MTL - Rebirth into an Interstellar Marriage-Chapter 162

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The premiere of "Listen to the Wind" was not very grand. Chu guide did not like to promote it too exaggerated. So the crew only invited some media personnel, and then invited some famous film critics in the industry, and also publicly sold it. One hundred tickets.

At the premiere, the host smiled and asked questions to the main creative staff. The media reporter also gave Chu Xiaoqing a face and did not raise any special sharp questions. After all, the director only made a movie in a few years, and his word of mouth is still very good. Nowadays, people are hard to come here, so don’t be embarrassed.

So in the question of the reporter's question in the audience, the most memorable question was a question asked to Raymond. The reporter from an entertainment magazine stood up and asked why Raymond would pick up the second man of such a movie.

This issue was also very much of the other reporters present, but Raymond smiled heartily and calmly said: ""Hear the Wind" is a very good movie. Cooperation with Chu also taught me a lot of things. It’s my pleasure to star in this movie. Is there anything wrong with it?”

In this case, the short-term premiere was successfully concluded.

The main creatives walked down the stage in turn and came to the front row of the seats, waiting for the beginning of the movie. In the huge movie hall, the noisy voice gradually subsided, and after a minute, the sound of the wind rang from the sound, and the black and white pictures appeared one after another, letting people who saw it The child is stunned.

This picture is no stranger to many people, but none of them think of it. In this movie, you will see such a scene.

Before the premiere, the "Listen to the Wind" crew had put three promotional videos on their official blog. The first paragraph is naturally the love between Li Yue and Maria. The second paragraph is the daily low and low life in the No. 1 laboratory. The third paragraph shows the cold relationship between Li Yue and other experimenters.

Every time the promo is not long, at most one minute, but no one has thought about it from beginning to end. This movie tells the story of a wartime! Moreover, it was more than 800 years ago, the war that almost killed humanity!

These historical scenes are so familiar. In the past 800 years, many movies and TV series have been restored. Needless to say, the cause of the war, but what everyone must know is that the 19-year war has reduced the total number of humans that have exceeded 10 billion to 300 million!

All kinds of terrible weapons, all kinds of cruel slaughter, were staged in those 19 years.

The situation of extermination of the country often occurs, and even at the end, due to the relatively balanced strength between several major powers, it has almost evolved into an endless situation. Business from the pilling faction: “At that time, all people really went to fight with a dynasty of the country. They were not worried about the dy business, but the country Determination."

Those cruel and terrible pictures flashed calmly in front of the audience. Every audience present has seen countless such restoration scenarios, but no matter how many times they watch, they can't restrain their grief.

When the colored lawn appears in the cinema, a line of three-dimensional characters slowly emerges, telling the audience about the timeline.

2176, March

This time is very sensitive, and soon someone whispered: "The 18th year?!"

In the theater, the story was kicked off and staged silently.

When the handsome and indifferent scientists appeared, the bitter tone made many people frown and secretly disliked. In the seemingly dull little laboratory, it has been divided into two fields, one is the world of Li Yue, and the other is the world of all other experimenters.

Talented people tend to be a bit strange. God seems to be fair, giving them some unique talents and depriving them of some other abilities.

Li Yue’s high cold indifference is like the footsteps of his stepping on the glass corridor of the laboratory. He “squeaks” and “squats” and makes a sound that is incompatible with the world. He can't talk, or he doesn't want to grievances and say good things. He goes his own way and lives in his own world. You must accept it.

Until the arrival of Hill.

The handsome blond lab assistant tirelessly expressed his admiration to his idol. He will give Li Yue a hard work during the experiment. He will also stand in his words when he refuses to care for him. By the side, show your support position.

It is like the piece of puzzle that is needed in life. If you don’t belong to the group, you will find his other half.

Chu Yan and Raymond's acting skills are enough to make all the audience secretly nod and immerse themselves in the plot. Chu Xiaoqing’s film did not have such a fierce plot. Everything was slowly coming. If the bridge was flowing, it would enter the hearts of the audience.

There will be a sense of water, and there will be a gentle spring rain.

