MTL - Mercenaries and Adventurers-v4 Chapter 195 , the darkest moonless night (18)

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As soon as Kiel appeared, the wild boa constrictor turned his head and looked at him with cold eyes.

The Beast couldn't figure out how Kiel, the enemy, disappeared and reappeared, but it couldn't speak, and it didn't have much thinking ability, so with a brush of its tail, it tried to wrap around Kiel's legs, tripping him to the ground.

The wild snake, who has killed too many humans under the hands of the wild snake, clearly understands one thing. Human beings are very powerful when standing, but once they fall to the ground, they can only be bitten and entangled. Wound around the body alive and hanged.


The wild python's thick tail slammed vigorously on Kiel's right leg, but just as the tip of the tail bent and entangled, Kiel swung the ax in his hand and slashed heavily towards the right side of his body.


The firmness of the big snake's skin and scales was a little bit beyond Kiel's expectations, but fortunately, they were not opponents who surpassed the water.

With the ax in hand, a half-meter-long snake tail was cut off directly, and the big snake howled in pain amidst the blood splatter: "Hey——"

The whole body twisted violently.

Not only that, but the broken snake tail also twisted vigorously, tightly wrapped around Kiel's right leg, and slapped Kiel's leg one after another.

After writhing wildly for a while, the big snake rushed towards Kiel while twisting and biting. It opened its mouth wide and bit from top to bottom, as if it wanted to swallow Kiel's head in one bite.

But Kiel seemed to be a heavily armored warrior, but in fact his body was quite flexible. His waist was pressed together on the spot, which was directly beyond the wild beast's expectation, and he jumped up on the spot.

This time, the big snake that had swooped down to bite Kiel's head couldn't hit anything. On the contrary, Kiel adjusted his body shape and counterattack in the air. Under the effect of the red-eyed mushroom, the reaction force and speed of the big snake surpassed that of ordinary people. In fact, it didn't look that fast.

Watching the big snake bite the hole and hit the ground with its head, Kiel held an ax in both hands, and slashed at the big snake's head fiercely.

The blue light was shining, and the ax itself was constantly adjusting the landing point at this moment, finding the exact place to strike from the constantly swinging snake body and smoke.


The scales on the snake's body are larger and thicker than those on the snake's tail, but it's not enough for Yueshui's head!

Cutting off the hard scales, the ax blade with a moon-like arc slashed at the snake's body under the scales like a bamboo! Boom! In the end, the ax directly cut off the entire body of the big snake and plunged into the ground.

Blood splattered, staining Kiel's armor, which had just been wiped clean not long ago, red again.

The stench of snake blood smelled overwhelming, and Kiel frowned tightly under his mask.

But it wasn't over yet, the big snake's head was cut off, but its body and snake head didn't give up the fight.

The four-meter-long body was like a huge wool that kept turning and beating. After losing its head, it kept twisting and twisting indiscriminately. Because of the close distance, Kiel was hit twice.

And the snake head, after growing its mouth, jumped up from the ground fiercely, and opened its mouth to bite Kiel's waist.

Bang, Keel was knocked back two steps, then looked down at the snake head biting his waist.

The snake head also stared at him with cold eyes, and refused to let go. But Keel didn't feel any discomfort in his waist. It doesn't have sharp and strong fangs. In other words, this big snake has grown to such a large size, and it doesn't belong to monsters or monsters. It relies on strangling its prey.

But it can strangle the body of its prey, and it is flipping around in front of Kiel at this moment, constantly beating towards the empty place, and when it hits a bush, it strangles its whole body, directly smashing the low bush.

When you encounter a big rock, roll it up completely, and in the rattling, even twist the stone into stone powder.

This made Kiel terrified. Fortunately, he chopped off the snake's head with an axe, causing the snake's head, which could control the body, to lose its body.

Keir held the snake's mouth around his waist with his hand and exerted all his strength to break the snake's head apart. As soon as the snake's head was still on the ground, the two-handed ax jumped up from the ground, and the ax hit the middle of the snake's head.

Keir didn't care about it, turned his head to look at the gate of the camp, and saw a scene that made him feel funny.


There, the leader of the bandits, Desolate Snake, was kneeling on the ground at this moment, crying loudly towards the body of the big snake with its head and tail broken: "My baby! Ahhh! My baby! How could you lose? How could you lose?" possible!"

