MTL - Mercenaries and Adventurers-v4 Chapter 194 , the darkest moonless night (17)

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Kiel felt that these bandits really showed greed and blind violence to the fullest. Facing unarmed young refugees, these bandits regarded people as coins that could be sold, and excitedly joined forces to attack at night.

And after bumping into his iron plate, he fled quickly.

But after the escape, the bandit team didn't retreat to the lair to lick their wounds, but took advantage of the unknown situation to break into the lairs of other gangs overnight to sneak attack.

It is estimated that these other gangs who are vying for jobs are often out of ideas.

That's why he moved quickly and unexpectedly took down the bandit's lair that was assigned to stay behind.

Keel looked around and felt that there must be a foothold for the sentry bandits in this forest, and even the dead sentry of the fat gang before must still be nearby.

But the dark woods were not easy to find, so Kiel gave up his plan to search for the stronghold of the sentinel bandits. He just searched out the bandit's weapon that had been cut in two and the coins hidden in the inner pocket of his clothes.

Not many, just a dozen copper coins and the same number of iron coins. The weapons are an iron dagger and four javelins made by the caravan.

"What a poor bunch. Pooh."

Keel spat, and ignored the man's body, took off the blood-stained animal skin skirt and threw it away. Keel waved to the many nocturnal birds on the tree staring at this side with wide-eyed eyes.

"This corpse is given to you, eat it cleanly, it is a gift from me to you."

Keel shrugged, and once again looked up at the gathering of more and more nocturnal birds, looking at the eyes reflecting the magical cold light, he exhaled.

These pairs of eyes staring at him made him quite stressed, always resounding with the crows he met on the south side of Lake Umi last winter. Keel always wondered, was it the crows who were always out of luck at the time?

Secretly cast him a curse that reduces luck or something.

As soon as he walked away, there was the sound of wings flapping and landing behind him, followed by a messy fight and the sound of human flesh being torn.

And the sounds of nocturnal birds fighting over human eyeballs.


Putting a little of the harvest into the sack hanging on the horse's back, Keel rode back on the horse and walked to the place where there was a bright fire on the mountainside in the distance.

Following the road out of the woods, the artificial wooden railings that originally marked the road were gone, and the ground was only the grassy ground vaguely trampled out, which could lead Kiel to a twisted path going upwards.

The route here is similar to a zigzag. Kiel put away the glowing lighting magic pendant around his waist, jumped off the horse, and tried to barely know the way forward by relying on the starlight in the sky.

But he was unlucky, as soon as he turned back along the road and took two zigzags, the only remaining starlight in the sky was blocked by thin clouds.

There was a cool wind blowing around, and Keir cursed, and had no choice but to slap the scabbard of the long sword, relying on the thin cyan light of the **** of Saturn's divine power on the scabbard to barely illuminate the road.

Fortunately, there was a lot of fire in the bandit's lair ahead, and something was burning. The smoke against the fire was like a torch, guiding Kiel to his final destination.

After walking repeatedly for quite a while, Kiel finally stopped at a place fifty meters away from the bandit's lair.

He found a half-person-high stone on the side of the road. After pushing it hard, he put the horse's rein under the stone, and then retracted the force to let the stone press on the rein to fix the horse.

"Stay honest, don't make any noise, remember, quietly!" Kiel whispered in the ear of the blood licking grass, and the horse nodded to show its understanding.

Instead of taking the winding dirt road, Keir walked directly in a straight line, lying down through the bushes and the sloping field, and carefully came to the bandit's lair.

This is a stone and wood building camp built with local materials. By the burning fire of a small three-story wooden tower on one side, Keel hid in the corner and saw the situation inside clearly.

Built on a gentle **** on one side of the valley bottom, apart from the most conspicuous burning wooden tower at the moment, the camp is facing the gate, and there is a dark cave entrance that looks like a crack.

At this moment, there was a fight in the center of the camp. The bandits guarding the camp were killed and wounded, but the attackers suffered little losses. I don't know why.

Most of these grotesque bandits, bare-chested and tattooed to intimidate the enemy, are dragging corpses out of the caves of the bandit's lair.

There were men and women inside, but in addition to the dead bodies, there were also living people who were driven out.

Only then did Kiel know how the gang of bandits who attacked their colleagues took down here.

It turned out that there were several snakes wrapped around the bandits. These vicious snakes were climbing on the bandits, shaking their heads and tails at the driven people in a demonstrative way.

Where the head is down, the body stretches out, revealing the pattern of skulls. Ordinary people will be frightened when they see it.

This seems to come from a primitive instinct of human beings.

From the ancient evolutionary period, beware of the fear of poisonous animals.

This is supposed to be a survival strategy for humans to avoid potentially venomous snakes out of fear. But fear is something that is very effective in avoiding danger, but if it is too much, fear will make human beings who have lost the ability to fight lose the ability to act when facing such a terrifying poisonous snake.

