MTL - One Useless Rebirth-Chapter 87 Once and for all

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After Di Chunhua was "coma", the other two sisters became more and more flustered. They wanted to go but were stopped by the bodyguards. They were crying when they were afraid. They were pitiful to the passers-by for help. The filthy bodyguards were bad people and tried to escape.

The movement of the bodyguards to catch people has already attracted some pedestrians. At this time, the girls cry and the people around them are more. Although the bodyguards have protected the Di Qiuhe and He Bai in order to facilitate the hiding, they have made some modifications in line with the appearance of the local people, but they can still see that they are all Asian faces.

On the one hand, the poor girl who is crying, and the foreigner who is gathered together, the passerby’s heart is almost immediately biased towards the girl’s side, waiting for the girl to continue to swear, and only a “life-saving” leads the people of justice to be serious. Trying to "save" the girl to leave the encirclement.

The situation suddenly became chaotic.

Di Chunhua, who was "coma" in the corner, moved after hearing the movement, his eyes turned around, considering whether to run away when the police had not come.

"Don't you look at it?" He Bai was led by Di Qiuhe and stood by the corner, watching the lively.

"Don't go." Di Qiuhe shook his head and looked at the mess in the other side. The brow wrinkled slightly and explained, "Di Chunhua can still bear the temper of tempering. When I am gone, I will certainly not be able to help. 'Come on, I am so entangled with me, so it is best not to pass, so as not to be disturbed by her dirty water. You can rest assured that the bodyguard will deal with those who are enthusiastic, and wait for the police to come."

He Bai remembered that Di Chunhua was crazy and ignorant. He felt that Di Qiuhe said it was very reasonable, so he nodded, and Anan leaned in the corner to wait for the arrival of the police.

The bodyguards were really strong, and they quickly responded when the passers-by huddled and tried to forcefully pull away the two girls. They sealed the girls’ directions that might escape, and then shouted to attract the attention of passers-by, waiting for them to be quiet. The fluent foreign language explained the situation briefly, and reported a policeman in front of them. They loudly promised that they were not going to hurt two girls, but wanted to take them with the police and finally drop the kettle. The corroded ground is for everyone to see.

The road people were all stunned after listening to the explanation. They didn’t expect that the two little girls who were crying so bad would actually do the sulphuric acid. The two women who were pulling them immediately opened their hands and prepared. Take a step back. Others have retreated after returning to God, no longer trying to take them away, but staying with the bodyguards to wait for the police to come over.

The two little girls watched the crowd spread out. Everyone looked at their own sights and took them with attention and suspicion. They understood that they could not escape, and they cried and cried. They couldn’t help but cursing Di Chunhua who was still "coma."

The road people saw their appearances frowning, and they were even worse on their views. Even Di Chunhua, who was "coma" in the past, was disgusted.

A few minutes later, the police car and the ambulance came together. Di Chunhua, the "coma" and the two girls who kept crying, were all taken to the ambulance to appease and "heal" on the spot. The policemen were divided into three roads. All the way to the bodyguards to find Di Qiuhe to understand the situation, all the way to see the kettle on the ground, all the way to find witnesses to understand the truth.

The place where the incident occurred was somewhat biased. The clues of the police officers looking for the witnesses were not found. Fortunately, the surveillance was carried out in this place. The camera completely recorded the scene at that time and did not let him gain anything. The police who looked at the ground quickly determined the composition of the residue in the kettle, and the expression became serious. He rushed to the sheriff to report the situation.

The sheriff heard a slight frown, and looked at Di Qiuhe and He Bai, who were very close to the investigation, and felt some headaches.

These people who are in trouble today are all foreigners. Now it is during the festival. The suspects are also suspected to be minors. The victims can bring so many bodyguards. The identity will certainly not be simple. If the case is not handled well, the impact will definitely be very high. bad.

You must first find ways to reduce the impact.

