MTL - Never Thought You’d Be This Kind of Hero!-Chapter 158 Is the devil and the brave true love?

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This matter is said at the end, I don’t know who I should be hurting. The face of Pope Dika is green, although the faith eventually goes to the statue of the **** of light in the church, but the picture of the lord of the ice who worshipped the devil is still lingering in his mind.

- Really, really, it is a shame of the gods of light!

The problem is that he can't blame the saint who came up with this method. What qualifications does he have to say? What is a good way for a junior, who can now think of it in the dark frenzy? How could she do this if she was forced to do so?

This kind of non-identity is more like what Dinister does, not like the serious virgin Ayr can do it.

If you tell her to encounter such a thing in the future, place the ice lord in the inner room of no one. If you don't teach him to accept the worship of the people, it will be even more stingy. Obviously, it is now necessary to rely on people to "clean and decontaminate". As a result, I don't want to give credit to others. If this is what it is.

Pope Daka shook his head and couldn't think of a good way. He had to pat Ayr's shoulder: "You are tired too, take a break, and there is still busy behind."

Ayr nodded, and walked inside with a dignified gesture of demeanor. When the Pope Daika looked at it, he nodded and even took a look at Danist: look at you! Look at people again!

I feel that my nostrils are a little itchy. I want to hide behind Nal and avoid the person who buckled twice.

There are only a few children around Mard who can't do it.

However, the lord of the ice is still moved to the inner room. First, because he is not respected in the hall, and second, because he was attacked by a former companion, I am afraid that waking up will be a bit too aggressive when I think of the previous things. When it comes to no one's place, how can you get angry? There are people everywhere in the hall. It is not safe for him to slap a piece of death.

At the beginning, when the dark elements were still strong, the whole sky was gray and the autumn was only a light blue. Xu Wei tried several times and found that the things on her body could not be used directly because the concentration was too high. High oxygen concentration is easy to cause an explosion, and the concentration of dark elements is higher, so be careful, but fortunately, the University of Caspian is still good, immediately went to several colleges to find a group of professors, and several court mages alchemists began Calculate the concentration of dark elements in the city of Randall and find some scientifically safe ways to clean it.

... Anyway, you can't continue to use the Ice Lord, or let your family live.

This night was very uneasy, and no one could fall asleep. The soldiers are still patrolling. I don't know if there are any undead who have missed the net. If you see one, you have to burn one. If you don't get it, it will cause a plague. The herbal medicine clinic was almost hollowed out, and the autumn was dry. There was a child who had cough and fever. When he was sick, he was sick. The disease was even worse. There was also a crush on the legs and feet of the house. The walk accidentally fell into the cracked ground, and the mourning sounds one by one, but there was really no medicine in the city to give them, so the mourning also became a slender sob.

The house could not be built for the time being. They lived in the church. There was no place to eat and drink Lazar. In the middle of the night, the Emperor of the Golden Flag finally decided to open the gate of the storm fortress and take away half of the refugees.

Fortunately, the God's Grace Festival has just passed, the storm fortress has not been completely cleaned up as a banquet venue, and now people can live directly when they enter.

The conditions are definitely not good, but you can live in the next place. For a time, it was said that Emperor Majesty and His Majesty the Emperor understood the people. There have been some natural disasters and man-made disasters. It is said that when the demon king was born 40 years ago, the snow blade had a similar disaster. The old king of the snow blade did not say that Take the castle and the fortress out to accept the refugees.

It’s been a long time to make this decision. Will it come to a conclusion in the middle of the night?

In the palace, the emperor Kellys, who had been discussing the hard decisions for a long time, took a whip to his hand: "Essenmir, don't you say that?"

No one left or right, Essenmir sat in a chair and was not angry: "I said, I said you don't believe it!"

Emperor Kelly patted the whip again: "What are you talking about? How do I believe? I ask you--" He leaned over and lowered his voice: "Is Xu Wei really an ordinary brave? There is no relationship behind it. Roshenko is simply like him?"

This said that I had a chill in the first place. What kind of pure love is such a word that now feels awkward in front of him. Maybe I still believe it when I was twenty, but now I’m fifty or sixty years old, I haven’t seen anything. I have never seen a fool in the upper class who will do real love.

The relationship between the devil and the brave Xu Wei is actually a gossip. A big man like him is also interesting when he first listens. Then the mind is placed on the interest relationship. Xu Wei is of course very strong in combat effectiveness. It can also be seen in the fighting conference. Whether it is the battle with the Warcraft at the beginning or the battle with the old priests of the Sea Snakes, it is very remarkable, but a big family The patriarch, the devil's devil, if he can see Xu Wei, there will be no reason for this.

Emperor Kelly sat down, the whip was thrown aside, and finally did not cling to his SM emperor, Essenmir could be relieved. Looking at Kailis's old goods, he didn't adjust when he was in a hurry. He made him want to laugh and dare not laugh, and he died.

