MTL - One Useless Rebirth-Chapter 69 Fufu joint property

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Time is not early, He Bai went to the classroom directly after going to school.

The broken lips really attracted the strange sight of the roommates. He Bai took the book from Wang Hu’s hand, sat down and used them to kill them. When they opened the book, they said, “At night, the autumn crane must ask Everyone eats, and the brothers enjoy a face."

"Oh, come back and see the parents." Wang Junjie squeezed his eyebrows, the thief smiled and patted him on the shoulder. "The fourth is not panic, my brothers support you, if Di Qiuhe is not good for you, my brothers will help you." beat him!"

Wang Hu and Chen Jie echoed and nodded.

Staying close to three years, as the youngest in the bedroom, He Bai has never been called "the fourth child", because everyone felt that the "fourth" sounded like "old death", too unlucky, all called the name. .

Now Niu Junjie suddenly used this title, He Bai stunned a bit, then second understand the warmth inside, smiled and pulled his hand, looked at the roommates, joking back, "OK, thank you brothers, look back You are married, I will give you a super big red envelope."

"The red envelope is not enough. You have to take care of the photo and be the best man. You can live more." Niu Junjie saw that he recognized the title, and he flew happily. He excitedly took him to talk about the future and talked about it. When the teacher rings and the teacher comes in, it stops.

He Bai opened the notebook and took a look at the roommates who were preparing to concentrate on the lectures. They smiled and took out their mobile phones to send text messages.

He Bai: The place to eat at night is better, but I can't wait for my good brothers.

Di Qiuhe: Rest assured, I have arranged it.

After replying to the message and collecting the mobile phone, Di Qiuhe took out a small book after returning to the villa, carefully wandered around the villa, found out that there was something missing, and prepared to wait for the time to go and buy the missing item. .

Last night, he was too excited. He didn't go to the third floor. After turning it up today, he found that the third floor also contained a small surprise.

He took a few pages of books and stood in the small hall in the two rooms on the third floor. He looked at the small photo wall facing the window and in the best position of the light, and scanned a circle of photos of his own. I laugh a little stupid.

It’s no wonder that the photos on the first floor are all landscape photos, and there are no portraits. The original portraits have been moved here by the puppies... accidental sneak shots in the first encounter, sudden shots in the cartoon, and snap shots while eating steaks in the apartment. ... realize that now, the puppy has actually shot him so many times.

He looked at himself in the photo, from the beginning without looking at the camera to deliberately entering the mirror, from the smile to the false, from the plain joy to the full of love, the thoughts seem to follow these photos, and feel the love again slowly. The process of the puppy.

Photographers are one of the best professions in the world, no one.

He felt so unreasonable in his heart, and then stepped back and took out his mobile phone to take this photo wall. It saved the beauty and skillfully encrypted the file and locked it, allowing only one person to watch it.

The other two rooms on the fourth floor have not been arranged yet, but from the perspective of the layout, the smaller one should be prepared to be a darkroom, and the other is to be converted into a video room. The walls and doors of the audio-visual room have been soundproofed. Processing, you can use the equipment.

Di Qiuhe brain filled up and watched the beautiful picture of the horror film in the puppies, and wrote down the words "full set of home audio and video equipment" on the book to make sure that there was nothing missing. Seeing the time is not too early, busy to close up The book went downstairs to wear a jacket, called Wang Boyi, and drove to Q.

In the afternoon of the professional class, people got dizzy, and the four just returned to the bedroom to put a good book, and Di Qiuhe’s phone was called. So the four men squatted back to the bedroom building, and then Di Qiuhe, who was waiting downstairs, stuffed two cars with glittering cars and headed for a restaurant that was closest to the school.

I thought that a few people who would eat at a street near the school were a little embarrassed, especially He Bai. He stared at the car logo on the steering wheel of the car and looked at it. After confirming that there was no glare, he turned around and asked Di Qiuhe around him. "This is You want to send my car? Are you sure?"