The power of friendship is great. Even if Hill is not aware of the thick lines, all the audience gradually discover that when the blond boy keeps talking, the black-eyed scientist will listen quietly and finally gently Say the last sentence: "Noisy."

This kind of daily life is not boring at all, but the audience is very much looking forward to it. I look forward to when this scientist can really open up and look forward to when this long experiment can be successful. Until one day, Hill shook the test tube and said casually: "It seems to have been in the lab for half a year. I have never seen it before. I don’t know what’s going on outside..."

At that moment, the action of the young scientist paused for a moment, and then he continued to covet the experiment on hand, without a word.

The next step is to identify the vulnerabilities in the experimental base and find tools that can destroy the energy cover without being discovered. When you see this, you can know how talented this person is. He has done everything without water. It is a great thing to do, but he looks calm from beginning to end, as if it is a trivial little thing. .

Then, this person met an angel.

The world is shining at this moment.

Through that little hollow, when the beautiful and bright person appeared in the picture, the young pupil trembled, his lips moved, and he watched the angel's departure, his body stiff and without movement.

Then there was a full seven-day wait. On the eighth day, he waited for the angel.

With the previous preparations, and then look at this love, it is like a desert traveler who has been thirsty for many years. He suddenly found an oasis. He crossed the wall and loved this oasis with his hot eyes. He loved this. An angel that no one can produce disgust.

They talked about the land and they talked about life and ideals.

She will read poetry and he will listen to it.

Obviously it is a very simple thing, but everything is very sweet.

But what Maria never knew was that after the energy cover was closed again, she turned away from the wall, and the young man in the wall leaned against the corner alone, looked up at the sky, slowly opened his mouth, never Will leave easily.

With only half an hour left in the story, everything is as warm and gentle as the same warm water.

Many film critics carefully watched the plot of the movie while secretly analyzing it in their hearts. When they want to come, this movie can only be a futuristic movie for Chu Xiaoqing himself. The picture quality is still delicate, the story is also very smooth, and the characters are very three-dimensional, but there is not much meaning.

This is different from Chu Xiaoqing's previous movies. Her film should be full of fierce contradictions from beginning to end, so that people can't extricate themselves at first glance. At first glance, this is definitely a good movie. Even a person who doesn't know how to enjoy movies will recognize its value. .

However, this "Listen to the Wind" is really dull.

In the central theater of Huaxia Capital Star, after all, it was the scene of the premiere, and no audience left. However, in other cinemas in the entire galaxy, some viewers have left silently. There is nothing wrong with this movie, but there is nothing particularly good about it that can't attract them.

In this case, the entire movie is only the last half hour left.

Maria gently read the poem, with a girl's delicate smile. The always indifferent genius scientist smiled softly, encouraged the innocent girl, and then separated from her.

The hole was closed again. This time, his only friend stood behind him. Even if he didn't have to look back, he knew who was standing here. So in the huge movie theater, only the sound of the low-pitched voice sounded calmly: "Have you heard the wind?"

The blonde lab stunned: "I heard it."

Slowly looking up and looking up at this blue sky, this handsome and young man slowly bent his eyebrows, revealing a touch of relaxed smile.

"The wind is not going to lie."

In the next half hour, everything changed too quickly, making people unacceptable for a while!

If the previous one and a half hours is so gentle and warm, then this half hour is like a storm, violently sweeping the eyes of all the audience and holding their hearts tight.

When he met for the last time, Li Yue covered his face, tears ooze out of his fingers, his shoulders twitched gently, and his thin body took on an infinitely heavy burden. At this moment, all the people realized that -

This is just a young man who is only 21 years old!

His talent makes everyone forget his age; his arrogance makes everyone no longer remember his youth.

In the face of the failure of the experiment, he never shed tears; in the face of the irony of his companions, he never shed tears. This time, he cried silently, his lips slightly smacked, and he was laughing, but every tear fell to his lips, but he cried quietly, but deeply shocked the hearts of every audience. !

The s-317 experiment was announced successfully!

A-41 experiment announced success!


