MTL - Rebirth of the Marquis’ Di Daughter-Chapter 147

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Ouyang Nuan sat up helplessly, opened Cairo's tent, his hair was untied, and at this time they were rising, with the scattered, it was really charming too much. Rao was accustomed to seeing her so red that she could not help but blush and lowered her head.

"Miss, slavery is waiting for you to freshen up," Hongyu said quickly.

Ouyang Nuan was about to speak, but he heard someone say, "King County, there is a father-in-law in the palace, said by Her Majesty."

Ouyang Nuan smiled, opened the curtain and said to Xiao Chonghua: "Look, here is yours."

In the end, Ouyang Nuan was procrastinating, deliberately getting into the carriage at noon. According to the truth, she is the cousin of the groom's official, and should have arrived earlier, but she is now not interested in such face-saving things, anyway, Xiao Chonghua was declared into the palace early in the morning, and no one would urge her , Simply lazy in the end.

The carriage went all the way to Shangshufu of the Ministry of War. Ruby opened the curtain and helped Ouyang to get off the carriage. Ouyang Nuan glanced at the glittering door plaque, and couldn't help sneering. Since King Zou lost his power, the second wife moved out of the town Guohou government dimly, because he knew that he even hung his life on his shoulders. , Not to mention the attack, this is his interest, but also his retreat.

Starting from the doorway, there are bright lights, full of red satin, and a very luxurious atmosphere. The girl who has led the way diligently directed Ouyang Nuan to the flower hall where the female guests were. Ouyang Nuan passed the bridge, and turned another corner, and was about to turn to the cobblestone path on the right side of the garden. Someone came over from the side of the path, and two people just ran into it. The woman on the opposite side wore a long dress embroidered with gold, with eight bright silver hairs swaying between her hair, multicolored gems, sakura, tassel and wind tugging behind her, and the steps fell together. , Cold looks, compelling temperament, who is not Lin Yuanrou?

Ouyang Nuan hasn't seen this cousin for a long time. Last time, I heard that after Cao Rong's death, the cousin was widow and moved back to her family within one month, attracting countless people in Kyoto. Fortunately, Cao Gang had the personality of a grandson, and he ignored Lin Yuanrou's stubble completely. He suddenly ran into it. Although Ouyang Nuan wondered how a widow wore such a gorgeous dress, he did not intend to ignore her. To pass by her.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yuanrou turned his face first: "Ouyang Nuan! Do you still have any rules? Don't you say a word when you see your cousin? Is this how the Ouyang family tutors do?"

Ouyang Nuan looked back at her violently, her eyes were captivating, like ice and snow, and Lin Yuanrou was calmed down for a moment. "My cousin has a good memory, but you seem to forget it. I am now the Lord of Yong'an and the princess of the county. When you meet, it is not me who salutes you, but you have to salute me. Since cousin attaches great importance to etiquette, I will not forget it. Let's do this. "

The girls, such as Hongyu and Acorus, were surprised when they heard the words, and then couldn't help but want to laugh, but they could not stand still.

Lin Yuanrou's anger broke out, but he held back the air: "Ouyang Nuan, do you think you are born from a reborn when you marry into the palace? Don't think that you are a relative of the imperial family, and my brother is also married to a county master. When you see me, you still have to call her sister obediently. In the final analysis, you are just a fox girl who eats by your face! "

"My cousin said that I naturally feed on my face. Wouldn't a woman like you not have this benefit? No wonder my cousin was so happy that I was so early. I must be so tired of seeing your face. ,dont you agree?"

Who is it? Wouldn't bullying scold someone? Ouyang warmly fanned the fragrant snow fan in his hand, and every sentence was very spicy.

Lin Yuanrou was stunned, Ouyang Nuan was forbearant in the past, no matter how provocative she was, the other party would not embarrass her in public, but now she is so arrogant, does she really think that she is more noble than herself? Lin Yuanrou hummed coldly, his face crooked, and said, "You must want to laugh at me, right ?! Huh, don't be too proud! Who knows if you will be worse than me in the future ?! People are really cheaper than one! "

Chang Pu only thought it was funny: "Miss Table, it seems like you are too much of someone? Why? If you are widow, you want to curse someone's marriage? You are like everyone to you? Funny!"

"What kind of thing are you? Even you dare to scold my wife. Do you know that our wife is going to marry the son of the King of Xiang Xiang in the future and can't keep up!" The girl next to Lin Yuanrou scolded,

Lin Yuanrou immediately glanced back at her.