Di Qiuhe grabbed his hand and pinched it, smiled and nodded. "What's wrong? Don't like it?"

"Who doesn't like luxury cars..." He Bai is very honest, but his brows are slowly wrinkled. "But this car is too expensive. I am a student. It is too conspicuous to open this..." and the price of this car is estimated. The price of the house he bought was up. When Qiu He said that he wanted to give him a car, he thought that the other party would send the street car of ten or two hundred thousand...

"I think Niu Junjie's car is almost at this price." Di Qiuhe pinched his hand and became addicted. He didn't hold back and grabbed a sip on it. He said, "It's conspicuous to be conspicuous, to your current worth." It is only suitable to drive this kind of car. And now that you are a junior, the course will gradually decrease next year. After the rise of the fourth year, there may be few lessons in one week. When you go to school, you usually go back and forth at home. No car can be used."

When the finger hurts, He Bai pulled back his hand and glanced at him. The saliva on his hand slammed onto him and said, "Are you a dog? You like to bite. And who said that I am going to study? I want to be with the boss. They lived for four years!"

Di Qiuhe glanced, his brow wrinkled. "What do I do?" I didn't make sense to buy the house. The home was also laid out. The surprise was given, but he was left alone.

What is regrettable is that He Bai thinks this way. He replied with a serious face. "You usually take a good filming and work hard. I am also working hard and taking good classes. You are with your grandfather from Monday to Friday. I am at school. See you at home on weekends, perfect."

Di Qiuhe's face was stretched, and she couldn't resist the swearing. "Perfect ass!"

He Baijun, "You are still an idol, pay attention to quality!"

"Boyfriends have to run with their roommates, what qualities do I need!" Di Qiuhe's childishness turned up, and he couldn't stop it. He hugged him and said, "No, you go home with me." Give me a little autumn and autumn!"

"Give you a head!" He Bai shot him, glanced at the driver who was very eye-catching in the front seat, raised his hand and pressed his face to forcefully, using his eyes to indicate the driver in the front seat, whispering, "convergence!"

"It doesn't matter. He is the driver that Hu Shu has arranged for me. He won't talk indiscriminately." Di Qiuhe let him squat and hold him tighter. "Puppy, heavy color and light friend is a very good quality. You can have it."

He Bai heard a word, and pushed him hard. He lowered his voice and said, "Why don't you say that this driver is arranged by Hu Shu, we are so troubled, in case he sees the head back and talks with Hu Shuyi..." Before that, he also blamed him for being too big. When Di Qiuhe spoke, he followed him.

"Mr. He, you can rest assured that you and Di Shao have a good relationship. Hu Shu and Mr. Fan Lao will only feel happy and will not say anything." The handsome young driver suddenly opened his mouth.

He Bai’s body is stiff and stupid. “What, what?”

Di Qiuhe took the opportunity to kiss him, happy. "It means this. The grandfather already knows the relationship between the two, so when are you going to go home with me and accompany the grandfather for dinner?"

He Bai took a full minute to digest the news, and asked La Di Qiuhe’s face to ask, “When did you say something to Mr. Fan Lao? It’s not good to say that Mr. Fan’s body is thoroughly raised. Before you are good, do you squat first?"

"The grandfather's body is already great. He is in a bad mood because he is stunned." Di Qiuhe kissed his palms sideways and explained, "The old man is in a bad mood. The natural way to be a younger person is to use a trick." The two together will give the grandfather a happy, grandfather will naturally be happy, this mood is good, the body will follow suit."

Is this a happy? This is obviously a reminder!

"You are completely robber logic." He Bai changed his ears to see him. He always smiled at himself. He didn't hold it seriously. He didn't hold back and laughed. Seeing him like this, guessing that the old man should not come out to him. What caused the fierce reaction, the tight body to relax, helped him sort out the messy clothes, and thought about it, "Chong Xi is happy, you have a good time, a smooth life, for the elderly The biggest joy."

