MTL - Mr. Rong’s Lovelorn Diary-Chapter 68

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Chen Kezhen has no idea about this.

After he got out of the car, he was singing from the elevator. When he entered the door, he immediately took a kiss at the entrance. After the kiss, I stood in the same place and frowned for a while, then suddenly I was very happy, and I was very excited and kissed the second.

"Perfect," he said to the silent speech. "I feel that I am fully recovered just around the corner. And your parents are very satisfied with me, my life is bright!"

He said that he sang the song into the room, leaving him to frown and stand in the same place.

Oh, so good, when are you going to marry me?

Yi Yi feels that she is not really anxious, but the more she wants, the more uncomfortable she is.

Yi Yi’s holiday was exhausted and I finally had to go to work the next day.

When he walked out of the door in the morning, Chen Kezhen, who had always slept until noon on weekdays, was already sitting in the living room. The biological clock was disrupted and he yawned and his face was languid, but the clothing hairstyle was meticulously cleaned up.

As soon as he saw Yi Yi, he immediately came over and held a band-aid on his hand.

"Fast, help me post it," he still feels good. "I am going to accept a new round of review!"

Yu Yi sleeps in the pajamas, tearing open the sticker to his face, then continue to go to the bathroom. After moving half a step, Chen Kezhen grabbed his waist from behind.

Chen Kezhen kissed him in his ear and smiled and said: "I will go first, come over and pick you up at night."

He said that he had finished his home, and he laughed and waved in front of the door.

When the family left only one person, Yi Yi reached out and touched her ear, then sighed and smiled.

Chen Kezhen’s situation seems to have been much better since the fire broke out in the past few days. Although it is obviously uncomfortable after every intimate move, the response has been much smaller than before. As for the sudden sudden change of his face, his face is no longer appearing.

While Yi Yi is gratifying, I don’t know why I feel some loss.

Later, if Chen Kezhen secretly sneaked into the train in his mind, he could hide a lot. He finally managed to recover his privacy and dignity, but he felt that he had lost some fun.

But in this way, the great harmony of life can also be put on the agenda?

It seems that the doctor said it is right, forced desensitization really works. It’s better to wait for your parents to go back and choose a good day to challenge again. Maybe it will be.

It is important to lock the door when it is time.

When I arrived at the company, I saw Xiao Zhang, who had just returned from the holiday. He immediately handed over the bags that had been arranged before going out.

That was the area around the Mo Zhenfei support club he had received before. It is now impossible to stay at home again, but it is a pity to just throw it away. Although Xiao Zhang estimates that he also has it, but the surrounding area, more than one harmless.

Xiao Zhang is really happy.

She had a stomach problem and asked her to keep talking.

There is no work in the group, and it is very leisurely. Everyone is busy with their own affairs. Yi Yi can't find a reason to interrupt her. She can only slap on her scalp.

Regarding Mo Zhenfei, he really didn't want to say more, but Xiao Zhang asked Chen Kezhen, he was inexhaustible.

He blew for a long time, Xiao Zhang suddenly said: "The sister at the front desk said that the one in the photo and the one who came to the company all the time to find you is the same person. You didn't say that at that time..."

"Cough!" Yi Yi quickly interrupted her. "I don't think he can rescue him anymore."

Xiao Zhang laughed. It is also normal for the couple to be in the same position, and she will not say more.

However, Yi Yi was somewhat relieved and carefully said: "If you have a chance to see him in the future, you should never mention this."

Xiao Zhang’s heart will know: “Reassured, I understand!”

No one is better than a day.

In the afternoon, everyone rushed back, and Yi Yi also turned his heart to the arrow, and made a phone call to Chen Kezhen in advance. It happened that he was accompanying Yiyi’s parents to wander around the mall, so he rushed.

Originally said that he was waiting for himself in the car, and the enthusiastic guy said that he had gone to the floor.

Two people met unexpectedly at the door of the company. Chen Kexiao smiled at him and waved at him. The sister at the front desk suddenly opened.

"Wow, it’s really dead and resurrected!"

Chen Ke said: "Hey?"

Yi Yi quickly rushed over and took him away.

On the way to the direction of the elevator, Yi Yi carefully looked back at Chen Kezhen and found that the other person was actually laughing.

"Have you been saying bad things about me at the time?" he asked.

Yan Yi swallowed: "What, don't you talk nonsense."

"Liu Yuan said that you used to be hurt by the very bad Alpha." Chen Kezhen said.


Yi Yi recalled that during that time, there was indeed a confrontation with Liu Yuan. After all, no one can think of these two people actually know.

"He said that you are embarrassed... it’s quite ugly, obviously it’s being deceived."

Yan Yi's face: "...when is this big mouth telling you?"

"That is what he said, telling me that you chased him."

Yi Yi immediately raised his hand high: "I am completely complete to him now..."

"I know." Chen Kezhen interrupted him.

"And... I didn't say anything particularly ugly?" He Yi was careful.

Chen Kezhen suddenly stopped. He leaned over and grabbed the hand of Yi Yi, then whispered: "I'm sorry."

"Hey?" The original flustered stunned suddenly, "...and you yell at me?"

Chen Kezhen was amused by him. After shaking his head, he continued: "I also know what to say... that is... thank you for giving me a chance to resurrect."


Yan Yi stood in place, hesitated for two seconds, then took his hand out of Chen Kezhen's palm. He stepped forward half a step and took Chen Kezhen into his arms.

