MTL - Rebirth of the Marquis’ Di Daughter-Chapter 148

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Lin Yuanxin's long thin eyebrows, like a crescent moon, raised sharply, "What are you talking about?"

Ouyang Nunneng paused, after all, did not say, but just said: "I mean, things have passed so long, is the cousin still angry with the prince?"

Lin Yuanxin's dignified face always showed a touch of sorrow and disdain. "Is it angry? I don't think it's worth even being angry for him. In these days, I watched coldly, but just felt that this person was getting more and more cool." Listening quietly, Lin Yuanxin slowly said, "This kind of man is not worthy of anyone's sincere treatment." As she said, she smiled lightly, and a smile of coldness and lightness floated from the smile. "For example, Zhou Junjun, she stubbornly and heartily Panyu finally came to this end. It really made people feel cold, but I still wanted something from him and couldn't turn my face. "

Ouyang Nuan smiled lightly, her full lips like Xianyan's petals, with a hint of ironic smile, "He is indeed a very ruthless person."

Lin Yuanxin paused, and it was difficult to hide the feelings of sorrow in her tone. "In this woman's life, I have paid so badly for these four words. I really taste it!"

Wish to pay! These four words pierced Ouyang Nuan's heart almost like a needle. If she used to, she would remember the stupid thing she had done in the past, but at this moment, the feeling of pain has long disappeared and it is replaced by numbness.


"You don't need to persuade me, but today I saw Zhou Yijun's end to evoke old things. When I saw him, I also had a heartbreak and anguish, but now that I am sad, I am not sad. I just feel that Such a person is not worth it. The rest is just a feeling for the past. "Lin Yuanxin's face faded, and she reached for her hair," but, don't enter the Prince easily from now on. " Government, if I have something to say with you, you can meet around. The Prince's Government now is different from the past. No one dares to stop me, and you don't have to be so careful. "

Knowing that my cousin was worried that unexpected things would happen again, Ouyang Nuan's eyes flashed in an instant, and there was a faint wave in his voice: "OK."

"Go back to rest earlier, and you're still busy tomorrow." Lin Yuanxin patted her hand.

Ouyang warmed and nodded, all the way back to Yan Wangfu, Xiao Zhonghua had not returned, she did not mention this companion to anyone, took off her coat as usual, and leaned on the couch to sleep in the morning.

But for an hour, she was still in her sleep, so she listened to the ruby ​​calling by the couch.

"Well?" She was half awake, and asked vaguely, "What is it?"

"The princess is gone ..." Ruby was a little bitter, but the meaning of Ouyang Nuan understood it instantly.

"Oh ..." Ouyang warmed up in her cloak, her head calmly.

Ruby combed her hair, her expression was very strange: "One more thing, the confidant mother beside Princess Fei, also died ..."

"She?" Ouyang Nuo paused for a moment, her frowns frowned slightly. "Details."

"It was said that she knew that the princess was gone, and she slammed herself under the porch and slain the master with her body." Hongyu said with her mouth, and she did not idle her hands, and expertly helped her to save her. At that time, I was out of breath. "

Ouyang Nuan sneered, sneering where it was so easy, this matter must not be so simple.

"Miss, Su Fu is ready."

Ouyang Nuan nodded, got up and dressed, and then went to the flower hall with the ruby ​​puff.

Just arrived at the flower hall, Dong Fei and Sun Rouning were already there. This is the first time to meet Sun Rouning since the last time. She no longer looks aggressive in the past, but she is not very soft, just faint, can't see the mood. Ouyang Nuan didn't expect her to change overnight, so she didn't take it seriously.

Dong Fei said: "The princess has gone, and we should all go to mourn." She and Sun Rouning were also both plain.

Ouyang Nuo nodded and asked, "Did the palace know the news?"

Dong Fei's face was deep and she said, "The news should be reported to the palace, but I don't know what her Majesty showed." After that, she glanced at Ouyang Nuan.

Ouyang Nunn asked this sentence, of course, knowing that the palace was informed earlier than the palace of Yan. What she really wanted to know was the attitude of the emperor, because his attitude directly determines how the funeral is handled and what kind of etiquette is given. How many sacrifices and so on.

Sun Rouning slowly said, "If you don't say anything, let's go to Prince's House first. If you go late, you will lose your courtesy."

