MTL - Rebirth Junior High School: The Excelling Top Student Goddess (Female Star Student Is Awesome)-Chapter 2368 I am her husband

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Chapter 2368 I am her husband

At the moment of seeing the man, Zong Pingchuan felt that he was short.

The man, dressed in ordinary, but difficult to cover up the noble position, raised his hand, even reminded him of his own small sister.

It’s incredible.

He thought that his own family was unparalleled, but I did not expect that Lin Yun painted the rural husband, there is such a remarkable gesture.

No wonder she doesn't look at him.

Hey, he married his prestige.


He really has some self-defeating shapes.

Zong Pingchuan shook his head and smashed his own messy thoughts. This person is nothing more than a long-sleeved dress. The country is so big, the population is so many, and there are so many people who grow up well, but this person has only one face. Can watch!

Yes, it must be like this.

A man from the countryside has no family, no money, no money, and only one face.

Zong Pingchuan constantly cheered on himself, and finally let himself look up and stare at the man.

Bo Siqing walked to the side of the cloud painting and held the hand of the cloud painting. "It's okay."

Cloud painting shook his head. "Nothing, I met a fur dog."

"You said who is a fur dog!" Zong Pingchuan was so angry.

Cloud paintings are too lazy to pay attention to him and look to Bo Siqing: "Have you come back so early today?"

"Well, things are done early." He squeezed the hand of the cloud painting again, "Go back to the room."

Cloud painting hesitated a bit, but still nodded and turned back to the room, it is very obedient.

Zong Pingchuan saw this scene and came to the air.

This woman can't do it hard in front of him and Xiao Yan, how to be so soft in the face of this man.

"Lin Yun draws you to stand!" Zong Pingchuan screamed out in anger and chased it out of the kitchen. "Today's words are clear!"

He was going to chase Lin Yun's paintings, but he was blocked by the man in front of him.

"If there is anything, I can say it now." Bo Siqing pressed one hand on the man's shoulder, seemingly no effort at all, but Zong Pingchuan only felt as if a mountain was pressing on his shoulder, and he could not move at all.

Zong Pingchuan licked his teeth and stepped back: "You are the husband of Lin Yun's painting in the countryside?"

Bo Siqing looked indifferent: "I am the husband of Lin Yunhua."

Zong Pingchuan sneered, "It will not be soon."

Bo Siqing's eyes were extremely cold. Obviously, this sentence touched his bottom line.

Zong Pingchuan is still pouring oil on the fire: "I am not afraid to tell you, my identity is family, you can't think of it! The self-discipline is divorcing her, the conditions are open with you, going abroad or anything else. But you or not Knowing... oh."

Bo Siqing reached out and grabbed the neck of Zong Pingchuan.


When Zong Pingchuan had only one word to export, he was no longer able to make any sound.

His face began to rise red, and the whole person was arbitrarily kicking, trying to get rid of the thinning of Bo Siqing, but in fact he was doing nothing in vain, so he was held in the air by Bo Siqing, without any resistance. force.

Cloud painting saw this scene inside the house.

She is worried, but not very worried.

She believes in him and believes unconditionally.

Even in the case of anger, he will maintain certain rationality and will not make things that cannot be reconciled. Moreover, Zong Pingchuan’s offense makes him feel angry and must vent.

Sure enough, when Zong Pingchuan could barely bear it, Bossick took him and threw him out.

"Cough... cough..."

Zong Pingchuan gasped with a big mouth, and the scorpion kept coughing. It was the reaction after being suffocated.

The whole man fell to the ground and couldn't stand up, and his face was red.

Bo Siqing looked at him indifferently. "Dare to harass her again, be careful of your life."

After that, he closed the door.

The cloud painting came out and looked at the sullen Shi Siqing. She took a deep breath and gently held his hand. He took him to the wash basin and washed his hands.

After washing, she had to reach for the towel, but he held her hand in turn. "You should tell me earlier."

Cloud painting is a little embarrassed. "I didn't expect him to be so crazy."

"When did you start?"

"When at school..."

Cloud painting roughly said a bit.

"So, he chased the hospital?" Bo Siqing looked inexplicable. "His little sister, what effect on you?"

Some cloud paintings don’t know how to say it.

She didn't know how to introduce Zhou Shengbei Qian with Bo Siqing. If you want to introduce it, it is necessary to bring up the things of the past. In that world, the memory of Bo Siqing is only 19 years old. Zhou Sheng Bei Qian is PN. The leader and the creation of so many accidents, the original Bo Siqing did not know.

In other words, in this memory of Bo Siqing, Zhou Sheng Bei Qian is a very good relationship with him.

"Forget it, I will check it out." Bo Siqing said, "You don't have to worry about this matter, you can protect yourself. If he dares to make any move to you, you can only do it, hurt me and kill me." ”

Her skill is very good, he already knows that the man is not her opponent, and she is afraid that she will have some reservations. Once she has reservations, she may be injured.


Cloud painting still has concerns.

Bo Siqing only knows what her concerns are at a glance.

The family background of Zong Pingchuan is extraordinary. If such a person wants to retaliate, it is obviously not necessary for him to do it himself. He is not a thin prince of the thin family. Now he is an ordinary person, and he will compete with the children of the North City. not very convenient……

"Reassured, I will handle it as soon as possible." Bosi Qing whispered, "Trust me."

Cloud painting nodded. "I am afraid that they will be mad and will go out and go."

"I am responsible for the safety of the children."

"Would you like... or if I don't have to go to the hospital, I won't be in a hurry anyway." The cloud painting thought about it. "You have to go out to do things during the day. I will take care of two children. some."

"No need."

Bo Siqing said, "Children will not have something. You should learn to believe in them. They have grown up."

How can I grow up when I haven’t had a 7th birthday?

In the eyes of the mother, the child is always just a child.

"Xiao Lin, give you a few radishes." Next door, Joe, said across the wall, "You stand up, don't pick you up."

"Thank you, Grandma Joe." Cloud painting rushed to answer.

She actually stood up, but Bo Siqing did not move, standing in the same place, Joe Grandma threw a radish, he picked up a radish, and couldn't see the cloud painting.

"Received Grandma Joe." The cloud painting shouted.

When the toot and the back came back, the yard had already been cleaned up, and the things that the cloud painting should do were also finished, and the table was served.

The sweat of the two little guys is very excited: "Mom, we made 2 yuan for selling newspapers today!"

“Awesome!” cloud smiled. “Go wash your hands and prepare to eat.”

"What mom is doing, so sweet!"

"Wow, mom made a cake again!"

The two little guys are not happy.

Cloud painting thought about it and cut a piece of cake. "Take a bag, you go to the next door, Joe, grandma..."

(End of this chapter)