The other bandits didn't know how Kiel was such an easy-to-beat wild boa constrictor. They froze in place, at a loss, because something happened before, the leader's big snake went berserk during the breeding season, and more than 20 bandits couldn't control it. The big snake, in the end, let it mess around, and fed several captured merchants in a row, filling its stomach, and then calmed down.

But now, the wild boa constrictor, which could not be subdued by more than twenty people, was beheaded in a few strokes by this knight who didn't know where it came from.

Some bandits wanted to back down, but the bandit leader who broke down emotionally issued a crazy order: "Go up! Release all the poisonous snakes and kill him for me! I don't believe it! Use all your strength!! "

Huang Snake turned his head and saw his subordinates cowering, got up angrily, drew out the long sword at his waist and pressed it against his subordinate's neck: "Go!"

The cronies had no choice but to step forward one after another.

They threw snakes at Kiel first, but Kiel just covered his visor with his left hand and ignored the snakes.

Seeing that no matter how the poisonous snake bites, it is useless. These bandits had to bypass the body of the raging snake and outflank and kill Kiel from the left and right.

The bandit leader also rushed to the front with a long sword in his hand, shouting curse words, and slashed at Kiel with his sword in both hands.

But such a random attack, not to mention raising his sword to resist, Kiel just took a step back after seeing the distance, and let the opponent's sword blade slash heavily.

"Have you lost your mind?"

He raised his foot to step on the tip of the sword that had been pierced into the ground, and with his right hand, he drew out the heartfire dagger and pierced the bandit leader's heart. Blood gushed out of the other party's mouth, but he was still swearing indistinctly.

"Hmph, keep your evil pet company."

Keir drew out his dagger, slammed down on the opponent's sword-holding hands, and then kicked sideways, kicking the bandit leader's body towards the writhing snake.

The body of the bandit leader collided with the snake body, and the collision immediately made the snake body react, turning and twisting around the body of the bandit leader.

Then the long snake body wound up inch by inch and tightened quickly. The huge force made the two wounds of the broken snake's body pump out stinky blood and internal organs, but its strength did not decrease by half.

No, losing the control of the head, the strength of the strangulation is even greater.

The internal organs and bones were crushed one by one, and dirty flesh and blood gushed out from the bandit leader's head and crotch.

That guy actually smiled with satisfaction before he died.

It is probably the first and only time to 'enjoy' the ability of a beloved pet, and die satisfied, right?

The corner of Kiel's mouth twitched as he watched, and the other bandits around were also staring blankly at the death of their leader. Some bandits dropped their weapons and tremblingly begged for surrender, while others tried to turn around and run away.

Of course, there are still people who are self-sufficient and want to step forward to compete with Keir.

Kiel snorted coldly, first let the person rushing up to block the way, and then threw out the fire dagger in his hand, directly piercing the back heart of the fleeing bandit. When it came to the stone, it stopped moving.

Facing the bandits who surrendered, Kiel ignored him, and after stepping aside, he drew his sword and sent the bandits who came to him to the door with a sword. Someone threw a poisonous snake at Kiel's helmet, and Kiel drew out his shield to block it, stepped up and down, and pierced through the bandit's body with a sword while the opponent shouted surrender.


After killing several people in a row, Keir looked around, and there were still five trembling bandits kneeling in front of him.

Keir walked over: "Want to live?"

Several people nodded violently.

But Keel frowned when he saw these people dressed in strange shapes, with colorful paint and tattoos on their bodies.

As if sensing the atmosphere of silence, several bandits looked up at Kiel who was staring at them. That's when he noticed Kiel's glowing eyes under his steel visor.

"Oh my god! There's a ghost!"

The corner of Kiel's mouth twitched, and he swung his sword to smash the head of the bandit who said he was a ghost.

The others shut their mouths tightly.

Kiel looked left and right, and heard the hissing venomous snakes in the surrounding bushes: "In this way, it is not impossible to surrender. Let me deal with the surrounding venomous snakes first."

"Deal with it?"

Kiel kicked the robber who spoke: "Catch it back and lock it up, don't you understand?"

The four bandits nodded fiercely, and immediately got up and went to work in a hurry.

Keir stared at them for a while, then put away the heart fire magic dagger first, and then watched these guys lure out the hiding poisonous snakes with live rats one by one, and then after the poisonous snakes hunted the live rats, they carried them and only cared about eating them. The poisonous snake of things, put it in the snake bag.

