MTL - One Useless Rebirth-Chapter 68 a unique world

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The washed toiletries were all thrown into the yard, and what was bathed was just an excuse to take care of the face of Di Spicy Chicken. He Bai shut himself in the bathroom, rushed to the body with water, replaced the pajamas that had been left in the villa, and took the time to take out the phone.

There were several unread text messages and missed calls on the phone, all of which were sent by Di Qiuhe when he was asleep in the car.

His guilty concealed his face, turned off the SMS page, and randomly picked up a small game to open, and the stuffy head played.

About half an hour later, he was lucky to close the card and take a look at the time. He thought that Di’s three-year-old mood should be almost cleaned up, so he got up and opened the door and stepped down the stairs.

No one in the living room, Di Qiuhe's jacket draped over his jacket and put it on the sofa. The shopping bag was scattered on the carpet next to the coffee table. The door was closed and the lights at the entrance were closed.

There was some faint sound in the kitchen behind the living room. He walked over and walked inside the restaurant to look inside.

Di Qiuhe, who only wore a smoky gray shirt, stood in the kitchen with his sleeves, clumsily playing with a small kettle, his brows were slightly wrinkled, his eyes were confused, and he did not know how to play this thing.

The kettle is a gift from the supermarket. It is very small, cartoon-shaped, and the switch is designed to be very interesting. It is different from the kettle used by the public. At that time, He Bai felt that it was cute when he got the kettle. He looked at it a little more, and also took it apart, so he probably knows where its switch is.

Just as he watched the lively time, the actor who had not touched Yang Chunshui had begun to lick the animal nose of the cartoon kettle.

He couldn't help but laugh and reminded, "The nose is the filter, the water switch is its tail, you can shake it."

Di Qiuhe almost shook the kettle on the ground and turned his head to look at him. Then, after touching his smiling eyes, he put the kettle on the cooking table and blocked it with his body. The ears were red and explained, "I It’s boring to take it apart and look at it, not ready to use it to boil water.”

"This way." He Bai nodded and walked in, pretending not to see the water stain on the cooking table, went around him and picked up the kettle and walked to the faucet, said by the water. "This kettle is too small, only It’s a thing, but now we don’t have a big kettle, the kitchen utensils in the kitchen are not bought, so we can only use this to live together.” Saying that the kettle was placed on the matching seat, plugged in, shaken The short tail of the kettle.

With a click, the ball-shaped water-burning indicator on the top of the kettle is lit.

Di Qiuhe’s line of sight turned between the tail and the lamp of the kettle, and his face was stretched and bitter.

It turned out to be shaking. It’s no wonder that it can’t be moved... It’s winter. The bottled water that I bought is cold. It’s too cold. He wanted to burn a little hot water and wait for the puppy to wash it out. The result... The kettle should have a look like a kettle. If you do such a fancy, he will complain.

"How have you been watching it all the time, do you think it is very cute?" He Bai dialed the round ear of the kettle and said with a smile, "If you like it, we will buy it back from the next day. This kettle has a set. The lighter color is the smallest, and there is a dark normal capacity version that is enough for everyday use."

Di Qiuhe quickly put the thoughts of the complaint behind him and nodded. "Well, we will buy it tomorrow." He said that he had scraped it together and trapped him between himself and the cooking counter.

He Bai raised his eyebrows and leaned on the table, holding his chest. "I have to go to class tomorrow."

Di Qiuhe extended his thief. "I am waiting for you to go to class."

He Bai leaned back. "You are not going to see your grandfather? He should have been discharged from the hospital."

"Tomorrow, I will send you to class first, then go to see my grandfather. When I see my grandfather, I will pick you up. Let's go buy a kettle and dad." Di Qiuhe put him in his arms, his mouth slightly tilted, his head bowed with his nose. He, "I still want to buy slippers."

The body was trapped and dead, and the whiteness was no longer hiding. He was allowed to hold it. The body relaxed and leaned on the arm of his waist. He poked his finger and poked his chest. He asked, "You want to take it." What send me? Legs? Then I will be late."

"I can let the assistant Wang come to the car early tomorrow." Di Qiuhe was poked and tightened, and the eyes became deeper and deeper. The movement of the tip of the nose slowed down, and the side was slightly pressed down.

He Bai noticed his intentions and paused. He found that his heart did not exclude the intimacy of this level of homosexuality. So he smacked his lips and asked when he was about to post it. "Do you know the address of our family?" ”

Our family...

