MTL - Rebirth of the Marquis’ Di Daughter-Chapter 180

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Sun Rou raised her head quietly, and said gently, "I'm tired, I'm so sleepy, you can go."

Ouyang Nuan stared at her and said, "Okay. I just came to tell Auntie a message: The doctor said that as long as there are nine transfers to Sheng Dan, the son can live. Are you angry when you hear that?"

"What?" Sun Rouning's body shook, as if the rocks were falling into the water, and she was shocked by the magnificent waves, but only for a moment, her thin figure returned to calm again, and said in a flat tone: "It's his life."

Ouyang Nuan watched her anguish hiding in her eyes calmly, quietly, "Why so impulsive."

"Impulse? This isn't impulsive, this is just what I have to do." She said in an infinite void and dry voice, "Wan Er, you have so much, it's not a loss for you What, but I'm different from you, I have nothing, only him, what can I bear for the enemy who has taken away my only important person? "Her voice seemed to sink into the heart, and there was no trace of it ripple.

"I told you that if you want revenge, you have to think long and hard, but you did it. Not only did Xiao Chongjun not die, but you also had to get in, so that you would even avenge He Lan's son? Sun Rouning, think about it , Xiao Chongjun was just a little injured, not fatal, but you took your own life, is it worth it? You died, who avenged He Lan's son? Xiao Chonghua is Xiao Chongjun's brother, even if he is He Lan's son again It ’s sad and you ca n’t do anything for your brother. What ’s the value of your death? When people talk about you, they just think you are a wicked woman who murders your husband! ”

"I know, I know, but I can't control it. When I think of that beast who killed the person I love, I can't let him live any longer. Why is he such a vicious waste is alive, but my lover is Already ... "When Sun Rouning said this, he originally held his knees and raised his hands, covering his eyes, so that the tears of warm water leaked from the fingers and gradually became cold. Ouyang Nuan was speechless and could only look at her for a long time.

"Now, what should I do?" Sun Rouning cried for a long time, and finally stopped crying, so he asked Ouyang Nuan.

Ouyang Nuan sighed in his heart. Sun Rouning was really impulsive. There are many opportunities to kill Xiao Chongjun. Then, when a sick seedling is not easy to use, he has to make such a big fanfare. In this way, the easy things to do Becomes difficult to do. "Dong Fei is going to ask about this personally. She also ordered someone to search your room, I'm afraid it is-"

"That old demon, just wanted me to die." Sun Rouning said without hesitation.

Ouyang Nuan slowly said: "If you really die, she will only be happier, so you must cheer up, don't give up like this."

Sun Rouning paused, with a little anxiety in his eyes: "Even if I don't want to die, she won't let me go."

Ouyang Nuan looked at her resolute appearance, and finally began to wonder. Concubine Dong really did bring Xiao Chongjun into one hand, but just looking at her look of impatience, it was just the biological mother and child. This is too suspicious. Now Not when thinking about this, Ouyang Nuan suppressed the weird feeling in his heart and said, "Do you have any plans now?"

Sun Rouning shook his head: "Take a step and count."

Ouyang Nuan said: "I feel that there is still room for reversal in this matter. As long as you listen to me, don't be shy."

Sun Rouning looked at Ouyang Nuan in doubt, Ouyang Nuan just smiled and made a gesture on his hand.

Back in the main house, as soon as I entered, I saw Dong Fei's somber face, Ouyang warmed, "Is Chonghua back?"

The doctor looked at the direction of the inner chamber and shook his head in anxiety. At this moment, Xiao Chonghua walked into the door with a brocade box, and Dong Fei's eyes lit up at that moment. Ouyang Nuan looked in her eyes, and she realized the doubts in her heart. Don't blame her for being suspicious, it is Dong Fei who cares so much about Xiao Chongjun.

Xiao Chonghua and Ouyang Nodded and nodded, and quickly walked into the inner room with the Taiyi. After a while, the Taiyi sent someone out to say that the dagger had been pulled out, the blood had stopped, and the injury would not be fatal. After listening to her complexion, Dong Fei immediately relaxed and instructed the girl, "Go and bring Shi Zifei to the Little Flower Hall. I will interrogate it myself!"

Ouyang Nuan whispered softly: "Madam, what are you doing? You need to interrogate Dasao, and wait for the prince to come back."