When he had a plan in his heart, he waved his hand and let the small police officer leave. He went to the front of the investigation, Di Qiuhe and He Bai, and introduced himself politely. Then he lowered his tone and asked, "Two gentlemen, ambulance. Are the three girls who are trying to hurt you? Do you know them?"

Di Qiuhe shook hands with him and briefly introduced his identity as an actor. Then he replied, "The two murderers claimed to be my fans. One of them came to me yesterday to sign, and today is the second. See you. As for the fainting... She is my former stepmother.” Speaking of the gentle eyebrows, there was a sigh of sadness, sighing. “She has always been hostile to me, similar pranks have been done. Many times, since her mother and my father divorced, we never met again. I didn't expect her to... How about her? Was it awake?"

He Bai turned his head and pretended not to see his performance.

The sheriff heard the expression and stunned, and his heart complained. The victim is actually an actor with his own topic, and today it seems to be untenable. Fortunately, the victims and suspects know each other. Things can be relied on for family hatred. The police can be less stressed. but……

"The nature of this incident is no longer a mischief. It is a bad intentional injury case." The sheriff corrected his statement and glanced at his warm and soft face that looked very bully and shook his head.

It’s a pity that such a good-looking face is ruined. How can the little girl who is guilty of this matter be so dark, she can think of the harmful method of sulphuric acid.

The little police officer who happened to go to the ambulance to understand the situation came over. The sheriff returned to God and asked, "How is the situation there?"

The little policeman’s expression was a little weird. He glanced at Di Qiuhe and He Bai and replied, “The three suspects did not cooperate. Two of them were crying, and the remaining one was closed and refused to speak.”

The sheriff wondered, "Do not talk with your eyes closed? Is she not fainted? Waking up?"

"No, no woke, no dizziness, the doctor said her coma was pretending."

Sergeant: "..." Don't make a move. This is.

Another little policeman ran over and said quickly. "There was a lady who came over and said that she was one of the victims' classmates. I heard in the hotel that someone called to destroy the victim. Rong, can help identify the suspect."

The sheriff heard a word and asked the police to bring the person.

The person who came was Yan Yuan. On the way to the auction, she heard that something was going on here. She remembered the phone that she had heard before. She was worried. She ran over and looked at the situation, but she did not expect to see it at a glance. A lot of Asian faces, my heart snorted, after asking the passers-by, I understand that it may be that He Bai and Di Qiuhe had something to do, and they stood up.

After being brought in by the police, she saw He Bai, who was standing in the police pile, and Di Qiuhe, who was talking to a police officer with his head on his side. The heart was put down, and he said in a hurry. "I saw an ambulance parked outside. I thought it was your accident. It’s okay, nothing."

"Let you worry." He Bai smiled and smiled at her, then smashed Di Qiuhe, who was quietly eating dry vinegar, and introduced them to the two.

Yan Yuan seconds became nervous, and the sly and Di Qiuhe said hello.

Di Qiuhe responded politely, and then Wen Sheng thanked and appeased her a few words. The attitude was not to make mistakes, but I didn’t know when there were more high-important and untouchable giants. chat.

Hearing that he was a little bit nine in his heart, he couldn’t help but glance at him.

Di Qiuhe turned his head and did not see it, vowing to eat the dried vinegar to the end.

Yan Yuan is introverted, not very good at talking with people and trying to figure out other people's minds, plus the things in my heart that I want to testify for them, so I didn't notice the kittens between them, and I eagerly greeted them after greeting. The police officers around the two talked about what they saw in the hotel lobby that day.

After listening to her words, the sheriff frowned deeply, realizing that the suspect might have done something else that violated the rights of the victim, and rushed to the hotel to check the situation.

After the on-site investigation, everyone went to the police station, and Di Chunhua, who had been "coma", was defeated by physiological problems and had to "wake up". The sheriff immediately arranged for her to stand with several other girls and let Yan Yuan identify it.

Yan Yuan painted from the primary school and was very sensitive to the portrait. Even if Di Chunhua deliberately twisted her expression, she recognized the person at a glance.