Di Qiuhe bowed his head and kissed his forehead, smiling softly. For him, having a puppy to accompany him is the greatest joy of his life.

The carefully matched dishes are delicious, and the attitude of several people in the dormitory is very warm. Di Qiuhe will come to the event again, so a meal of “seeing the parents” will be enjoyed by the guests. After dinner, Di Qiuhe asked the driver to send the slightly drunken Niu Junjie and others back to the dormitory. He took another white car with He Bai and returned to the villa.

He Bai also drank a little wine, and people were a little confused. He did not resist any more and was turned back to home by Di Qiuhe.

Some memories are fragmented and fuzzy. He Bai only vaguely remembers that when he got home, he seemed to be eaten by Di Qiuhe. He was so comfortable, a thief’s hand caught his sensitive point, and then his conditioned reflex The thief's hand licked a meal... After the body warmed in the bathtub, he completely lost consciousness.

The head was slightly hurt. He Baiyu leaned against the back seat of the car, took a look at the rising sun outside and the rapidly retreating landscape, and sat down on the driver who looked at the driver's seat. "What time is it?" It’s quite shocking to discover people’s things in the car.

"At 7:30 in the morning, there is still one hour before the start of your first class. According to the current speed, it takes about 30 minutes to get to the school. Di Shao has called Mr. Niu in advance and he will help you with the book. Go to the classroom." The driver answered intimately.

It seems that Di Qiuhe was afraid that he would be late for class. He dug him out of the quilt early in the morning and stuffed it into the car.

He Bai said with a voice, looking at the new but fitted down jacket, and bending over to look at the new but fitting ankle boots on his feet, raising his hand and rubbing his forehead, blinking back and thinking about only a few eyes last night. However, I vaguely remembered that the master bedroom cloakroom had changed a bit. When I was silent, I asked again, "What is your name?"

"Xu Qing, I will be your driver in the future."

My family's driver?

He Bai's slow brain digested the word, finally awake a little, nodded, no longer asked.

It seems that Di Qiuhe is very adapted to the home he has carefully prepared for him... Hey, count him.

After one day's class, Di Qiuhe appeared on his bedroom downstairs on time. He didn't say anything. After bidding farewell to his roommates, he got on the bus and was pulled by Di Qiuhe to the nearest home store.

I bought some small furniture and a kettle. Dad, the two returned home. He Bai was rested on the sofa by Di Qiuhe. Di Qiuhe himself came and went, and bought it with high spirits. Put things a little bit where they should stay.

He Baiyu watched him on the sofa and turned around with his long legs. He yawned lazily, picked up Di Qiuhe and put it on his handheld computer, and started the time.

It turns out that having a boyfriend is such a feeling, let alone, it is quite cool.

On the Weibo, the hotspots are still being smashed by the four American fans and the small smashing gossip of Di Qin.

He flipped it over and saw that there was nothing new. He was about to turn off Weibo and play something else. A new @ message suddenly popped up. At first glance, the news is actually a self-proclaimed i did not like to play Weibo. He was interested in picking his eyebrows and clicking on the news.

Yi Wei: Thanks to the director of Spring Festival Evening for giving me this opportunity. I would like to thank the fans for their support. I also want to thank Mr. He Baihe, who has made me very happy. You gave me the opportunity to stand up to the people all over the country. On the stage, grateful, more than heart.

A micro-blog of a very routine, the amount of information given is very large: First, Yi Yi passed the program review of the Spring Festival Evening, and stood out from the four-year-old; secondly, her program was exempted from multiple screenings, confirming absolute Can go to the Spring Festival Evening; Finally, the acquisition of this opportunity, He Baigong is indispensable.

In combination with the rumors that the director of the Spring Festival Evening gave Simei a photo or video of the United States, the netizens came to a conclusion - He Bai gave Yi Yi a photo of Bimei! The film was the lowest in the air, the most beautiful in the United States, the most unsightly, and the other three, and got the direct ticket for the Spring Festival Evening!