In fact, he can understand the Emperor Kailis, because he is so entangled. Although Essenmir thinks that he has some origins with Rohikek, he doesn't think he really knows the devil. Maybe he knew Ryan that year, it was a perfect prince, but now they are two people. It is. The devil is really loved by Xu Wei, or Xu Wei has something that the devil wants. This is very important for them. The former shows that Roshenk has weakness, or that he has humanity, but the latter has to be Take a deep look at Xu Wei’s true identity and ability.

Essenmir reasonably believes in the latter, but he always feels that perhaps Rohsink’s devil is not considering So much.

He also said this to Emperor Kelly, but it was useless. This shop does not believe in love. It should be deserved to live. When I was young, I would like to raise my mistress. As a result, I will only leave two sons and a prostitute. The so-called love and love have long disappeared with power and interests.

I heard that the Emperor Kailis’s fangs were brewing for a while: “The last time I heard a poet, I said... That Xu Wei is actually an angel, with both light and dark powers, what dark curse for the demon cultivating Very good, is it true?"

Essenmir: "..."

He has always been discriminated against IQ, and today he finally has the opportunity to discriminate against other people's IQ. Wow, it feels so wonderful.

He looked at the Kellys emperor with mercy: "Why don't you say that Xu Wei is the reincarnation of the ancient dragon, this demon king actually recruits him and wants to gain the power of the dragon → _ →"

"Okay!" Emperor Kelly clapped: "-Is this true?"

Essenmir: "..."

Perhaps the dark frenzy is taking away not only the light, but also the intelligence of the Golden Flag Emperor.

As the king of the snow blade, he should have been happy, but now he can't help but feel: "What an empty victory."

Xu Wei and the devil returned to the small villa within the second ring. The quality of the small building was very good. It was the Kelis Emperor who was originally prepared to use the lover to cough. In short, although the roof was collapsed, the foundation was still secure. As long as you make up the above, you can still live.

Now the city of Randall is forbidden for forging and open fire, and it is not allowed to repair the house. Because it requires nails, it is afraid that the dark elements that have been unstable will be completely exploded. Fortunately, in the early autumn, the weather is not cold, or more people will die.

Xu Wei and his party came back and brought the lord of the ice. Bole and other death knights are not so good, they can only cry to live in their embassy, ​​the embassy has been in disrepair for a long time, the outside looks glamorous, some places are ruined, but they are neither demons Willing to go to church, even more reluctant to go to the storm fortress to accept the "asylum" of human beings, and had to return to the embassy with his face.

Bole actually thought about it. Since both the Majesty and the Ice Man went to the brave Xu Yijia, can they also go to the house to live? But if they haven’t said it, they will be taken aside by Rohike.

Boley looked back and saw that his younger brother was tired because of his busy day. He was still tired and tired, and his body was still occupied, but he squinted and wanted to sleep. The scorpions all flowed out.

Under the demon king, a kind of "I am really a man like you?" is the attitude of hate iron and steel, and Xu Wei left. When he left, his arms were still on the waist of the brave. Bole looked nothing. The group of young death knights behind him were so hot that they were not too sleepy, and they tried to lie to the personal class.

——I always feel that something is wrong?

Here Xu Wei and the devil arrived at home, only to find that Jess Kell and others have been waiting for the children. The original elders and Keke are also there. They both were willing to join Xu Wei, but the former elders were more willing to look at the common interests. Now they have experienced the fighting conference and watched so many strengths than Keke. The strong people are dead, but the child of Keke survived unscathed because of the unshakable thigh of Xu Wei, and the original elders have since returned to Xu Wei.

He knows that Xu Wei really protects Keke.

Whether it is the spy of the white bear thief, or the attack of Warcraft afterwards, it is against Keke. It may be that Keke is really weak in the eyes of the discerning person, especially compared with the brave Xu Wei who is next to him, so everyone thinks that He will be a weakness.

In this case, Xu Wei didn't care if he let go of Keke. He couldn't say anything. After all, the silver snake and other tribes became like that. Everyone's attention was taken away, and Xu Wei felt a little bit in his heart. If you miss the idea of ​​credit, he will throw Keke and rescue the enemy.

But he didn't. He not only didn't throw Keke, but also protected other orcs. Mr. Kasbind is a powerful magician. There is nothing wrong with it, but if he doesn't give it, he won't put the shield so big, and put everyone on the field.

After the sea python old priest jumped down, several attacks also spread to Ke Ke, but also Xu Wei helped him block.

This is not just a kind of kindness to Kirk, but a spirit that human beings can't give up to their peers in a dangerous situation.

The original elders moved their tears and fell out. Now, watching Xu Wei come, he quickly poked Keke: "Come on! Let me fill the roof!"

Although it is good to say that there are any good things in the family to be supplied to Xu Wei, only a small amount of money will be charged. But that was the latter thing, and the orcs did not like to drag things backwards.

If you repay it now, you can only do one thing on the roof. The original elders stretched out their old arms and legs and climbed to the roof.

Read The Duke's Passion