Keir felt that these poisonous snakes might not be useful to him, but they might be of great use when rescuing the villagers of Changmai Village later.


After waiting for a while, several robbers presented the snake bag containing all the poisonous snakes: "My lord, the poisonous snakes released just now are all inside."

Keir nodded: "You won't run out?"

"No, the bag has two locks, and the snake can only be released after they are opened. And the poisonous snake will not come out of the bag for a day or two after eating."

It turned out that this was the case, only then did Keir understand that the poisonous snake will take the initiative to attack if it is not full, and the live mouse thrown by the bandit in advance is what lures the poisonous snake to attack.

"In this way, you have prepared several batches of poisonous snakes, right? This will ensure that there are poisonous snakes that can be used in battle at any time?"

The bandits didn't dare to look at Kiel's eyes and face, so they lowered their heads and replied, "Yes, yes. There are more at home."

"Hmph! Did you kill a lot of people?"

"It's all forced by the leader, and we're all pretty much the same in this business."

A few bandits were talking, and they secretly looked at the leader's body, which was reflected by the fire in the distance.

The corpse was still tightly twisted by the several-meter-long body of the big snake. At this time, under the friction and extrusion of the hard scales, the flesh and bones of the corpse had been separated, and a large amount of blood-red muscles were forcibly squeezed out from the upper and lower gaps. At this moment, the body of the big snake is truly Hanging, maybe there is only one broken bone of the other party left.

Kiel was disgusted when he saw it. He opened his hand towards Yueshui's head, and then the ax bursting with blue light flew into Kiel's hand. The corners of the four bandits' eyes twitched wildly as they watched this scene. After realizing that they should have robbed valuable property tonight, they should leave directly.

With a flick of his hand, he threw the ax towards the big snake's body, but Kiel didn't look at it, letting the ax deal with the big snake's body by itself.

He himself put together the smelly snake bag, tied their own arms with the ropes on the bandits, and tied the legs and feet of the four bandits next to each other.

It is similar to the two-person three-legged game played in the previous life.

Bandits who haven't practiced the game would be amusing if they thought Keel could escape like this without tying their feet.

Keir knew that as long as the four of them fell, not to mention rolling down the hillside where the fat gang's lair was, it was because they ran without falling, and the crotch of the person who fell would be torn apart.

Hopefully these bandits have practiced the splits before, or can ask the gods who are out of tune to bless them when they fall and don't crush their own softies.

Especially in the grass on this hillside, there are many stones.

The collision of soft eggs and rocks, um~

Maybe it's fun.

Thinking of this, Keir couldn't help clamping his crotch.


With the four disarmed bandits, Kiel let go of the blood licking grass first, and then rode a horse, leading the four surrendered bandits who walked awkwardly, to the flaming bandit camp.

Contrary to Keel's expectations, Keel thought that the dozen or so meat tickets had dispersed and took the opportunity to escape.

Tonight is a moonless night, which is the most suitable weather for running away.

Especially at this moment, there are still dark clouds in the sky to help, if it is not for the burning light of the wooden three-story tower next to it, it is estimated that the camp will be completely dark.

While Kiel was looking at the captured people, all the people, men, women, old and young, also gathered in the corner of the camp to watch Kiel coming in on horseback.

They were not sure about Keir's identity, so they dared not make a sound or come forward.

And when the four bandits, whose arms and legs were tied together, walked awkwardly into the camp, the people realized that Kiel, who was alone, was not a bandit.

At least not the snake charmers.

Kiel looked around and found that the bandits of the Wild Snake had at least done some good deeds. They searched out the valuables of Fatty's gang and piled them in the open space in the center of the camp.

There are not many things, and the most valuable things are just a few small boxes.

Keel noticed that there were some food looted by the bandits next to the small box, not a lot, but not a lot.

Several bags, large and small, were piled up on the ground with their mouths open. Keel rode over to have a look and found that it was potatoes and wheat with the bran removed, and there would be a big bag of beans of various colors.

There was also a bag that smelled fishy. Keel jumped off his horse and tore it open to see that there were strips of dried salted fish inside. In the bag that fell to the ground next to him was the one he looked familiar with, the western province of Cavin. Get the most popular jerky of all kinds recently.

"Not bad, these foods."