At such a moment, he was suddenly especially pleased that he was so tall, almost identical to his Alpha, that he could hug him in such a position.

"Because I like you now, a little more than the anger at that time." Yi Yi whispered in his ear.

Chen Kezhen smiled in his ear.

"When that offsets each other, isn't it just a little bit left?"

“No,” Yi Yi shook his head. “There are still many, and the source is endless.”

When he finished, he sneaked aside and looked at Chen Kezhen. The current atmosphere, then you should kiss. When I thought about the small heart and started to pick it up, the door of the company not far away was pushed away from the inside.

The two quickly separated and slammed into a sloppy look and continued to move forward.

Yi Yi didn't have anything to say: "Liu Yuaner, the guy really has a big mouth, what did he say to you?"

"Just this, no," said Chen Kezhen. "In fact, he said that you were not very convinced that you used to be interesting to him. After all, this person has a little brain."

Not yet waiting for Yi Yisong to breathe, Chen Kezhen said: "... However, he is also an Alpha pair. Usually I take a photo together and hug, I don't think it is good."


"I don't want to take care of you," Chen Kezhen blinked. "It's pure, objective, and not very good."

Yi Yi remembered it. At the celebration party that day, drunk Liu Yuan and almost everyone in their group took photos and sent them to a circle of friends.

Soon after, he received the message from Chen Kezhen.

Then they had a fight.

Now recalling, Yi Yi suddenly realized that Chen Kezhen was actually as sad as himself.

I was distressed, but I heard Chen Kezhen, who just walked into the elevator, said: "...and why did you always marry my dad when you were eating yesterday?"

戎 顿 顿 尴尬. I never thought of it, but I saw it more and more, and I was discovered by this guy.

Chen Kezhen’s father is really handsome, and it is the kind of handsome who looks more and more tasteful. For the beauty control of Yi Yi, it is very attractive.

But Yi Yi peeked at the uncle not because he was too charming.

This father and son look too much. When Yan Yi met Chen Kezhen's father, he couldn't help but think about what Chen Kezhen would look like in the next 20 or 30 years, and then secretly jumped.

"Look at it, you still look down and laugh." Chen Kezhen said.

Yan Yi's face is red.

" look like." He whispered.

Chen Kezhen lowered his head: "Then look at me."

Yi Yi couldn't help but smile: "Oh. I will see you later."

So Chen Kezhen did not say anything.

Under the elevator, this Alpha don't twist and walk and whisper: "I am really not stingy. I will just talk about it."

Xiao Yi can't laugh and cry: "Okay, okay."

Waiting until the parking lot opened the door and looked inside, Yi Yi was shocked.

"What are these things?"

"Uncle and aunt bought it," Chen Kezhen said. "They rarely come once, always bring something back to send people or something."

Yi Yi hesitated a moment and asked: "...Who bought the order?"

Chen Kezhen screamed at him and said: "Hey."

Yi Yi felt that this was not very good, but Chen Kezhen looked quite happy, so he was too embarrassed to pour cold water to sweep him.

"...they must have loved you."

"I also think," Chen Kezhen said. "You have to be given to me by them."

When he finished, he suddenly turned white and then turned his head.

Privacy and dignity, slightly shaken.

Yi Yi feels that the parents on both sides may feel that they are worthy of the treasure. Chen Kezhen over there, his father has been worried about his sexuality problem, I did not expect that suddenly a drop in the appearance of Omega looks no different from Alpha, the mood should be similar to the winning.

Don't mention it on your own. Chen Kezhen’s big stinking problems are very concealed. Looking at such a person, which omega took home and the parents estimated that they were laughing.

His parents were really not satisfied with Chen Kezhen.

When Yi Yigang entered Chen Kezhen’s pre-determined hotel private room, his mother immediately stood up with a smile. After she greeted Chen Kezhen, she pulled Yi Yi aside.

"Oh, my father and I have seen it for you. We feel that these days are good. We should marry and be suitable for the certificate."

She spoke out of the phone and gave her a look at the mark she made on the calendar.

When I was in a hurry, I was very anxious. "I am not in a hurry."

"You are not too big, or anxious," his mother glared at him with his fingers. "You are 27 years old, playing a little reborn child, the first child will be the fastest." If you still want to add another companion to it, then you can't have more than thirty..."

"Mom!" Yi Yi interrupted her. "You think too much! You didn't do this before?"

His mother looked back at Chen Kezhen, sitting at the table, smiling: "Mom didn't dare to think about it before, but I know that there is another Alpha that can be seen by you... oh not..."


"Hey, I will send you a WeChat on this calendar," he said. "You and Xiao Chen go back and have a good look. It’s hard to get a good one. You have to catch a little, don’t you know?"

Yu Yi took a deep breath and tried to swallow the words that had already reached the mouth.

Mom, you are cheated! Just like the first time I was with this guy, I was unconscious!

The author has something to say:

Liu Yuan: I was really shocked at the time! I was very sweet a few days ago. I know that I asked him suddenly to blow up. I told me that the **** Alpha had been burned out in the same place, and I was asked not to mention it again to avoid the death. I was blind. . Chen Kezhen: ... Liu Yuan: That Alpha definitely has problems. After all, I didn't accept him at the beginning, and he didn't hate me. Chen Kezhen:? ! ? !

Read The Duke's Passion