In this way, there was nothing else, everyone got on their own carriages and went all the way to Prince Edward.

Along the way, horse-drawn carriages continued to go with them, all directions were Prince's House, it seems that all families went to the funeral. In fact, it is very easy to identify, because Yiying's cars are all plain. When he arrived at the Prince's House, the fans started to open from the gates. The filial sheds and house signs had already been established in the village.

After seeing the carriage of Yan Wang's Mansion, the steward immediately greeted him, and asked the mother of the guest to take them to the inner courtyard. Before entering the yard, Ouyang Nuan heard the cry of rushing to the ground.

"You are here!" Lin Yuanxin greeted them.

Ouyang Nuan nodded and introduced her to Princess Dong and Princess Shi.

Everyone saluted, Lin Yuanxin said lightly: "The **** who just sent the **** just left, said that His Majesty had got the news, and personally slogan: Shu Xiaoquan, and the cabinet scholars played a funeral for the prince, and made the house The head of the government led 50 relatives to wear filial piety for the princely concubine. "

Ouyang Nuan heard this and nodded. Xiao Qinwu was indeed a benevolent emperor. The death of the prince-in-law with such a funeral was a great gift.

Lin Yuanxin personally led them into the inner room.

Zhou Yingjun slept on the big bed of Huanghualimu Luohan, wearing the crown prince's crown ritual, wearing a big red dress, with a calm expression and a gentle look, just like falling asleep. There was a long beacon at the top of her head. Old lady Chou and Madam Chou had arrived. The Madam was obviously overly sad and the whole person lost her manners. Standing next to it was a beautiful, plain-looking young woman. She was also holding a three- or four-year-old girl in her hand, which seemed to be Zhou Yanjun's daughter.

Mrs. Zhou watched Lin Yuanxin bring someone in, a sneer appeared on her lips, but she stood up and greeted, "Mr. Dong Fei."

"The old lady doesn't have to be courteous. I'll send the princess to her." Dong Fei was busy helping her, her face looked like a real sadness, and she patted Zhou's hand sympathetically.

"Old lady, you must mourn." Sun Rouning whispered, "The deceased is dead, your bones are the most important thing!"

Mrs. Zhou's lips were slightly narrowed, and tears rolled down again.

The **** the side said with tears: "Old lady, you have been crying since you got the letter ... but you need to be careful."

Everyone also talked comfortably to Old Chou Taijun. She sighed again and again: "It is my granddaughter who is not blessed--" She said, looking at Lin Yuanxin thoughtfully, but Lin Yuanxin lowered her head, Ignore it.

Upon hearing this, the old lady cried even more. While crying, he also sobbed, "What a blessing, my daughter is the real princess, and those who have no conscience will poison her, and they will definitely be punished by God!"

I don't know why, everyone looked at Lin Yuanxin, face or face to face, thoughtful, or shocked ... The atmosphere in the room suddenly became a little weird. Dong Fei's expression was also very surprised, looking at the sorrowful expression of Madam Zhou, she did not speak for a long time.

At this moment, Lin Yuanxin's face was embarrassed, Ouyang Nuan frowned, the princess was suddenly killed, and it was Lin Wenyuan's hand again. It seemed that others would be related to Lin Yuanxin. Madam Zhou said this quite Meaningful, but at this time say these words ...

Fortunately, my mother was very clever. When she saw that the atmosphere was not right, she immediately said, "Let's go out and sit outside first. Don't disturb the peace of the prince."

Dong Fei nodded and comforted Zhou Taijun, and then took Ouyang Nuan and Sun Rouning out of the inner room.

In the flower hall, there have been a lot of guests who have come to pay their respects.

Dong Fei asked Lin Yuanxin carefully all the time: "Stop for a few days? When will you die? Qin Tian has chosen the day?" "Is there enough staff? Is there anything I can add or subtract?" "What can I do for you?" , Come to the King's Palace anytime. "

Lin Yuanxin replied methodically: "Because of the hot weather, it was supposed to be suspended for seven or forty-nine days, but now it is no more than ten days. The day of the funeral must be waited, and His Majesty's intention is to pay homage to all civil and military officials, so His Royal Highness ordered In order to put the yard and the garden on a running mat, all the staff and objects are ready, and there should be no problems. "

The guests in the flower hall saw Dong Fei entering the door and all stood up to salute. The smiles on the faces were kind and affectionate.

