MTL - Rebirth of the Marquis’ Di Daughter-Chapter 179

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Ouyang Nuan felt that He Lantu had nothing but to tell Sun Rouning herself. If someone else was to tell her, she wouldn't know if she would lose her mind on the spot. Throughout the night, she thought about it and didn't know how to speak, but Sun Rouning actually came to her.

"Nuaner, he went to Ning Guozhen, and there was no news since two days ago. You help me ask King Ming, did you let him go out to work? Why didn't you tell me in advance?"

Ouyang Nuan's expression was suddenly complicated and indistinct. She was so drowsy as the sky fell before the snow. She sighed softly, and said, "Dar, I have something to say to you."

Sun Rouning froze, Ouyang Nuan's eyes had always been quiet, but now it was faint with a repressive emotion, making people dare not speculate what was hidden in it. Suddenly she felt wrong, but there was nothing wrong, but she couldn't tell. After pondering for a moment, he suddenly saw the reddish corners of Ouyang's warm eyes, as if to stop talking.

After long contact, Sun Rouning knew Ouyang Nuan was weak on the outside, but strong on the inside, not a person who would easily cry. What's more, how could it be red eyes?

Suddenly, Sun Rouning wondered, "Warm son, do you have anything to hide from me? You tell me the truth!"

Ouyang Nuan's gaze was quiet in the end, stunned like a deep ancient well. She stared at Sun Rouning firmly, saying, "Since you noticed, I can't hide from you any more. Today you are not coming, and I'm going to find you. I have something very important to do to you. Say."

Sun Rouning heard that his heart was hot, and his throat was aching, and he felt more uneasy. He stared at her: "You're spitting, there must be something important-did he have an accident? Or was he injured? ?! "

Her body trembled a little, Ouyang Nuan held her down, forced her eyes to look at her, worried and anxious, silver teeth bit her, closed her eyes and said, "Yes! He Lan, there was an accident-he died. . "

Sun Rouning froze and couldn't believe it. Her lover, good, how could she die? how come? !! He just went to condolence, so many difficulties in the past were all right, how could something suddenly happen? !! Sun Rouning's heart beating violently, biting his lips subconsciously, tears streaming down, the temperature almost burned Ouyang Nuan's eyes. She murmured, "No-never-how could he die!"

Ouyang Nuan said: "The specific situation is still under investigation. He just went to Ning Guozhang to concubine the Princess Jianghai, but he was in an ambush. Those people came towards him and had to put him to death. He Lan's son is very good. I do n’t know why he was caught in the incense, and those who could n’t escape the pursuit of those people would be killed. Chonghua sent a check of his relics and found that there was a silk thread impregnated with rosemary on a belt. Someone might do it on it You know what to do. You must be unbearable about this, but I have to say. There are too many eyes and ears in the house. If someone hears something wrong, I can only tell you such a thing. "

As she said, she ordered Ruby to take a tray with a delicate belt inlaid with tourmalines. Sun Rou listened quietly. He couldn't move even when he was moving, and his tears crawled across his cheeks, like countless sharp knives. Her voice just trembled: "It's me, I gave it to him, I killed him!"

When Ouyang Nuan saw that she looked extremely abnormal, she quickly supported her body. Sun Rooning's armor was pinched on her arm, sharp and stinging, and spread a little bit. Ouyang Nuan was startled, "What are you talking about! Then You gave the belt! "

Sun Rouning kept crying, apparently sorrowful to the extreme: "I sent it, I gave it to him! But I do n’t know that there is something wrong with the silk thread, I will not harm him, how can I kill my own favorite People! "

Ouyang Nuan warmed his heart, and he felt clear: he hated them: "They are prepared! They must be the people in the government. Knowing your relationship, they have the opportunity to move their hands and feet on that belt!"

Sun Ruoning was chilling, hoarse, and said, "Who ... who is who ..." All kinds of puzzles and sorrows, her mind was chaotic and tangled, she could hardly understand.

Ouyang Nuan pressed her to sit down firmly, her eyes were as clear as a knife, and the knife was clear. "Now is not the time to cry and runny. The first thing that matters is revenge and snow hate. He has been conspired to know whether the enemy is stealing. Laugh? Do you want to watch him strangle him to death? Furthermore, the deceased is dead. What matters is to plan for the living. Now that the person has seen the relationship between you, maybe— "Even you will encounter Unfortunately, this sentence Ouyang Nuan did not finish.

Sun Rouning resolutely calmed his mind, holding on to his horns, "You're right. I can't let him die in vain, I want those people to pay the price!"

