MTL - Palace Full of Delicacies-Chapter 55 frighten

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"Emperor, the emperor is joking, haha, haha..." Su Yu laughed twice and completely scared.

An Hongche gave him a look. "Why are you, the tenth day of October is the festival?"

"October 10th..." Su Yu swallowed and swallowed, thinking quickly about the Mid-Autumn Festival on August 15 and the September Double Ninth Festival in September. "Ah, it is the birthday of Emperor Yan." At the moment of life and death, the mind suddenly became clear, which is not common. The festival has given him the thought!

"Who is Emperor Yan?" The emperor squatted.

"He is..." Su Yu took a slap in the mouth, how to forget, this is not a time and space with his original place of life, no matter the geographical environment, historical changes, even the gods of worship have different access, there is no Yandi , big brothers and the like.

His Majesty the Emperor sneered, "The tenth of October is the full festival of the Da'an Dynasty. You don't know such a grand festival. Do you dare to say that you are not an alien?"

The full festival of the Da'an Dynasty was mainly used to worship the ancestors of the Da'an royal family. October is the time for a bumper harvest. Not only will the royal family go to the Anguo Tower to worship, but the people will also have a rich feast at home, in order to save the ancestors and bless the rainy season. Because the magical year of the Da'an Dynasty was smooth and rainy, the people believed in the Manchu Festival and the grandeur was no less than the New Year.

He has just come to this time and space for half a year, has not passed October, where knows that there are such festivals. Su Yu subconsciously shrank back and forth, full of brains are finished, finished, and will be taken to sacrifice the heavens!

Su Yu, who was about to get out of bed, grabbed it and went to his arms. The emperor’s voice was deep and deep. "Don’t be afraid, as long as you obey, you will not tell others."

Su Yu looked at the emperor in a dull manner. He couldn’t see his expression in the darkness. He only saw a smile in the bright scorpion. "Listen, obey..." He would have listened to the emperor’s words, but also How to obey?

An Hongche chuckled and suddenly turned over and pressed Su Yu under his body and kissed his lips.

"Oh..." The cool, thin lips with the scent of grass, swayed and milled, and gradually deepened, and Su Yu’s arrogance was allowed to be applied by the emperor until a warm and slender hand penetrated into his inner shirt. Come to God, "Imperial, emperor!"

"Don't move, let's touch it." The Emperor's hands under the arrogance of Su Yu put his hands on the top of his head, loosen his lips, slowly moved to the corner, sniffed, and then moved to the ear and neck, as if the beast was eating Check if the food is fresh.

This kind of action caused Su Yu to shudder for a while, and was scared to return to the soul of nine days, but he gradually returned. This reminds me that the emperor has already seen his difference and never told him how much, they are now Lovers...

After confirming the freshness of the food, the Emperor's majesty began to taste deliciously. The delicious fish naturally smashed from start to finish, stroking the inch by inch until the white fish was pink and turned into braised fish.

The next day, the emperor went to the North.

Su Yu’s head was smoked in the quilt and was smashed in the quilt. He was touched by the emperor last night. He did not hold back and touched the emperor. This made the Emperor’s majesty discover the New World and stalked him for the middle of the night.

With one hand covering his face, Su Yu remembered the various unequal treaties he had agreed to, and he could not help but feel a little angry.

The emperor last night was clearly teasing him. The so-called obedient, that is, let the emperor kneel down and touch it, and he is on call every day, and acts as a chef, masseur, and pillow when the emperor is bored. He is a chef, and part-time work is enough. Now he has to resist more part-time jobs, and there is no extra salary. Even the luxury dormitory is confiscated. The future is really dark...

"There was a big event in the harem yesterday. I think everyone knows it." The emperor's voice was cold and his lips were a little bit smiling.

The courtiers face each other and can't hold the emperor. This is angry or happy, but whatever the emperor's mood, yesterday's business is not a good thing. The emperor proposed this time, not necessarily to reward them, and sing: "Chen and so on."

"I don't know, the guards in the palace can already be instructed by the shackles," An Hongchu said with a cold face. "Today, I dare to add a scent to the scent of the sages. Can I add a crane to the simmering food tomorrow?"

"The emperor is angry." The ministers slammed into the ground. The road was full of sweat. The news was reported in the palace last night, saying that her daughter was banned from being blamed. Although there was no sin in the protection of the Queen Mother, the emperor obviously did not intend to give up.

"The emperor of the emperor, since the king of the county to intervene in the palace guards so far, the palace has frequent problems in the interior, the minister thought that when the leather went to the county, Wang Shouwei, the priest." Lu Xun appeared out, the emperor first mentioned the guard, After mentioning 妃嫔, the point is to guard, he will not be stupid enough to mention the daughter first. For so many years, he certainly knows what the emperor wants.

The named Muxian Wang rushed to the prime minister and quickly went out: "The emperor, since July, Su Wang and Ling Wang entered Beijing. The inner palace and the squatting camp have already been under the control of the two emperors. Yesterday."

This statement is very vicious, the inner palace and the squatting camp are in the control of the two princes, saying that the bad listen, that is, the emperor's family is in the hands of the two princes.

"Boy, what do you mean!" Su Wang grabbed the collar of the animal husbandry king.