Ouyang Nuan couldn't help but be surprised. Dong Fei's identity was far less than that of the noble princess, but it was clear that compared to the royal princess, the side concubine of Yan Wangfu who was not tall and rarely went out was more respected.

The thought flashed, and she heard someone sigh: "Prince Princess is young and talented, unfortunately ..."

It's a pity that he did not become the empress of the Dali Dynasty. Ouyang Nuan's heart made up this sentence automatically.

Because one step ahead, Ouyang Nuan did not see what Dong Fei had prepared for the ceremony. When the steward arrived with the things and handed in the gift list, it was found that it included pig and sheep sacrifices, gold and silver hills, satin swatches, There is a hundred candlesticks on the paper. Ouyang Nuan couldn't help but be surprised when she saw the gift list. It's been just two hours since the princely condolence was reported. Everything has been properly prepared. It is both beautiful and decent. It ’s just that, you ca n’t go far enough. And, it seems that Dong Fei's wife really can't be underestimated.

Just then, I heard someone shouting from outside, His Majesty has a purpose.

Ouyang Nuan looked for a moment, and Lin Yuanxin looked at each other, followed the crowd out of the flower hall, kneeling down to receive the decree.

The declared **** said: "His Majesty has life, and he will be slain for ten days in Beijing's official service, then he will be served for one hundred days, and he will be served for three days in foreign military and military officials. He will be served for three days. day."

The crowd thanked everyone, so they stood up and declared that the **** said to Lin Yuanxin: "Mrs. Lin Fei, Your Majesty was very sad when she heard about this. I told our family to tell you, although it was just when the national industry was in the throne, It should n’t have been a big deal for her funeral, but His Royal Highness went to the palace in person and asked for grace. Her Majesty decided to follow the courtesy of the country. Now there is no hostess in Prince ’s House, so you have to take more care. ”

When Ouyang Nuan heard this, she could not help but stare slightly. It turned out that the prince had begged for this second purpose ... She smiled slightly, but this person really does play. Regardless of who died Zhou Xun's death, it was impossible to get in touch with Xiao Yan, but he could do such a magnificent, seemingly deep-seated, it was really ironic.

"Yes, please tell your father-in-law, I will do my best." Lin Yuanxin said.

After sending away the **** who declared the purpose, Ouyang Nuan whispered to the girl next to him: "Lin Fei herself is still pregnant. You should look at it more. Don't make her too tired."


At this time, a girl came to report: "Prince of the county, the princess has come, His Royal Highness is accompanying you, please come with me."

Ouyang Nuan and Lin Yuanxin were surprised and glanced at each other. Lin Yuanxin nodded slightly to Ouyang Nuan, signalling that she didn't need to worry.

Ouyang Nuan smiled a little, said to Dong Fei, and left with the girl. They went all the way to the small hall where Xiao Yan met important guests.

The princess really was sitting in the small hall, but her face was not very good, and Xiao Yan on the side was as cold as water. Her face was cold. Although Ouyang Nuan didn't know what they were talking about just now, she could also think about it, but she did n’t talk very much. happy.

Seeing Ouyang Nuan coming in, the princess said nothing, but stood up and said, "Nuaner, you came just right. I heard that Dong Fei was here too, but is it true?"

"Yes, Dong Fei's wife is in the small flower hall in the backyard." Ouyang Nuan answered with a smile. "The husbands mentioned the mother just now, and I said you'll be there in a while."

"Well, go with me to take a look." The princess stood up and glanced at Xiao Yan. "Come here today. Now there are so many people in your house. I will talk about that later."

Xiao Yan listened, nodded, but stared at Ouyang Nuan: "Aunt, please let me say something to Yong'an."

The princess turned back sharply and gave Xiao Yan a cold look, and her eyes looked like a lunatic. Ouyang Nuan lowered her eyes and covered the sneer in her eyes. It was always coming, Xiao If you develop this kind of character, you won't let go until you get your hands.

The princess exhaled slowly: "Warm son, I'll wait for you outside, don't delay too long."


Watching the princess go out, Ouyang Nuan readjusted her breathing.

"His Royal Highness ..." She turned to look at Xiao Yan, her eyes flickered a few times, and after a while, she remembered something, and waited to salute.

The expression on Xiao Yan's face looked a lot better, without any hesitation, reaching out and grasping her hand tightly.