Ouyang Nuan laughed: "No wonder my cousin is so beautifully dressed. I thought my cousin was gone. You have to be sad for a while. I didn't expect to find my next home so soon. The cousin is also inevitable, just, is Xiang Xiang's throne high, will he let his son marry a widow woman? Hundreds of years after the founding of the Dali Dynasty, there has never been such a precedent. Cousin, you have to think about Think clearly."

Lin Yuanrou was stabbed in pain and gave the girl a stern glance, and said to Ouyang warmly: "! Don't think you can be proud of it all your life!" She gritted her teeth. "After two years, wait for things to fade, I It ’s still possible to marry into the palace, and you can only show it to me now! I ’m suffering today, and you will all return back! ”

Ouyang's eyes narrowed, and she suddenly bent her corners: "What did my cousin say? I was kind, how did you treat me as a bad guy?" Seeing her stare, she sighed again: "I advise my cousin, I am also for your good. The lord concubine of the King Xiang Xiang is a famous character in Kyoto. If you come to her and do n’t wait for you to deal with her, she will kill you first. Why is it so hard? You Anyway, I can still live, right? "

Lin Yuanrou was shocked and angry: "You bullshit!"

Ouyang Nuan sighed heavily, "Is it nonsense, my cousin knows by myself, well, I am kind, if you refuse to listen, I can't help it."

Lin Yuan was trembling with anger, Ouyang Nuan turned back leisurely: "Ruby, let's go quickly, Lin Fei should be here."

Ruby immediately answered "Yes."

Lin Yuanrou, Ouyang Nuan's face that was no longer angry, turned aside and turned away without turning back ...

In the lively viewing ceremony on Xitang, Ouyang Nuan stood next to Lin Yuanxin and clearly saw that the bride's figure was indeed fat, but not as terrible as rumored. In Ouyang Nuan's view, the girl's family How she is born is not the most important thing, what is important is how to be a person, so in the snickers of others, her expression has been very calm.

After watching the ceremony, the bride and groom were sent to the cave, and the guests were introduced to the table. Soon after the bridegroom official drank the rolls, he came out again.

The guest's banquet was held in the open air atrium. On the first seat, Prince Xiao Yan and Princess Fei Zhou Junjun sat, but Zhou Junjun looked very stupid, and the thick powder could not cover the scars on his face.

Ouyang Nuan also wore only a crystal lotus flower in her hair and held a snow incense fan in her hand. Her dress was lubricated and lubricated with green as spring willow buds. She walked slowly before everyone's eyes and sat in the main seat. The prince and concubine faintly saluted, and then sat directly under Lin Yuanxin.

For a while, the audience whispered, and the sound of theft around them fluctuated, but Ouyang Nuan could just hear it.

"Everyone said that Yongan County's owner is beautiful, and today it looks so true!"

"Previously, the princess was also a big beauty. Unfortunately, this face is ruined!"

"I heard that the prince had been banned by the prince for some days, but I don't know why?"

"Out of favor, don't you see that Lin Fei is pregnant with pregnancy! This is the second one. The more stable her position is, the more sad her is!"

"That's it, this town's Guohoufu is even more prestigious!"

"This is not necessarily the case, the beauties of all the major families have been sent to Prince's House! In the past two months, the prince has had to accept two side concubines! Sitting on a par with Lin Fei!"

During the conversation, everyone's eyes turned into an arrow of unclear meaning, and they were relentlessly thrown at the superior, with envy and envy.

Ouyang Nuan ignored the crowd, sitting only with her eyes down, and Xiangxue fan swayed gently, but Lin Yuanrou beside her listened to her ears, her lips faintly sneered.

The crown prince on the theme, always blindly gliding over Ouyang Nuan's body, toasting from time to time to drink with everyone, Lin Wenyuan is also a diligent to the extreme, from time to time to the Prince and Princess Prince personally Thank you for coming.

"Master Lin doesn't have to be polite. You are the concubine of Lin Fei. I always come to congratulate myself." This is just a gesture. Although Lin Wenyuan has a serious crime, he is the one who personally brought up the head of Qin King. Since the emperor forgave His sin, of course, must be known to everyone.

Lin Wenyuan smiled even more happily: "His Royal Highness said that the Royal King had given me gratitude and gratitude, and I had no hope of returning it. I also gifted this marriage a few days ago. I really remembered His Majesty's countless merit when I remembered it!" If the clown jumping clown tried to greet Bong Bong with words of praise, Lin Wenyuan sobbed.

Xiao Yan raised a glass of smile, but with a smug look of pride in his eyes. Zhou Yijun next to him drank the wine glass and smiled lightly. At a blink of an eye, he showed a cruel and cruel smile towards Ouyang Nuan: "Prince Mingjun, why not say congratulations to you?"