Originally, this sentence was meant to evoke her will to survive. As long as the murderer behind the scenes can't be found, Sun Rouning will never want to die! But looking at her expression now, Ouyang Nuan felt uneasy in her heart, and said, "You go back and check first, whoever has moved your hands and feet on that belt, even the people around you, you have to check them one by one. Maybe this way Can find clues to killing the murderer, then we will think of revenge together! "

Sun Ruoning's expression was silent because of this sentence, her eyes slowly began to beat a spark that Ouyang Nuan couldn't understand, but when Ouyang Nuan took a closer look, she found nothing. Sun Rouning said gently, "Where is he now?"

Ouyang Nuan Road: "On the Emerald Peak, not far from Ning Guoyu."

"I have to go and see him." Sun Rouning finished speaking word by word, and couldn't help tears anymore. She quickly touched her face and wiped away the tears as if they never existed.

& amp; nbsp; ~ If Sun Rouning couldn't control her emotions and get out of control on the spot, Ouyang Nuan would feel normal, but she behaved too calmly and calmly overwhelmed. She always felt that something would happen ...

The weather was extremely hot that night, and a round of crescent moon appeared in the clouds. Xinghui fell at night, Ouyang Nuan tossed in bed and couldn't sleep, Xiao Chonghua whispered softly: "What's wrong?"

Ouyang Nuan shook his head and whispered softly: "I don't know. I'm always upset. I don't know exactly what happened."

Xiao Zhonghua thought for a moment, she already understood what she meant, and said, "Are you worried about Grandma?"

Ouyang Nuo was silent, not just worried, she always felt that something was going to happen, but what was the matter, she couldn't tell.

It was three o'clock when I heard the noise of running outside. Xiao Zhonghua and Meng Zhong woke up, gently pulled Laoyang Nuan, and gently called out, "What's wrong with the avatar!"

Ouyang Nuan suddenly woke up, only to feel that his body was soaked with sweat. Xiao Chonghua was about to get out of the cloak, but Ruby rushed in, "Miss, it's not good, something happened in the courtyard of Shizi."

Ouyang Nuan changed her face and reprimanded: "What's wrong with it, don't say anything!"

Ruby's complexion turned pale. "What the slave said was true, it seemed that the world's grandfather was bad!"

Xiao Chonghua heard that Xiao Chongjun was not good, and suddenly changed. When Ouyang Nuan saw his face change, he hurried to change clothes with him, and they went to Antaiyuan together.

Upon arriving at the gate, a little girl ran out in a hurry. Her face was extremely ugly. When she saw Xiao Zhonghua startled and fell to her knees, Xiao Chonghua couldn't wait to ask, and strode in. Ouyang Nuan quickly followed him, but saw that there was a mess in the Antai courtyard at this moment. She walked into the room, even though she had prepared in her heart. The room was full of blood, and the girls next to Xiao Chongjun wept and wept, they kept calling "Shizi", and wiped the pale and blue face of Xiao Chongjun with hot water.

Xiao Chonghua's face changed drastically, and he walked over quickly. Ouyang Nuan followed and looked at it, but found that Xiao Chongjun was lying on the bed dying, and all the plain satin mattresses under him were soaked with blood. There were spots of blood on the gauze. He was lying in a pool of blood with blood on his clothes. The ruby ​​behind Ouyang warmed her face and was afraid to look back. How is this going? Ouyang Nuan took a closer look, and Xiao Zhongjun had a dagger in his abdomen, which looked extremely terrible.

Ouyang Nuan didn't care how Xiao Chongjun was, she just wanted to know where Sun Rouning was. She grabbed one of the girls' arms: "Where is the concubine?"

The girl cried with a wow: "Second Princess ... Second Princess is crazy, she is going to kill Seiko ..."

The speculation in Ouyang Nuan's heart was confirmed, and suddenly the same basin of cold water poured from head to toe. Is it Sun Rouning, all this is what she did? But why? Although Sun Rouning hated Xiao Chongjun, she would not kill Xiao Chongjun for no reason. Unless-unless Xiao Chongjun has something to do with He Lantu's death! Ouyang Nuan's mind flashed the belt like a flash of light, she was startled, yes, it was the belt! Xiao Zhongjun's eyes at that time, she could never forget, so it is! In the afternoon, Sun Rouning had already guessed, so that's why he showed that look ...

Xiao Chongjun didn't die, he still uttered one or two groans because of pain in the fainting. Xiao Chonghuaqiang calmed himself and said, "What about the doctor?"