Kiel praised, and the bandit with an awkward head behind him said: "Knight, Lord Knight. These look good, but they don't actually eat much. If you don't count the boxes of moldy old food that we didn't want, fat man In this guy's lair, only these foods are worth taking away."

Kiel curled his lips: "It's good to have old food, and I'm still picky, hmph, if you surrender, just be conscious, and it's best not to have too much expectation for your future survival. Remember, you stand when others sit. Then, you watch other people eat, and when others eat these fresh and good ones, you will consciously chew the moldy old food. Do you know? You guys who have done all kinds of bad things, if you want to survive, you should clamp your tails, be honest. "

"Master Knight, we understand."

Several bandits lowered their heads and tried to find their tails behind them while talking.

In the end, no, yes, humans don’t have tails.

Scratch your head.

The bandits dared not speak any more.

Kiel kicked open several small boxes that were not locked. There was a box full of shiny gold and silver coins that was less than half of the box, another box full of bright red copper coins, and a box full of more packed small boxes. Box.

Kiel knew at a glance that the contents of the last box were the most valuable, probably valuables, followed by the one containing gold and silver coins. A small box full of copper coins would be quite a lot, but after the actual conversion, it is estimated that there are not many. Gold coins.

Keir closed the three boxes, tied them with ropes, and put them on his horse first.

After that, he waved to the meat tickets not far away who were looking at him, "Come on, come here, I have something to tell you." He called a dozen of them over.


Those people were stopped by Kiel, trembling at first, and then the crowd pushed for a while, pushing a middle-aged man with a kind face out.

The man was pushed out reluctantly, but instead trotted to Kiel with a flattering expression.

But as soon as this person approached, he knelt down on the ground with limp hands and feet, and couldn't help laughing at Kiel: "What's wrong with you? Did you see the great nobleman? How can you show such great etiquette?"

Kiel didn't know that when the middle-aged man approached, he wanted to say some good words to beg for mercy, and then in the interrogation of the unknown person, he asked for the identity of the other party.

But when he walked in and saw a young man in a metal armor, he was frightened by the stinky blood all over the opponent's armor.

Especially when he saw the opponent's legs, one of the lower legs was wrapped around the body of a headless green poisonous snake, and the other was tightly wrapped around a thick python's tail.

The tail of the snake was still dripping with wet blood.

Especially the stench after approaching made him dizzy and fell to the ground.

The smell of the environment in which these tied meat tickets usually live is already very bad, but compared with the **** smell on the young man in front of them, it is simply incomparable.

Seeing the man fall, Keir wanted to go up to help him, but as soon as he walked over, he paralyzed the man on the ground in fright and moved back vigorously.

Blinking his eyes, Kiel looked down at with a smile, he tore off the tail of the python wrapped around his legs and the body of the poisonous snake, and threw it towards the burning wooden tower not far away.

"It's nothing, it's just a dead snake, don't be afraid. I'm Joe Keel, an apprentice knight from Kendall County in the Northwest Province!"


The other party didn't care about the so-called apprentice, and was directly attracted by the knight's name.

"You are a knight? What about these bandits?"

The pale-faced middle-aged man pointed to the four bandits who were looking for their tails behind them with their heads down.

Kiel shrugged: "Be defeated by me, surrender and tie up."

"Really? Didn't lie to me, lie to us?"

The voice of the middle-aged man trembled a little at this time, and after his breathing became short of breath, he looked around, as if he wanted to find the bandit who was hiding and waiting to show off to the hopeful.

But there were only dead bandits around, and bandits who were tied up.

Kilton paused and said formally: "I'm not lying to you, I have a lot of people. Do you think I'm the only one?"

His words were heard by the bandits next to him, and they all looked over in surprise. Kiel chuckled and pointed to the direction of the person coming down the mountain: "Just outside the woods at the bottom of the mountain, there are forty more soldiers, no, the militiamen are waiting for you." Outside."

Kiel pulled the middle-aged man up, ignored his tattered and dirty clothes, and patted him on the shoulder: "There is still a team of 700 people a little way to the northwest. Oh, originally I wanted to Come over and investigate alone, and you will directly overthrow these gangs of robbers who are fighting each other."

"Who are you? Are you here to save us?"

"No, no, no, no, just passing by. These bandits are about to attack us, ahem, I just brought people to fight back. That's it."