MTL - Rebirth Junior High School: The Excelling Top Student Goddess (Female Star Student Is Awesome)-Chapter 2369 Save people

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Chapter 2369 Saving People

Zong Pingchuan’s business is just an episode.

Bo Siqing said that she can solve it without her worry, but the cloud painting is still inevitable.

She is not convinced that Bo Siqing's ability to solve this problem, she simply worried that he is too tired, worried that Zong Pingchuan will use some very means, after all, this period, Zong Pingchuan's family can really do whatever he wants!

At the hospital, Zhou Shengbei Qian seems to have no idea of ​​these things.

The rotation of obstetrics and gynecology is not so good.

In this era, many children in life did not think about going to the hospital. They found a midwife and were born at home. Even in the city, this situation is better than that in the countryside. However, some people still have children at home. When they are born, they are in danger. Just think of it and send it to the hospital, it will often delay the illness.

Obstetrics and gynecology obstetrics and gynecology, including gynecology and obstetrics, Yunhua originally thought that they have no qualifications, will stay in gynecology for a while, but I did not expect her to come in with the obstetrics.

Here, welcoming the birth of a small life is a happy thing, but there are still many things that are not worth happy.

For example, today, the baby girl just born is the rabbit's lips. The baby girl's grandmother even directly squats the nurse and does not pay attention. When the child is thrown into the public toilet, the child is already dying.

Nowadays, family planning is not very strict. By 1982, family planning will be regarded as a basic national policy. At this time, when children are born, they are still in a period of several births. Of course, it is common to give birth to many people. Some things, but the baby girl's sudden death rate is not too high.

After a few years of family planning, the birth of a baby girl is very much.

This baby girl was killed, simply because she is a rabbit's lips, Grandma thinks she is possessed by ghosts... No matter what the doctor's nurse said, Grandma is looking for the child to be a disaster star, and should be killed in the dirtiest place.

What is more terrible?

The baby girl who killed the child was educated for a few words and let go.

The mood of cloud painting is very bad.

She knew that this was the norm and she fully understood the reason why the grandmother did this. She even understood why her grandmother would be released after she was educated for a few sentences, without any criminal responsibility...

Yes, she is not feeling well.

feeling bad.

It is like she can fully understand the people who eat in the Great Famine, but when she actually sees the scene, she can't accept it.

The fundamental difference between humans and animals is that even if you want to survive, you must first remember that you are human.

"Xiao Lin, it's too tired. Let's just have an obstetrics. Just turn around and get used to it. Anyway, you will stay for a month..." Huang Dafu of the obstetrics said with a smile.

Cloud painting nodded, "Huang Dafu, I want to take a break."

"Give you a half-day holiday." Huang Dafu laughed. "Go out and go shopping, don't worry about going to work."

"Okay, thank you."

Lin Yun's paintings are really unbearable.

This stems from a sense of powerlessness.

She knows what life she wants can be obtained through hard work. She knows that she is very good, her husband and children are very good, she knows that she can live the best life.

Can face such a normal scene in the hospital, she did not know what to do.

This sense of powerlessness is somewhat frustrating, and some...

Many people always like to say that doctors are cold-blooded. In fact, people who are too empathetic can not be doctors at all, because they will be dragged into the abyss of emotions...

At this time, it would be nice if you had a cup of iced tea.

Unfortunately, in this age of lack of supplies, in the era of planned economy, let alone a tea shop, it is difficult to find a shop selling tea.

The cloud painting did not go far, and took off the white shackles and turned around in the hospital.

There is a small park near the hospital. There is a lake in the park. There is a small square next to the lake. It is covered with marble tiles and is very flat.

Today is a cloudy day, not so hot. There are many children playing gyro on the small square in the park, pushing the steel ring, and playing the shuttlecock.

The cloud painting stood on the side of the railing of the small lake, watching the children playing, her lips could not help but float a shallow smile.

How rare is this childhood.

There is a small life, let alone enjoy this childhood, she even has no time to take a look at the world.

Cloud painting sighs slightly.

She took a deep breath, continued to take a deep breath, and drove these distractions out of her mind.

"Come on, someone is flooded!"

"Help! Help!"

The cloud painting immediately looked at it.

