MTL - Palace Full of Delicacies-Chapter 54 catastrophe

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Suddenly by the emperor's little action, Su Yu threw the seasoning into the pot, slightly sideways, and quickly kissed him on the bright forehead.

The emperor, who was eager to stand up, suddenly froze, and the king of Zhao, who climbed to the shoulder of his brother, also froze. He quickly covered his eyes with his claws, but he forgot that he is now a cat. The consequences of vacating the two claws are fat. The fat body was planted straight back.

An Hongche took a stupid younger brother who rolled down his shoulders and reddened his ears and let go of Su Yu’s arms. Damn, in front of his brother’s face... It’s really bad.

I kissed the beauty and cooked the food. Su Yumei picked up a shrimp from the pot and handed it to the emperor with two fingers. "Taste it."

The freshly-frozen shrimps are bright and steamy, and look good. But eating in the kitchen obviously does not meet the royal etiquette. An Hongche frowned and hesitated.

Su Yu thought that he was too hot and he blew.

Hey, since the stupid slave is so diligent, he can't refute his face, just eat one. The Emperor did not reach out and grabbed the hand of Su Yu’s hand, then attached it to the back of Su Yu, chewing the shrimp with his red ears.

Seeing that the emperor had no opinion on the taste of the dish, Su Yu began to pan the pan and began to fry.

The emperor's hands continued to circle around Su's waist. His Royal Highness was left in the hands of his brother, and he was forced to appear in front of Su Yu, watching the smoked oil pan and the food in the pan, hungry. He was frightened and frightened.

After dinner, the Emperor squatted on the soft pad with nothing to do, took the brother to wipe the sweat on his head and eat it, and hooked his hand to Su Yu. "Stupid slave, come over and rub the medicine."

"Is it hurt again?" Su Yu put down his hand and sat down to the emperor. "Show me."

The emperor wore neatly dressed and let Su Yu give the medicine, but he did not mean to undress himself.

The black uniform was cumbersome and gorgeous, and Su Yu put his hand on the delicate waist seal, looked at his eyes and looked at his emperor, swallowed his mouth. Peeling the emperor's clothes layer by layer, revealing a bright yellow shirt, it feels like unpacking a beautifully wrapped toy. Su Yu excitedly shook his fingertips, disassembled the belt, slowly pulled, revealing Beautifully lined clavicle, broad and strong chest, strong and powerful bee waist...

Su Yu feels hot again, taking a deep breath, the dark passage will not be the effect of noon, hasn't it? I licked my head and forced myself to focus on the wound. I found that the old wounds on the emperor were almost as good. Yesterday, I was quite scary. I only had some redness today.

Carefully applied the medicine in the newly added wounds, seeing the emperor squinting comfortably, like a cat that was being tickled, soft and soft, and Su Yu smiled and simply began to massage him. After the exercise, the muscles need to be relaxed, and the meat on the emperor's body is stretched tightly, so that tomorrow will definitely be sore.

"Oh..." The warm and powerful hand pressed on the body, and the faint soreness was well expelled. An Hongche snorted and opened his eyes slightly. He looked at the serious face of Su Yu and repeated his eyes. Hook the lips, "Continue."

At the side of the Zhao Wang, who was scratching the tassels, I saw Su Yu’s beating on his own emperor’s body. He suddenly came to the mood and stumbled over. He jumped on the chest of the emperor’s armpit and followed the hand of Su Yu’s kneading. The front paws step on it.

"Little fat is really close to you." Su Yu looked at his little buttocks.

"Well," An Hongshi said with a sigh of care. He ignored the younger brother who dared to climb on him. He was about to say something. Suddenly his eyebrows snorted. "Ah..."

"Emperor!" Su Yu was shocked and looked down quickly. He was pressing on the chest of the emperor, where the skin was smooth and there was no redness and bruising. "Is it painful here?"

An Hongche grabbed the hand that Su Yu put on his chest, and after a while, he sighed and relaxed his brow. "It's a good thing, I suffered some internal injuries."

internal injury? Su Yu’s eyes widened, and he thought that the national teacher had been merciful to him today. He did not play any more green and purple, but he was sublimated, and he had internal injuries! "You are the emperor, not the big inner guard, what do you do every day like this?"

