MTL - Provoke the Fate of Crazy Beauties-Chapter 81

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Breakfast Huo Junxian made a very rich breakfast. The main meal was Gu Siyu's favorite porridge before. She also made a few pies with the sweet pumpkins she had just harvested, and omelettes were made into love The shape, Gu Siyu will flow when poked with chopsticks.

Gu Siyu took a peek at Huo Junxian, Huo Junxian was also looking at her, knowing that she was happy, she smiled very satisfied, and asked her, "Is it delicious?"


Huo Junxian took a spoon and fed a mouthful of porridge to her mouth and said, "It's winter now, and the weather is getting colder. I asked several brands to send new clothes over, you will pick them later. One piece."

Gu Siyu sighed and asked, "Are you going out today?"

When she said that, she raised her eyes to look at Huo Junxian, and raised her brows.

"Are you going out?" Huo Junxian asked her back.

Gu Siyu didn't answer, it was Huo Junxian who asked first. If Huo Junxian doesn't answer this question, Huo Junxian is running away.

"Then let's go out for a walk today, how about buying something and come back." Huo Junxian followed her words and said softly: "Just in time, you can look at your clothes and shoes, and buy more things you like. , let's go see it together."

Dogs naturally like to run around, and when they hear that they are going out, Teddy barks excitedly.

After eating, both of them went to change their clothes, now the temperature has dropped, and it was still windy outside when they went out, Gu Siyu wore a three-dimensional black coat, Huo Junxian wore A warm yellow one. Chen Tao came to drive them off, frowned when he saw Gu Siyu, his eyes were sharp, and he looked very angry, but when Huo Junxian came out, he endured it, no matter how much dissatisfaction he didn't say anything, he said nothing to Gu Siyu. Avoid talking about running.

Before he came, Huo Junxian reminded him not to criticize Gu Siyu, the words are all maintenance.

Gu Siyu got in the car and sat by the window, without asking where to go.

To live a hectic life, to eat three meals a day, to have a place to stay at night, to meet the four seasons, to have beautiful clothes to wear, all this is Huo Junxian It's easy to do it for her.

Huo Junxian took her to buy clothes first, buy whatever she liked, and leave all the bags to the bodyguards behind her, and then take her to the nearby flower and bird market. It's winter, and there shouldn't be any flowers. Birds are for sale.


They brought Teddy out today. Teddy came in and swayed his ears. The whole dog was full of energy, staring at the puppies next to him.

Gu Siyu covered it's eyes, "Just ask for a face, how old are you, you still look at other people's children, old-fashioned skin."

When she covered her, Teddy moved around in Huo Junxian's arms and pulled Huo Junxian's hair. Huo Junxian hissed, "Don't move around, be careful not to take you out next time."

Teddy likes to come here the most. Every time he looks at a beautiful woman, he can stare at it for a long time. Now Huo Junxian says that it can't listen to it. , let it see enough.

Gu Siyu reached out: "Give it to me."

Teddy was reluctant to let her hold him, for fear that she would not let him see the beauty, but Gu Siyu's eyes were wide, so he had to go over obediently.

Gu Siyu let out a sigh of relief, thinking about how fierce Teddy was at the time, it’s okay to bite people, she uses her **** to face her every day, and she doesn’t like seeing her very much, and now she’s much more obedient.

After walking around for half a circle, Huo Junxian asked, "Do you want to buy a bird?"

Gu Siyu glanced at the parrot next to her, "Don't buy it."

After Huo Junxian entered a flower shop, there was a small dog lying on the chair at the door. It was cute like a doll. Huo Junxian is used to watching this, Gu Siyu feels that no one looks good in Teddy in her arms.

Teddy saw the dog, his eyes lit up, struggling down, Gu Siyu grabbed the dog leash.

Teddy rubbed over, the dog didn't kill it, and stared at Teddy, Teddy was so bad, he went straight to rub people, sticking out his tongue to lick, fortunately when he went out , Teddy put on a muzzle, and it didn't work out.

Then, Teddy didn't give up and rubbed behind the dog's buttocks, about to do something bad, Gu Siyu was afraid of being scolded by the shopkeeper and pulled back, but Teddy was really stubborn and barked.

I'm sorry, go get your dog.

The owner said: "It's okay, I'm afraid your Teddy will suffer."

The cute dog jumped out of the chair and rubbed Teddy's face actively. Teddy stuck out his tongue and looked happy.

Two dogs are looking at each other. Gu Siyu was stunned. Is the dog's world so direct?

So she wasn't restraining Teddy, let's see what flowers a little **** can produce.

until the cute puppy got around behind Teddy and raised his legs.

Teddy, who was still in the sweet period, turned his head and widened his eyes with fright. He bit his tongue and didn't take it back for a long time. It froze in place and didn't dare to move. , it hurried forward.

