MTL - Never Thought You’d Be This Kind of Hero!-Chapter 157 Continue to show

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The brave man in front of him is indeed the brave, Xu Wei.

The devil in front of him is indeed the devil Roshenko.

This princess poses in front of me... It’s true that the princess’s posture is correct _(:зゝ∠)_

Everyone looked at it for a while, and they felt a little embarrassed. Is this **** of darkness not only bringing darkness and plague and death, but is he also capable of hallucination? !

The brave Xu Wei was also smashed by the darkness of the darkness, but his good physical fitness and youthful reaction was also fast, but it was not like the old man and the old man who made the ash, and the robes were broken. Look, where is still like a big shaman.

But that's it, Rosienk is so distressed: "Does it hurt? Have you just been stabbed? Go home and take a shower first..."

Xu Wei was actually not injured, but his body looked scary. Some of the blood was also on the old priest of the Haizu family. When he was rolling on the ground, he also touched the ground and there was some blood. It was a bit like himself. On the body. However, I knew that there was no trauma. The two hits of the old priest of the Haizu family were mainly damaged to his joints and muscles. It was not serious. It was a trivial matter. It was good to go back and wipe with the medicine and meditate for one night.

The two of them have done more intimate things, and the soul has once lived together. Where is the hug in front of people. Since Rosh Enke became a demon king, people have become arrogant and cool, and they have forgotten the moral and honesty of learning as a human prince. Seeing Xu Wei’s eyes become the same as in the past few days, on fire.

People who have a quick turn of their minds think about it. A few days ago, they saw that the demon saw Xu Wei every time he was like a murderous murderer. It didn’t mean to harm Xu Wei, but... Really revealed.



This picture makes people feel a little touched, especially when some young girls, two mermaid female wizards stand up and hold each other, tears are coming out.

The mermaid came here with a priestess. It was very old. At this time, she went to the two girls and hugged them. Others don't know, but she knows very well. The young fish girl has a romantic heart, and the outstanding performance of the brave Xu Wei at the previous Grace Festival has made the two girls dark.

Before, she didn't want to smash because the mermaid had no tradition of polygamy or polyandry. It was a scandal that the two sisters pursued the same human being. She could not look at her good younger generation as an elder. Mistaken.

Now that the brave has a partner, the girls will die. The mermaid priests are also a little distressed when they feel at ease. Hey, the good girl of their family is very infatuated and vulnerable to emotional damage. She is young and knows what it feels like. It’s very painful. If you can’t live, it’s like you’ve touched the petals of jellyfish, and the pain is fine and dense from the fingers to the heart.

In the next second, the two little mermaid mage she was distressed were all clenched into fists and held on the chest.

A look of sparkling crystals, said: "Sister, that, that is not what Kannah witch witch said -"

The other one is: "- Love between men and men!"

"Oh my God! Actually there will be such a thing!"

"Sister! Is your photography crystal still there! We have to hand the first hand information to the witch!"

Mermaid Priest: "..."

It’s cold, it’s time for the poison drug to be the old bastard.

In addition to the mermaid, young people of other races are also onlookers. At first, some people were shocked. Some people subconsciously showed a disgusted expression. They thought that human beings would be together with the devil, which would allow the people on the top to accept it. However, this thought turned for a while, and finally the friendship with Xu Wei took the upper hand. When faced with the silver snake and the rock worm of Warcraft, Xu Wei was not afraid. One person went up and fight for all the orcs. To that dignity, his back is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Most of the young comrades are relatively straightforward. Some people even begin to secretly conceal their own conscience. It is clear that this battle has the greatest output. It is obvious that everyone sees him as a very good brave man, but because he found a When the devil is an object, he looks at him with that kind of look.

Everyone is in the heart of the three ethnic groups, such as the Silver Snake, saying that they are shameless and that they have no conscience. As a result, they start to do the same things as others.

How can this be done?

With this kind of thinking, even the most straightforward young men and women are forcing themselves to bless Xu Wei and... In the heart, even if the devil is gone, don’t be embarrassed. _(:зゝ∠)_

Once the idea is reversed, it doesn't feel that the two people are very awkward.

If I don’t see it now, I don’t believe that I can see the embrace of the devil and the human being in this life. The tall demon bowed his head and leaned over. The brave man who was hugged by him struggled twice and did not move. It seemed to be shy. He pressed the devil's neck down and said something. The two looked at each other and laughed. Rosienk The devil finally put the brave down.

What did they say?

It should be a very warm conversation. The young comrades look at each other and nod.

In places they can't hear.

Xu Wei pressed Rohike's head down: "Don't hold it like this, pull the egg and lie down!"

Rosinck: "...I am giving you something?"

Xu Wei: "What is your exercise?"

Rosinck: "I haven’t been without it - hey!"

Confirming that the other party was not seriously injured, the two relaxed. Rohic Enke put Xu Wei down on the ground and thought that it would be enough under the crowd.

Xu Wei looked at his eyes and knew that this guy was thinking about it now, and he was drunk. At first, the "Prince Ryan" was a very serious guy. How can it become like this now?

Young people accept strong ability, but some older people are somewhat unacceptable. Even the Pope Daika, who is commanding the man to dig the Golden Flag Emperor, has some reactions. He is well-informed and knows that many people are very ridiculous in this respect. Some people like to engage with aliens. The more weird race, the more Can make this kind of people excited. But between Xu Wei and this demon... It’s obviously not the meaning of playing!

