MTL - Rebirth into an Interstellar Marriage-Chapter 163

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"Hear the Wind" just premiered for an hour, China's largest film review network appeared a long comment, followed by some scattered comments.

[With the girlfriend to see this movie, I don’t know much about several protagonists. My girlfriend is still watching her family in the cinema, I will come out for a cup of coffee. The movie is normal, no feeling, Anfia looks so beautiful, other words can only be said to be too dull, do not want to continue to read. 】

[I don't quite understand what this movie wants to say, but one thing is true, the picture is beautiful, and the actors are very good. Of course, I don’t like this kind of plot similar to the literary film, or go home and go to bed early. 】

[On that day, humans finally remembered the horror that was dominated by literary films...]

In just one hour, there are countless film reviews like this. These audiences who bought the premiere movie tickets and then left early are almost always holding the same view: the actors are performing well, the picture is very good, the music is also very good, but the plot is lacking, it is the most orthodox literary film.

Basically, the literary film has an endorsement: hypnosis.

Looking at the entire world of film, in addition to the previous "Starlight" riding a dust, breaking the box office record of 100 billion stars, other literary films have only tens of billions of box office, not even 30 billion. The literary film is a big prize winner, but in order to pay attention to the connotation of the film, in order to make the story more full, it is not destined to be as fast-paced and fierce as the commercial film.

Chu Xiaoqing did not take pictures of literary films, but she shot more movies between art films and commercial films. For those who leave early, they don't deny that the film has some excellent places, but more often, they still think -

[It’s still a good commercial film. This “Listen to the Wind” is too dull, boring! 】

The fans who went to the cinema to see the premiere assume a thousand people, so about ten people leave early, and one person has expressed his views on the Internet. This ratio does not seem to be much, but if you have a vision to spread to the cinemas of the entire galaxy, there are so many people who sing the song "Listen to the Wind" on the Internet!

"Nothing", "literary film", "boring", "flat", and even "destined to a low box office."

Such remarks can be seen everywhere. However, other netizens have never seen this movie. They can only know the relevant situation of "Listening to the Wind" from these early exit audiences. It is even more irrefutable.

In the fan square of Chu Yan, letting these fans guess, I did not expect that one day, the film of their own will get such an evaluation. You should know that from the first TV series of Chu Yan, this young man is a famous elixir and box office medicine. Every TV show he plays will have a very high rating in the end, and the movie has more than 100 billion in the box office of each!

These achievements have always been the pride of fans.

Although there is only one "Aurora" in these movies, which is starred by Chu Yan, but the sunspots never dare to say that Chu is a box office. So many box office records are in front of them, only the blink of an eye can tell such a violation of the words until "Listen to the Wind" is released.

[Does it... really flat? 】

[The film of Chu’s three years ago went a little bit in the direction of the literary film. Has Chu really taken another literary film? 】

[No matter what I don't care! As long as there are Chu Wei, Raymond, Anfeiya and Cao Xin, I can see the face just by looking at the face! 】

Although it is said in the mouth, but the hearts of fans are still very nervous. If Chu Yan is far away from the past two years, the movie starring once again has actually fallen at the box office, which is very influential to his future development. So sneaky, many fans began to buy pre-sale tickets privately, the premiere was too late, they did not go to see, but they can be in the daytime, one person seriously brush the movie, three brushes, four brushes... even five six seven Eight brushes!

Along with the worries of the fans, the boring grotesque of the early exit audience, and the shackles of a few water army sunspots that have not yet slept, the premiere of "Listen to the Wind" is finally over. The audience watching the full two-hour movie in the cinema continued to leave, and then - began to publish their own comments.

The first to enter the public eye is a long commentary by a five-star film critic.

"Give all peace-loving people a gust of 800 years ago! 》

[Bold attempts and breakthroughs in innovation are the answers to all fans after three years of Chu Xiaoqing's precipitation. The film needs to be carefully appreciated. Good movies need to be patiently paved. Seven years ago, Han’s “Yucheng” was paved with a full 172 minutes, and finally gave all the audience a smile. This smile is the finishing touch, the soul that makes a film sublimate.

Li Yue, played by Chu Yan, is not a positive role in the true sense from beginning to end. The sharp and sharp words and the indifference of the character, this protagonist has all the unpleasant qualities, but in the end it can be found that the icy appearance is not necessarily a mean soul, perhaps full of sunshine.


The sound of the wind is the sound of blowing through the muzzle, screaming sharply.

Hearing the sound of the wind, I heard you, I heard the tears and tears hidden under the smile, and heard the sorrows of innocent people who were attacked by the war on the whole earth.

History is progressive and history cannot be forgotten. The war eight hundred years ago made us lose 10 billion compatriots. Nowadays, peace is hard-won, and countless people use their lives to build a bridge for this peaceful and prosperous world, and let their flesh and blood become the road to peace.

Li Yue, it turned out to be this Li Yue.

Born in 2155, he died in 2176, only twenty-one years of life, but for the arrival of the interstellar era, contributed to the improved design of the energy engine. In those years, it was because of these great scientists who found the true meaning of war and tried to explore the way human beings lived, and we have the human civilization that we are now prospering.