Gu Siyu was a little stunned, the other party is a male dog, it doesn't matter... After all, there are many **** men in the animal world, and it can only be regarded as inaccurate Teddy radar, at most it is a small embarrassment , but the other is a male dog of Maltese.

Comparing to Teddy, the castrated little eunuch, he was a bit older, and Maltese walked to Teddy step by step.

It's like an angel face, a nightmare body, Teddy's whole dog is afraid, it hugs Gu Siyu's legs and climbs desperately.

Gu Siyu was surprised and found it very funny. It was the first time she saw a dog like Maltese. Teddy was so frightened that she refused to help. He sent Teddy forward, "Hey, what are you nervous about, your peach blossoms are here, hurry up, hurry up and call your husband."

The owner also laughed, Teddy climbed up frantically, couldn't climb up and went to find Huo Junxian, Huo Junxian picked it up, she also smiled and asked: "Afraid?"

It is estimated that Maltese can make it so afraid.

Malzis seemed to have a crush on Teddy, came over and stared at Teddy, the owner came over to hug his dog and said, "Don't look at it, it's a male dog, you two inappropriate."

Gu Siyu deliberately said to Teddy: "It's okay, our family doesn't discriminate against this set, and there is time to make an appointment to play together."

The owner carried Marzis into the back room and closed the door. Teddy was nestled in Huo Junxian's arms, looking like she was still in shock.

Huo Junxian bought a few pots of flowers and succulents, Gu Siyu helped to carry them, and the owner called Huo Junxian to keep the flowers and plants in the house. Fragile.

When he came, Gu Siyu didn't talk much. After passing Teddy, Gu Siyu kept laughing on the way back. He thought Teddy was too funny. . Teddy drew his eyelids to look at the beauties, but he didn't dare to get too excited. Seeing those with eyesight, look down at them first.

"Tsk, I just asked the owner of the store for the contact information. I will have the opportunity to come out for dinner in the future and give you a whole evening love."

"Do you want her contact information?" Huo Junxian asked.

Gu Siyu hummed.

Huo Junxian freed up a hand, "Come on, give it to me, next time I'll ask someone out to play, just in time to find a playmate for Xiaoyu."

Gu Siyu took out the business card and gave it to her, Teddy rushed over and dropped the business card on the ground, it was dirty when dropped, Huo Junxian picked it up and threw it into the trash can, She also teased Teddy, saying that the one just now was very cute, and if Teddy liked it, she would definitely not object.

When I got home and put my things away, Huo Junxian went to get some snacks for Teddy to eat, stroking Teddy's head, "We Xiaoyu are very good and know how to help us resolve conflicts. I am very happy today, Thank you Xiaoyu."

Teddy nodded, then put her chin on her palm, her smile was particularly bitter, Huo Junxian touched its head, and its little nose moved, very wronged.

Gu Siyu went to the bathroom and came out. She wiped her fingers and saw Huo Junxian in a good mood, ready to talk to her, she called Huo Junxian's name.

"What's the matter?" Huo Junxian sat up straight, her long legs were slightly different, and her fingers were placed on her knees. Gu Siyu didn't see it, Huo Junxian reached out and grabbed her and brought her to her lap.

Gu Siyu clenched her hands tightly, stepped aside, sat next to Huo Junxian, and said, "I have something to do tomorrow."

"Huh?" Huo Junxian raised her eyebrows.

"Go out and do something." Gu Siyu had to get his ID card and go to the bank to go through the formalities.

Similarly, she was unwilling to let Huo Junxian follow her, which belongs to personal privacy.

"What's the matter?" Huo Junxian asked the truth.

Gu Siyu said: "Meet friends."

Huo Junxian was silent and said in a low voice, "No."

Gu Siyu frowned, Huo Junxian blinked, and asked, "Can I not go? I can find someone to do it for you. You just came back, and I want to be with you forever."

Obviously, she didn't want Gu Siyu to leave her a few steps.

Gu Siyu must be present in person for what Gu Siyu wants to do, "I'm so special, I've been with you these past few days, it's not that I went out for ten days and a half months and didn't come back, you have What a good idea."

"Can I go with you then?"

Gu Siyu moved his lips and put his hand in his pocket.

Several questions were not answered, and the atmosphere was a bit deadlocked.

Huo Junxian raised her head, put the snacks in the dog bowl and got up, she came up and wrapped Gu Siyu's waist, and said, "Can't you stay for two days, maybe I relax your vigilance and you will You can go out."

Gu Siyu also asked her back, "Why don't you take the initiative to let me go out to do my own business, maybe I will come back by myself."

"You say maybe."

"You know it's possible." Gu Siyu also grabbed the thorn in her words.

"However, you didn't tell me what was going on. You kept a secret in your heart. I don't know if this secret is your plan to leave me again."

