MTL - Mr. Rong’s Lovelorn Diary-Chapter 15

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This may be the poor world of parents.

After Chen’s father knew the gender of Yi Yi, the attitude of the whole person became much warmer. Yi Yi interrupted several times and tried to return to his room, all failed.

The box lunch was almost cold, but he had to sit on the sofa and listen to the uncle in front of him, praising his son who made him think of him.

"Hey, this man, don't look at him. He looks a bit fierce and doesn't talk very much. Actually, his temper is very good. You see what he punched and kicked from elementary school, but he never took the initiative to fight with people. Plus, it is also a very painful type of wife to be able to make money. I am his father, I know him best."

Then you don't know if he will vomit at omega?

Yi Yi forcibly pulled out a smile for politeness: "Ah, this way."

"And, he really likes children," Chen said as he shook his head. "But what do you mean when you take a class with someone else's family? Is it better to marry and have a baby? Are you right? ”

Yi Yi tried to touch the corner of his mouth: "Oh."

"You eat together every day, live together, the feelings should be very good, right?" Chen father looked at him with anticipation. "Small you have any objects?"

"I..." Yi Yi just wants to be honest, but after thinking about it, it is endless trouble. In order to let the poor father give up unrealistic fantasies as soon as possible, he nodded after swallowing. "I have it." ”

Chen’s father heard a slight brow.

"If you have an object, do you still live with Alpha?"

Daddy, you have to accuse me of not keeping the road.

Yi Yi did not do two, from Chen Kezhen on the spot: "I don't want you to say, my object is also an omega. So he is particularly reassured that I live with Alpha."

This is said by the people like Yu Yi, it is too convincing.

Chen’s father was shocked: “ and you...just...”

"Uncle, if there is nothing else, I will go back to the room first," Yi Yi stood up. "Have you eaten for dinner? Would you like me to help you with something?"

Chen’s brow was tangled together: “I’ll go back right away.”

He said that he immediately stood up and walked toward the door. He took two steps and looked back: "I haven’t told you what I have been here today?"

Hao Yi looked up at the camera in the corner of the living room: "...oh."

When Chen’s father came to the door, Yi Yi heard him mourn a few words: “You young people, not very good, this is really not very good.”

Yi Yi licked his mouth.

This is not a father and a son. Not only looks like it, but it’s exactly the same when you open your mouth.

After Chen’s departure, Yi Yi first ate the box lunch, and then searched the living room for a long time and finally dug out the medicine box. Open it and you can't smile.

Chen Kezhen not only put a part of the cotton swabs and iodine that had been used yesterday, but even the sanitary napkin that had been unpacked was thrown into him. Is this the next injury to continue to replace gauze?

After helping him sort out the medicine box, Yi Yi couldn't help but clean up the cabinet of his medicine cabinet.

There was a mess in it, and it was a plastic bag that was tied into a group and a wrench. Yi Yi suspected that Chen Kezhen had said that the toolbox in the shoe cabinet had already been scattered in every corner of the house.

After finishing the shower, I went back to the room and read the novel in bed. I heard the sound of someone opening the door.

Calculating the time, it is almost the same point that Teacher Chen came home from class.

But because I had just experienced an accident last night, Yi Yi was a little scared. He crept to the door and opened a slit to look outside.

As a result, Chen Kezhen, who had just put on a large piece of sanitary napkins on his face, had just looked at it.

For a time, both of them have a few minutes.

"...come back." Yi Yi said.

After that, I didn’t wait for Chen Kezhen to take a break and slammed the door off.

After about half an hour, Chen Kezhen suddenly ran to knock on the door.

"Sleep?" he asked outside the door. "Is it easy to come in now, say something."

Yi Yi, who was originally reading a novel in bed, immediately jumped up and put together a costume and then said: "Oh."

When Chen Kezhen came in, he still made his own stool.

"Have my dad been here?" He sat down and saw the mountain. "What did he say to you?"

Say you will hurt your wife.

"Let's talk casually," said Yi Yi, too. "You ask this?"

"No, I just saw it just now, so I just mentioned it," Chen said. "Anyway, he said nothing, you don't take it seriously. He is like this, I am bothered."

"Oh," Yi Yi looked at him again. "Then you have something else?"

"That... about last night, don't you think about me," Chen Kezhen said. "In fact, in that case, you are fighting with people with bare hands and not being rational."


How is this a bit familiar, as if the police had told Chen Kezhen last night.

"If you encounter such a thing, you will sleep, and it will not be too late to wait for him to go to the police," Chen said. "I didn't want to wake up and hear the voice yesterday. I don't even think about what will happen."

I don’t know why I was a little shy.

His eyes floated around and he lowered his head: "Oh, I will pay attention next time."

It may be that he was infected by his overly obvious attitude change, and Chen Kezhen also followed suit. After he said that he had paid attention to safety and so on, he finally exported it.

"In case someone is killed here, it will be difficult for me to rent out this room."

