MTL - One Useless Rebirth-Chapter 86 Will count

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Yan Yuan was scared by his sudden deterioration, thinking that he had said something wrong, he was too busy to apologize and began to get nervous again.

"Not because of you." He Bai eased her expression and calmed her a few words. After her emotions stabilized again, she asked the situation in more detail. She learned that the girl who called had brought two other girls. After passing the hotel upstairs, I felt sorry in my heart, thanked Yan Yuan, and then took the award ceremony yet. I turned around and pointed to Di Qiuhe, and got up and walked outside the hall.

People who attended the ceremony entered the venue one after another. He Bai took Di Qiuhe to avoid the crowd and walked to the corner of no one.

"What's wrong?" Di Qiuhe saw him look serious and frowned. He asked. "Is there something wrong? I noticed that today's seat is based on nationality and school, and the person sitting next to you. Looking for you trouble?"

"No." He Bai shook his head and briefly rehearsed the conversation with Yan Yuan after sitting down. He asked, "Is Shao Feng and my grandfather sending bodyguards to follow us this time? Where did you put the people?"

After listening to his guess, Di Qiuhe’s expression also became unsightly, but he was worried about the emotions of He Bai, and he reluctantly pressed down. He calmly touched his hair and replied warmly. “Because you are afraid of it. Annoying, so I didn’t let the bodyguards come with us. They arrived here in the early hours of yesterday morning. We took the car to the town yesterday afternoon. They didn’t keep up, I let them freely take a rest and go now. You should be on the sidelines, what do you want to do?"

At the beginning, the main purpose of their bodyguards was to prevent Dibian from chaosing villas. Usually, when they were traveling privately, they were not used to let bodyguards follow. Recently, Di Qiuhe frequently went out for publicity activities because of the release of "Family of the Family". To the crazy fans and the paparazzi, the punishment of Shao Feng and Fan Da is not at ease, it is mandatory that he must carry a bodyguard with him even if he travels privately. Even if he does not follow, he must let the bodyguard stay at his side. local.

Hebai is very grateful to Peng Shaofeng and Fan Da for not being assured of this.

"You asked them to go to the hotel room where we lived to search for a micro camera. Remember to let them move hidden. Just pretend to be in the house to help us get things." He Bai told me to take a look at the time. Seeing the award ceremony is about to begin. I am afraid that it will be rude to go in late, so I speed up the speed. "From now on, any fan will come to you to sign for a photo. You should not care, don't let people close, shout two The bodyguards came in and followed you. At the end of the ceremony, I came to you... Forget it, go directly to the outside and join the bodyguards. Don’t participate in the ceremony, in case the family members around you have a bad heart...”

"Little white." Di Qiuhe took his hand and appeased and said, "This is the first international award you took. I don't want to miss the ceremony. You can rest assured that even if someone wants to be uncomfortable with me, At the ceremony, the other party is also afraid to move, because there are too many artists from all walks of life here, and it is a big event to casually hurt, so don't worry, you concentrate on attending the ceremony, and other things will be handed over to me, nothing will happen."

He Bai is still not assured, "But..." The face is the life of an actor, in case something really happened...

"Nothing is good, there is a lucky star here, I will not have anything." Di Qiuhe took his shoulder and took him outside, pushing him toward the venue, said with a smile, "and the venue There are people and cameras everywhere, definitely safer than outside, I will be in a position you can see when you look back, don't scare yourself."

"How do you scare yourself?" He Bai frowned and refuted, but he knew that he was right, so he did not persuade him to leave. He went to the entrance of the venue and shouted. "You don't run around, every five minutes." Send me a text message, the ceremony is over, wait for me at the door, understand?"

"Understood, Xiao Guanjia." Di Qiuhe smiled and pinched his face, pushed him forward and turned around, grabbed the smile on his face, took out his mobile phone and called the bodyguard captain.

The ceremony began on time. After the performance of the hot performance, the host took the stage. First, the person in charge of the organizer asked the person in charge to speak out, then sang and recalled the past, confirmed the present, and looked forward to the future. Finally, the topic was finally turned. On today's topic - awards.

The awards were awarded by group, and the photography group was unfortunately ranked last. He Bai felt that his mood was even worse.

"Are you also very nervous?" Yan Yuan saw his expression tense, thinking that he was not used to such an occasion as he was, and he was busy picking up a candy from the bag and handing it over, whispering, "Listen. Saying that eating sweet can ease tension and give."

