MTL - Mercenaries and Adventurers-v4 Chapter 190 , the darkest moonless night (13)

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Leaving aside the figure of the ax-wielding bandit, Priest Batar hurriedly rode his horse into the darkness.

Not far away, the young refugee men and women who were dragged to the ground by two bandits had already lost the will to struggle, and were ready to accept the coming dark encounter tremblingly.

But the sound of horseshoes approaching quickly woke them up.

"It's the priest!"

"He came to rescue us!"

The two wriggled and struggled again, which annoyed the bandit who was dragging them with a rope: "¥%¥#, please be honest, if you don't want to suffer, please calm down."

But they also noticed the prairie horses that were rushing after them, and the church priests on the horses.

But no one could see clearly in the darkness. The faces of the two bandits were not panic, but sneers of a successful plan.

The two bandits immediately left behind the heavier and more struggling male refugee, and together they dragged another female refugee to retreat to the agreed place.

Priest Batar saw the situation ahead, and asked as he passed by the male refugees who had been left behind, "Are you all right? I'll catch up, and you quickly retreat into the crowd!"

But the young man on the ground whose arms and legs were bound with ropes opened his mouth and shouted: "My lord! My lord! Help me! I'm tied up! Help me untie the rope!"

Gritting his teeth, Priest Batar yanked the horse to stop the prairie horse, then turned over and touched himself, but found that he was not carrying a sharp weapon such as a dagger.

With no choice but to find the place where the rope was knotted under the faint light of the fire not far away, he pulled hard left and right to untie the loose buckle of the rope that was getting tighter and tighter.

After untying his arm, he turned over and got back on the horse with a single sentence: "You can do the rest yourself, and I'll go save the others right now!"

"Thank you sir, thank you sir! Please be careful, and please save the others!"

The rescued young man sat on the ground, trying to untie the rope wrapped around his ankle while talking.


Knocking on the horse's belly, the prairie horse ran again.

But after this delay, the figure who had caught up before ran away again.

Batar saw that not only the female refugees who had just been arrested, but also the two people who had just been arrested were dragged by the bandits to retreat into the woods not far away.

They can't be allowed to evacuate into the woods, otherwise, they really won't be able to save them.


The bandits who were dragging the captured refugees looked at each other immediately when they saw the priest catching up again, and laughed silently.

While dragging people, they kicked the refugees being dragged on the ground fiercely. Let them yell in pain, that is, guide the direction of the priest, and put a lock on the other party's urgent mood that will not calm down.

These cunning bandits have always understood and been good at using human emotions to defeat their prey.

As it was in the past, so it is today.

Turning their heads to look at the horses chasing behind them from time to time, they yelled deliberately: "No! The difficult priest is chasing us!"

"Idiot, let's run first, don't take any prisoners!"

"No, I want this woman, you two are the ones, I don't want the man!"


Immediately afterwards, a male refugee who was caught first was thrown away. This young man who had been greatly frightened and beaten, burst out with a strong desire to survive at this moment. Twist to the south.

The priest approached on horseback, and the young man opened his mouth and shouted, "My lord! My lord! Leave me alone! Go save the others!"

But how can the priest ignore him, this person is not the same as the previous one. The former guy was only **** with ropes around his arms and ankles, but this guy was **** tightly with ropes. It is completely impossible to untie it on your own.

Batar jumped off his horse, took out the protective statue, squatted down and said to the bound refugees: "Don't move, I will untie you!"

The young refugee stopped moving, and then he saw the priest put a wooden idol close to the rope on his arm, muttering an inaudible word in his mouth, and then a cluster of blue divine power flames emanated from the top of the wooden idol.

Although this thing is small, its heat is astonishing. Just a slight touch on the rope will set the rope and the linen clothes underneath on fire.

Batar patted the flames with his robe sleeve in embarrassment, but the young man said, "Leave me alone, sir, go and save the others! They are going to run away!"

The priest turned his head and saw that, sure enough, the cries of struggle were approaching the forest. He immediately stood up and got on his horse: "Can you untie it and go back by yourself?"

"It can be done, it can be done!"

In this way, Priest Batar accelerated his horse and galloped forward.


But under the arrangement of the bandit leader, the bandits had already calculated the distance and plan.

When approaching the edge of the woods, it happened to be the right time for the priest to catch up again on horseback, so these people pretended to be exaggerated and left a captured male refugee, and the others took the captured woman and got into the woods.

