MTL - Provoke the Fate of Crazy Beauties-Chapter 82

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Huo Junxian's words made her body feel cold, the autumn tail was all pulled by her hand, and her big hand lifted it, bringing the winter cold.

The body began to shiver when it came into contact with the cold air. The two scuffled together, and huge heat was generated when the body touched.

As usual, Huo Junxian pressed Gu Siyu on the bed.

Gu Siyu was not afraid, she gritted her teeth and said, "If you have the ability, you will kill me, otherwise, I will crawl over it tomorrow."

Huo Junxian just smiled and asked, "What is it that makes you work so hard?"

Gu Siyu was panting, looked at her approaching face, put her hand on Huo Junxian's cheek and twisted it hard, "It's none of your business."

Huo Junxian slapped her hand on her hip and slapped her.

"Kiss your mom*"

I'm hungry, I want something to eat."

Gu Siyu just wanted to eat it. I ate it once before I ran, and now I suddenly remembered that I had to take this bite. She picked up the clothes on the ground and put them on, and Huo Junxian followed suit. Although doing this kind of thing was exhausting, she was very energetic. She went out one after the other, like a rival family fighting to the death.

Actually, in the middle of the night, the two of them went crazy and drove out, only to eat a bowl of bean curd.


The next day, Gu Siyu got up early, her feet fell, and Huo Junxian grabbed her wrist. Huo Junxian asked, "Where are you going?"

"You have to take care of the toilet?" Gu Siyu broke her hand and went to the bathroom, brushed her teeth and washed her face, and made herself very clean.

"You want to give He Xiao a million?" Huo Junxian suddenly said this.

Gu Siyu almost forgot about this. After she mentioned it like this, she thought of the pet store again. Listening to her tone, she seemed unwilling to give her money. She squinted at Huo Junxian, "I'm making a reasonable investment, not for her. The pet industry is easy to make money. Don't you also invest? I'm fine with investing in a family."

"Well..." Huo Junxian nodded, "Give it if you want, this is your money, you can control it reasonably."

Gu Siyu brushed her teeth vigorously. It was an excuse to go to see a friend. She simply carried the lie to the end and said, "I ran away for a long time, and you sent a notice of missing people. They will be worried when they see it. It's just a meal and a meal, what are you worried about?"

"Perhaps, they are not worried at all, have you thought about it?" Huo Junxian said coldly, she was very calm, turned on the faucet and washed her face with water.

Gu Siyu paused, her throat choked, she thought it was impossible, but she didn't contact He Xiao and the others, He Xiao and the others would definitely try to contact her.

The next second Huo Junxian said something very realistic, "Gu Siyu, you didn't inform them when you ran away, and you didn't tell them where you were going. You cut off contact time after time, no Anyone can accommodate you."

One sentence brought Gu Siyu into reality, like falling into an ice cave, her heart trembled. Gu Siyu was very upset and uncomfortable, and she didn't want to think about it.

She didn't want to go to He Xiao at first, but after hearing this, she became afraid, and she didn't dare to go to He Xiao again in the future.

She began to expect Huo Junxian to add "I'm the only one looking for you over and over again" so that she could accuse Huo Junxian and say that Huo Junxian was puaing her.

But Huo Junxian didn't, she just told the truth frankly, let Gu Siyu know that what she did was too much, and things were not as easy as she thought.

After Huo Junxian finished speaking, she started to pack her things and went downstairs to clean up.

Gu Siyu tried to find a new rebuttal argument, she was not convinced.

But I really couldn't find an argument. Huo Junxian said it very well. She went downstairs and clenched the pillow. When Huo Junxian came over, Gu Siyu grabbed the pillow and smashed it at her. Huo Junxian did not hide from Gu Siyu.

When Gu Siyu finished venting, she approached, squatted beside Gu Siyu, pulled Gu Siyu's hair back, and said, "This is a reality you must recognize."


Who is the culprit?

Not because Huo Junxian threatened her.

If you are not awake, it is easy to be brought in.

In the afternoon, Gu Siyu finally found an argument to refute Huo Junxian, "That's just what you are thinking, He Xiao is different from others, she is my best friend."

Huo Junxian stared at her with burning eyes, she smiled and said, "Yes, that's good."

In the past two days, it was time to get the ID card. Gu Siyu changed the number and didn't go to the police station to tell the police station, for fear that someone would find her and send her ID card to Huo Junxian. The consequences were unimaginable.