The public opinion exploded in an instant, and the four popular fans of the popular tears gathered in Weibo and the director of the Spring Festival Evening, and asked about how crazy it was. How to ask for the rumors of turning over the photos of the United States was not long before, Yi Yi passed, and Is there a shady scene!

He Bai looked at his Weibo comments and the information he received exploding, his eyebrows jumped, he turned the software off, took out his mobile phone and called Yi Yi - the photo was taken only two days later than the US result. The speed of this flight is simply unbelievable.

"Are you over? Or was it stolen?" he asked straight away.

Yi Yi laughed a few times and replied. "Through, the decision not to take photos is correct. The director said that the Spring Festival Gala is a holiday for the people of the whole country. The requirements are daily and grounded. He said that he I saw another different me in the photo. I am very satisfied with the spirituality that I showed in this photo. I also hope that I can keep this spirituality on the stage of the Spring Festival Evening."

He Baiwen said, he gave up his heart and smiled. "Congratulations, I actually secretly gave you a photo of the version. I thought that this version could not be completed. Maybe I can try it with the revised version, but fortunately it didn't work."

"Thank you." Yi Xiao smiled even more openly, suddenly long exporting gas, easy way, "He Bai, waiting to see a different me on the stage of the Spring Festival Evening."

He Bai was infected by her relaxed and confident, and also happy to return, "Well, I will watch TV to cheer for you."

A shadow shrouded in front of him, and He Bai looked up. He saw Di Qiuhe holding a kettle and his dad stood in front of him, looking at the childish form of preparing to rape.

He Bai turned his eyes, and after hanging a few words with Yi Han, he hung up the phone and reached for him. "Come, hold one."

Di Qiuhe vinegar Haiyantian's expression was stiff, his face looked at him a few eyes, then decisively turned and put the kettle on the coffee table, bent over and hugged him, kissed his forehead, fiercely, Say, spoiling is useless, you have to converge yourself."

"It's your vinegar, I am a normal job contact." He Bai kissed him, patted his back, pulled him down on the sofa, and decisively shifted the topic. "Do you have any arrangements for your recent work? For example, what happened to the new script..." According to the development track of the previous generation, Di Qiuhe at this time should have already received the invitation to star in "Xiantu". If things change in this life, he still has to find a way to let Di Qiu The crane went to take this opportunity back into his hands.

Di Qiuhe sat down and hugged him sideways. He enjoyed the squatting on his head and lazily replied. "Yes, I picked up a fairy drama, which was the work that Mr. Jia introduced to me. The TV series has been in preparation for more than a year, and it will start shooting in the next year. The schedule is just the same as "Jing Jiajun"."

He Baiwen said in his heart and asked, "What is the name of the Xian Xia? Who directed?"

"Director of Mr. Lin, the director of Mr. Lin, the name is "Xiantu", I am the male master." Di Qiuhe replied, raising his hand to touch his hair, "so I don't have much time with you, you years ago. Can I live at home during this time?"

Is this hard and not soft?

It will really climb.

He Bai looked at him sideways, and Di Qiuhe looked back softly and pitifully.

It’s already in December, and it’s not a few weeks away from the winter vacation. There aren’t many review classes before the winter vacation. After the winter vacation, I’m going to prepare the posters with the other party. It’s like there’s nothing to live in advance...

"If you live, you can..." He Bai compromised, and then threatened to look at his navel three inches, "but you don't want to think."

Di Qiuhe just curled up his mouth and then stiffened, then quickly slammed him down on the sofa, gently kissing him, vaguely, "Well, it depends on you." Anyway, as long as they live together, dry fire What you can't help yourself is the opportunity.

After finalizing the move in advance, He Bai paused his work after greeting the roommates, and concentrated on filling the villa that still lacks many things with Di Qiuhe.

A week later, He Bai returned to Fan Zhai with Di Qiuhe and had a meal with Mr. Fan.