Weak hands and feet, poor breathing, and cold sweat pouring out of his face, these are all signs of extreme fear. But these things will actually kill some people.

With the light of the fire, Keir could see clearly that those poisonous snakes were the same poisonous snakes he had fought against before, but the poisonous snakes seemed to be of different types, some were thicker, and the snake operator was panting.

Some snakes are too slender and look non-threatening. Although Keir knows that the power of poisonous snakes has nothing to do with their size, this snake operator wrapped a few more poisonous snakes around his body than others in order to increase deterrence. .

These different kinds of poisonous snakes terrified the people who were driven out, and at the same time they fought with each other.

"Boss! How to deal with these people?"

There was a bandit with half a red poisonous snake protruding from a large leather bag at his waist, proudly asking their leader, the wild snake.

The bandit named Desolate Snake didn't know where he hid his snake when he attacked the refugees before. At this time, beside this guy was a five-meter-long, hard scaled python that was as thick as an ordinary human's thigh. Desolate Snake was sitting on several twisted and bleeding corpses, stroking his pet proudly.

"Mm, they are all thin-skinned and tender-skinned guys. Usually, they have been enjoyed by fat guys and others. I don't want to touch these people. How about feeding them all to my wild pythons?"

"As you wish, boss! Just to save some of the venom that the babes have finally secreted. After all, the babes only fight against soldiers, and they will never use the precious venom on weak guys."

The bandit who spoke was still teasing the poisonous snake he raised with a cherished face, and the poisonous snake also wagged its head and tail and wrapped it around the snake operator's neck, gradually tightening its body. The snake operator's face turned red, but he seemed very excited.

Those who were driven out of the cave, including men, women and children, did not seem to be caught by bandits to enjoy, but more like meat tickets tied for money.

Kiel couldn't be more clear about this. Knowing that the scale of the bandit gang has reached a certain level, they have not only carried out looting, but also engaged in various illegal activities. In addition to attacking caravans or property, most of them will also kidnap wealthy businessmen Or the sons and daughters of a wealthy family, among the kidnapped people, let one go back, and the others will open their mouths to demand ransom from the family members according to the family property situation found out by torture.

In addition, bandits with a larger number will dominate an area at the key points of the business route, establish their own "earth checkpoints", and charge additional customs fees and other fees for business travelers.

There are also bandit gangs close to the villages, and they will regularly extort food and tools from the villages for the gangs to enjoy.

In short, there are many ways to get money, and basically they are temporarily adjusted according to the local conditions of the bandit gang.

Keel, hiding in the shadows outside the camp's open gate, wondered if he should help save the gang. If not rescued, Kiel can conduct another investigation quietly to confirm the number of surviving bandits, then return to the way he came from, and lead his young refugees to set up an ambush to attack the retreating bandits.

But these people must have all died, and it is estimated that there will be a batch of thankful property after saving them.

"Yeah." Kyle hesitated.

Because if he was going to save people, he had to do it now. The venomous snakes of those bandits should not be underestimated. Although they couldn't bite through his metal armor, the venom they sprayed was still very troublesome.

"Go, Wild Python, hang them!"

The bandit leader slapped the big snake beside him hard, and then pointed at the dozen or so meat tickets who were at a loss.

But at this time, the huge python didn't obey its master's order. Instead, it lifted up on the spot and turned its cold eyes towards the gate of the camp.


The snake letter, wider than a blacksmith's finger, sticks out from its mouth and swings up and down, while making a hissing sound, while detecting the darkness outside the knocked open door.

"What's the matter? Boss, why didn't your big snake obey the command? Did it get angry because it didn't allow it to devour the corpse?"

But before the confidant bandit could finish his chatter, Desolate Snake raised a hand and his face became serious: "Be careful, something is wrong! Beasts are much more sensitive than humans."

When he said this, the dozen or so bandits present put away their mood after the victory, drew out their long swords and machetes one after another, and turned to face the vigilant direction of the big snake.

Seeing that no one cared about them, those meat tickets who were suddenly sentenced to death quickly scrambled and dodged to a corner of the camp, no matter men, women, old or young, gathered together and shivered.

Whether it was the bandits that Fatty belonged to or today's bandits playing with snakes, they were all afraid of death, they had no intention of resisting at all, they just wanted to survive.


"Who's there? Get out!"

Wild Snake questioned loudly, but no one responded. He winked at his men, and one of the snake manipulators immediately opened a tightly sealed pocket on his body, and took out a bundled live mouse from inside.

As soon as the live mouse appeared, the poisonous snakes around all turned their heads to stare at the bandit's hand.

This made the bandit tremble all over, and then he held a stone in his arms and was tied with a thin straw rope to make a squeaking live mouse, and threw it far away towards the gate of the camp.


Then the bandit removed the poisonous snake wrapped around him, threw it in the direction of the gate.

hiss hiss—

After the poisonous snake landed, it crawled forward quickly following the smell of the live mouse.