Gu Siyu definitely didn't dare to let her mail it. She spread the lie over and over again, and Huo Junxian didn't let her go. She felt that Huo Junxian didn't want her secret, and she would not let her go in essence.

Keep her in custody and not allow her to go out alone.

Now that they are quarreling, Teddy will slowly come over and tug on Gu Siyu's trouser legs. At first Gu Siyu thought it was helping Huo Junxian, so she didn't want to pay attention to it, and later found out that it was In the pull frame, let the two reconcile.

Gu Siyu took Teddy back. She was so angry that she couldn't continue talking to Huo Junxian. The quarrel could still be rational. It was a god, not her.

She didn't go to Huo Junxian's bedroom to sleep, she stayed in her first room. The room has been tidied up, only a bed and mattress are left.

She just lay there, and her mind was full of insults to Huo Junxian. After she finished scolding, she walked to the window and looked down, thinking about what would happen if she jumped down. Climb away with strength.

She listened to the sound of shoes stepping on the floor, and then the sound moved slowly to the bedside, laid the sheets, swept the floor, played ashes, and finally stopped.

Huo Junxian said: "Don't blow the wind for too long, be careful to catch a cold."

Gu Siyu thought she was leaving, but finally Huo Junxian folded back, put a coat over her shoulders, and closed the door when she went out.

There is a price to pay for escaping, and the price last time was being kept in captivity by her.

Gu Siyu ah Gu Siyu.

You have no courage.

Gu Siyu doesn't care anymore, Huo Junxian can stop her, she can run, but if she can't run away and come back and be fucked, Gu Siyu is completely rotten.

She turned down directly from the second floor, the height was still a little bit, and she became perfect when she jumped and jumped, wrapping the sheets, people jumped to the ground, and fell without any seriousness, Her legs hurt a little and she sat for a while.

This time it was not as smooth as before, Teddy saw it, Teddy hid at the door and looked at her sideways.

Gu Siyu gasped and said, "If you dare to tell your mother, you will never see me in your life."

Teddy stared at her, wanted to scream and then held back, and called at her very lightly, as if asking if she would come back.

Gu Siyu understood this and said, "If you don't tell your mother, I may come back."

She stood up against the wall, patted the ashes on her body, and went to Huo Junxian's garage to fix a car.

The car key was touched by Gu Siyu, Gu Siyu stepped on the accelerator, and when she drove out of the yard, she began to think again, it doesn’t matter, it’s a big deal, and it will take three days at most Can't go out for three nights.

She's used to it anyway.

This kind of thing didn't hurt her, at most her kidneys hurt.

The more rotten Gu Siyu is, the faster the car drives.

She first went to the police station to get her ID card, put it in her pocket, then drove to the bank, changed the original information with the new ID card, and finally went home and locked the ID card account book.

A few simple things, a few hours passed, she drove to the community where He Xiao lived, but did not dare to go in, she lit a cigarette, smoked twice, and then Looking at the mobile phone, the application that should be applied for and the registration that should be registered are now on the mobile phone, but there are no previous contacts, and it is empty.

She glanced at WeChat, and there was only one contact person: Huo Junxian.

It is also easy to change the mobile phone number back, go directly to the business hall to re-apply, or do not go to the business hall, you can give her the same city express by calling, Gu Siyu did not go to re-apply, but she was thinking about it, Sometimes, I would think over and over again whether anyone had sent her a message, and whether they were worried about her safety.

Retrieving the number will be able to contact her former friends, but she is afraid, what will happen if she finds it back, all this may not be returned.

She ran out today, but Huo Junxian didn't bomb her phone.

Gu Siyu drove out and wandered around the neighborhood, and finally entered a school. She was sitting in the auditorium. At this point, the playground was empty. She put her feet on the chair in front and pressed her elbows He rested his chin on his knees, his mind was in a mess.

Sit for a while, a couple of students came over, Gu Siyu got up and went down from the auditorium. There was a canteen at the back door of the playground. Gu Siyu went in and bought a pack of wet tissues, which she used Wipe your face with a tissue.

Get in the car and turn slowly.

Gu Siyu was smoking a cigarette, looking out the window, green trees, shops, and then a tattoo parlor, she paused for a moment, and suddenly thought of one thing, is this a tattoo parlor or a tattoo parlor? What about the shop?