He Bai returned to God from all kinds of thoughts and looked back. He looked back at Di Qiuhe’s position and saw him sitting in his family’s seat. He smiled a little, and the tight nerves were slightly loose. Thanks to the sugar that Yan Yuan handed over, politely thanked.

Sugar is the kind of toffee that needs to be removed from the package to be removed. There is absolutely no possibility of being touched. He pinches the hard candy inside, and he feels a little emotional.

Unlike the utilitarian museum director, Yan Yuan seems to have been raised too simple, but also very timid, but the temper is very good, is a very good and very intimate and delicate girl.

Art is a person who can see good and evil, and can be asked by the Children's Museum to collect works. The character should not be bad.

He opened the sugar into the entrance, and the anxiety in his heart seemed to fade slightly with the spread of sweetness. Yu Guang swept the face of Yan Yuan who was nervous and licked the skirt, leaned back slightly and calmed down, " You are very good, there will be a good result." As far as he knows, Yan Yuan’s work in the finals has already been drawn, and has not been affected by rumors. According to the development track of her life, she should still be a painting group. The third.

Yan Yuan was stunned by his compliments, then his face brushed red, excited and grateful to look at him, incoherent, "Thank you for boasting me, my father, I am really sorry, I don't know." He will do that... always, in short, thank you."

He Bai said that he is not so polite, and his attitude is much more natural than before.

The phone in his pocket suddenly screamed in madness. He paused and turned his head and looked at the back seat. He saw a face full of jealousy. He couldn’t help but smile and smile. The worry in his heart was completely relieved.

The painting group was the penultimate awarding group. Yan Yuan won the third place in the rematch and became the third runner-up. When she heard the awarding guest read her English name, she did not respond for a while.

"Congratulations, come on stage." He Bai reminded me with a heart.

Yan Yuan returned to God, suddenly got up and bent over and hugged him, and then tidy up the hair skirt, red face on the stage, which led to a good laughter from the audience, followed by applause Spontaneously sounded.

The cell phone in the pocket was shocked again and again, and He Bai turned helplessly and waved another sugar to him in a vinegar jar.

Di Qiuhe almost squirmed from the seat, frowning with the sight of the wicked Ling Xiao sugar in his hand.

He Bai laughed out loud and broke the sugar in front of him.

Di Qiuhe had a murderous look in his eyes.

The audience sandwiched between them: What happened? Why did the guy in the front seat always look at them? Is it too nervous to look for the encouragement of mom and dad? Oh, it’s a cute little guy.

The families of other contestants around Di Qiuhe: ...just when they are jealous.

After the awards of the painting group were awarded, they finally reached the final photography group.

Di Qiuhe immediately became nervous. Even the text messages were forgotten, and the eyes looked at the big screen with sorrow. It seemed to want to burn a hole in the card of the awarding guests on the screen.

He Bai is very calm, and there is still time to appease Yan Yuan who suddenly becomes nervous.

Third runner-up, runner-up...

"Champion: a journalism student from Q National University of China, He Bai!" The award-winning guest sang a name, smiled and invited the champion to the stage, and then took the lead.

The audience under the stage also applauded, and the line of sight swept away on the players' seats, wondering what the most popular photography group champion would look like.

"It's you! Champion! It's a champion! I know you are definitely a champion!" Yan Yuan was so excited that she took the initiative to hug him again. She was so happy that she was crying. "It’s so good, it’s great to have no effect on you. ,Congratulations."

He Bai hugged her back, appease the patted her back, then released her, and Di Qiuhe, who looked at the back of the row, threw a kiss and turned and stepped into the audience's applause.

Di Qiuhe first blinked, then quickly raised his hand and grabbed the lower half of his face, staring at the lover in the center of the light on the stage, frowning and blushing.

Too, too cute, actually throwing a kiss... Spoiled is not good! Don't think that he will not be the same as other women's cuddles because of a kiss!

After receiving the trophy and certificate bouquet from the awarding guests, after the routine and everyone took the hand, the awarding guests began the customary inquiry.

"First of all, of course, thank you." He Bai pointed at the microphone, smiled at the audience from the audience, and fluent foreign language thanked the school teacher roommates all over again, then switched back. In the native language, the line of sight swept across the position of Di Qiuhe, and said with a smile, "In the end, I hope that you can be a photo model for my whole life." After leaving the microphone, I thanked the audience and guests again and politely stepped down.

The applause sounded again.

Di Qiuhe held his mobile phone in a stupid way, and there was no white figure in the camera picture. He took a lot of seconds to get back to his heart, and he was so excited that his thoughts were full of chaos.