After the sane of the Qing dynasty, Mr. Fan Lao’s words became much less, and his eyes seemed to hide a lot of emotions, which made people unclear. His attitude toward He Bai was very mild. When he was eating, he asked the family and his own situation like a normal parent. Then he learned that his parents had all passed away and then looked awkward and looked awkward.

After dinner, the two sat down for a while, and waited until the day was wiped out before leaving to leave and go home through the park.

"Your grandfather hurts you very much." He Bai remembered the old man's sight when he gave them a go out, sighed lightly and looked at Di Qiuhe around him. He said, "If you have time, you will spend more time with your grandfather. He is old. Big, although Hu Shu is accompanying, but still a little lonely."

"When he left my mom alone in Di's family, why didn't he think that my mother was so small at that time, and wouldn't be alone without his father's company." Di Qiuhe said directly to his thoughts without concealing his heart. After he finished speaking, he compromised first. He took his hand and replied. "You can rest assured that the status of the grandfather is only temporary. He is not the kind of doing anything every day. He only knows that he is looking forward to talking to him." The old man. When we have a good home, you will go back to school to prepare for the final exam. I will live in the past to accompany him."

After he was held by him, He Bai looked at the surroundings with a reflexive look. He determined that there was no one in the park in the winter night and he let him relax. He smiled and said, "This is almost the same. Look at your obedient content. I will eat the steak for you tomorrow."

Di Qiuhe noticed his care, his smile paused, then he came naturally and replied, "Well, I can give you a hand."

Fan Zhai, Fan Da opened the gift from He Bai, and after seeing a large stack of washed photos, he snorted, shaking his hand and putting it on the top of the photo belonging to Di Qiuhe, picking up the cherished touch. Touched.

"The child has a heart." He muttered, looked at the photos in his hand, and went to take one. Each one had to be seen for a long time. After watching it for more than three hours, he read the photos and then watched. Put the photo back in the box, cover the lid, touch the box, and ask, "Little Hu... Qiuhe is in Dijia, is it very unhappy?"

Hu Zhao poured out the prepared hot tea and sent it to his hand. He gently helped him to follow his back and persuaded him. "Fan Shu, don't think about the past, now Qiuhe has Mr. He, happy later. There are more days."

"Yeah... there are more. Fortunately, I didn't do anything extra that day... Just those photos, did you watch it? When Qiuhe looked at the camera, he laughed so much better..." Fan Da holds the teacup In one sentence, the hand tightened and the voice suddenly sank. "So the good days of Qiuhe can never be destroyed by others... I heard that Dibian has always been unwilling to die for Daze?"

Hu Zhao helped him with his smooth movements, watching his steadfast eyes, and his heart was a little calm, sitting next to him and carefully explaining to him the latest situation of Daze.

Two days later, another beauty that was screened out was Zhu Shuxue of Star Entertainment. He Fenwei of the emperor and Qu Fang of the crown were unsuccessful. Zhu Shuxue's selection is not the same as Yi Yi's selection. Her program still needs to go through several screenings and rehearsals. Can she laugh at the end of the Spring Festival Evening?

As a result, the public opinion detonated again.

When the four beautiful Americans had to eliminate the two beautiful things, netizens generally believed that the final selection would be Zhu Shuxue and He Fenwei, because they were the most popular and the hardest in the background. As a result, I never imagined that Yi Yi actually burst into a cold and took the lead.

Qu Guan of the crown is very low-key, and has little interest in the Spring Festival Evening. So after she was brushed, she made a happy blog and said that she was ready to go home to accompany her family. She also took photos of the B city. He was very happy and successfully comforted the fans.

He Fenwei said that he could not stand this grievance, and vented a pass on Weibo under the impulse.

The idol’s grievances, her fans immediately jumped up and said that the screening has a black curtain! My idol is younger than Yi Yi, beautiful than Yi Yi, more popular than Yi Yi, and stronger than Yi Yi. It is unreasonable and easy to get on, and his idol has been brushed down!

Not satisfied! This screening is definitely a problem!