Dong Fei looked coldly at Ouyang Nuan: "This is the inner house thing. I ca n’t tell you how ugly Yin is when I ask him. Is n’t it a misconduct? Of course, you must first understand, if Wang really asks me Words, warm, do you mean it! "

This statement makes sense, and Ouyang Nuan can't stop it. But if Dong Fei were asked to interrogate alone, something big would happen. Ouyang Nuan thought of it and smiled, "What my mother said, I'll listen to it together."

Dong Fei sneered, and was not worried about what Ouyang Nuan would do. After all, so many people saw Shi Zifei trying to kill Xiao Chongjun. This is a matter of nails, and no one can bring out any flowers. Even though Ouyang Nuan was interested, she was powerless to help, so she laughed: "Since you want to listen, you listen well."

In the small flower hall, the girl Bai Bai, who had searched Sun Rouning's house, came up and held up a small brocade box.

Ouyang warmly looked at Bai Ye, this girl was given to Xiao Chongjun by Dong Fei, and she was beautiful and gentle, gentle and generous, without the humbleness and small family temperament of the girl. On the contrary, she was very bookish. I heard that my father was still a man with a good name. Xiucai died before she was born. She became a posthumous child. Without support, she devoted herself to the King's Mansion with her mother. Her mother married Zhao Guan in the government, and she followed. Become a slave of Yan Wangfu. Dong Fei was carefully selected in the girl, not only to look good, but also to be gentle and not frivolous. She picked and found her, taught her to Xiao Chongjun, and sent her mother Zhao mother. Stay with me. In this way, it is said that Bai Ye is not Dong Fei's confidant.

Bai Yan opened the brocade box, which contained a concentric knot, and a purse with half embroidered.

Dong Fei picked up the concentric knot and looked at it for a long time. She lowered it gently without a sound, and then took a look at the purse, saying, "Why didn't you finish the embroidery? This embroidery is quite good."

At this time, Bai Yi said: "This purse was embroidered by Shi Zifei, but she didn't give it to Shi Zi, but just put it in this box, I don't know who it was for."

Ouyang Nuan heard the words, looked at Bai Yan with a smile, and the other person looked down at that cold look and immediately lowered his head.

Princess Dong took out a sweat towel in the box and said, "What is this again?"

Ouyang Nuan didn't feel a little surprised, but she didn't know what she was doing. Bai Xi shook her head and said, "What is this? Slave has never seen it. How is it in this box?"

Dong Fei unbuttoned her sweatshirt, but it was a piece of paper.

Dong Fei glanced and sneered, "Bai, read it out and let everyone listen!"

"Ronghua is like a cloud, fortunate to clean my body, Sijun often dreams, and makes tears stain the towel." Bai Yan's voice is very soft, but now it sounds harsh.

This is clearly a love poem. Ouyang Nuan shook her head. This was searched out from the box collected by Sun Rouning under the eyes of everyone.

Dong Fei changed her face, and said, "This is the love treasure treasured by Shi Zifei? Full of bullshit! How could Shi Zifei hide such a thing!"

Bai Ye kneeled down and said, "Mother-in-law, you really do n’t know where the dirty things come from, or how to put them here. The slave-in-law is not the confidante of Shi Zifei, and you ca n’t usually get this box. Come face to face. "

Ouyang warmly sneered and said, "Bai Yun, do you want to have a confrontation with the concubine? This is the master's decision. When will it be your turn to take the initiative?" She said to Dong Fei, "Mother-in-law I believe there will never be such a thing in Da'ao's house, maybe someone else put it in! "

Dong Fei looked at her eyes and said, "You said someone else put them in?"

Ouyang Nuan said indifferently: "If Dasao hid this thing in private, how would he dare to hide it in his own house? Someone would deliberately plant the bosom and frame it.

Dong Fei sneered, "Come here, detain all the mothers in Shi Zifei's house."

Ouyang Nuan frowned and looked at this scene. After the order from Dong Fei, the mothers of the girls in Sun Rouning's house were all pulled to this little flower hall. There were 17 people, all kneeling down on the ground and scratching their heads. Knowing that Shi Zifei had made a mistake, they were the people who served in Shi Zifei's house. I was afraid that they would ask for guilt together. How could they not be afraid?

"You should all have heard about things in the yard." Dong Fei sat there, without much expression on her face. She was, as usual, eager to speak, even when she was very upset. But the girl mothers kneeling in the flower hall held their voices one by one and did not dare to make a sound.

Ouyang Nuan understands that this is the prestige of the accumulation of years and cannot be achieved overnight.