"No need to be polite." His voice was low. "When you got off at the door just now, so many women stood together, and I saw you at first sight."

Ouyang Nuan's face did not show any trace of resistance. On the contrary, her smile brought a touch of beautiful beauty, because it was a funeral, the white tassel falling on her head, trembling in her ears, eyes The eyes and smile were clear. Just looking at her, Xiao Yan's strength involuntarily increased, almost crushing her shoulders.

Ouyang Nuan noticed the heavyness of his shoulders, but the corners of his mouth were bent, and he suddenly felt something soft and close, touching his cheek. She raised her eyebrows, Xiao Yan had withdrawn, and the touch was still there. She changed her mind from shock to shock, and finally fixed him with her pupil, and smiled, "His Royal Highness, you are not afraid of the prince at this hour The princess has a spirit in heaven, and she is uneasy about death. "

Xiao Yan stared at her and asked with a smile: "Why, you guessed it?"

Ouyang Nuan answered the question without asking: "Although my second concubine became inflamed and ruthless, he was not a stupid person. In the public court, he poisoned the prince, but accidentally killed the prince, and he couldn't do it."

Xiao Yan smiled and said, "Have you ever doubted your cousin? When Zhou Junjun dies, she is likely to become the second princess, isn't she? Not to mention that she is so pleased and hated by Lin Wenyuan that she killed her father and enemies. , And almost killed her brother, she killed the Prince by his hand.

Ouyang Nuan didn't even raise her eyebrows and said calmly: "Cousin won't." She said vaguely, not that Lin Yuanxin would not do this, but that if Lin Yuanxin had done this, she would never hide herself.

Xiao Yan said positively: "Okay, then it doesn't matter to tell you. Yes, I do everything."

Ouyang Nuan did not expect that he would admit it so happily, he blinked and blinked suddenly, his expression was momentarily hesitant.

Xiao Yan said faintly: "Ouyang Nuan, we hunted that day, do you remember what you said?"

Ouyang Nuan looked at him, but didn't speak for a while, and said for a long time: "What did I say?"

Xiao Yan said: "You said, if I want your forgiveness, I will give you the heart of Zhou Junjun last week, remember."

After hearing this, Ouyang Nuan's face had a demon / brilliant flush for a moment, and a pair of originally bright eyes seemed like an abyss that couldn't be seen to the bottom. Just kill the princess? "

Xiao Yan looked at her calmly, "It's not all for you, but for most of the reasons. Since you said this sentence, I thought about it for a long time and decided to do it."

Ouyang Nuan lowered her head slightly, and the bottom of Wushen's eyes looked like a thin shadow with a blood-stained blade, a touch of light. When I pressed my heart, when I looked up, my eyebrows were changed into tenderness and water, and it was like a wave of surplus and surplus: "So, I want to thank the prince for giving me this breath."

Xiao Yan's expression had a momentary stasis, and he took a deep breath: "Ouyang Nuan, I will one day ascend to the throne. You are a smart person and you should understand this."

Ouyang warmly smiled softly and said calmly: "I am the Princess of Ming County, whether my Highness will inherit the throne in the future, do nothing with me ..."

Xiao Yan interrupted her: "Who said it! I am the emperor, so naturally you don't have to be the princess of Mingjun again!"

Ouyang Nuan laughed: "His Royal Highness must be crazy / the magic is impossible, I am the Princess of Ming County, and this will not change at any time."

Xiao Yan's face suddenly cooled down, and the icy light was moving in his eyes: "Ouyang Nuan, do you mean that what I do in the paddock is playing tricks on me?"

Ouyang Nuan smiled lightly, a beautiful face shone in the light of the sun that slipped in: "Nature is not."

Her attitude was as if the lazy cat was playing or playing with a mouse, which made Xiao Yan unconscious but felt more uncomfortable. She was about to grab her hand and ask what was going on, but she heard the noise from others. stand up.

Ouyang Nuan laughed: "His Royal Highness, this is not the time to say these things. What do you have to ask for? Choose a more suitable day."

Xiao Yan was shocked and took the lead to open the door and went out. Looking at his back, Ouyang Nuan's smile was cold for a moment, and then returned to normal.

In the outside yard, Lin Yuanxin is talking to the princess. There are still many people behind her. One of them is led by a young woman who is a young girl who is a young woman who is just in the room. The two-year-old boy held in his hand was Sheng Er.

