MTL - My Hero Academia: My Personality is the World-Chapter 191

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"I know a safe place."

They sailed to the place that Tiger said. It is quite safe here. It is more appropriate for them to leave here, as long as they are careful not to be seen by the slave traders.

"You must be careful, you can't be caught by slave traders." Jessica gently instructed them, with food prepared for them in her hand.

"thank you all."

"You are all my benefactors."

They kept thanking them, no one could know what kind of torture they suffered, but fortunately they were rescued, even if they died, they couldn't catch them.

"Leave now."

There is a distance from Marin Fando here, and Wu An is worried that the navy will react and will send people to hunt them down.

When they heard it, they all fled around (badg), and some elderly people with limited mobility, someone would help and take them away together.

Tiger breathed a sigh of relief, fearing that in order to escape, no one would take care of the old, young, women and children.

"Relax now?"

Nami teased Tiger and said, Tiger nodded embarrassedly, really relieved.

Hancock didn't leave, and followed Wu An all the time, keeping in mind that he would help her rescue her two sisters.

"It will save your sister."

Wu An gave her a reassurance, and Hancock thanked him with a sweet smile.

No one is more suitable for Sweet Fruit than her. With such a sweet smile, coupled with Sweet Fruit, other men will definitely be attracted.

After finishing the work of these slaves, the night has passed, they did not act, but waited for the warship not far from Marin Vando.

Akainu looked at the words on the wall, Wu An and the others, with waves of anger, several navies were lying on the ground, and each one was mourning, but Akainu still could not vent his anger.

"You **** have been rescued from so many slaves, and you still speak insults, you don't know? What's the use of asking you."

Akainu was angry and wanted to kill them, but his subordinates stopped him.

"The general killed them, but still can't vent your anger, the Wu'an Pirates will surely die."

His words suppressed Akainu's anger, and the most important thing was to find the Wu'an Pirates, and when they were caught, they had to make a thousand cuts, and they couldn't get rid of their hatred.

Akainu has red eyes, he will entertain them well, and will make them regret going against him.

"If you want to get here, you must pass through the gate of justice."

Akainu gritted his teeth, they must have a token to pass through the door of justice, otherwise they can't pass through the door of justice, and they can't get here.

The token of the Gate of Justice cannot be changed. The only solution is to continuously increase the navy and guard it there so that they cannot pass through the Gate of Justice.

"Who is Boya Hancock?" Akainu noticed the name on the wall.

"It's a slave who was going to be dedicated to the Holy Land Mary Joa before here."

Why did she engrave these words, said the navy who knew it?

"Did any of her friends get caught together?"

Akainu said in a deep voice, with a trace of anger on his face, even though he tried hard to restrain his anger, he couldn't help but wanted to kill these wastes.

"should have."

"I want accurate answers."

Akainu raised his foot and kicked him vigorously, and the navy who answered his question was knocked out by him.

"There are two generals with the same last name as her, namely Boya Sandasonia and Boya Marigold."

"Where are they?"

"The day before yesterday, it was sent to the Holy Land Mariejoa." His subordinates replied quickly, sweating profusely, for fear that he would involve his anger on him. No one could bear the anger of General Akainu, and he was no exception.

"Strengthen the patrols on the sea, there must be no sloppy, and there must be more patrols near the gate of justice."

Akainu carefully gave them the task, and did not explain it to them carefully, for fear that they would not understand. He needs to think carefully about how to use these two people to catch the Wu'an Pirates.

He doesn't have that much patience. If he wants to catch the Wu'an Pirates, he must use what they care about as bait. If he just uses a reward order, he won't be able to catch them. How embarrassing, it is written on the reward order, such a shameful thing is known by those ordinary people, and they don't know how to laugh for a few days.

This kind of thing is absolutely not allowed to go out, you can only bite your teeth and eat this loss.

When his subordinates saw him waving their hands, they all left here as if they were facing enemies, for fear that they would suffer if they slowed down a step.

"There are more navies patrolling by the captain."

They all looked towards the door of justice, and it turned out to be several times more than before.

"For Akainu, this is a very shameful thing. In addition to strengthening our defenses, it is to arrest us."

Wu An said disdainfully, he knew exactly what Akainu's character was.

The reward order needs to write the story of what happened before the reward order can be established. This kind of prison is stolen and slaves are released. Does he have the nerve to write such a thing?

You can only grit your teeth and swallow it in your stomach, which will make the Navy and Tianlong people suffer.

206 Akainu is angry

They are happy, the navy completely serves the Tianlong people, and regards the Tianlong people as their ancestors. If something like this happens, they will not report it, it will only be their fault.

"The Tianlong people hate us even more now."

Nami shrugged, her tone a little regretful, her beautiful face had no regrets at all, it didn't matter if the Dragons hated them, as long as these poor slaves could be released.

"When will the captain start?" Tiger looked at them more motivated. It turns out that there are people who are like him in what he has been doing. In the past, he faced many dangers by himself and survived. The purpose is to rescue the slave's dream. As long as he lives and swims on the sea, he will rescue these poor slaves. Now that someone is fighting alongside him, it feels good.

"nighttime then."

Wu An likes to do it at night, so it is easy to do it when it is dark.

Tiger nodded excitedly, he was not struggling alone, but a group of people like him, with some great dreams and bigger goals than him.

"Jessica, let's cook." Nami urged her, she was already hungry and wanted to eat delicious food quickly.