Di Qiuhe took a breath and tightened his arms. He lowered his head to shorten the last distance between the two and took a sip on his lips.

He Bai: "..." It hurts a bit. This kissing posture seems to be different from that on TV.

Di Qiuhe squatted back, rubbed his lips, blushed, and gently plucked it over and licked the place he had just bitten.

He Bai rolled his eyes, "...who will you...hey."

At the end of the test, Di Qiuhe tightened his arm and pressed it hard as he spoke, kissing his lips, then sticking his tongue out and driving straight in, pulling the other side with a force that was almost fierce.

He Bai felt that his lips and tongue were slightly numb, his heartbeat screamed in his ear, and his mind was dizzy.

Feeling still, not bad, Di Ginger's kiss skills should pass the passing line.

Deep kisses, bites, honing, squatting... all kinds of kisses are groping and trying again, the hands behind the circle are getting tighter and tighter, and the legs are separated, the other’s legs are inserted in, the two rely on Together, the body temperature passed on each other, and He Bai’s posture did not know when it was sitting on the cooking table, and Di Qiuhe stood between his legs and kissed him fiercely.

It was really fierce, and he did not give him a chance to gasp. His tongue was tangled.

The sensitive point of the waist was suddenly smashed, and then the inside of the thigh seemed to have something unharmonious... Hebai face was red, I don’t know if it was breathing or excited, and both hands supported the other’s shoulders and pushed people. After opening, he gasped and gasped, raising his hand and pulling his head.

"What are you excited about! Go on!"

Di Qiuhe looked at his rosy lips, breathing slightly, his body was tight, and he seemed to be suppressing something. He finally couldn’t help but stretch his arms and hold him in his arms. He bowed his head and neck in a mess, low dumb. Tao, "Puppy... I want to..."

"I want you a big ghost!" He Bai was also raised by his temperature, and his brain flashed a male and female version of the movie that he had seen before. His expression was distorted for a moment, and his mind overwhelmed his feelings. He said, "We Step by step... Anyway, you will disappear! No more smashing!" Then I really want to get angry!

Di Qiuhe left with his strength and held his waist. His palm was very hot and dumb. "Puppy, this is not what I want to eliminate..." But I didn't move anymore, I didn't want to force it. he.

I was stained with lustful eyes, low-pitched and slightly squeaky voices, muscle-tight arms, rolling throats from time to time, and tightly licking lips because of restraint... He Bai looked at Di Qiuhe, who was **** and explosive at this time. The heart was uncontrollable, and he pushed him away a little. He stood on the ground and said as he walked out. "I, let me see if the sheets are washed, you, you solve it a little." Stepping out of the kitchen and striding toward the laundry room.

Di Qiuhe stood in the same place and watched him go far. He calmed his breath and had no fruit. So he went to the sink and opened the faucet. He washed his face with cold water.



The kettle jumps after a sound of water is turned on, the display light is extinguished, and the water is burned.

Di Qiuhe turned his head and wiped off the water on his face. He reached out and pinched its short tail and smiled. "It’s too cute but it will be eaten."

When he calmed down and went to the laundry room, He Baizheng took the sheets out of the washing machine on the floor and stuffed them into the dryer.

He Bai heard the footsteps and looked back. He saw him coming over. He was busy and stretched his arms and said, "Keep the distance of two meters. It takes a while for the sheets to dry. You should go to the bath first. In addition, it is very late, I am very sleepy. I want to sleep, don't let me go."

Di Qiuhe stopped, saw him frowning and licking his lips, his heart tickles, and he saw a layer of dark circles under his eyes. His face was still tired and sleepy. His heart became soft and he stopped at two meters away. Wen Wen said, "Then I will go to the bath first. If you are tired, you can lean on the sofa for a while. The water is already burned. If you are thirsty, go drink. Don't drink the water you bought. It's too cold."

He Bai did not expect him to be so obedient, took his hand and looked up at him, then he was stunned by his different gentle and calm look, bowed his head and avoided his sight, softly said, "I know, you Go and wash, remember to take the toiletries and not upstairs."

Di Qiuhe heard a glimpse of it, took a look at his pajamas, and moved in his heart, then completely softened, could not help but smashed his hair, "you..." The words opened and suddenly did not know to say Something, so he bent over his head and kissed him, fearing that he was ashamed, and immediately walked away from the laundry room.

He Bai raised his hand to the top of his head, looked at the door that had been empty, turned and abandoned his face. "I don’t want to wash my hair today..." I can’t help but laugh and play with the new one. I don’t know what to do. Play the dryer and touch the lips.