But just after the poisonous snake submerged in the dark shadows, there was a trampling sound.

crunch, puff—

"Ah! My snake! My baby!" Realizing what the voice meant, the bandit who threw out the poisonous snake immediately drew a machete from his waist, grabbed a sawtooth dagger in one hand, and rushed towards Camp gate.

The other bandits who didn't play with snakes would not let their companions go alone, and they also roared and rushed to the gate of the camp at the same time. The clever guy also took the opportunity to light two torches from the burning wooden tower, hold one by himself, and throw the other directly outside the gate.

The rotating torch flew out of the gate before everyone else.

An armored warrior with his waist pierced was standing there.

He was stepping on the crushed head of a poisonous snake under his combat boots, and the lower body of the snake was twisting and twisting around his calf, trying to hang the warrior with his body after death.

"See you again, everyone."

Kiel chuckled and waved to the bandits who came to kill him.

These bandits, who were attacking aggressively, stopped after seeing the people in the dark clearly at this moment, and stared dumbfounded at the meat tickets hiding aside.

"The knight of the refugees? Damn it! Why did it appear here?"

Knowing that Kiel is not easy to mess with, the bandits are hesitant. They don't know whether to go up and kill each other at this time, or to sneak away at night with the coins and valuables looted from the fat man's lair?

In the end, after a moment of hesitation, the wild snake waved his hand and shouted: "Get out of the way, let my wild python hang this guy. If it wasn't for the joint attack before, I couldn't bring the war snake to fight, otherwise there is no need to retreat .”

Just when the bandit leader judged to speak, the bandit who died of the precious poisonous snake didn't stop at all, and rushed towards Kiel screaming.

Kiel didn't even look at the man, his eyes wandered around the bandit leader and his big snake to make judgments. When this guy came to him, Kiel dodged to get out of the way of the opponent's machete, and then he didn't pay attention The dagger stabbed by the other party directly turned sideways and hit the bandit with his shoulder.

Clang, bang, two consecutive sounds. The opponent's dagger rubbed sparks on Kiel's armor waist and slid over, and Kiel slammed into the opponent's body with his shoulder heavily.

With a creak, one of the bandit's arms and some bones in the torso of his body broke. The man also rushed from facing Kiel in an instant, then flew two meters backwards, fell limply to the ground, and cried out in pain while hugging his arms.

Kiel picked up the machete dropped by the other party at his feet, held it in his hand to make a judgment, and then snapped off the tough but lacking in toughness machete, flicked it, and threw half of the machete on the fallen bandit's face .

Dive in deeply.


As soon as Kiel killed the bandit who died with the poisonous snake's front and rear legs, a thick python twisted its body and attacked him.

The surrounding bandits dodged one after another, they knew that the leader's Huang Python didn't recognize his own people at all, and they had nothing to say about being affected in the battle.

Facing the attacking giant python, Keir turned and ran.

This scene stunned the robbers, including the meat tickets who were hiding aside. After all, a few seconds before, the knight had dealt with a bandit fiercely, but he didn't expect to run away the next moment.

"Chasing! How can a person compare speed with a big snake? Haha, catch up with him and kill him!"

Wild Snake was very excited, he couldn't wait to see the young knight being caught and hanged by his pet. This was far more exciting to him than leading someone to sneak attack on the lair of his peers.

But Kiel's was not really an escape.

He was just looking for an opportunity to avoid the sight of others.

So he just ran a few steps along the camp wall outside the camp gate, except for the big snake that was getting closer and closer behind him, everyone else temporarily lost their sight of Kiel.

That's all it takes.

Kiel called the elf ring that was originally in his heart, calling to enter the dream that the lady lent him.

The ring answered him.

And be prepared to absorb part of his life energy as the starting energy because of the additional opportunity to open and enter. But at this moment, Kiel is activating the blessing of the 'source of grass and trees' with unlimited energy. The tentacles of divine power all over his body immediately replace Kiel's life energy, offering the divine power of the **** of agriculture to the elf ring.

The elf ring hesitated for a moment, then accepted the power without rejecting anyone who came.

Kiel's body, which was being chased by the big snake, disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The wild python that was a predator bit down on Kiel's original position, but the smoke and dust floated up, and the big snake that ate a mouthful of stones and soil flew away.

Snake Xin stretched out his mouth excitedly and swung his eyes and other organs of the head from side to side to look for the figure of the prey, but there was none.

The prey is gone.

Its not-so-intelligent head couldn't figure out the reason, so it lowered its head suddenly and then raised it, flying a stone on the nearby hillside. It swung its thick tail and interrupted a bush that Kiel had rubbed against when he came up.

The big snake that was looking for didn't know it, but just behind it, at the place where it pounced and bit just now, Kiel reappeared, holding a two-handed ax with blue light in his hand.

"I don't know if you like to eat this? No matter, kill it first."

Ax Blu-ray Dasheng.

Read The Duke's Passion