"I'm starving to death." Fan Oka let out an exaggerated wailing, Sabas clutching his stomach, looking at Jessica pitifully.

"Don't worry." Jessica soothed and went to work in the kitchen of the cabin. Nami and the others came to help.

Jessica smiled with satisfaction. As a chef, you must have this kind of love for food. Food not only fills the stomach, but also eliminates fatigue.

"Are you going to help?" Wu An said softly to Hancock, she had to join them. At this time, if you integrate with them, the relationship between the crew members is also good.

"Will they agree?" Hancock's eager eyes kept looking towards the kitchen.

"They will welcome." Wu An gave her a definite answer. Hancock hesitated to go forward, looking back at Wu An in three steps.

Wu An always looked at her with a smile, which gave Hancock a lot of courage.

In the kitchen, Jessica was busy alone, and they were not allowed to join in. For fear of being in a hurry, Nami kept rushing to eat with Van Oka.

"You eat less, and let the captain find out later that you will be punished."

Xiao Ba has eight tentacles, grabbing the food in their hands to Kemi, telling them the captain's punishment.

"You are a double standard." Fan Oka shouted in dissatisfaction, looking at Xiao Ba with grief and indignation. He only has two hands, and he can't grab eight hands.

"How can you rob me of food, Xiaoba?" Nami was pitiful, she said with her big eyes blinking on purpose, Kaimi felt a little sorry and wanted to give it back to Nami, but was stopped by Xiaoba.

"Don't bully Kemi." Xiaoba is very protective of Kemi. He doesn't know why, but getting along with Kemi is like an old friend who has been with him for a long time.

"Yes, yes, don't bully your Kemi."

Nami replied helplessly, and Xiaoba's face flushed when she heard his Kemi's words.

Nami didn't respond, she was used to it, turned around and went to steal the food Jessica had just made.

Fan Oka also wanted to take it, and inadvertently glanced together, and saw the beautiful woman rescued by the captain, standing outside the kitchen.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" Hancock said awkwardly when he saw that he had found her.

She had been standing here for a while, looking at them enviously.

"Yes." Jessica said before Nami spoke. Nami looked at Jessica in confusion, and she clearly said that she didn't want to help.

Fan Oka held her forehead, why is her nerves so big, she can't hear such words.

Hancock happily entered the kitchen and Jessica gave her a big drumstick.

"Eat it if you want to help. Be sure to eat it cleanly." Jessica's gentle yet serious tone made Hancock nod shyly, smelling the fragrance of the chicken thighs. She hadn't eaten for a long time. .

"My name is Boya Hancock, nice to meet you."

Hancock introduced himself generously, others introduced one by one, and Van Oka was the last one.

"I am Fan Oka, and they are responsible for their looks. Don't fall in love with me because of my handsome face. I am a pirate without feelings."

Van Oka introduced himself very narcissistically, and others did not give face.

Hancock's nervous mood just now was swept away. Tiger did not participate in them. He came to the deck and saw the captain alone looking out at the sea.

"Captain, I sincerely join you."

?0 asking for flowers.....

Tiger was very serious and said to Wu An who was standing on the deck.

"Of course I know."

Wu An didn't believe him. Before he joined them, maybe it was just for a while. However, since they fought side by side, Tiger has long since changed his original thoughts.

"Are you ready to dedicate yourself to your goals?"

Wu An's words were mostly a joke. He said he would protect them, not a joke.


Tiger smiled calmly. From the original slave, step by step, he has put his life and death aside for a long time. Joining his pirate group is a surprise among surprises, r=j/, more than ever.

"Captain has dinner."

Wu'an and the others were eating with laughter, while in Malinfando's office, Akainu was in a low mood. He dispatched so many patrolling navies, but they didn't see the Wu'an Pirates, not even those slaves.

"The general still isn't there."

The Chief Officer had just finished his patrol, and he came non-stop, reporting to General Akainu.

"It's all rubbish."

Akainu angrily threw the teacup in front of him at the officer who reported it.

The chief officer remained motionless, letting the teacup fall on his forehead, leaving bright red blood.


This is the first time Akainu has gotten angry today, and all those who approached him were cautious, daring not to make any movements, and even controlled their breathing.

"The general is not in a hurry to capture the Wu'an Pirates. It is best to let Saint Roswald participate in person."

Akainu's subordinates told him the news of the inquiries, and the expression on Akainu's stinky expression for a day was finally relieved.

"Let's see how they escape this time." With the help of the Tianlong people, arresting the Wu'an Pirates will definitely do more with less.

"Bring the food up."

Akainu said loudly, thinking that the Wu'an Pirates would be arrested, the mood of the haze finally improved a lot.

"Wait a while and act."

Wu An looked at the gloomy weather. The weather was very bad, and it was convenient for them.

"It might rain, captain."

Xiao Ba looked at the gloomy weather and said.

"Taking advantage of this weather, the two are in charge of a warship."

Wu An assigned the task of ten thousand.

207 Start to grab warships

Grab these patrolling warships, and the rest will be much easier. There are enough warships to allow those slaves to leave Marine Fando safely without worrying that they will not be captured by them. Tiger is happy. Gear up, these poor slaves.

To finally leave here, grabbing these warships is very easy, and it doesn't take any effort at all.

"Captain, are we going back?"

Wu An nodded, the purpose of grabbing these warships, he had to go back, otherwise what would be the use of grabbing these warships?

"They don't expect us to come and go."

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