After a while, the police who went to the hotel to investigate the situation hurried back, and brought back three miniature cameras and several surveillance videos of the hotel lobby, elevators and corridors.

The human evidence was all in place, and the two foreign girls who pretended to be fans were hired.

It turned out that they didn't know Di Chunhua at all, not a student, but a Taimei who left home and mixed with the society. When they left home for two months, they quickly squandered the money stolen from their homes. When they didn’t know what to do, Di Chunhua suddenly appeared, saying that his family was a magazine and felt that they were in good shape and wanted them. When the clothing model.

The two met Di Chunhua and he was almost as big as himself. He dressed well, and she trusted to follow her. After being in the place, she was stunned by the other party. She also took photos of **** photos and insults and was threatened to D. The country cleans up Di Chunhua’s "bad brother."

The two girls, a fifteen-year-old and a six-year-old, are very young. When they talk about these things, they have a nose and tears. It looks very pitiful. It completely embodies Di Chunhua as a born bully.

On the other side, Di Chunhua refused to speak, only stressed his innocence, and asked for a lawyer and a notice to the parents.

For Di Chunhua's mouth to resist, Di Qiuhe is not surprised, only that she is stupid. This time, people have evidence of possession, and confessed that they may admit their mistakes and may have a lighter punishment. If you refuse to explain it, it will only increase the crime. The foreign judicial system is different from the domestic one. Di Chunhua is more tossed and the judge is against her. The worse the impression, the more serious the judgment.

During the period, Di Chunhua also asked the police to say that he wanted to meet him, and then he refused mercilessly. The enemy meeting only affects his appetite. He does not want to disgust himself.

After the incident, the people did not have the results. After consulting with the police to do the investigation, Di Qiuhe and He Bai took Yan Yuan out of the police station and asked her to have a thank-you meal and to miss her today’s auction. Apologized.

Yan Yuan was busy saying that it didn't matter, and they were so embarrassed that they were so officially thankful and apologized.

After the meal, the two sent Yan Yuan back to the hotel, then let the bodyguard go to the hotel where he lived before to take the baggage and go to another safe and better hotel to check in.

Di Qiuhe, who had been alone for more than a few days, finally embraced his lover again. He thought that he was not harmonious until midnight, but he was brutally suppressed by He Bai. He was only allowed to vent a little.

At lunchtime the next day, Di Chunhua’s lawyer finally rushed over, and Shao Shaofeng also flew with his lawyer overnight.

"How do you want to deal with this incident?" The punishment of Shao Feng's face did not see the exhaustion of the night flight. After finding them, they immediately entered the work mode. "I want to do it once and for all, or play slowly."

What is it to play slowly?

He Bai wrinkled his face, looking at Di Qiuhe from the side, blinking: What did you do to the criminal Shaofeng, how did he become like this?

Di Qiuhe sipped a vinegar and reached out to grab his mouth. He looked back at the sentence and said, "I will return once and for all."

"I understand." The criminal Shaofeng nodded and glanced at He Bai, who was pinched his nose. His eyes flashed a smile, and the people who were interested did not bother them. They got up and took the lawyer to the police station.

"What are you doing." He Bai finally took down Di Qiuhe's hand and raised his hand and licked his lips. "What are you going to do next, stay here and wait for Di Chunhua's things to be done?"

"No." Di Qiuhe relied on the past, pulled down his hand and kissed his nose, and smiled back. "We are going to honeymoon in advance."

He Bai stunned for a moment, then rolled his eyes and disliked it. "What honeymoon, you just want to be lazy." That is to say, but it still defaults to his proposal. This time they rarely come out together and have not received any work in the near future. It is really fun to play.

Di Qiuhe smiled and stretched his arm to take him to his arms and bowed his head.

The plan was finalized, and the two immediately threw out the affairs of Di Chunhua. The planning of the AIDS was starting from the tourist route. The result was not waiting for them to plan a one-two three-four-four, a bearded middle-aged man with a pair. The photo was found on the door.