In the end, all the experiments were combined, and the appearance of the weapon finally appeared in front of everyone, and its father named it ——


When everyone left the lab, when Hill was stabbed again by the indifference of Li Yue, in the huge laboratory, only this young scientist, he stepped forward to the "angel" step by step, with incomparably gentle Look, reluctantly staring at his child.

His fingers gently rubbed through the cold glass cover, his eyes greedily slashed from every line of the "angel", he stood in the place where no one knew, staring at this with a warm eye that had never been seen before. "Angel", his eyes are hot, but with an inexplicable sadness.

This is a one-man show without sound. After a minute, Li Yue turned and left, still the footsteps of the "哒哒", the lights dimmed, hiding what happened in a quiet laboratory. .

When he reached the end of the corridor, Li Yue reached out and closed the last light. His movements were slow and calm, his back was extremely thin, he was still wearing that thin white coat, and the brush was turned off, letting the darkness swallow himself and leave completely.

When the lights were "snapped" and closed, all the audience had a heart, and the voice slowly picked up.

The next day, Hill first came to the lab and saw the "angel" that had already been destroyed. He nervously went to Li Yue, he shouted "Dr. Li, broken! It was destroyed!", then he opened the door and saw the pale and beautiful young man lying peacefully on the bed, gently put his hands At the waist, the lips are slightly hooked to reveal a flat smile.

Hill had a footstep and stood at the door without moving.

A minute later, he trembled into the door, step by step to the bed, and put his finger in front of Li Wei's nose. Then... the whole person fell down and shouted out in a crash.

All the experimenters came and all the officers came. After they heard Hill say the incident, the first reflection was: "The ‘angel’ is destroyed? Design drawings? The principle formula? Where are they! Who is going to save these things!”

- All are gone.

Hill was sitting in front of the bed and watching the base completely messed up. The officers rushed to the upper level, and the experimenters kept looking for drawings and recall formulas one by one. Then someone suddenly thought of one thing - "What did Dr. Li die?!", then they took the instrument and then suddenly Leave to the side.

"The radiation on his body is too strong! It is a reaction! It is an ‘angel’!”

For a time, everyone quickly left and evacuated the room. They looked at the cold body in bed with a disgusted look, and even someone cursed: "What is the meaning of Li Yue, what we have spent so long to make, what ruined him!"

"He thought who he was, this is the country's assets!"

"He doesn't have the spirit of a scientist. He doesn't deserve to be the head of the No. 1 lab."

"He has radiation on his body. We must hurry to chemically ignite him, or else there will be problems."

Hill lowered his head and listened to these words in a word. In the end, he slowly raised his head. The blue eyes were all tears. He looked at the strangers in front of him. The word asked: "Dr. Li paid so much for the experiment. He died because of the accident. Why do you want to be so cruel to a dead person?"

The answer to him is the look of everyone who suddenly realized: "Hill, you will not have radiation too? You come over and measure the radiation value!"

The world has become eccentric at this moment.

The sound disappeared and the picture became infinite black and white. In the world of that movie, countless officers were wearing protective clothing and carrying the man's body away without leaving a comforting word. Hill stood in front of the group of officers, extended his hands, and then he was taken away, measuring the amount of radiation, and then taken out of the base.

For a year, this is the first time Hill left the base.

Where is Li Yue? he does not know. He only knows that the people he admires, the people he admires, the people he admires are dead. The man died in disgrace, and died under his own weapon. Because of the extremely high radiation value, he was brutally treated after the death, and ultimately it was bound to be a smashing ending.

Sitting in the swaying car, Hill's head leaned against the window and looked out of the window with a gaze. Everyone was wearing protective clothing, and they watched the source of the activity with vigilance, pointing a black and weak gun to an unarmed and weak scientist.

The energy cover slowly closed and the base door slowly opened. Hill left the cold base with no expression, saw the bright sunshine outside the base, breathed the air that had not been heard for a long time, and then... the eyes widened and the whole person sat up straight, looking with unbelievable eyes. With such a devastating place!

At this moment, the picture changed from black and white to color. I saw it from the wall of the base. It was a whole piece of reddish brown dry land, as if it had been stained with blood. It was red and stunned, and the red was shocking. However, no one can believe that from a certain place in the wall, suddenly! A green lawn spreads out.