Thinking about it for a long time, the car horn in the back honked, reminding Gu Siyu to move the car a little bit, and don't keep blocking the illegal parking in front.

Gu Siyu turned the car to the parking space in front of the tattoo shop. The owner of the shop is very good at doing business. When she saw her parking, she came over and opened the door for her.

Originally, Gu Siyu had no idea of ​​going in, but after his warm reception, Gu Siyu's brain became hot, and she followed.

The first floor is empty, just a front desk, like a newly opened store, Gu Siyu looked around and felt that it was much different from what he imagined.

The boss poured her a cup of tea and asked, "What kind of tattoo do you want? Our store has designed patterns, and you can also design your own patterns."

Gu Siyu suddenly wanted to get a tattoo without being prepared. The boss saw her idea and went to get a few tattoo books, including locomotives, flowers, cursive letters... There are many kinds.

Gu Siyu flipped over the motorcycle and tattooed a motorcycle on her body, which would ruin her beauty too much. The boss continued to recommend, "How about this flower, our shop has cooperated with the artist, this is the picture that just came out, the enchanting rose, the tattoo starts from the waist..."

"I just want to tattoo my back." Gu Siyu said, "I have a scar on my back, can the tattoo cover it?"

"Certainly, but generally scars are not suitable for this kind of designed pattern. If you want the pattern to look better, I can find a designer to design it for you, but the price is slightly more expensive... "

Price is definitely not a problem with Gu Siyu, she looked around, looked at the boss, frowned in disgust, "Wouldn't it be you who tattooed me?"

The boss pointed upstairs, "It's a tattoo artist, a female tattoo artist. I'll show you up there. Can you choose your own style?"

pattern, very desirable.

The boss said: "We are doing renovations on the first floor, don't worry, we are a regular store, and many people like tattoos now, but we do not recommend tattooing the whole body, after all, you still have to cherish your skin. "

Gu Siyu took a photo album and took it down, the woman in it was very thin, and had a blue-winged butterfly tattooed on her waist. ,very beautiful.

"This is designed by our most famous tattoo artist. She is a bit picky when she takes pictures. I will ask you."

"Yeah." Gu Siyu sat in the reception room of the living room and waited for a minute or two when the tattoo artist came, wearing a very national style, a red cheongsam, and his hair was **** with a wooden hairpin.

Yu Fang smiled at her and said, "What element do you want?"

Gu Siyu didn't speak, and stared at her.

"Huh?" The tattoo artist smiled at her.

Gu Siyu returned to her senses and said, "The hairpin on your head is very beautiful."

The tattoo artist raised his hand and touched it, "This, I thought you were looking at me."

"I have a friend who also looks good in a cheongsam." Gu Siyu said.

The tattoo artist said: "Look for the hairpin on the Internet to be customized. If you like it, I will recommend the blogger to you."

After that, the tattoo artist began to introduce that there are many styles of flowers. If she likes, she can design ancient patterns i, like she can design a bit more demon, which matches her character. The tattoo artist said that he would have to take a look at the scar on her back and take off her shirt.

Gu Siyu didn't hesitate, she took her mobile phone into the room with the tattoo artist, during which the phone rang twice, she glanced at it, turned around and lifted her clothes up to show the tattoo artist.

The tattoo artist touched her back with curved fingers, "You have a lot of scars on your body."

"Don't read blindly, the one with the deepest tattoo."

The tattoo artist said, "This is a new scar, right? It's been three months?"

"One or two months." Gu Siyu said.

"It is not recommended for tattoos, the skin is too tender, but you can design a pattern to blend it in." The tattoo artist said, "It is difficult to change the tattoo after it is tattooed, and it is not recommended for you within three or four years. wash."

"Can you see the design drawing?" Gu Siyu asked.

"Yes." The tattoo artist said, "It will take some time, you can pay the deposit, I will design the pattern and send it to you, you will come back in three or four days,"

On the temperament of the tattoo artist, Gu Siyu believes in Yu Fang's artistry, "I will add money, can I do it today?"

The tattoo artist wanted to say no, but Gu Siyu said, "You can set the price, and finish the tattoo today." She sat on the bed, folded her long legs, "Don't worry, I Wait."

You can hide here anyway.