"Isn't bother, in the next Cooper Smith, is the buyer of Mr. He's auction works, and now there are some things to find two talks." The bearded man standing at the door, using the awkward Chinese etiquette and opening the door of Di Qiu The crane made a greeting and was sincere.

He Bai heard the movement coming over, and after seeing the middle-aged man outside the door, he was surprised and said, "Is it you?"

Di Qiuhe heard the words and looked back at him and asked, "Do you know him?"

"I don't know, it was the last time I saw it on the show floor." He Bai replied, remembering that the other party stared at Di Qiuhe's move, and there was some speculation in his heart. He opened the door and invited people in.

The three people sat in the small living room, the bodyguards gave them tea and then retreated to the side, not to go out.

Cooper took the tea ceremony and thanked him. He looked at Di Qiuhe, who had excellent appearance, and He Bai, who smiled and greeted him. The tension was slightly reduced. First, he expressed concern and comfort for the two people’s encounters yesterday, and then took out the white auction. His work has been greatly praised, and finally he finally said something.

"I feel that Mr. Di Qiuhe's temperament is very suitable for the V&G new series style, so I would like to ask Mr. Di Qiuhe to make an advertisement for V&G. In addition, I represent the company and hope that this commercial can be congratulated. Mr. Bai came to shoot."

He Bai and Di Qiuhe heard a word and looked at each other.

V&G, one of the top men's luxury brands, is a low-key vintage style. It is one of the most popular dress brands of Di Qiuhe. In the two entries of "Autumn" and "Crane", Di Qiuhe just wears it all. It is V&G.

Cooper Smith can now directly represent V&G to invite Di Qiuhe to shoot commercials. It is estimated that he has been paying attention to Di Qiuhe for a short period of time, and has studied the conditions of Di Qiuhe in various aspects with the company's senior management. Be sure to be very satisfied with Di Qiuhe.

However, the invitation to shoot commercials can be understood as two meanings. One is to take a few photos as an advertising model, and the other is to take a commercial film as a spokesperson. The meaning of these two situations is completely different. Cooper Did not say clearly, do not know whether it is intentional or slippery.

"Working arrangements, I have to communicate with my agent first." Di Qiuhe did not immediately ask for his invitation, but played a bureaucratic, euphemistically said after the reply, "thanks to V&G's invitation And appreciate, I am honored."

Cooper paid attention to him for a while, knowing that he was not bad, and he was ready to not be promised immediately. He was busy and understood, and gave his business card to another person in charge of the company.

The two men chilled a few words, just when Di Qiuhe thought that the other party was almost happy to say goodbye, the other party actually turned the words and sent an invitation.

"It is like this. I have a friend who is planning a film. The theme is adventure. I plan to shoot four. There is an Asian character in it..." Cooper said that this is a bit embarrassing, his face is red, and he is holding two people. Curiously, the line of sight is honest. "I don't care. My friend used to help the TV station to make a documentary. The film is the first contact..."

All in all, he has a good friend to middle age, suddenly feels that the dull life is boring, and wants to complete his childhood dreams - making movies.

Relying on his strong network, he resigned after a good toss, actually really toss out a look, the script has, the funds have been, the team is lazy, seeing everything ready, only the actors can be in place When I started shooting, I didn’t want to be unpredictable. People had a good fortune. Before that, an Asian R country actor who had been invited to them suddenly exploded, and the money was too low to pick up the child.

Then Cooper’s urgency was in a hurry. On the show floor, Di Qiuhe was so personal. After several months of observation, he felt that his gentle and calm temperament was in line with the requirements of friends and more in line with V&G. The style, so I ventured to the door.

After listening to the story of this friend, He Bai finally understood why he personally went to the door today and his posture was so low.

With the status of V&G, I would like to invite an Asian newcomer to shoot commercials. It is almost a matter of saying anything. As long as it is mixed in the entertainment industry, there is no desire to be favored by luxury brands. However, this Cook, as a regional leader, went to the door personally and bought his work in advance to show his sincerity.