... childish ghosts sometimes don't seem so naive.

There are four rooms on the second floor of the villa. Di Qiuhe looked at it and found a warmly furnished master bedroom in the innermost hall.

The master bedroom is large with a balcony, a cloakroom and a bathroom. The furniture inside is no exception, but it is also furnished according to his favorite style. He looked down at the shoes on his feet, looked at the soft carpet in the room, bent over and took off his shoes, and stepped on wearing only the socks.

The basic furniture in the room is all right, but the little things like the desk lamp have not yet been purchased. He circled inside, touched the new mattress, and went to the bathroom with toiletries.

The shower curtain is a blue starry pattern that he once joked. It looks a little childish. The overall decoration style of the bathroom is not good. The bathing rack is empty, and there is a set of pajamas on the shelf.

He picked up his pajamas and looked at it. The new one is his size. It is the same style as He Bai’s body, and the pattern is different. At the doorway, there is a pair of sandals and slippers in the position of the wall, which is exactly the same as the style that He Bai took out after bathing.

He put on his slippers and found that the size was just right. He couldn't help but lean on the wall and smiled.

All the living items in the villa were actually prepared in two, one for He Bai and the other for him.

The heart is like being soaked in warm water, warm, and accidentally dripping water. He stood in the bathroom that still retains the traces of the decoration. He only felt that a piece missing in his heart was finally complete. After his grandfather died, he drifted somewhere and finally had a root.

Here is the home, the home of him and the puppies, the home of the puppies for him.

After washing at the fastest speed, he almost eagerly walked downstairs, and then suddenly stopped when he saw the figure that was curled up on the sofa, and walked lightly, first picking up the jacket on the sofa. Cover him, then kneel to the sofa, and watch him gently for a long time.

Such a big house, with the current financial resources of the puppies, must be very difficult to buy, not to mention the furniture that is not cheap at first glance... It must be very hard, no wonder that it has been working continuously without stopping.

He felt a little awkward in his throat, leaned down and lowered his body to bury his head in the hands of He Bai, and gently rubbed his back on the back of the sofa.

It’s great to be able to meet such a gentle person in this life.

As soon as he slept until dawn, He Bai arched in the warm quilt and opened his eyes in confusion.

"Good morning." Di Qiuhe was next to him, and after he blinked, he leaned over and kissed his eyebrows.

He Bai stunned a bit, looked at the beautiful man in front of him, and looked at the window that was covered by the curtains and couldn’t see the outside when it was at the end. The hand touched the clothes under the quilt, and he was in good condition, he asked. what time is it?"

Di Qiuhe pinched his nose in a good mood and went over to hug. "It’s already ten o’clock, hungry? I let Wang’s assistant buy breakfast.”

"Ten points?!" He Bai was shocked and opened his eyes. He pushed him up without hesitation, climbed up and found the mobile phone, and pressed his hair after the crash. "It’s over, and I have escaped for a day and a half, breaking the record. ”

Di Qiuhe took a look at the hand he had been pushed and continued to join in. "It doesn't matter, I called Junjie and he will help you answer it."

He Bai turned his head and yelled at him. "Why didn't you call me? Didn't you say that you want to send me to class yesterday?"

Di Qiuhe’s guilty conscience opened his eyes. “I see you sleep well, just...”

"Do you overslept too?" He Bai saw the blood.

Di Qiuhe was silent, and he stretched out his arms and hugged him, smiling softly.

He Bai raised his eyebrows and glared at him. "It’s useless to make a beautiful man’s plan. I’m going to get up and go to class. I can’t escape in the afternoon class!”

"Puppy." Di Qiuhe let him linger, continue to look at him gently and softly, smiled. "Morning Wang assistant asked me for the address here. I don't know, I sent a position to him."

He Baiyi squatted and then retracted his hand and said, "What's wrong with positioning? It's not a backcountry here. It's certainly not going to be wrong."

"But here is Jinjiang Community." Di Qiuhe took him to his arms again, and his forehead against his forehead, his eyes were full of smiles, his mouth curled up, and he was completely unconcealed. "Puppy, you really it is good."

He is three years old, He Bai has a way to cure, and he is a little bit stunned by the gentle and delicate Di Qiuhe.

He Bai blushes, glances at him, suddenly scraps him over and kisses him, then squats and squats quickly, and walks to the bathroom and says, "You are getting up, it takes a few minutes to drive to school, deducting breakfast. At lunch time, we don't have much time to grind."