Ouyang Nuan's grip on the fan shook his hand and smiled lightly: "The princess said that, such a great day, I naturally want to congratulate you."

Congratulations? However, Lin Wenyuan once helped Lin set up an ambush to put himself to death, and killed Lin Wenlong with his own hands. His grandmother's grandmother gave her a black hair and forced her cousin and cousin to choose a marriage that was not satisfactory. Such a man Ouyang Nuan can't wait to break him into pieces, and what congratulations!

At a blink of an eye, Xiao Yan seemed to see her smile, and her eyes flashed.

Zhou Xunjun refused to let her go, pressing harder and harder: "I heard that the Princess Consort just arrived late, but why?"

Ouyang Nuan's smile was shallow, elegant and unrestrained. Between the models, there seemed to be a cluster of extremely bright firelights in her eyes, her face flushed and panting, "I met a crazy dog ​​on the road to block the road. . "

Lin Yuanrou's face on the opposite face became iron-blue.

Zhou Yijun smiled coldly and said to Lin Yuanxin: "Prince Lin, the princess of Ming County is really interesting!"

Lin Yuanxin smiled slightly and ignored her.

For a while, Xiao Yan seemed to be drunk, and laughed a little.

Ouyang Nuan just bowed his head and drank his rose flower. From time to time, he tilted his head and talked to Lin Yuanxin, but he often felt that someone was looking at himself. When he looked up, he saw Xiao Yan's eyes as eagle-eyed, but he wanted to hide in the dark pool. under. And the dim light that appeared faintly gave Ouyang Nuan the illusion of being cut by the cold blade.

Ou Yang's warm black eyes fixed on Xiao Yan for a moment. Half a while finally showed a smile. In her eyes, there was a kind of light and beauty, and there was an inexplicable complexity. Xiao Yan was confused by her without knowing it. When Ouyang Nuan saw his expression sullen, he turned back with a smile.

Lin Wenyuan's banquet was very dedicated. The dishes in front of Lin Yuanxin are all she loves to eat, mostly light, with good color and fragrance. There is a cherry meat, which is thick and not greasy. Lin Yuanxin will eat more. After a few chopsticks, Ouyang Nuan saw that she had a good appetite. She knew that she was happy because she was pregnant, but it was faint, and another thought kept coming out. If her child was still alive, would she Can you also taste the joy of being a mother?

"Prince?" Lin Wenyuan flattered, "Which drama do you see best?"

"Let the phoenix ask for the phoenix." Xiao Yan smiled slightly.

Feng Qiu Huang, Ouyang Nuan smiled and said to Lin Yuanxin: "This is a wonderful show."

Lin Yuanxin froze, then looked at the superior Xiao Yan, turned her head and looked at the charming Ouyang Nuan, and suddenly could not speak. Nuaner, it seems that the whole person has changed. Since that thing ... thought of here, she sighed softly.

On the stage, the gongs and drums rang loudly and loudly, a very lively look.

After the fall of King Qin, Lin Wenyuan fled with him. Seeing that he could not escape, he simply killed the old master to please Xiao Yan, but even so, he barely saved his life. Since these days, he doesn't know how much he has suffered and how much he has been crowded out, but he can't tell the story. Who told him to cast the wrong master in the first place. But the hardships of being squeezed out everywhere were unbearable, so he tried to find ways to get his son to marry the fat county lord who could not marry, with the support of the King of Shu, and through this marriage, he could repay the prince today. Admit your mistakes to find a way out. So, under the arrangement of King Shu, he first paid a careful attention to Xiao Yan with a generous gift. After crying and crying, he counted himself many, and hoped that the prince would come to his son's wedding banquet and give him a chance to thank him crime……

This generous gift used almost a third of his fortune. Originally, he thought that Lin Yuanxin would take the opportunity to step on him. Who knew that this time she even accompanied Xiao Yan, Lin Wenyuan felt relieved when she saw such a scene.

After today, everyone will know that they have turned over, and no one will dare to ridicule and ridicule.

While eating, listening to the drama, coupled with Xiao Yan's easy-going, the table was full of laughter. From time to time, Lin Wenyuan raised his glass. Like the real family, because Lin Wenlong died in his hands, he was a bit inconsistent, so he skipped Lin Yuanxin and said to Ouyang Warm: "Nuan Er remember, you like to do it the most when you were young There was one of the bamboo dragonflies at that time, and you had to make a fool for me to make one for you. "

That was five years old, and now I think of it, it ’s almost like another generation. At that time, he really did make a dragonfly, but I do n’t know why he forgot to flatten the bamboo slander, and wiped her hand with blood, which was a loss to him. Can come up as a talker. Ouyang Nuan smiled: "Yeah, I remember, I will never forget."