It is no longer a matter of communication between them, and no one is willing to give in. Gu Siyu ran past, Huo Junxian did not trust her, Gu Siyu was captured by her, and she also did not trust Huo Junxian set her free.

Thinking, Gu Siyu pinched her fingers red, she waited for Huo Junxian to say "you are mine", she simply tore her face, this time will never let Huo Junxian.

However, Huo Junxian was not very strong. She put her chin on her shoulder, exhaled, and said disappointedly, "You coax me so that I don't feel uncomfortable. I'll think about it."

"I coax you, do you still think about it?" Gu Siyu's violent temper is a sponge for Huo Junxian, Huo Junxian's helpless and pitiful appearance seems to be slapped, but Gu Siyu is not Such a violent person, and slap Huo Junxian, her end will not be much better.

If you can bear it, you can bear it, there is no need to do it.

Huo Junxian nodded, "Yes, think about it."

This woman.

Gu Siyu raised her hand, and finally held her face, biting her in one bite, without kissing her, directly biting her lip, and scolding her in her heart "slut" , holding back his face, and said, "Is it enough?"

"It hurts a little." Huo Junxian narrowed her eyes and licked her bitten lips.

Do you like it so hard?"

Gu Siyu wiped her mouth with a tissue, Huo Junxian said, "I will coax you even without you, how can I be happy."

Huo Junxian seemed to be fascinated by the feeling of restricting her, leaned over and hugged her, locked her in her arms, and breathed rhythmically with her.

"Are you trying to keep me in captivity?" Gu Siyu asked breathlessly.

This question has been in my mind since she came back, she and Huo Junxian come back, what will Huo Junxian do to her, let her free? It's definitely not possible, there's only one...

"Do you want a home, Gu Siyu?"

Gu Siyu was stunned, not understanding why she asked this suddenly, she stared at Huo Junxian in a daze, unable to contemplate what Huo Junxian meant.

Huo Junxian said softly, "We are home together."

She is serious and gentle.

Gu Siyu is very disgusted with Huo Junxian's behavior, every time Huo Junxian seduces her, it seems that she is very ignorant.

"Do you know what a home is like?"

Gu Siyu got used to a person early. If someone squeezed into her world forcefully, she would be bound to her for a lifetime, she would be very resistant and repulsive.

Occasionally, she also fantasizes about a home and wants to settle down.

Although I didn't go deep into what a fantasy home was like, it was definitely not something Huo Junxian could say clearly in a few simple sentences.

"What is my role in your home?"

Huo Junxian asked: "What role do you want?"

"Shouldn't this role be something you thought about early on?"

Gu Siyu is very disappointed, very realistic, her thin lips moved, she wanted to say but dared not say, she is a very smart person, she can perceive what she is in this world Position, what position in the society, and even in Huo Junxian's position.

She wanted to say: Am I your pet?

I just can't say it, I feel that after saying it, many things will collapse and develop to an unpredictable level.

Huo Junxian said: "It's not that I didn't want to give you a role, but no matter what role I give you, you will think badly. Then I'll just be a bad guy."

"What do you want?" Gu Siyu got goosebumps, instinctively afraid, she said: "I know you want to keep me, but ... you can't tempt me with this, very despicable."

"Despicable?" Huo Junxian laughed, "Have I reminded you that I have always been so bad, since I was a child, people said that I was sick, and they thought I was sick, only You... only you speak for me and spit on Jin Yuansen. I saw it all, in my yard, I stood upstairs collecting my clothes, bowed my head a little, and you were in my sight. "

She told Gu Siyu the picture from her perspective, word by word, revealing the hypocrisy that she could not guess before, and could touch her heart a little.

She can also encounter her evil and desire.

Gu Siyu held her breath, yard? Picking up the clothes, when is this, before she can think about it carefully, her ears are soft and numb.

"Actually, every time I'm with you, I always think it can be worse, Gu Siyu."


The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 1 rabbit;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 wife of Ren Pingsheng;

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: Quan Keshi, Jing Shi Shi, Ji Qiuqiu, pomme, Lone Yan, and only married Yang Chaoyue 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Killer whale 576 bottles; Yu Ni 37 I locked 90 bottles; Rilakkuma 69 bottles; Today: Offline 35 bottles; Meow Xiaohe 30 bottles; 56213333, Too Real, 50400794, Milk Salt Xiaobai, Li Jingyi 20 bottles; 115 bottles; Xiao ⑩ Eternal God, Gu Yun, YANG., Zhang Nima, Qiu Hanyu Yuzuru, Playing Games on Sunday 10 bottles; I want 6 bottles of each object; 5 bottles of Suifen, Xinji pajamas, Yimeng, Qiu, Huahai; 3 bottles of Wuhefei; 2 bottles of matcha, no pigeon, chasing Yu, da da da, R. Read Chu Liang, Si i, a certain hamster, and 1 bottle of Shang Gong Yun Wan;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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