Searched for relevant information, they are: American saet studio, Michael Canayev; Russia Post University, Lehlauwsky Jovnetnahan; British dt experimental base......

There is also Huaxia No. 1 Laboratory, Li Yue. 】

The entire film review totals 5,620 words, and the score is 10 points!

Looking at the whole of China, five-star film critics have talked about hundreds of people. When many fan fans saw this long comment, they thought they were wrong. They looked at their eyes, then licked them, and finally fixed their eyes on them -

"The trough slot trough?!!! is really very!!!"

At this moment, all the fans who are depressed and worried about the box office are completely shocked!

The audience who had just released a variety of Tucao comments and left early were also stunned!

There are also sunspots who are screaming and screaming, as passers-by watching the good show on the wall...

Looking at such a beautiful, logically clear, full of praises, some people are squirting water on clothes, some people are eating supper, suddenly they are picked up, some people are just Still sad and sad, suddenly broke into laughter, and even excitedly called his male ticket: "Don't date! Let's go on a date! I want to buy a lot of clothes, I want to celebrate!"

"Xi Wenwen, you are not saying that the movie of Chu Yan is not good this time. Do you want to stay quiet for a while?"

"Is it bad? You dare to say that my family's movie is not good? Break up, you are a bastard!!!"


Some people may think that a high-rated commentary by a film critic is an individual phenomenon. Perhaps the film critic's taste is special? After all, so many people left the game in advance, and they insisted that the film was extremely flat, like boiled water, without any meaning.

But then, more and more long comments emerge like snowflakes!

"With 90 minutes of paving, create the last 30 minutes of glory! 》

"There is a gust of wind, laughing, crying, and the olive branch of peace."

"On Li Yue's Understanding of the Maria Plan"


At the five-star film review home, there were 63 people who published a long film review! There are more than 200 four-star film critics, more than a thousand Samsung film critics... and countless audiences. Some people are too excited to be self-sufficient. Some people grievely say that they are crying and commenting.

There is even a fan of Chu Yan, saying: [Li Yue, is played by Chu Yu, my favorite character! 】

In just half an hour, the film scored before being scored 4 points, all of which were scored by many high-star film critics and uncountable ordinary viewers, topped a score of 8.7 points!

Seeing such a situation, the fans are excited, and the sunspot is suddenly forced.

Only the audience who left early, everyone was stupid, and looked incredulously at the side of the network. Someone commented: "Impossible! "Listen to the Wind" definitely brushed, I watched an entire hour and ten minutes, this movie is good, but at most 6 points, how can there be more than 8 points! ! ! 】

The audience just sent out their comments, and suddenly there was a pain in his ear, and he screamed.

"Who is the mother, dare to pull Laozi's ear, your kid is tired of life... Hey, Xiaoyue? Xiaoyue, are you optimistic about the movie? I have been waiting for you for an hour, let's go home soon, It’s so late now, how cold it is outside, don’t you freeze it. How is your eyes red? Who is it? Who made you cry?”

"Oh, Li, Da, Yong! You tell me clearly, what comment did you just make on the movie online? What did you say?!"

"Ah, Xiaoyue, I just think this movie is very general. I told you that this movie must be a comment, obviously it can only be an ordinary film, and it is blown like this, really..."

"I killed you!!! Oh, my Li Yue, my Hill, you haven't even read it, you dare to say my family Li Yue and Hill! You give me a roll! The old lady is not waiting呜呜呜呜..."

At the end of the premiere, the evaluation of "Listen to the Wind" is like the ups and downs of the mountains, and the wave of waves has risen again, so that the fans have just experienced the cold winter, and they will once again welcome the spring!

Chu Xiaoqing's works, there will be everything?

The works of Chu Yan will be very bad?


The author has something to say: This is the end of the premiere, the second "Wear the Wind", officially released!


Chu Yu fluttered the street? My mother Fuwa stares at you!

I haven’t eaten before 4 o'clock in a month, and I can finally eat, oh!


Thank you

Exhibition Rejected* Throwed 1 Mine Throwing Time: 2016-06-2918:14:55

The leaflet leaves a mine to your chrysanthemum. Throw time: 2016-06-2918:49:48

Leaflet leaves throwing a mine to your chrysanthemum. Time: 2016-06-2918:49:56

Xin throws a mine to throw time: 2016-06-2919:46:29

The age of the rain throws a mine to throw time: 2016-06-2921:11:25

Shen Ji threw a mine to throw time: 2016-06-2921:51:38

Ink blotter throws a mine to throw time: 2016-06-2922:04:47

Deep sea maple red throws a rocket launcher time: 2016-06-2923:25:26

Throwing over 1 gray mine throwing time: 2016-06-2923:31:40

The old age throws a mine to throw time: 2016-06-3000:11:55

Mosquito scent throws a mine to throw time: 2016-06-3000:32:32

Lost throwing a mine to throw time: 2016-06-3002:18:08

Naturally harmless throwing a grenade throw time: 2016-06-3006:03:00

Lonely morning smashed and threw a mine to throw time: 2016-06-3008:33:34

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