Lin Wenyuan laughed: "Yeah, you liked it very much! Wasn't it soft?"

Lin Yuanrou sneered, but his father gave him a stern glance. He had no choice but to say, "Yes."

Lin Wenyuan hated her daughter for not being able to speak, and said to the son next to her, "I still don't want to pay a respect to your cousin, and thank her for coming."

Lin Zhiyu smiled and came up toasting. Ouyang Nuan actually didn't have any disgust to this person, because Lin Zhiyu had always been a very vague person and had no meaning to her. So she just smiled slightly and said, "Thank you."

Taking a step back, Ouyang Nuan was not disapproved in his heart. Lin Wenyuan was able to kill his elder brother and raise his butcher knife to his old master. Such a vicious man now describes her warm family. It seems that they have never hurt each other and are hostile to each other.

In this atmosphere of frustration and sorrow, the **** the side filled Lin Wenyuan with wine, and he got up and saluted the Prince and Princess Prince again: "The two kindness, the officials are grateful, let ’s do it first Respect. "Then he drank.

Xiao Yan drank the wine in the glass with a smile, and just said, "Master Lin, don't be polite." Zhou Yanjun, who was sitting next to him, suddenly turned pale and clasped his chest, and "banged" before he could say anything. He fell to the ground.

Everyone present was stunned. Xiao Yan froze, then stood up and hugged Zhou Jie, who was jerking endlessly. Zhou Yejun was still holding his chest tightly, and the whole man was convulsing and moaning. Her pale face was sweaty, and her entire face was distorted with pain.

Everyone looked up in panic, and they didn't realize what was going on here.

Xiao Yan called loudly to send someone to ask for a doctor, but before the girl ran out, Zhou Yanjun suddenly burst out a terrible scream, and a black blood was slowly flowing from the corner of his mouth, and the whole person was unconscious. In the past, the girl who was waiting beside her screamed, "Black blood! Ah! The princess is poisoned!"

At this time, I don't know who shook his ears so quickly: "Lin Wenyuan, you are so brave! How dare you kill the Prince!"

Lin Wenyuan suddenly panicked. He couldn't figure out what happened, but he even said, "No, I don't!"

Everyone looked at Lin Wenyuan with unbelievable eyes, and then that eyes turned into doubt and suspicion,

Facing such eyes, Lin Wenyuan couldn't help staring at the red eyes: "His Royal Highness, I have no resentment against the Crown Prince, why should you poison her? Your Highness, you must not believe such rumors!"

"Lin Shangshu, the princess was poisoned at your banquet. Is it possible or not?" After Yuan Yuanxin's initial shock, she slowly stood up, almost coldly.

Ouyang Nuan looked at Lin Yuanxin and tightened her lips slightly.

Lin Wenyuan stared at Lin Yuanxin, never thinking that she would be so vicious. Isn't it clear that she would kill herself with a knife and put herself to death? Do not think that this accomplice must be Lin Yuanxin's, because no matter how to deal with it, she has only the disadvantages and no half benefits: Zhou Yingjun is dead, then the host of the banquet is of course the biggest suspect-no matter what he says, Lin Yuanxin can just dial two sentences Make people believe that this is what they did. It is true that one kills two birds with one stone. Not only will Xiao Yan's anger be transferred to himself, but he will not worry about the Zhou family's emergence for Zhou Yijun. This is really terrible!

He was about to refute, but saw Xiao Yan turn back sharply, his eyes narrowed, and a few words coldly burst out: "tie up!"

Lin Wenyuan had to quibble. A group of guards rushed over like wolves. Lin Wenyuan was **** by Wuhua before he could react. He was trembling all over his body, and his complexion became blue. Lin Zhiyu, who was standing next to him, turned pale and suddenly fell to the ground with a thump: "His Royal Highness, how dare my father dare to kill the Prince! Your Royal Highness! This must be someone who made a ghost out of it. Please do it! Don't misunderstand the words! "

Lin Yuanrou was so frightened, tears pleaded: "Your Highness, please investigate this matter thoroughly-"

Some of the guests present felt strange. Why did Lin Shangshu poison the prince? !!

"Oh," Ouyang Nuan glanced at Lin Yuanxin, who was condensed next to him. "I didn't expect that you were really indifferent to your nature. You actually used the good intentions of the prince to poison him. Now it must have been the wrong medicine that hurt the prince Your Royal Highness frustrated, you are so cruel, it is a human face! "

"You bullshit!" Lin Yuanrou was almost furious, and stood up and wanted to pounce on him but was firmly grasped.