After tearing up a wave of easy-to-follow, they rushed to the director of the Spring Festival Evening, and asked him to announce the photos and videos of the four beautiful photos, not dare to announce is guilty!

The public opinion was biased by the fans of He Fenwei. Yi Yi was attacked by various personalities. Even He Bai was beaten by a couple of mouths. Even some netizens speculated whether the director of the Spring Festival Evening had secretly traded with Yi Yi. Therefore, I will choose Yi Yi.

Probably mad at the ecstasy, the Spring Festival Evening Director actually really wants the fans of Fenwei, on the second day of the other beauty list, the photos and videos of the four beautiful photos were announced.

The netizens were excited, Qi Qiyong came and gave this Weibo a top spot in minutes.

The Weibo content sent by the director of the Spring Festival Evening is simple and clear, that is, four names plus four links. In the end, the netizens should judge the beauty and ugliness by themselves, and don’t mess with the dirty water buckle hats, so that the selection of the Spring Festival Evening is so smoldering.

Like the fans who are afraid of He Fenwei's boring name, he also deliberately placed He Fenwei's name on the top, followed by the lost Qu Fang, the selected Zhu Shuxue and Yi Yi who entered the Spring Festival Evening.

Netizens clicked on the links one by one.

He Fenwei handed in a set of photos plus a video. To be honest, the photos were very beautiful, the videos were small, fresh and cute, but the beauty and cuteness seemed to be no different from the photos and microfilms she had taken before. I can only boast a beautiful, and the rest is gone.

The netizens were twisted by the thoughts of He Fenwei's fans. They took a look at the comments on their own idols, and they thought that the photos and videos of the following actresses were not very good. Qu Fang's link.

Qu Fang has only one set of photos, and the national style is in line with the consistent political correct routine of CCTV. Because Qu Fang didn't go through national costumes before, so this set of photos is quite impressive. Compared with He Fenwei's photos, it is even more amazing.

Netizens couldn't help but glance at the comments in the frantic praise of He Fenwei's powder, the expression of strange moments, and opened the link of Zhu Shuxue.

Zhu Shuxue handed in a video. After clicking and playing, I saw a beautiful woman walking from the depths of the ancient garden. The dress of the body corresponds to the four themes of Meilan Zhuju with the four seasons of special effects. At the end of the video, after the four themes are over, the beauty is circling from behind the moon, and the elegant dress suddenly changes, the red lips, the peony national color, and the dazzling.

Netizens haven't been able to return to God for a long time, and they are amazed at Zhu Shuxue's last look and look at the camera. There is a kind of impulse to put in the video to give the beauty an umbrella.

It’s so beautiful, this dynamic beauty is like a minute to compare the photos of the first two people into slag! What, you said He Fenwei also took a video? Don't tease, in front of this strong beauty, all the small freshness is just a camouflage skin that is not enough for beauty, and it will be broken!

This time, netizens will look at the praises of the powders in the comments, and they can't help but laugh at the mockery, and then look forward to the work of Yi Yi. They can see it. The ranking of the directors in the Spring Festival Evening is ranked according to the degree of beauty. Zhu Shuxue Meicheng can only be regarded as the second. How amazing is the first Yi Yi?

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but recall that Yi Yi was really good, but the face that had no special features was too much to be confused. It’s easy to look at it, how can I shoot it to be amazing?

With full of doubts, they opened the last link.

A dozen photos of very specific smoke and fire were spread out on the screen, so that netizens who were looking forward to coming in could not help but see.

After watching three sets of exquisite photos and videos, I suddenly saw such a set of photos that were so grounded. They felt a bit confused - this everyday photo actually took the first place? No mistakes?

The brain is full of question marks, they move the mouse and click on the first photo.

The beautiful woman in the down jacket snow boots stood in front of a buns, and pulled her hand down the scarf to smell the aroma of the buns. The other fingered the steaming buns. The eyes looked at the camera and the eyes were full of surprises. .

Netizens are paralyzed again.