Di Qiuhe touched his lips, raised his eyebrows, and smiled and followed.

The teeth were brushed side by side, the two changed their clothes and went downstairs to have breakfast.

"Wang assistant? Why didn't you see him." He Bai opened the incubator, first clipped a small cage to the mouth, turned his head back and forth.

Di Qiuhe poured a cup of soy milk on him and replied, "I asked him to go to Fan House to take another car. It is too far from the school. You can have a car to get in and out. It is safe. The car is A while ago, I called Hu Shuding, but it was not for Dibian. You can rest assured."

He Baiyu's action on the buns, turned to look at him, "Your grandfather is not sending you a car, what do you do and set a car?" Buying more than just one, how much money burned?

Di Qiuhe smiled at him and suddenly took a bite to bite off the remaining half of the buns on his chopsticks. He said vaguely, "That is the Christmas gift I prepared for you, but now I have to think about what Christmas gift I should give you." It is."

He Baiyi squatted, then turned him into a white eye, and picked up a buns and took a sip. His heart was sour and refreshing. He said, "I am a rich two, oh no, rich three generations? The beginning of the car is the car." Is the house the next time?"

Di Qiuhe laughed and said nothing, and took it away and took his buns.

He Bai anger, take the chopsticks and insert his chopsticks into his nostrils. "Is it better to rush to eat? I understand that the car is your dowry, the husband and wife are living together, the man is out of the house, the woman is accompanying the wedding car, there is nothing wrong with you! Don't you have to give me a little congratulatory?"

Di Qiuhe raised his eyebrows and escaped from the chopsticks. He slammed on him and bowed his head. "It is obviously you have to give me a little autumn and autumn. It is better to have a small white and small." Autumn and autumn things?"

He Bai quickly evaded and stretched his legs and yelled at him. "Dare to put oil on my face and sleep on the floor tonight!"

Di Qiuhe held his hand and kissed without hesitation.

He Bai blinked and gasped him.

When the car drove to the school gate and stopped, He Baitou did not return to get off the bus, completely ignoring Di Qiuhe, licking his broken lips and venting in his heart!

Sure enough, it is a spicy chicken, actually dare to bite back! Even if you bite, you still bite the skin! Is it a dog? The shyness and innocence of this guy before they flew, and played a set of rogues, he misread him!

Looking at the popular popularity of the school into the school, Di Qiuhe regained his sight and gestured to Wang Boyi to drive.

Wang Boyi installed a deaf-mute person. At this time, he finally came alive and asked, "Di Shao, where do you want to go next?"

"Going to the hospital to receive the grandfather, he was discharged today." Di Qiuhe replied, raising his hand and touching his lips, his eyes swept over the students who came out of the window, thought of something, the smile on his face, asked, "Di Xisong How is that over there?"

"And Liu Cefei hit a fight, two people with a broken left arm, a broken right arm, completely enemies." Wang Boyi replied, my heart is slightly speechless. The young master of the Liu family is also a temper. If he does not agree with his words, he will not be able to do it.

"Have a fight?" Di Qiuhe unexpectedly, his expression is weird. "Dixiason will actually fight with others?" The guy likes to install the student elite, can not move his mouth, can let others do it, never do it yourself, now Actually fighting with others?

Wang Boyi nodded and explained, "Hit, the team said that it was because Liu Cefei smashed Di Chunhua, and also married Qin Rong's daughter Qin Yunyu, saying that as a prostitute of Qin Li, she would definitely derail the wild species in the future. Fortunately, his father and his brother Ying Ming did not marry the Qin family, otherwise their old Liu family will be finished."

The women in the house were all smashed again. It’s no wonder that Di Xisong couldn’t help but move his hand. Di Qiuhe blinked his chin and asked, “What reaction did Dibian have?”

"Very quiet." Wang Boyi replied, a little confused. It is so strange that Di’s character, the son and the young masters of the same circle have been fighting, how can there be no reaction at all.

"Sure enough." Di Qiuhe remembered Liu’s deputy director who had frequent contact with Osawa recently. He taunted the hook and saw Wang Boyi’s doubts. He simply explained, “He is not quiet, he puts all his energy into it.” After recovering Daze, after waiting for this battle, Di Xisong should be unlucky."

Wang Boyi suddenly realized that he nodded, and somehow, suddenly some sympathy came from Di Xisong. The interests are heavy, Mom is not reliable, and he is deeply immersed in the big pits of the Imperial Capital and the Qin family. This Di Xisong’s future is only worrying.