That is! The little hairball sitting on the chest of the emperor followed his nod. He was an underage prince, and he should be well cared for. How can he practice in the terrible place of the Anguo Tower every day?

An Hongche reached out and bounced the round head. "The catastrophe is coming, you can't slack off."

The catastrophe... is going to... Su Yu’s heart screams, and the “exotic star” that he has forgotten for a long time has emerged. He still wants to inquire two more words. The voice of Wang Gonggong suddenly sounded outside.

"The emperor, the flop is over." Wang Gonggong is very embarrassed, knowing that Yinxian is in the Arctic Palace, and the rules of the flop are not to be abolished.

Flop? Su Yu stunned, and this is what I think, the Emperor's daily favor, which is mostly determined by the flop. I looked at the ebony tray in the hands of the palace lady and turned to the emperor. Seeing the emperor’s face as a matter of course, Su Yu quietly tightened his fist.

The Emperor’s armpit raised his hand and flipped it one by one. The younger brother of the chest was placed on the ebony tray. “Retreat, take this away.”

Wang Gonggong and the grandmother of Zhao Wang on the tray had big eyes and narrow eyes, and silently took the crowd back.

Huh? Su Yu looked at the door that slowly closed, not the flop? and then? Is it over when the brand is turned over? When he returned, no brother had picked up his body under the arm of the emperor, and moved his head to the leg of Su Yu.

"The emperor, that ... brand ..." Su Yu head back to see, the emperor so floppy really no problem?

"How?" The emperor took his hand and pressed it to his head, signaling him to give him a donkey.

"Nothing." Su Yu took a slap in the mouth and decided not to ask.

In order to prevent the emperor from spending the night on the cushion, Su Yu wisely took the person to the dragon bed before the emperor fell asleep, and he was ready to fight the night.

"Don't go out, come and sleep." The emperor was very dissatisfied with Su Yu holding the book all day long.

"National teacher wants to take this book down." Su Yu bitter face, only one day, in the afternoon, patronizing the play of the cat forgot to do homework, this time no longer work hard, how to cross the national division tomorrow.

The thin lips of the emperor's knees were tied into a line, and Su Yu was stunned for a long while. "Go and take the scores and let you back in the bed for a while."

Today, the inner court has such a big thing, it is a good opportunity to clean up the road home. The emperor’s majesty no longer wants to get up, and tomorrow’s early morning can’t be absent, so these insignificant memorials still have to be seen.

The two of them leaned on the bed to read a book, and the atmosphere was a rare peace.

The first chapter records the inner workings. In the words of the emperor, this is a very simple method of heart. Su Yu can also learn. As long as he has internal force, he can drive the internal force to swim the vein according to the heart. In order to achieve the realm of killing fish outside the internal strength.

The national teacher said that there are ways to let him learn the internal forces, then you don't have to worry, you have to take it down.

"...qi Shen Dantian, the inner strength of the traveler Shaoyang Jing, the five fingers..." Su Yu whispered the words on the book, not very clear, can only memorize, "five fingers... oh..."

"After five fingers, the inner strength is the strength, the world is yin and yang, and the invisible." The emperor has repeatedly heard this sentence five times, and he will give it back.

"Noisy you?" Su Yu is a little embarrassed.

"Stupid," the emperor grabbed the book in the hands of Su Yu and threw it on the ground along with the memorial in his hand. "Sleep."

"But..." Su Yu looked at the abandoned books and memorials. The emperor's memorial seemed to only look at half, so it would be no problem to go to the DPRK. If the courtier mentioned a problem, the emperor couldn't answer it. He couldn't say "ah, I slept early with Xianxian last night and forgot to read it." Moreover, he clearly saw that there is an "expedited" "The words."

Now the Emperor is the only one who favors him. He still does not go to the DPRK. If he misses the key memorial, he will delay the important thing. He will be guilty of this crime.

After getting up and down, Su Yu picked up the expedited one. "The emperor is good to read this."

An Hongche turned over impatiently. "You miss."

Su Yu helpless, in order not to do the evil spirits of the country, can only give up his homework to help the emperor to do homework, open the memorial slowly and read: "The recent East China Sea frequent sea monsters, so that the price of fresh fish is high, Chen When the soldiers have been caught, they will be sent to Beijing in the next day. The fear of catastrophe will come, and the emperor will prepare for it.