Yi Yi seems... no makeup. And without makeup, when she smiles so brightly, it is more exciting than she is wearing a smile.

It feels like the woman in the photo is your family. She saw what she liked, so she called you happily and wanted to share the joy and satisfaction of the moment with you.

The angle of the photo was very good. The red lantern at the door of the buns was just taken in. The light of the lantern was scattered on Yi’s face, as if she had given her a layer of light rouge, which was lining her at this time. There is a kind of hibiscus-like beauty.

It was a photo that Zhang didn’t seem to have any special features at first, but when I looked at it, I couldn’t help but smile with the people in the photo, and then I looked straight into the eyes of the person in the photo, and the nose seemed to smell. The plain aroma of buns.

It’s really beautiful... Yi Yi stood in the middle of a group of ordinary people, even if it didn’t make up, didn’t repair, and was beautiful like a little fairy, so beautiful that people wanted to smile with her and warmed up. Baked.

After the sigh was over, their hands did not move consciously and point to the next one.

Still the beauty, at this time she was happily piled up with a snowman, the hat on her head gave the snowman, and the hair was scattered, and the hair fell on the side of the ear, making it irritating to help her pick it up.

The snowman is ugly, but the beauty smiles very well, so it makes people want to enter the photo to accompany her to laugh.

A total of sixteen photos, less than other people have handed in, but also did not repair the map at all, but that people can not help but want to see and see, after reading the face has been hanging a smile, as if that can reunite with the family The festival has arrived.

Netizens silenced for a few seconds after watching the photos, and then broke out.

Go to your sister's He Fenwei! Yi Yi is the king! These photos are really good! This is what their ordinary people want to look good! The stars are so delicate and look good that they can't feel the same, but it's easy to take this photo... Zhen Nima looks good! It seems that as long as they wear clothes similar to Yi Yi, they can become a little fairy little prince when they stand in the daily scenes!

Beautiful and beautiful! Beautiful crying! Add chicken legs to the director of the Spring Festival! The sunspots are rolling! This beauty is what they want to see in the spring evening! What they want is the beauty of this heart!

The public opinion exploded again. This time it was a one-sided irony of He Fenwei, and it was easy to hold Yi Yi. At the same time, He Bai was also pulled out by netizens and praised and boasted! The number of fans of Yi Yi has gone up, and He Bai’s has also gone up!

Just as everyone waited for the praised master to say a good mad confession, He Bai's Weibo sent a message that made people confused.

White and white: I borrowed Xiaobai's Weibo and thanked Director Lin Mo for inviting me to participate in "Xiantu". I would like to thank the fans for their waiting and support to me and look forward to the day when the new works will be met.

Netizens are a little embarrassed, what is the situation? Lin Mo wants to shoot a new TV series? Called "Xiantu"? Who is this person who borrowed the news from He Bai Weibo? They don’t speak clearly, they don’t want to guess.

The Dian powders who have been lurking in He Bai Weibo for a long time are crying and crying after a short embarrassment. They rushed to this microblog to comment and cry. There is only one central idea: you will finally come back in autumn and autumn! No matter what new work you take, we support support! Autumn and autumn do not cry! Leaving the emperor, adjust your mentality, let us start again, and the new future is waiting for you!

Di Qiuhe smiled and turned over the comments under Weibo, nodding his head.

Yes, now that he has a little white, life has indeed opened a very beautiful new chapter.

He Bai appeared quietly behind him, his hand touched his neck, and he gathered a little bit, screaming, squatting in his ear and watching the screen of his handheld computer with him, smiling and asking, "Xiao Qiuqiu, you What did you do with my Weibo, huh?"

Di Qiuhe was a stiff, turned to look at him, his eyes were innocent and his expression was pure. "If you didn't do anything, you used our husband's common property a little."

"Yes." He Bai smiled at the bird's head and pulled his hair. "Then you go to sleep on the floor of our husband's common property tonight, okay?"

Di Qiuhe: "...puppy, in fact... I can explain."