This time, the priest finished the prayer work of lighting the flames of the statue of the amulet right away. As soon as he jumped off the horse, he shouted to the refugees writhing on the ground: "Don't move! I will untie the rope with fire!"

Then the idol rolled on the opponent's arm, and the rope and clothes caught up with a crackling sound. Such a rough movement and high-temperature flames scalded the refugee screaming.

"Don't worry, I'll cure you with a magic spell later, now endure the pain, untie the rope by yourself, and run back! Do you know!"

The young man nodded in panic. Seeing that the other party understood, Priest Batar got on his horse, picked up the long amber metal staff hanging from the saddle, and urged the horse to step into the woods in small steps.

He took in big mouthfuls of breath, trying to calm down with the wet and cold air in the woods at night, hoping to bring himself more courage in this way.

Following the direction of the woman's cry for help, the priest let the horse trot forward. At the same time, he also raised the long staff obliquely, emitting a dim yellow halo, barely illuminating a large area of ​​woods around.

He had a bad feeling, but the horse trotting in the woods got closer and closer to the woman's cry.


Finally caught up.

The dim light shone through, and three young bandits and a female refugee were stopped by him.

"Let him go! Otherwise, I won't show mercy!"

The young priest cried out loudly.

But what responded to him was the ridicule of the bandits: "Be merciful? Who, you~~?"

The three bandits laughed loudly. They blocked the female refugee whose hands and feet were trapped, and gestured with the dagger in their hands on the woman's slender neck.

"Haha, brothers have always heard that your priest can heal wounds, but are you curious?" One person said with a smirk.

Another person answered: "Then I will slap on this soft neck, puff, but a lot of blood will be sprayed from the broken neck. Can you revive the person before he dies?"

"Brothers are very curious."

The last bandit finally answered the call triumphantly.

The provocations of these bandits made the corners of Priest Batar's mouth twitch, because the words of these people indeed asked the key points.

As a pastor of the Saturnalia Church himself, his ability to heal with divine magic is actually quite limited.

Even with a sufficient supply of divine power, he cannot heal serious injuries.

My arm was broken, but I could barely pick it up, press it, and connect it together. But he couldn't let the person who lost his arm grow another arm.

That is not a high-level healing magic that Mushou can master.

Therefore, he took a big gulp of air, glared coldly at the three provocative bandits not far in front of him, and then looked apologetically at the female refugee who was being held hostage.

There is no need to say some words, everyone present can directly feel the meaning of each other.

The female refugee who was held hostage was crying, and finally mustered up the courage to shout a word to the priest of Saturn on horseback in front of him: "My lord! Please avenge me! Even if I go to hell, I will watch it on the road." Let them accompany me and my companions!!"

She gritted her teeth for the last sentence.

Priest Batar didn't respond, but just raised his left hand, raised the protective statue forward, and prepared to use the air wave of divine power to strike and kill all four people in front of him.

He didn't have the ability to save the woman refugee before the bandit wiped her neck, so that's the only way to do it!

But at this moment, the three bandits who were supposed to be dodging or fleeing did not dodge the attack in a panic as he expected.

The three guys had smiles on their faces.

A smug smile.

It's like watching the prey fall into the deadly trap, and the hunters smile proudly.


Because, right now, here.

Around Priest Batar, in the low bushes on the ground, on the surrounding branches, and behind the trunks facing the dim light. Suddenly, bandits emerged one after another.

Clang, clang, clang, clang clang, the sound of sharp knives being drawn out of their sheaths sounded, rattling rattling rattling, a bow and arrow was pulled on the bowstring.

A bandit turned out from behind the tree trunk, and the rope in his hand was spinning in a circle, ready to trap the prairie horse on which the priest was riding.

There was a bandit hanging upside down from a tree branch from a high place. He drew his bow and arrow backwards and aimed at the head of the priest on horseback.

Some bandits climbed up from the bushes, slapping their rough palms with the sharp blades in their hands with a grinning grin.

In the end, a tall, strong middle-aged bandit walked out from the shadow behind a tree trunk not far away, clapping his hands, and walked out with a smile on his face.

"This one, the Saturnalian Priest. Right? Saturnalian Priest, what's your name?"