A model of a lifetime... a lifetime... is he thinking? Will it be his misunderstanding... No! Certainly not a misunderstanding! It must be what he thought! It doesn't have to be!

He clenched his cell phone, sit down and stare at the front talking and Yan Yuan HE white, both happy and angry, he wanted to cash in both arms fiercely rub, I want to hold him beat his ass, like heart It was a rabbit, and one second was uneasy.

After the award ceremony, He Bai immediately withdrew from the trophy, but did not find Di Qiuhe's figure at the door, suddenly anxious, busy taking out his mobile phone to call Di Qiuhe.

As soon as the phone was dialed out, the familiar ringtone passed from the corner not far behind him. He stunned and just prepared to look back. The shoulder was pressed and the body was taken to somewhere. In the corner, I was trapped in someone's arms.

"Puppy, we will get married when we go back." The familiar voice rang in the ear, faintly with some teeth and teeth, followed by a slight tingling of the earlobe, like a bite.

He Bai's tight body relaxed, only to find that he was pulled into the corner of the safe passage by Di Qiuhe, smiled and patted his shoulder, deliberately replied, "knot knot, carefully remove the powder."

"It doesn't matter if you lose it." Di Qiuhe grabbed his hand on his waist and hugged him again. He rubbed his hair and face like a dog. "It’s you who live with me. Not a fan. I will shoot the film in the future, but the rest of the work will not be picked up. The powder will be lost sooner or later."

He Bai was teased by his wayward tone and asked, "If I want to take a magazine cover and want to invite you to make a cover model, will you pick up or not?"

Di Qiuhe paused and added, "I will pick up the work related to you."

"Stupid death." He Bai raised his hand and knocked on his head, listening to the noise of the crowd outside, the heart was full of calm and satisfied, gently patted his shoulder and said, "Okay, let go, bodyguard We can't find us."

Di Qiuhe also knew that this place was not a relative. He was not willing to let go of him, pinching his face and frowning. "When you go back to the hotel, you can pack it up." When it comes to thinking of the bodyguard. The phone is darker. "No, the hotel is still not going back, and there is a camera inside."

He Baiyi, I also remembered this, and my mood was gone.

At the time of their participation in the awards ceremony, the bodyguards who received the order pretended to pack things into the hotel room, and soon found two miniature cameras, then quietly retired and began to investigate recently. Suspicious people who have entered the room.

"I suspect that someone sneaked in while the waiter was cleaning the room, and then hid it and waited for the camera to be installed after the waiter left." Bodyguard’s captain Zhou Li said his guess and frowned. "To know who is doing it." The monitoring of the hotel must be adjusted. Di Shao, do you want to report the police?" After reporting the police, I will continue to check it down. After all, it is foreign, and they are inconvenient to do things.

Di Qiuhe thought about it and shook his head. "I don't report it for a while. The people who installed the monitor in my room are all in the way. Di Chunhua is looking for it. She should have follow-up actions. We have arrested her current re-report. Lest she run away."

He Bai wonders, "Catch her current? How to catch?"

"As for her character, when doing bad things, I will definitely stay around and wait to see the horror of my murder. Now I have nothing, she will not be reconciled." Di Qiuhe raised his hand and pinched his earlobe. I feel that I feel good, and I keep holding it all the time. I said, "The art festival is over for three days, and she can't help but find it out."

He Bai glanced at the standard villain smile on his face, pulling his hand and turning him through his eyes.

The hotel room set by the two is a large suite. The intention is to think that the space is bigger, the luggage and the camera equipment are good. Now that someone knows how to take a photo, He Bai simply uses the empty bed and sleeps with Di Qiuhe. It is.

Di Qiuhe: "..." I really want to go back to the half an hour before I smashed that proposal, and I will count on the snake to get out of the hole and lead myself into the shackles.

A pure night passed, and the two got up early, and went to the three-day festival exchange after the award ceremony. When they met the fans, they would sign and take photos as usual, but the bodyguards who pretended to be passers-by were secretly protection.

On the first day of the exchange, He Bai met many good people and had a great time. On the second day of the exchange, He Bai listened to two or three art lectures with Di Qiuhe, and cultivated a sentiment, and then refused a lot of commercial cooperation invitations.

On the third day, the bodyguards found that there was one more camera in the hotel, in the bathroom.

"She was in the morning when you went downstairs to have breakfast, bypassing the room where the waiter who had cleaned up the room sneaked in. This is the photo we took."