"I don't! I'm innocent! Your Highness! I'm innocent ..." Lin Wenyuan's eyes widened, his fists clenched and he wanted to lift his body, but he was suppressed by the guards!

Xiao Yan's eyes were like arrows, and she said with a strong voice: "Lin Wenyuan, the concubine cannot die in vain, you have to die for your life! Come here! Take him out! Take Lin Zhiyu together! Submit it to the Tribunal for trial!" Said In the last sentence, it was different from the previous one, with an unusually gentle and calm tone, but it was extremely scary to hear in human ears.

"No, it's not us. We don't dare. We are wronged!" Lin Zhiyu yelled for wrongdoing, and it was useless to kneel and ask for forgiveness. In an instant, the guards detained the two.

This scene happened very suddenly, and it ended too quickly. It was almost too late to react, and Lin Wenyuan and his son were taken away. Lin Yuanrou's expression gradually fell into a madness's madness, which made her originally beautiful face appear a kind of sternness that was about to collapse. She couldn't believe it and looked at it all, losing her voice: "How can ... my brother is Shu King's son-in-law ... "

Xiao Yan's face was sinking like water, and he was already furious: "How can such a messy thief deserve to be the son-in-law of King Shu!" Then, his eyes were fixed on Lin Yuanrou, who was shocked by such terrible eyes The ground took a half step backwards, and he did not care about your lady's demeanor, and fell to the ground all at once.

Everyone fell on Lin Yuanrou's eyes with horror or ridicule, but Ouyang Nuan did not look at her, but instead looked at Zhou Yanjun, who had become pale and had lost consciousness. At this time, the person who was supposed to be her husband did not care. It was just her, but she was only handed over to the doctor who arrived, and she hurried away with her guard.

Ouyang Nuan knew what Xiao Yan was going to do, and took the county owner to pay tribute to the Shu King's Mansion.

The banquet that was still joyful just now was retired in an instant, leaving only a messy cup and plate.

Lin Yuanxin was still standing silently, her eyes remained on Lin Yuanrou, who was still sitting on the ground without anyone to help her. There seemed to be a flash of sadness in her eyes. Such an emotion made Ouyang Nuan feel strange. She thought that her cousin would do this. It must have been determined. The two enemies she hated, Crown Prince and Lin Wenyuan, came to an end in an absurd but hastily manner, and would soon disappear from this world.

"Nuaner, why didn't you discuss it with me this time?" Lin Yuanxin, who had been quiet in the carriage suddenly, whispered quietly.

"Discussion?" Ouyang Nuan stunned.

"You should tell me first, I don't even have any psychological preparation." Lin Yuanxin slowly said, raising her eyes and looking at Ouyang Nuan.

Ouyang warmed, and a cold chill spread from the bottom of my heart: "Cousin, I thought it was you."

At this moment, Lin Yuanxin's eyes were more surprised than Ouyang Nuan. She was almost aphasia, and after a long time she murmured: "How?"

"Cousin, it's really not me." Ouyang Nuan saw that she looked abnormal, and reached out her hand to hold her, only to feel that Lin Yuanxin's hands had cold and wet sweat, as if she had a serious illness. of.

Lin Yuanxin held her hand firmly, "Nuaner, did you really lie to me ?!"

Ouyang Nuan shook her hand, and Wen Ran said, "Cousin, have I told you a lie? I can start with Sun in the palace because of my mother's help, but after all, Shang Shufu is different. How is Lin Wenyuan? Beware of us, even if we can arrange people to mix in, how could I succeed so easily in the eyes? Not to mention, although he is vicious, Lin Zhiyu is innocent. What deep hatred between me and him must be in the world of his marriage Hand? That doesn't make sense at all! "

When Lin Yuanxin saw Ouyang Nuan being so solemn, she was even more puzzled: "Not you, not me, who is that?"

There was a brief silence, and there were only two people's breathing sounds in the still carriage, like whose heartbeat was chaotic.

Ouyang Nuan exhaled lowly, her head could not help but doubt every guest who came. However, they are all wrong. Naturally, there are many people who hate Lin Wenyuan, but what about Zhou Junjun? Is this person who killed the prince concubine as angry with Zhou Yijun as they are? Ouyang Nuan feels very strange. If it is not a dispute over interests, what reason is there to kill?

Just then, she suddenly remembered the words she had said to Xiao Yan, and suddenly thought of it, but it seemed like a key to open the door of the mystery.

In the middle of the mist, Ouyang Nun skipped all the illusions and caught the deepest cold light all at once.

She spit out two words, "Prince!"

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