"..." Yi Yi immediately coldened his face and saw his eyes changed.

"So don't have it next time," Chen Kezhen grabbed his hand and grabbed his hair. "And, that..."

Yi Yi is not angry: "What?"

"Is this person a little irresponsible," Chen said, "I said that I changed the gauze for me yesterday."


Chen Kezhen’s wound seems to have recovered quite well.

He bought medical gauze and it was very convenient to dress up. After waiting for the wound to be fixed, he looked at the guy and opened a drawer and threw the remaining half of the gauze into it.

Yi Yi thinks this person is simply challenging his bottom line.

He rushed to open the drawer and took the gauze out, then took Chen Kezhen to the cabinet of his medicine box, opened the cabinet and pointed at the medicine box: "Have you seen this?"

Chen Kezhen looked at the box and looked at the face of Yi Yi. Then he gently snorted.

But seeing Yi Yi frowned, he was still very acquainted, took the gauze in the hands of Yi Yi, and opened the medicine box and put it in.

"Can this be done?" he said.

A slap in the face is forced to complete the task.

No wonder his students like him so much. Bear children will of course like bear adults.

After a few days of peace and harmony, Yi Yi ushered in the first weekend of moving into Chen Ke's home.

However, the short vacation of these two days was full of arrangements for him, and he was temporarily unavailable to invite Zhou Li to be a guest.

The first is to move the other baggage left in the original place. Yi Yi had only brought a small amount of clothing with him at the beginning. This weekend, the coat was worn heavily, which made him psychologically difficult to accept.

He is now in serious financial crisis, and he is reluctant to ask the moving workers to estimate the top two suitcases. He plans to go into battle.

After dragging the suitcase back and forth twice in the subway, he realized that he was too naive.

In the past, when I opened the cabinet, I always felt that I had no clothes to wear. Now I have to carry it and feel like it is endless.

When he dragged his suitcase back to his home for the second time, Chen Kezhen just got up. Seeing his face and sighing at the door and looking at the suitcase, Chen Kezhen frowned. "You want to move?"

"Do you really want me to go?" Yi Yi dragged the box and went to the room.

Chen Kezhen followed him, watching him pile up the bed before he had time to sort out the clothes, and gently "wow".

"You move alone, why don't you find a friend to help?"

"...I thought it was easy to get it." Yi Yi helpless.

"Is that finished now?"

"No," he said, shaking his head. "It may be necessary to run twice."

He said as he sat down: "It's so annoying, don't lose it. Don't want to move."

"Why don't you look for me?" Chen Kezhen looked like a very incomprehensible. "I am driving you."

Yi Yi slammed his eyes twice: "...has your car repaired?"

Chen Kezhen looked at his face and suddenly smiled: "Take your blessing."

Chen Kezhen said that he thought that he had just been thrown out of a pit by Yi Yi. I didn’t expect that the car would drive back to the door all the way.

"You have a bit of a foot," he said. "There is a lot of time to practice."

Listening is not like praise, Yi Yi has passed his head, dare not look at it, and does not say anything.

With the helper and the means of transportation, the rest of the things are done at once. After returning home, Yi Yi hesitated again and again, or took the initiative to find Chen Kezhen.

"You repaired this door... How much did it cost?"

"It's expensive," Chen Kezhen said. "You can't afford it."


"Do you want to pay compensation to people tomorrow?" Chen Kezhen asked again.

"You can say how much you ask," he said, "I have so many things, how do you know that I can’t afford it?"

Chen Kexiao smiled: "Cute you, the insurance company has already lost me."


"I want to eat small ribs soup for dinner." Chen Kezhen said.

In fact, Yi Yi really can't afford it.

Especially after the next day, I went to the intermediary to talk about the specific amount of compensation. He felt that he would soon be unable to afford the rent for Chen Kezhen.

In fact, his predecessor, the landlord, was really good. Although the incident was furious at the time, it is now calm to see him. It is not easy for a young man to be alone in a foreign life. It is very good for him to get along with him for many years, so the final figures are full of human feelings.

It is a pity that all the deposits that are still empty and empty are not enough.

His long-standing consumption habits are not so good, one step away from the moonlight. Not much is earned, and more is spent.

Worried about returning home, he hesitated again and again, still did not tell Chen Kezhen about this.

During this period of time, he found out that Chen Kezhen was even more arrogant than him. Liu Yuan also said that this person is not short of money. He wants to rent out the room purely to block him.

If you really ask if he can extend the rent, this person will have eight or nine will still agree.

This is the most difficult thing to do. With the embarrassing relationship between the two of them, they have already received so many favors, and they still want to get in the way.

But money does not fall from the sky.

So how can he get through this hurdle in the end?

The author has something to say:

Father Chen: You don’t have to hide it. I know it. The little sister who lives with you is an omega.

Hey: Dad, don’t talk nonsense to others!

Father Chen: And he is still a homosexual


Hey: Hey?