Priest Batar's face was ashen, and he stopped breathing for a while. At this moment, he carefully looked up and down, and then after swallowing a mouthful of spit, he said in a slightly dry voice: "Lothar Batar."

The bandits maintained their aggressive momentum, and their leader, the middle-aged bandit, also introduced himself: "Very well, as you can see, my gang is called Mountain Wolf, and my name is Mountain Wolf Barney. It's a good name, right?"

Swallowing a mouthful of spit, Priest Batar's palm trembled slightly, but he did not respond.

Whether it's the nickname Mountain Wolf or the name Barney, he doesn't think it's very good.

"Boss, he's terrified! Haha." A bandit leader's confidant who wields a scimitar said.

The other bandits who surrounded them also laughed, and the female refugee who was held hostage and **** lowered her head sadly, shedding tears of despair. As a savior, whether it was her savior at this time or the savior of hundreds of young refugees, Priest Batar's performance at this time was far behind.

Barney, the bandit leader as cunning as a mountain wolf, snorted and snorted disdainfully.

"I don't want to say more polite words. Dismount yourself, take off all your weapons and equipment, be honest, we will let you live, and give your **** gods a chance to continue working hard."

He leaned on a tree trunk, crossed his arms, and said triumphantly: "Otherwise, if the brothers cut off your head, you will have to cut off the heads of more refugees who want to resist in the rest of the night. Too many people died , In short, it is a loss for everyone, right?"

Taking advantage of the dim light from the long stick in the priest's hand, he even picked out his nails while talking at this moment.


Priest Batar was about to say something hoarsely, but no one expected that the most insignificant person in the field would detonate the whole situation.

"My lord priest!"

A shrill cry attracted the attention of everyone in the forest at this time.

Everyone followed the sound and found that it was the female refugee who was kidnapped by them and whose name was unknown.

"Don't trust them! Please fight! Avenge the dead—"

Just as she finished speaking, the bandit holding her behind her was about to raise his fist and hit the talkative her on the head. Unexpectedly, the female refugee directly lowered her head and slammed into the dagger on her neck, twisting it.

The blood splashed and dripped, and it couldn't stop.

Then the robber's fist slammed into her head, and even cut a short knife deep into her neck.

Priest Batar's eyes were tearing apart, and the second half of the sentence of surrender could not be uttered no matter what. He gritted his teeth, and regardless of everything around him, he raised his left hand that was put down before, and directly raised a wave of divine power far beyond normal power.


The face of the wooden statue of the benevolent Saturn was blurred, and in the surge of divine power, a group of diffuse air waves like a ball of light blasted out.

As soon as he let go of his hand, it expanded rapidly, then swelled and made a roar, and bombarded the few people facing the priest.

The bandits around also moved their hands at this moment, and the bandits hanging upside down on the branches loosened the hooked bowstrings, and while the bow arms bounced, they pushed and shot at the priest one after another.

There were at least five arrows flying out around at the same time, each aimed at the priest's head.

But after a short flight, the bows and arrows of the metal arrows collided with a circle of blue light around the priest's head.

Then it bounced off.

The surrounding bandits also cursed loudly, raising various weapons as they ran forward. Each aimed at the Saturnian priest on horseback.

And a little farther away, the bandit who was spinning the rope loop in his hand also threw the rope loop at the prairie horse the priest was riding at the same moment. This bandit is responsible for this in the gang, so he hits every shot and never misses.

The bandit leader, Mountain Wolf Barney, licked his teeth with his tongue, and was going to watch how this guy was chopped into a pulp by his men later.

It's a pity that a living church priest might be able to sell for a better price.

he thought so.


The divine power and air waves are the first to exert their power.

Including the female refugee who voluntarily committed suicide, the four people who were shrouded in the attack range of the air wave were all pushed back by the powerful blowing force in an instant and flew backwards.

Even if it is blown away by the wave of divine power on flat ground, it is possible to break your hands, let alone in the forest full of trees.

The powerful pushing force blew up several people like rag dolls, and when they hit the solid tree trunk, they were smashed into several pieces. The shrubs, grass, moss, soil on the ground, and even a few roots that are not very thick on the ground were all blown away by this roaring air wave.

In the distance, when the air waves dissipated, only a large area of ​​the ground was blown away, and several bright red blood stains on the tree trunks remained. Human limbs and broken arms, as well as all fragments within the range of the ground attack, were blown far away and scattered in a large dark forest.