Going to the hospital and picking up Fan Da’s return to Fan’s house, the two grandsons who are now truly acquainted with each other are sitting opposite each other and silently. Fan Da first asks one step at a time, “Liang Xiu’s death is determined to be related to Dibian?”

Di Qiuhe poured a cup of tea on him, squinting at the transfer beads on his wrist and replied, "Just guessing, but the intuition tells me that my mother's death is not simple, Dibian and Qin Li should have touched their hands."

Fanda looked at his eyebrows like a daughter, and took a manual movement on the abdomen. After stopping for a while, he calmed down and asked, "Lian Xiu she... How did she die?"

"Dream is dead." Di Qiuhe smashed the small ingot under the transfer bead, and the voice was lower. "After going out with Dibian to commemorate the trip once, the body became weak for no reason... I was too old at the time." Small, not very memorable, when my mother died, Hu Shu should be clearer than me."

Fan Da’s hand was tight, and Hu Zhao, who was ready to speak again to tell the story of the year, waved his hand and was exhausted. “It’s no need to say, I’m not confused. Some things, listening to it is enough.”

Hu called to shut up and apologized. "I am sorry for Fan Shu, I am not optimistic about Lotus."

"Do not blame you, blame me... blame me." Fanda said silence.

Di Qiuhe looked up at him and wanted to ask him if he only wanted to listen to it once, but why did he ask, but after looking at the other side’s mind, it looked like a lot of face, and then swallowed it, and lowered his head again. Capricorn picked up the transfer beads on his wrist, and his thoughts were a little floating.

The home furnishings of this model house are all arranged by Hu Zhao according to Fan Da’s preferences. He does not like it at all. I want to go back and want to go back to his house with the puppy. The family still lacks a lot of things to buy. The puppy is so busy. He has to work now and help him to share.

"Autumn crane."

As soon as the finger of the transfer bead stopped, he gathered his emotions and looked at the old man who called him.

"The grandfather will help you deal with those bad things." Fanda looked at him. There were kindness and jealousy in the clear eyes. More is a kind of deep and deep emotion. "You only have to be happy." It’s good to do what you like to do, and other things, the grandfather will handle it for you.”

Di Qiuhe looked at his eyes and suddenly felt relieved.

Fan Da love does not love Fan Lianxiu? Love. But things have become what they are today.

Does Fanta love now love his grandson? The answer is also love. He has no doubt about this, but some people are really stupid and stupid enough to know what method to use to love someone correctly.

Compared with Van Da, the puppy is really a unique experience.

"No." He shook his head, touched the transfer beads on his wrist, and smiled. "The grandfather can help me share it, but I don't have to take it all. I am already an adult. I also have someone who wants to take care of my life. I need it. It is growth, not love and protection." And he loves this kind of thing, he only wants a puppy.

Fan Da was shouted by his grandfather for a moment. After a few seconds of distraction, his tiredness suddenly became a little shallow. He asked him warmly. "Do you have someone you like? Who is it? Is it good for you?" ”

"It's a very good person, you have seen it." When it came to He Bai, Di Qiuhe's expression was a lot gentler, adding, "You also let me have time to ask him to go home to eat."

Fan Da’s eyes were puzzled, and Hu Zhao’s body was shocked and he looked at him with surprise.

"The person I like is He Bai, the savior who I introduced to you last time." Di Qiuhe’s words were soft and proud, and the feelings in his eyes were unconcealed, looking directly at Fan Da, "foreign, I will only be with him in this life, so I hope that you can like him too. He is really good. Of course, you don't understand that I have no relationship with him. I can return all the things you gave me before. With him as little as possible in front of you."

This is almost a threat, and Fanda was a little scared. He looked at the grandson who had never taken care of him for a day. The complex emotions only turned into a sigh, his shoulders slowly squatting, whispering, "I said Yes, as long as you feel happy... I am just curious, why is he? Is it... born?"

"No." Di Qiuhe touched the transfer beads on his wrist and smiled softly and proudly. "Because he is my savior, treating the savior, shouldn't he reciprocate?"

Fan Da was stunned by this answer. His brain flashed the face of her daughter before she married. The expression slowly calmed down. After a long time, she sighed. "If you like it, find a time. The person brought back to eat dinner and met the grandfather."

Di Qiuhe loosened the transfer beads and smiled and nodded. "Good."

Read The Duke's Passion