"Okay, no way, who asked you to give more, I'll get the tablet." The tattoo artist sighed softly.

Gu Siyu asked: "Is there a massage here?"

"No, we are a serious tattoo parlor."

Gu Siyu sat for a while, the designer drew a picture next to her, and said how to design, how many roses, petals, leaves, thorns, all designed one by one. Gu Siyu made suggestions according to her own preferences and let her adjust.

The finished picture has to be printed on the computer, and then stick the picture on her back to see the effect.

"What time is it?" Gu Siyu said.

"At eight o'clock, if you get a tattoo, it will take five hours at the earliest. Are you in a hurry?"

"Don't worry." Gu Siyu said.

"Then take off your clothes first and wait for me." The tattoo artist said very seriously, Gu Siyu frowned, and waited for someone to go out to take off his shirt, he was still wearing underwear.

She just fell down, and soon heard a knock on the door, someone came in, didn't speak for a long time, Gu Siyu was tired and said: "Is the pattern ready? When will it start? "

She was a little bored waiting, and if she didn't get it out, she wanted to leave.

However, the tattoo artist's pestle was motionless there, and only after Gu Siyu spoke did the footsteps sounded, the voice was very familiar, she turned to look, her shoulder was held down, and then the scapula Scar was kissed.

Where is the shadow of the tattoo artist, Huo Junxian came in.

"Fuck, why are you here?" Gu Siyu held up her hands, this woman is really haunted, and the speed of catching her is like riding a rocket.

"Passing by." Huo Junxian said softly, her eyes fell on her back, hooking the hidden buckle behind her, "It's really clean."

Huo Junxian asked, "Why are you here?"

Gu Siyu felt that her tone was not strong, and said in a low voice: "Tattoo, didn't you see the big word on the shop sign when you came?"


Gu Siyu didn't understand her logic and was about to say whether she believed it or not.

Huo Junxian said, "You said you came out to find He Xiao, but in fact you came out to find a woman."

Gu Siyu was a little guilty, more unhappy, and said: "I ran out, I admit it, but you can't insult me, is it interesting?"

It sounds like she's out prostitution, is she that kind of person?

"You tattooed?"


Huo Junxian said in disbelief, "I can draw, I will tattoo for you,"

Gu Siyu said no need now, as if she was really lying, she said: "painting and tattooing are two different things, don't be blind."

Huo Junxian said, "That's fine, I asked, the tattoo artist said that the scar on your back is not suitable for tattooing now, so don't get tattooed first, if you really want to tattoo..."

Gu Siyu cursed in her heart, it really is a black shop, and it leaked the customer's information easily, she was about to get up, Huo Junxian's hand fell on her lap, controlling Gu Siyu's movements, said: "But it's all here, let's get a tattoo."

She stroked the fabric on that side, "You said, I may not be very good at tattooing, but I should be very good at writing a few words. Let's get one tattoo and only give Huo Junxian a fuck. How about it? "


The author has something to say:

You should remember this part of my book "Moonlight Kissed Red Rose", hahaha. Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-04-1021:43:40~2022-04-1122:34:30~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: Rilakkuma 2;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 wife of Ren Pingsheng;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Today: Offline, 41537084, 36620277, Amazing Time, Song Hanhan, Marry Yang Chaoyue only 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 149 bottles of Qingshan; 126 bottles of Jun Baiyu; 100 bottles of rice glutinous rice grains; 45 bottles of drowned fish; 40 bottles of Panji; 48377073, 30 bottles of Takocon; 54117004, Park Caiying's girlfriend, Homecoming, Kill Me Peach Blossom Sword, sake, 20 bottles of Nine Dreams; XYG. Flaws, Milk Salt Xiaobai, Qingmeng Overcomes the Galaxy, Unsatisfactory Clothes. , Oh Huo Ou, today: 10 bottles not online; Autumn, 32378626, Zichengxiaxi, zojesis, Xinji pajamas, Bronwyn., I am really speechless, Jocelyn 5 bottles; w, SEXYoooo 4 bottles; Matcha, Crescent Bay 3 Bottle; love to eat instant noodles, like your body and mind, R., say no pigeons, no pigeons 2 bottles; causeicanfeelit, Bjdhagy, Nianchuliang, mercury, 41537084, Qiye.Chopin, 35560153, chasing Yu, drying the net without hitting 1 bottle of fish;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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