On the priest's side, the thrown rope was hung on the prairie horse's neck first, and the bandit and his companions pulled it together, and the prairie horse fell to the ground in panic.

Priest Batar let out a scream that he didn't know what it meant, and raised his hand after falling to the ground to block the weapons that were slashing at him. The not-so-sturdy arms and the priest's robes made of exquisite fabrics easily withstood the attacks of several strong bandits.

It turned out that it wasn't the priest himself, but the weapons that he slashed every time were pushed away by the sudden burst of blue flashes at a place very close to his body.

The bandits were a little surprised, but they didn't stop their movements. They continued to greet the priest who fell on the ground vigorously, and at the same time, bows and arrows kept shooting at the priest's legs and body.

Priest Batar was surrounded by several people, let alone fighting back, he couldn't even stand up.

Several heavy weapons kept falling on his body, and the more flashes the flashes were, the more he knew where the limits of the protective magic in his shoulder armor and heart mirror were.

He raised his hand violently and sent out a wave of divine power with the statue of the protective statue, knocking away an armored bandit.

But the hasty action just caused the bandit to fly into the tree and hit the tree. After landing, the bandit spat blood and rushed over while cursing.

"Hahaha, that's it. Let's see, how much more breath can you hold? Haha, be careful not to break the long staff I'm looking for! It's worth a lot of money."

The leader of the bandits, Barney the Mountain Wolf, was still leaning against the tree trunk. He liked to watch the final struggle of the trapped prey.

Although he lost a few young bandits, he didn't care. If the size of his team hadn't been kept within a certain range on purpose, he wouldn't have recruited many newcomers. If he really let go of the people who recruited other bandit teams, Desolate Snake, Fatty, and even the White Wall King, they would have already run under his hands.

Bandits, as many as you want.

Especially after leaving here, which has no development potential, and going to other places to seek life. Landless farmers, down-and-out hunters, and even scattered soldiers who fled the battlefield, aren't these lost people all potential newcomers to his team?

The middle-aged bandit leader didn't know, but his words to his subordinates gave the desperate Batar priest a new inspiration.

The young priest who was constantly surrounded and attacked, curled up, tightly grasped the amber metal staff, and told his thoughts and most violent impulses to this borrowed priest weapon of the church.

The amber gemstone on the head of the staff was so bright that it emitted a rapidly spreading halo of yellow.

The halo swelled against the ground, like the setting sun rising against the ground, a spreading semicircle rose from the woods, expanded, and reached the limit of the halo.

It was a ball of light with a radius of fifteen meters, and a dim yellow halo flowed slowly in it.

Slow, not just the power in it, everything in the light sphere is slowing down at this moment.

But because the bandit leader, Mountain Wolf Barney, was leaning on the tree trunk farther away, he was stunned in shock.

With his mouth open, he stared blankly at the swollen and huge dim light ball in front of Everything inside was moving slowly, as if everything was wrapped in invisible amber.

His subordinates slowly raised their weapons, brought them to the apex slowly, and then fell down at an unbelievably slow speed.

"Damn, damn! ¥%¥, what's going on! What's going on?"

He widened his eyes, and shifted his suspicious gaze to the priests of Saturn who were surrounded by his men on the ground.

He stared firmly at the long metal staff on the ground that was grabbed by the priest, and he went crazy!

"That's my treasure! Mine!"


‘Hopefully, the Kiel Warriors will come soon. '

In the ball of light shrouded in dim yellow light, the Batar priest who was hit by the bandit's weapon curled up, looking forward to it.

The bandits who were attacking him noticed a strange change, they were stunned for a moment, and then they stopped hitting the priest on the ground, but looked around.

"what happened?"

"I don't know, but the yellow light around it must be unusual."

"Where's the boss? Why isn't he here?"

As soon as this person said that, the others found that the leader who was leaning on the tree trunk was gone.

The bandits on the branches turned around and jumped to the ground, alerting their surroundings. The prairie horse struggled to get up, but was calmed down by the bandits who tied the horses.

Then, they noticed that outside the dim yellow light circle around them, at some time, there was a guy wearing a full body armor and leading a tall horse standing on the south side.

That guy stood just outside the range of the dim light, looking at them so coldly.

Especially under the opponent's metal visor, what was exposed was not eyes, but two bright spots emitting blue light.

not human.

Read The Duke's Passion