When Sheng'er saw Ouyang Nuan, she opened her eyes wide and opened her hands to hold her. Ouyang Nuan smiled and walked up to hug him. He leaned / relied on her arms, using tender / tender beans / A rotten little face came to poke her: "Aunt / Aunt."

Xiao Mo / Li looked at Ouyang Nuan with curious eyes, then tightened the young woman's hand.

Lin Yuanxin smiled and said to Ouyang Nuan, "This is Miss Chi Lan, the sister of the princess."

Ouyang Nuan smiled and nodded to the young and beautiful girl, and her heart was dark: It seems that the thing that Miss Chi Lan is about to marry / enter Prince Edward is real, but she did n’t know that she could n’t wait to run away when her older sister died. Is it a little more urgent for Prince Edward to come?

Ouyang Nuan patted Sheng'er's back, he said softly: "Auntie, sister grabbed what you gave me."

Lin Yuanxin was busy: "Shenger, don't talk nonsense."

Sheng Er shut his mouth obediently, but tears were in his eyes. Xiao Qinli over there squeezed the sugar purse in her hand, and her face looked very angry.

Xiao Yan said positively: "You two, look around for fun all day long, it really doesn't look like it."

The princess laughed: "Whatever, Sheng Er is just how old you are, teach him, don't forget, when you were a kid, you were often beaten by your father for naughty!"

Sheng'er naively said, "Look?"

Ouyang Nuan smiled and said, "Your father said, let Shenger read more books, play less, and learn more."

Sheng'er's black grape-like eyes flickered and said proudly, "Auntie, I can recite poetry!"

Xiao Yan said with interest: "How old you are, you will be bragging."

Who knew that Shenger had a small mouth, and it really clicked: "I don't know how to sleep in spring, and I hear birds everywhere. The noise of rain and rain at night, how much do you know about flowers?"

The princess and Xiao Yan smiled in surprise, and Zhou Zhilan smiled reluctantly.

Sheng'er turned back and smiled, "Father, did Shenger memorize it?"

Xiao Yan laughed: "Yes, yes, memorize!"

The princess laughed: "Shenger is so smart! It ’s when the flowers are in bloom, what kind of birds and flowers! Look at this child, it sounds so sweet, it sounds so good!"

Ouyang Nuan looked at Sheng'er, her expression became more and more soft. Sheng'er was just two and a half years old this year. Although he learned to speak very late, he can now recognize some words and recite more than twenty poems. She smiled Xiang Yuanyuan said: "Cousin really taught his son very well."

Lin Yuanxin smiled and didn't speak, the little bamboo next to her said, "Yeah, our little Highness is the smartest child in the world. I remember it very quickly. After listening silently to Princess Lin saying three or five times, he remembered it , Say a word, let him follow, and he will. "

Zhou Zhilan glanced at Xiao Moli beside her, and smiled, "It seems that Mrs. Lin is really able to teach children, which is enviable."

Xiao Zhuli's small face turned out to be jealous and envious, and a kind of childish hostility and resistance to Lin Yuanxin appeared in her eyes. Ouyang Nuan looked in her eyes and shook her head uncontrollably. The Miss Zhou was afraid that it was not a fuel-saving lamp.

The princess laughed: "Prince, Sheng'er has a good back, what should I do for him?"

Xiao Yan was staring at Ouyang Nuan, who was holding Sheng'er. Everyone else saw that he thought it was Sheng'er. He heard the princess talk. He turned back and smiled, "Of course, I should reward! I There is a good set of four treasures in the study, which I will send to Sheng'er in return. "

Lin Yuanxin laughed: "It's just a child. Where can I use it?"

The princess looked at Sheng'er with a thoughtful look, "It will be used soon."

Hearing this sentence, Xiao Yan's expression changed suddenly. He glanced at Sheng'er and glanced at the princess again, and his joy faded.

Lin Yuanxin said softly: "His Royal Highness, there are many guests waiting in front of us, we must not be rude to others."

Xiao Yan recovered as usual, and unconsciously looked back at Sheng Yang in Ouyang Nuan's arms, turned and walked away.

Ouyang Nuan looked at the princess who was sinking in water, and her heart became more and more strange. What was the princess and Xiao Yan talking about just before she went in?


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