"Di Chunhua is not crazy, this is not the black material that I want, so I am going to shoot your big-scale photo?" He Bai was speechless, took a photo and was surprised. "This is not yesterday. Have you ever signed a little girl? Fortunately, you didn't pick up the water she handed over, so dangerous."

"It should be said that fortunately, you brought a group of new friends to come over yesterday. Everyone got together and let her have no chance to make anything." Di Qiuhe took away the photos in his hand and looked at him with a mocking expression. "No brains." Guy, everyone pays attention, she should have an action today."

The last day of the festival is a charity auction. All contestants and participating judges can submit the works to the organizers of the auction. The funds will be used to fund the poor students to complete their studies. He Bai felt that the event was very good, and also picked up a photo and submitted it to support it.

In the afternoon, the two people turned around and bought some small handicrafts at noon. At noon, they found a special restaurant to fill in their stomachs, and then slowly walked toward the auction site.

Halfway through the road, the two were stopped by a pair of little fans.

"Sorry to bother me, I was the Mary who came to you yesterday to sign, and today my friend is here, just to see you, just..." The blonde girl said shyly, holding a cartoon in her hand. Small kettle, looking forward to Di Qiuhe, "Can you sign another one for my friend? Or, or take a photo... I really like you..."

He Bai and Di Qiuhe looked at each other and recognized that this person was the intruder photographed by the bodyguard. It was understood that Di Chunhua could not help but exchanged a look with ignorance, and then a small retrospective Assistant, in fact, texting the bodyguards, one stepped forward in front of He Bai, smile should be their request.

The signature was signed very quickly, and nothing happened during the period. After that, it was a photo, and the talking fan was very eager to look at He Bai. He wanted He Bai to help them take pictures. He was sorry to shake his head and handed the photo to her. Instructed that she can take photos with her companions, then go aside and take out the phone to make a phone call.

The girl frowned, afraid that Di Qiuhe saw what was flawed, and was busy pretending to be happy and beckoning to let the companions come to stand next to Di Qiuhe, and they took a few steps to photograph them.

He Bai took the side of the mobile phone and looked at the cartoon kettle on the hands of two fans, his eyes narrow.

After the first photo was taken, the photographer who took the photo came back and handed the camera to her companion, and she approached Di Qiuhe. When she walked three steps away from Di Qiuhe, she suddenly raised her hand and took the kettle, and made a twisting lid by the cover around her hand.

He Bai’s eyes condensed and immediately stepped forward, pretending to look around with his mobile phone and looking around. “Inadvertently” hit the arm of the girl and waved behind Di Qiuhe after hitting the kettle. "Here, we are here!"

After receiving the signal, the bodyguards approached quickly, and the line of sight flowed out of the kettle and pot on the ground, and the "water" that had a white bubble on the ground stopped, and the expression changed greatly. After a big drink, it was smashed. The fans rushed over.

The girl who took the picture saw the companion being buckled by the person who suddenly came out, understood that the matter was exposed, and turned around and ran, but was caught by the bodyguards that were wounded on the other side. At the same time, the bodyguards scattered around were already I found the position of Di Chunhua and caught her ready to run.

“Is there any splash?” Di Qiuhe pulled He Bai to his side and checked it repeatedly. His face was dark. “I’m not saying that you pretend to call to inform the bodyguard to find Di Chunhua. Am I coming to defend people? Why? disobedient."

"I just watched the kettle as if it was easy to be unscrewed. I was afraid that you couldn't get away from it. Don't worry, didn't splash it." He Bai appeased him and looked at the water that had corroded the ground. Some feared, "Di Chunhua actually got the hand, her heart is really sincere."

Di Qiuhe refused to let him continue to look at it and said after taking out the mobile phone alarm, "She is not guilty, she is already crazy."

"Let me go! Why do you catch me!" Di Chunhua kicked and screamed at the bodyguard around her, shouting, "You are illegally detained, let me go!" It will soon be successful. It’s obviously a little bit...

The more she wants to get angry, the more she screams.

The bodyguards let her scratch, she just refused to let it go, said coldly. "These rebuttals can wait for the police to come and tell them to see if they will believe."

Di Chunhua heard a word, remembered the warning that Qin Li gave her before, and suddenly turned her eyes and fainted.

The bodyguard captain Zhou Li frowned and glanced at her and told him, "Put her side and put it in place, call the ambulance and continue to surround her. She is a fake halo, don't let her take the opportunity to run."

Di Chunhua, lying on the ground, was incomprehensible and stiffened, then carefully relaxed.

The bodyguards saw the expression and smoked, very speechless. Isn’t it more fake to relax again?

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