three layers on the inside and three layers on the outside, sits on a stool, holds warm coffee in his gloved hands, and walks with a pair of large cotton shoes on his feet. Don Juan.

Tang Ye, who had taken off his windbreaker, squatted on the ground to make a snowman. Comrade Big Bird fired a good gun and practiced a good skill. Even a snowman was fast. Rolling a few snowballs together quickly gave birth to a snowman. .

The coffee cup was set aside, and Su Ye, who had only one face up and down, walked over, and he squatted beside Tang Yan: "Are you tired?"

"No, is it cold?" Tang Yan stopped his work and turned to reach out and gently wipe the snowflakes on the man's shoulder.

"Cold, you hug me." Su Ye ticked at the corner of his mouth, and kissed him like Tang Yan's lips. The latter stretched his arms and embraced the man in his arms.

Actually he didn't want much:

A bulletproof vest

One who bought coffee for him

A driver

Read The Duke's Passion