There is no one in the lake. I can only see the waves of water in a circle. Some people on the shore are pointing at the center of the lake and shouting loudly.

Cloud paintings can't take care of a lot, kicking the shoes directly and turning over the railings into the lake.

"Lin Yun painting!"

At the moment she entered the water, it seemed that someone was calling her, and it seemed that someone had jumped.

But who she is, she is the world champion in swimming, and she has learned in the water to save people.

In the matter of saving the water, she is doing her part.

After diving into the water, she sneaked into the water. Her feet and arms were skilled and quick to cut the waves, and the body was like a fish. The posture was very fast.

The shore has already surrounded a lot of people watching the crowd.

People clearly saw that the woman who jumped first jumped very fast, and she was very beautiful and very calm. It was no exaggeration to say that she was a fish!

Cloud paintings quickly approached the center of the lake.

She found the problem.

There are water plants at the bottom of the lake, and people who are drowning are entangled in the feet.

More dangerous is that there is an undercurrent under the lake.

The cloud painted the first-aid person. When he jumped down, he didn’t bring anything. He didn’t work hard under the water. She took the water and changed her breath. Once again, she sneaked into the water, trying to unplug the water grass that was caught in the ankle’s ankle. .

But this water grass is very tough, and she pulls it all the time.

She can only use one way to unlock those plants.

But the other party has been drowning for a while, every minute and every second is extremely valuable, and for a while, this person is more likely to die.

Just then, a familiar face appeared in front of you.

Under the water, the man's face was somewhat deformed, his hair fluttering with the water, he blinked, not afraid of the lake's scouring and irritating to the eyeball, holding a knife in his hand.

The water grass was cut off, and the man raised the water in a very standard posture, and carried the drowning person to the shore.

The cloud painting also hesitated for a moment, and then swam back to the shore.

Her physical strength is very good, and this situation does not affect her completely.

However, Zhou Sheng Bei Qian, he seems to be in a bad condition. After dragging the drowning person to the shore, he also panted and became weak.

The drowning person is a fifteen-year-old boy. At this moment, a face has become blue-violet due to lack of oxygen, and there is no heartbeat without breathing.

"Hurry up, lift the person up, and then hold your stomach against him to spit water!"

Someone shouted on the side.

This is the most common practice after people encounter drowning people. They are trying to make the other person spit. If the drowning person is a child, the adult will hold the child upside down and slap the back spit water, and the rural soil method. The child will face down on the shoulder and use the shoulder to hold the child's abdomen in order to be able to take the child. The water in the stomach is pressed out, and the child is turned back on the cow's back, dragging the cow to move...

The only thing these methods have in common is to let the drowning person spit water.

This is the first aid measure for drowning that is widely accepted by the public.

However, in fact, this measure is completely wrong!

In a short time drowning, drowning people drink water more into the stomach, rather than the large number of people who invade the lungs as people imagined. If a lot of water really invades the lungs, these drowning the abdomen let the drowning person spit water. There is no way to drain the water from the lungs!

A truly scientific and effective rescue method should be cardiopulmonary resuscitation and artificial respiration.

For those who have a shorter drowning time, when the water invades the airway, the human body will cough up and drain the water, or the throat will close the airway, completely preventing the water from invading the lungs, and the water in the stomach will not affect the water. The life of the drowning person and the follow-up of the rescue are not needed for the time being.

If the over-emphasis on the drainage of the abdomen will lead to the discharge of stomach contents, it will increase the risk of aspiration.

The most important thing at this time should be to help the drowning person open the airway and cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Onlookers, with their experience, immediately want to help drowning people drain...

Zhou Sheng, who saved the people, said immediately: "No."

But there are too many people, his condition is not good, and his voice is not heard.

Human life is closed.

Cloud painting can't take care of a lot, she immediately pushed the crowd away: "I am letting go, I am a doctor at the People's Hospital, I will handle it!"

Doctors are more authoritative, and people have a natural sense of trust for doctors, and they immediately let go of their position.

There are also good people saying: "Doctor, you are a woman who has no strength, you say how to get it, we help you."


In addition to her, I am afraid that only one physically weak Zhou Qian can do standard cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and no one else can help.

The cloud painting said: "I will come."