These two people! If you are alone, hold them together! It seems that I have to kiss (and not) now! Pope Daka opened his mouth and stunned. He looked up and looked at Danist, who was standing on the side and holding a holy light as a lighting: "You, you, you, the bear child, already know!"

Dinister's shoulders shrank and ran to his guardian knight to hide behind him: "I, I didn't want to squat! I want to say! You won't let me say!"

The Princess of Daka recalled that, in the past few days, Dinister was still stagnation. One morning, it was indeed awake to say "the relationship between Xu Wei and the Devil is not so simple," but when the Pope Daika looked at the child. When I said it again, I picked it up. Of course I couldn’t bear to force him to continue. I thought he was scared by the ferocious demon king.

At that time, the Pope Daika also thought about it. This Dennis was frightened as an outsider. What happened to Xu Wei?

Now I know that people Xu Wei and the devil are good, but also talked about a love. Hehehe → _ →

Oh, no wonder, this Roshingk said his "young people" every day, that is not a young man. When the second elder of the church secretly found a small lover who was twenty years old, it also said that his spirit is like a glow. I am twenty years younger.

This Prince Ryan has become a dark demon king, and the whole person has a good life. He wants to let him go to peek at the girl's bath and he dare not!

I don't know why I remembered the years when I was young and ridiculous. The Pope suddenly felt a little embarrassed. This thick-eyed Ryan actually learned to find a little boyfriend, so good, and now there is only one left alone.

The holy knight who dug the ground before gave a cheer: "The excavation was dug! The emperor's head came out! Everyone is hard!"

I don't know if I thought I was born. Pope Deka sighed and turned the head of the half-dead gold-flagged emperor, who was finally dug out of the soil, toward the direction of Xu Wei and Rohikenk. "You see, we made a mistake, the relationship between the two is not at all. Need to care about it → _→"

The Emperor Kelly of the Golden Flag empire had just sprayed out the soil in his nostrils, and he saw this scene. He didn’t come up and almost passed it back.

Pope Deka felt that he was in a better mood. Well, the unlucky one could not be him.

Then suddenly it seems like I think of something, the sinister measurement turned to look at the left and right looking forward to the proud Essenmir - this product must have known!

So the Pope Dyka and the emperor, who was finally excavated, panted for a while and then calmed down, and the emperor Kellys went to Essenmir.

The fat group Essenmir wants to ask for help from his "big brother", but where is it still? The mouth was immediately stunned by the Emperor Kelly, and the Pope Dyaka smiled sullenly and patted Essenmir’s fat belly with his hand: "Well? You old kid is very capable of loading?"

Essenmir’s tears are about to flow out, but the fate of others is not enough, and they are pushed all the way away. The pope and the emperor moved in secret, and no one saw that something was wrong.

The three people acted intimately to leave the already ruined arena. It looked like the Emperor Daika and the Kellys emperor were friendly to the obese Essenmir. I really didn’t expect the birth of the **** of darkness to be so close to them. Human relationship. The Guards and the Holy Knights quickly catch up. Other shamans and other priests also took their players out, and said that they did not look at it or unconsciously rushed to Xu and the demon.

Some experienced old ladies are slowing down and walking in the back. After the disaster, they can be considered for a while. This is full of gossip. They all say that the devil is big, and the devil is even one of them. This Xu Wei does not know how many sins have been suffered.

The devil is not big, except for Xu Wei, no one else knows. At this time, I don’t know why the ear is a little hot. The original walls and gates of the gladiator were no longer visible. Xu Wei smashed the head of an undead from the ground and suddenly thought of something. He whispered to Rohikek and said, "Your ice lord, How is he? I think he was taken away."

Rohikek and the Pope Deka, who was walking in front of him, looked at each other with a glance, just a touch of gratitude, but there was a bit of arrogance. Pope Daka turned his head and snorted, thinking that Laozi really believed in your evil, and then facing Xu Wei, it would be like this bird.

Oh, it’s so good.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, I can send the fire to Essenmir.

The concentration of dark elements is too high to use the level of the Holy Spirit Pharmacy, which is easy to cause dark blasting. It is estimated that the entire Randall will fly. But it takes some time to slowly remove these filled dark elements, and ordinary humans can't stay for so long.

After escaping a life from the hands of the **** of darkness, it is inevitable to think of serious questions when relaxing. Randall seems to have experienced a magnitude 10 earthquake, and it is not broken. Fortunately, people in the city have been here before. Already in the church. The Randall Cathedral could have been used as a refuge, and the surrounding buildings add up to the entire castle, completely replacing the ancient storm fortress.

The group of people all walked to the church at the same time, and even Xu Wei wanted to go to the church to see. Pope Dika said that the Lord of the Ice was also sent to the church, and people could not help but worry that the demon lord and the sacred church would be in conflict.

The result was stopped in the hall.

After the Virgin lord discovered that the ice lord had a strong ability to absorb dark elements, he came up with a solution. She lifted all the pygmy brand blowers in the church, the ice lord was placed on a table, eight blowers were blowing around, and the dark elements were constantly being sent.

A group of people who have never seen the world are not squatting by the side, saying that the Virgin is wise, and what is the **** of light.

Pope Dika: "..."

This... he couldn’t think of it! ! !

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