"You are all elderly people in Ankang Hospital. You are the clearest about Shi Zifei's side. Who wants to talk about whether Shi Zifei is intimate with others or is being wronged?" Dong Fei continued, saying In the end, a sentence suddenly appeared, and everyone heard it, and they dared not answer, one by one, they lowered their heads and did not dare to lift up.

"Yes, no, no, what does it mean to lower your head!"

You see me in the crowd, I see you, dare not speak. One of the daring mothers said that she was serving in the outer court and said that she had no idea what happened to Shi Zifei. "What about others?" Dong Fei asked others again. Others also support each other. You push me and I push you. Although you didn't say it clearly, the meaning is clearer, but no one is willing to betray the children in the court.

What is the crime of betraying the master, even if the concubine is really affiliated with others, that is also the master's business. Masters can do this kind of thing, but these slaves ca n’t be said. The betrayal of the master and son.

"Say! If you don't say it, you will be punished together!" Bai Yan said.

But no one was willing to say a word, Ouyang warmly smiled: "This shows that Dasao is wronged. If something really happens, how could anyone not know it?"

In fact, she also knew that only four or five of these people kneeling in the flower hall were served by Sun Rouning. The others did not know anything. If they were interrogated, they should be caught alone and asked clearly. Dong Fei was so fanatical that Ouyang Nuan did not understand what she wanted to do.

"Isn't it true?" Dong Fei sneered. "These things are some of you who deliberately framed the master! I will order someone to pull you out and fight until you recruit, to see which bold slaves dare to frame the master."

This trick is really bad enough!

Ouyang Nuan instantly understood Dong Fei's meaning. One by one interrogation may still be fraudulent. Once everyone's mouth is full of gold, they will never be able to confess! Dong Fei is going to put Sun Rouning to death!

"Don't madame, all the slaves said, slaves said!" There was a sharp voice in the crowd. The crowd froze, all looking at the girl Vanilla kneeling in the front row. Sun Rouning's confidant mother Huo was so anxious to wink at her that it was too late to stop her.

"What did you say?" Dong Fei smiled loosely on her face.

"If you return to Niangniang, slaver knows that the concubine will go to Ningguohui every month to love her! Slave has seen it with her own eyes!" Vanilla said loudly.

According to ordinary people, it is inevitable that the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law will fight for some things, but Ouyang Nuan knows that this is not the case between the daughter-in-law and the daughter of Yan Wangfu. It even caused the killing. Looking at the pandan in front of her, Ouyang Nuan found that the situation here was far more complicated than she imagined. This is a conspiracy carefully planned by Dong Fei, and it does not depend on Sun Rouning's move to kill Xiao Chongjun. It can be said that Vanilla and those things are just a dark chess move, and one day it will break out.

"Don't you lie?" Dong Fei asked in a deep voice.

Vanilla lay on the ground and nodded in the face of Dong Fei.

"Xian Lan, your master is as gracious to you as you are. If you think about it, don't make a mistake." Ouyang reminded her coldly.

Panlan snored and trembled: "The slaves are telling the truth, and they never dare to lie. If the mother and the county princess don't believe this, you can send someone to Ning Guozhen to ask. To see that Master Jing'an, but actually to meet with people! "She lay on the ground, babbling.

Ouyang Nuan stared at Pandan. She wanted to teach each other. When she spoke, she held back, thinking that Pandan was just a chess piece, and she couldn't afford to tell her so much. She has such courage, and would like to identify Sun Rouning in front of everyone, that is, she has set aside everything! What can you say to such a person!

"Okay, get up." Dong Fei waved her sleeves, let Pan Lan get up, and then asked the others, "Is anyone else willing to say?"

Dong Fei asked twice in a row, and when no one agreed, she smiled slightly and immediately slap. Only a loud noise was heard, and the already ambushing moms in amnesty rushed into the flower hall with wooden sticks one by one. "Mother-in-law's life, all of them will be arrested into the prison room and put in custody pending trial."

Immediately, two or three girls shouted again, "The slaves also know it! Mothers are desperate, slaves say everything! They said everything!"

Concubine Dong looked proudly at Ouyang Nuan, and the situation was over, and what tricks she could have!

know? These are different from Pandan, who is serving nearby, but they are afraid of being disturbed. They don't know anything! Ouyang Nuan smiled a little, and Dong Fei, who looked like she had a heart on her chest, was flaming up, but Ouyang Nuan said faintly: What about Shi Zifei? Why are you so slow!

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