At this time, Dong Fei was leading the Taiyi to come in. Dong Fei's entire face changed and her hands were shaking slightly. She eagerly said, "Come and see!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, the Taiyi quickly stepped into the inner room and took a closer look at Xiao Chongjun's wound. When he came out, he was sweating a lot, and his voice was crying. Can't live! "

Dong Fei was furious: "How could this be!"

Taiyi pointed at the blood on the bed and said, "Shizi has been sick, not to mention so much blood. If he pulls out the dagger forcibly, he ..." He said without a word.

Dong Fei's face was a panic she had never seen before. She looked at Xiao Chonghua and said, "Your father is not here. What do you say?"

Xiao Chonghua's brow was wrinkled tightly. His anxiety was not written on his face, but could make Ouyang Nuan feel. He quickly said: "I immediately went to the palace to ask for nine turns of Danlu, and I hanged my brother's life first!"

The doctor's expression was loose, and Jiuzhuan Danlu was the holy medicine of the court, which had the effect of stopping bleeding and muscles. As long as he can get this, Xiao Chongjun will be saved!

Xiao Chonghua walked out two steps quickly, Ouyang Nuan suddenly called him: "Chonghua!"

Xiao Chonghua turned his head and gave a deep glance at Ouyang Nuan. At this moment, Ouyang Nuan understood his position. Xiao Chongjun was his brother. He couldn't watch him die! Ouyang Nuan knew this too, but-Xiao Chongjun killed He Lantu, and even if Sun Rouning really took Xiao Chongjun's life, it would be a life payback! But she swallowed this sentence and understood the pleasurable look of Xiao Chonghua. She didn't say a word. This is the feeling between their brothers. She couldn't say more!

After Xiao Chonghua left, Dong Fei finally calmed down, and her face was much better than before. She glanced around and saw that there were still a few dishes of unfinished dishes on the opposite golden silk sandalwood table, and the wine glass remained in the glass. Some amber wine left. She asked coldly, "What exactly happened tonight?"

The girl trembled and said, "Yes-it is Shizi said that she would accompany her to drink a few glasses today, so that the slaves would quit. Seeing that there was a lot of movement in the room, the slaves ventured in and took a look. Shizi was already injured, and the concubine chased after him to kill him. The slaves desperately took the knife from the concubine, but Shizi The coma passed ... Mother-in-law forgive me, mother-in-law forgive me! "

When Ouyang Nuan heard it, he couldn't help asking: "Where are the concubines?"

The girl carefully said, "The slaves are afraid that the world's concubines will hurt them again, and temporarily hold her in the small study in the backyard."

Dong Fei didn't have much surprise, just coldly, "how can this be?"

At this moment, half of Dong Fei's face fell in the shadow of the candlelight. It seemed a bit horrible, Ouyang Nuan slowly said, "How can Dazhu be suddenly stunned for no reason, what happened today may be just an accident."

"It wasn't an accident ..." Dong Fei Huo Ran interrupted. "She knew he was ill, and was drinking so late, she clearly wanted to kill him, and she didn't know what the peace of mind was. She was a viper-like woman ... ... "

Seeing her like this, Ouyang Nuan couldn't help scorching, and said, "What good is it to kill my elder brother? Is there a woman who wants to be a widow?"

Dong Fei said coldly: "This is not necessarily! Come, go and search Shi Zifei's room. I'd like to see what reason she must kill her husband!"

Dong Fei's girl responded, Ouyang Nuan frowned and wondered what to do about this matter. Sun Runing's attempt to kill Xiao Chongjun was seen by everyone. It was almost impossible to escape the sin. The Sun family was gradually declining, and she did not have a strong helper to speak for her. It's a bad name, unless—thinking of it, she quietly got up and said, "Mother, I remember that there is a wonderful ginseng in the storeroom, so I'll pick it up now, maybe it can help."

Dong Fei looked at her coldly and didn't even hum. Ouyang Nuan didn't care. He took Ruby and Acorus to get up and left, but went out of Antaiyuan and went in through the side door. When he arrived at the small study, Ouyang Nuan let Hongyu lead The girl who opened the door pushed the door in.

Sun Rouning curled up in the corner of the study, and heard the sound of the door opening. There was no throbbing emotion on his face, but his hands clenched his knees. This time He Lantu's death greatly damaged her spirit, but in just one day, her entire face was as pale as a ghost, like a breeze in the spring breeze, lonely and helpless.

She lost her lover, and she was pitiful enough. She must try to help her escape! Ouyang Nuan shuddered in her heart, and said softly, "Da'er, I'm here--"

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