It is a lawn of isosceles triangles, with a corner of the wall as the apex, extending to both sides. It is full of vitality, there is boundless hope! There is a corner of the base, there is -

He has seen countless times that his only friend often sneaked to see the place!

The indifference of the female officer sounded: "Maria plans to fail. Do you know what the biggest reason is?"

Hill turned his head mechanically, trembled, and finally shouted: "You are lying to him!"

What kind of world is this? This world is no different from **** on earth! Such a world can no longer survive!

The female officer did not pay attention to Hill. She said calmly: "The biggest reason is that the girl is acting poorly and has not deceived him."

In this case, Hill was all in the same place, and in the end, he suddenly laughed. The laughter grew louder and louder, and the laughter became more and more fierce. He smiled and smiled. The body that had contacted the strong radiation source suddenly coughed up a blood, and the surrounding officers were scared to scatter.

He stood up and stared at the young female officer with fierce gaze. He laughed and said: "The biggest reason for your failure is not the girl's acting. He knows that he knew from the beginning that he knows everything! But he would rather be deceived by that girl, he is willing to believe in a utopia that you have drawn him! The world that really ruined him is this world, which is hidden by everyone!"

The violent coughing blood made this strong blond guy fall down slowly. Before he died, he slowly reached out, as if he had grasped the man's hand, showing a calm smile.

Just like when they first met, he said, "I respect you, Dr. Li." He reached out and the other party did not hold it. But last night, when he was about to leave the lab, the man whispered a sorry sentence to him.

The voice was too weak. Hill was only mistaken at the time, but it was not until the moment of his death that he really understood the meaning of the three words.

Every day, just five minutes of meeting, the people inside the wall are full of heart, and the people outside the wall are backed by hundreds of guns, forcing them to say that they have already prepared a full day of lies. The walls are really grass, are the blue sky? Is that outside the field of vision of the people inside the wall?

Only the **** on earth that was destroyed by the war.

Li Yue said: "Have you heard the wind?"

Hill replied: "I heard it."

Li Yue said: "The wind is not going to lie."

Yes, the wind is crying, the wind screams through every muzzle and makes a whistling sound. As soon as I met for the first time, that person might have heard this voice? His wisdom will never allow him to make such mistakes, but in the face of such a beautiful poison | medicine, he is ashamed and paralyzed himself.

Why ruin the "angel" and let this most terrible powerful weapon disappear?

Because this is the power that should not exist.

This war has already been mad, and this war does not require the victory of any party. What it needs is always a way for human beings to let resources go to life!

In such a meaningless war, Li Yue closed his eyes and Hill closed his eyes.

Throughout the day, the entire No. 1 laboratory was searching for the whereabouts of the "angel." It is a pity that no one can find the destroyed material from the hands of the genius scientist. Even no one except the person knows exactly how the "angel" should be made.

He is a genius. He is the father of the "angel". Even if he is frustrated after his death, he will disappear into the world forever. His talent has never left.

Three days later, the female officer found a password in a poem modified by Maria in Libye and opened a sealed document. There, there is a complete plan of the human interstellar era, where a whole table of human exploration of the universe is planned.

When she saw the plan, the female officer lowered her head in silence, as if she suddenly understood everything.

On the surface, the man is doing the weapon to destroy everything, but in fact, under the cover of the "Angel Experiment," he has always been doing how to explore the possibility of human survival.

From the day he met Maria, he began looking for ways to solve the energy engine. He wants to let humans really enter the universe. He wants a girl who can be like an angel to really smile gently.

"The glowing light illuminates the sky

Gold rises above the earth

The moonlight of the clear stream flows in the east

Did you hear this wind?

The bell that belongs to the light finally rings

Human nature is noble

Fighting spirit is always high

The wings of the angels soar in the darkness

To Maria

Give life and hope"

Low soft

The author has something to say: The gentle and gentle male voice echoes softly in the theater. At this point, the whole film ends!


Li Yue may be the most unappealing character that Fu Wa has shaped, but Fuwa does not hate him.

Going to correct the wrong words, what? 哒=3=

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