"Yu Erwan did not mean to pick up the meaning of the uncle, just to tell the truth." The long narrow eyes of the animal husbandry are full of cold light.

"The emperor, the animal husbandry Wang stayed in Beijing has passed the age, now the emperor and the crown, when the county king a suitable seal." Changchun Hou suddenly came out.

Lu Hao looked at Changchun Hou with a strange look. This person has been sliding very much. He has remained neutral in the DPRK. How suddenly changed his mind?

Changchun Houxin secretly complained, and he did not want to be the first bird. It was really his own daughter who did not worry. Since the Queen Mother, Miss Yan was selected into the palace. Changchun Houfu did not have a peaceful day, and was afraid every day. In the end, the agarwood thing was caused by his family. Once the emperor was investigated, Changchun Houfu was in danger. He had to hug the thigh of the emperor.

His Majesty the Emperor looked deeply at Changchun Hou, silent for a moment, and slowly said: "Changchun Houyan is reasonable, the land will be set in Yongcheng, and you can leave Beijing after ten days."

"Ah?" Shepherd County King and Su Wang exclaimed.

Yongcheng is a small city in the northwest. It is also acceptable as the seal of the county king. However, Yongcheng is within the jurisdiction of the king. If the king of the king does not call for a land, if the land is still under the jurisdiction of the prince, there will be less freedom.

Su Wang did not like this scorpion, throwing him under his own eyes, wouldn’t he be tempted every day? Can't help but look at Ling Wang.

Ling Wang succumbed to his brother's fangs, his northland was connected to the Western Region, and it was very convenient to collude with foreign enemies. The emperor would naturally not seal the county king to the north.

The ups and downs of the hall completely affected Su Yu, and he was making a meal while giving the emperor a book.

In the morning, because the emperor woke up and hugged him, he delayed his cooking and went to the hungry stomach. Su Yu is somewhat distressed, although Wang Gonggong said that the emperor used to eat before the emperor, but think about the mood of self-study on the hungry stomach in high school, or decided to make more snacks, and then eat before the emperor. Come back and have a good meal.

So, when the emperor slayed the Quartet back, he saw a hearty breakfast.

"Hey, don't think that you can eat well, you will let go of you," the emperor took a bite of a shrimp and smashed it. "After a while, go to the royal study room."

After using the breakfast, the emperor must make a memorial in the royal study room, and occasionally meet with some ministers. His Majesty the Emperor had tasted the sweetness last night, and he had the opportunity to hold it with him. For example, now.

The emperor sat on the large dragon chair, holding Su Yu in his arms and holding his chin, one hand on his waist and one hand holding a Zhu pen.

"Emperor, the emperor, this is not good." Su Yu unmoved and moved, so sitting, the contents of the memorial he clearly see, so that you see the memorial is really no problem?

"How?" An Hong Che raised his eyebrows to see him. The meaning was very clear. As an alien star, if you want to live, you must obey. Don't try to resist you. Your patience is very bad.

"Nothing." Su Yu confessed, silently pulled out from the sleeves and honestly endorsed.

"Open the emperor, Ling Wang asked to see." The guards outside the door wanted.

"Let him come in." The emperor did not raise his head.

"The emperor, let go of the court." Su Yu hastened to stand up, but the hand at the waist is firmly hugged to prevent him from moving. The footsteps of Ling Wang have already sounded outside the door, and suddenly there is a sweat.

"See the emperor, my emperor..." Ling Wang came in, and he was going to salute.

"Oh, don't be embarrassed." The emperor waved his hand and interrupted Ling Wang's etiquette. One was impatient to listen to the red tape, and then he avoided the uncle's salute to Su.

Ling Wang still didn't go down and heard the words, "Hey? Yinxian is also." Suddenly understood the meaning of the emperor, and then did not insist, smiled and scraped together, took a small fish cake on the royal case.

The emperor frowned. "Is there something?"

"Hey, the things that King King sent have arrived in Beijing." After eating the cake in his hands, Ling Wang took another one and said.

"Go directly to the Anguo Tower." An Hongche stunned the uncle and took the dish of the snack.

Ling Wang licked his mouth and looked at Su Yu. He smiled and said: "Yin, ah, I have brought the peppers to me, and I will be sent to the palace in the afternoon."

Su Yu blinked and didn't understand why Ling Wang always gave him a pepper. "Xie Huangshu."

"What kind of politeness," Ling Wang waved his hand. "You have married the emperor, and naturally it is my nephew. What you need is to talk to the uncle."

"Oh." Su Yu nodded and said that the original elders were so friendly. He thought that if he couldn't grow peppers, he would use the interests to exchange with Ling Wang. Who knows that Ling Wang was a living Lei Feng.

Ling Wang stunned, and the child said that the child is too honest. "...cough, that, if you really want to go, don't go to the Lingwang House when you cook the fish."

Su Yu: "..."

The author has something to say: Small theater:

Minister A: Why is the emperor late?

喵 attack: touched the fish (⊙w⊙)

Minister B: How can the emperor bring the 妃嫔 to the royal study?

Attack: In order to facilitate the fish (⊙w⊙)

Cough, touch the fish to be low-key, low-key, ah haha

The roast fish that does not cry, threw a mine

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Sikong throws a mine

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Thank you for the mines of the adults~~╭(╯3╰)╮2k

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