It was a catastrophe. Su Yu frowned. He didn't know how accurate the predictions of the National Teacher were. If it was true, would it be something like the end of the world? But the catastrophe is related to alien stars. What does the end of the world have to do with a cook?

What an important thing this is, the emperor did not even look at it, and Su Yu, who thought he had made a merit, looked at the emperor seriously, thinking about whether he should learn loyalty, and bluntly ask what to do. The thing of the alien star.

"The secret of King King has already arrived, this is just a cut-off." The emperor squatted and looked at Su Yu, who was ready to move.

"..." The impassioned words were suddenly poured out by cold water. Su Yu squatted his shoulders and folded the notes in his hand. "The emperor, which king is this king? Why haven't you seen it?"

"You haven't seen much," An Hongche yawned. The prince of this generation couldn't have been the only one in the Zhaowang Hall. The royal family was mostly in Beijing, and the Prince was stationed at the border. The King of the Kings ranked third. It is a military commander who can fight for good warfare. "Jing Wang is the son of the Seven Emperors. He has the right to inherit, and the three emperors are counted."

"Hey?" Su Yu listened to confusion, and immediately reacted.

The Da’an Law stipulates that when the son of a prince is born, he must be appraised by the national teacher. If the national teacher determines that the child has the right to inherit the throne, he will leave the child directly in the palace, counted as a prince, together with the emperor’s son. Ranking, this King of King estimates this is the case.

"Oh, then..." The complex relationship of the royal family was not interested in Su Yu. He was concerned about the problem of catastrophe. He stole a look at the emperor and asked him. "Does this catastrophe really have anything to do with alien stars?"

"Why are you so embarrassed?" The emperor kneel impatiently pulled Su Yu into the bed, and lifted his hand and brushed it. After a while, the palace lady came in and washed the candle, and the hall fell into a darkness.

Su Yu is honest, and he does not speak in the quilt.

After a moment of silence, the emperor slowly came over and buried his face in the neck of Su Yu, gently sniffing. "The **** of the national division has now been spread, and many interpretations are different." It is clearer and more pleasant in the dark.

Su Yu shrank down and got closer to the emperor, for fear of missing a word and a sentence.

"Some people say that if you get a different star, you can get the ability to control the world," An Hongchu paused and moved back to the pillow, opposite to Su Yu's nose. "Some people say that using a different star to stop the sky can stop the catastrophe."

Sacrifice the sky! Su Yu’s pupil suddenly tightened, and there were countless **** and brutal scenes in his mind...

"There is still a saying..." The emperor's knees slid slightly, and the eyes of the night could clearly see the look on Su's face, deliberately lowering the voice.

"What, what..." Su Yu swallowed.

"I heard that using alien stars can wake up the ancient beasts and sweep the world."

"..." Su Yu's prepared horror expression suddenly became a stiff, awakening the ancient beast... This is too much...

Finally realized that the emperor was playing with him, Su Yu boring boring, turning over and lying flat, his heart needs to calm down.

"Would you like to play with you?" An Hongchu snorted and raised his hand and slammed Su Yu into his arms. "Now I believe in everything. If a strange star is found, maybe I will take it." Therefore, the royal family must first find an alien star."

The heart that Su Yu just put down was raised again. That is to say, not only the royal family is looking for him, but the superstitious ministers and the people are also looking for him. The problem is that he really will not summon the ancient beasts! Looking at the emperor in a war, "If the royal family found a different star, how is the emperor planning?"

The emperor yawned boring boringly. "You are not the alien star."

Hey! Su Yu was instantly petrified.

The emperor, can you not use the tone of "You are not the East Street that sells skewers", say such scary words!

The author has something to say: Small theater:

Uncle 17: (standing on the desert of the desolation) there is smoke on the roof of the Arctic Palace

Thirteen Uncle: (Standing on the plateau of the Yellow Sands) The Emperor is calling

King Jing: (standing on the rock on the shore of the East China Sea) I have to rush to the capital

When the princes arrived, the grilled fish had only bones left.

Jing Wang & Thirteen Uncle & Seventeen Uncle: (Healing Hearts) Emperor, Chen and other chopsticks are brought, let us see this!

Oh, the princes rebelled, the country died...

Hey, write a long, long, forget the time, late, haha

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