He heard that his deputy auctioned the auction and shot the second highest price in the audience. He almost pressed the first master.

This Cooper is estimated to be bleeding... He Bai came to the interest and asked on his own initiative, "What is the movie that your friend is going to shoot?" He used to watch a lot of movies in order to pass the time. Maybe there is This friend's dream.

Cooper saw him interested, and he took a short script from the bag and pushed it forward. He was diligent. "The movie is called "The Wolf Poison". It is a story of a team adventure. The script was written by the famous screenwriter Marco Hors. Very attractive."

"Wh... cough, cough, cough..." He Bai was shocked, and then he was stunned by his own saliva. He raised his hand and patted Di Qiuhe’s shoulder to signal him to take the script, and his heart was shaking.

Actually it is "Stolen Poison"! That stunning film, was named the classic "The Wolf Poison" quad music of the adventure film! Di three years old, what is this ghost luck, the last generation of bad luck to the unclear and stunned scorpion, this life is a good thing one by one automatically sent to the door, it is incredible.

Pick up! Must be picked up! This movie is not a fool!

"What's wrong?" Di Qiuhe was shocked by his sudden cough, and he took him over to help him shoot his back and take the water to him.

He Bai swallowed the water, barely kept the breath, and the reason came back a little. He was busy suppressing the excitement in his heart. He couldn’t care for Di Qiuhe, and he smiled very glanced at Cooper and said, "The rude I am very admired by your friend's determination and courage to complete his dreams! This script will be beautiful to see, and we will contact you as soon as we have a decision. Thank you for your appreciation."

"Polite, polite." Cooper saw his enthusiasm, and he rushed a wave of good friends, and then enthusiastically said that if Di Qiuhe agreed to take over the role, the poster of "Steller" can invite him to shoot. !

He Bai nodded and nodded his face, and his attitude became more and more affectionate.

The two people chatted more and more speculatively, and the relationship quickly became close. Finally, when Cooper went on, he began to call He Bai as Xiao He, and invited He Bai to go to his house to be a guest.

After sending the people away, Di Qiuhe, who had been squatting for a long time, immediately hugged He Bai, and after entering the inner room, he locked the door and put it on the bed, and frowned. "White, why are you so passionate about Cooper?" ?"

He Bai has no face. "He gives us a job. It is our parents. The attitude is of course passionate. Di three years old, this is a good opportunity to open up foreign markets, you have to take good care of it."

"Just like this?" Di Qiuhe did not believe.

"Otherwise, what is the film, plus the invitation of the top luxury brands, regardless of the quality of the movie, and whether or not you will eventually cooperate with V&G, it is enough to be invited by Cooper to brush you. The force is forced, so come on, I am optimistic about you." He Bai smiled, raised his hand and pinched his face, filled the soul soup, "Di three years old, today you are really handsome."

Di Qiuhe blinked. "Puppy, do you think I am particularly good at cheating?" When did this kind of thing puppies care about? One is an excuse.

He Bai did not answer, looked up at him, and his waist squatted on his legs and whispered, "No, I think you are particularly delicious."

Di Qiuhe, who was hungry for a few days, immediately hooked his eyes and looked at him for a few seconds. He bowed his head and kissed him. He threw the doubts in his heart to the clouds and opened the delicious food.

The travel plan died and the criminal Shao Feng was called back.

Di Qiuhe went to the small living room outside and the criminal Shaofeng exchange police station. He Bai was lazy in the inner bed, and opened the script that Di Qiuhe had just taken in, carefully opening it in a relived classic mood. And then stupid after reading the two-page introduction.

Before he was too excited, he heard that the name "Stale Poison" was forgotten. Now he calms down and he remembers that the "Wolf Poison" four-part in the last life is not an Asian character! Really no one! The only black hair or Hispanic!

But now he has an Asian character in the script he got! It seems to be one of the main characters!

How is this going? Is the Asian character in the "Stolen Poison" script deleted at the last minute of the shoot? Then, is he not happy with white?