She lets people lay the drowning man flat and untie the button and belt of the drowning person.

Later, she began to do standard cardiopulmonary resuscitation to drowning people.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, plus artificial respiration.

When people around her watched her doing CPR, she was just anxious. Someone kept asking, "Is this useful? He drank so much water, he must not be able to do it. Is it necessary to let him spit out the water first?"

"Yes, doctor, you can't do it. If you can't, let us come. Don't let the time go by, let's kill him. This baby is still so small."

Cloud painting is too lazy to understand, cardiopulmonary resuscitation is too tiring, she is already sweating.

But this is not a big deal. When she gave the child artificial respiration, the people around me were simply stunned.

Be in public!

In the broad daylight, the Lang Lang Qiang Kun, in front of so many people, the clouds painted again and again with the teenagers on the ground, this is really too challenging to watch the masses of the nerves.

"I am a god, really shameless."

"That is, this is saving lives."

"Good baby, it will be delayed."

People really can't accept it.

But there is no way to cloud painting!

Don't do it, how can you save your life?

"Don't say, this is called artificial respiration." Nor is it no one understands, some people explained.

“Hey? Artificial respiration? mouth to mouth?”

"In any case, it is a bad habit, and it will be soaked in a pig cage decades ago."

"The people are saving people."

"You can't save people like this..."

People who know and people who don't understand argue.

The teenager on the ground has not recovered his heartbeat.

Just then, someone ran and cried and ran over.

"Shunzi, straight, my son... What's wrong with you, what's wrong with you! Help, come and help people." A woman cried, tearing her heart.

When she saw the cloud painting and pressed her son's chest, and pinched her son's nose to kiss the son's mouth, the woman was furiously desperate.

"Get out!"

The woman opened the cloud painting and her eyes were scarlet. "Father and old folks, you can't watch this woman harm me, help me quickly, help save people."

Cloud painting knows that she should not be angry with this ignorant woman, but she is really... not good.

"I am saving him, believe it or not, and then he will be delayed for a while, he is really dead!"

The sound of cloud painting is particularly sharp. "He has stopped at least 3 minutes, and he still can't recover his heart for two minutes. You are waiting to collect his corpse!"

The woman didn't believe it at all, pointing to the cloud and painting her nose: "It's not you! Why don't you let my son press the stomach and spit! My son is dead today, I want you to pay for it!"

Cloud painting really doesn't matter.

In this case, no doctor can take care of it.

"I said, I am a doctor at the People's Hospital. My first aid method is completely correct!" said the cloud painting in a cold voice. "I will be responsible for what I am doing! You will not let it go, your son will die." !"

The woman is still hesitating.

Zhou Shengbei Qian took out his own documents and handed it to the woman. "I am the vice president of the People's Hospital. I will give her a guarantee."

The woman is holding back.

The vice president of the hospital, that is naturally more authoritative.

Just as the woman swears at the gods, the cloud painting has already slammed on the ground and continues to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation for the teenager. The teenager really can't afford it!

After another round of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and artificial respiration...

"Cough and cough..."

The teenager's heartbeat resumes, the breathing recovers, and the person begins to cough sharply.

The woman wowed and cried.

The cloud painting was relieved and a preliminary examination was given to the teenager. He said directly: "The People's Hospital is not far away. You sent him to the hospital yourself. He may need hospitalization."

"Thank you, thank you, I am sorry, my niece, I was too anxious just now..." The young mother’s mother squatted on the floor and painted her head.

Cloud painting quickly helped her up. "Hurry and send him there."

She is too lazy to pay attention to the woman's thanks, her thanks is absolutely sincere, but this sincerity, cloud painting is really rare.

The woman and the onlookers took the son and took it to the hospital.

Cloud painting sits on the ground, panting with a big mouth.

She did not thank Zhou Shengbei Qian who had just helped, because Zhou Shengbei Qian’s person was not her, but the boy.

"You swim very well." Zhou Shengbei Qian said.

Fortunately, in the summer, even if it is soaked, it is not cold, just... some are not very good looking.

Cloud painting stands up and goes.

Zhou Sheng Bei Qian also stopped her, some helpless, "help me, I have no strength now..."

(End of this chapter)

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