MTL - Mercenaries and Adventurers-v4 Chapter 189 , the darkest moonless night (12)

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"Scream, imagination."

This scouting bandit, who was covered with only a few circles of foot wraps on his lower body, racked his brains thinking that what was forced on him was not his mission.

On the grass, the two young refugees whose hands and feet were bound with strong ropes thought that the beating just now had passed, but they screamed again in the face of the bandits who were mostly naked.

"Help! Don't come here! Don't come here!"

"Ahhhh! Fuck him, don't **** me, please!"

Before investigating the robbers, he didn't expect that his appearance at this time would frighten the two young people on the ground.

That's right, anyone who was caught by notorious bandits on such a frightening and tense night, and after being beaten, saw the naked bandits walking towards him murmuring, would utter such helpless and terrified screams.

The corners of his mouth curled up, and he didn't expect the task of being forced to come over to investigate the bandits to be completed so easily.

"Hey hey hey." He deliberately pretended to have a grotesque expression, and let out a malicious laugh.

The two young refugees on the ground were even more frightened. They were tied up, but even so, they tried to bend their bodies and move away from here. The detective sneered deliberately, and instead of beating people directly, he turned the bodies of the two young men over with his feet, and then raised his feet to step on one of their buttocks.

The young man who was trampled was so frightened that he wet his crotch.

He was about to have a premonition that something bad would happen to him, and he let out a continuous cry that was more miserable than killing a pig.

Even if the bandit didn't do anything.


At the same time, a loud whistle came from the south of the clearing. The blood lick grass hovering beside the carriage moved its long ears, and then squeezed away the helpless young refugees around, and ran towards the south of the clearing.

As for the bandits, after the two bandits' cronies pushed the task to investigate the bandits, they immediately led people to prepare for another move.

As soon as the two groups separated, they heard the screams of two captured young refugees not far behind.

The confidant of the bandit leader who made the scimitar scratched his scalp, and said to his companion, "Well, it seems that this guy still has some skills."

Another confidant of the bandit leader who made the ax asked a similar question at the same time: "But how did he do it?"

After a little bit of confusion, they immediately attacked the refugee piles illuminated by the fire by taking advantage of the screams coming from the darkness behind them, and rushing out of the darkness with grim smiles.

Consistent with the order of the bandit leader, first the refugee defense line rushed out of the bandit squad, still using the previous method, trying to catch another one from the crowd.

But this time, because of Priest Batar's instructions, when the refugees in the front row saw the bandits rushing out to attack, they retreated slightly while throwing stones.

At the same time, the clatter of horseshoes sounded, and Priest Batar hurried over on horseback.


He let out a loud roar, and the statue of amulet held tightly by his left hand stretched out towards the attacking bandit squad.

A wave of air fluctuations gradually brewed from in front of the statue. Immediately, a small wave of air spread out, blowing directly towards the three bandits.

But the bandits are not stupid, they have long been guarding against the priest's trick. When the horses came running towards them, the three men stopped attacking the refugees and backed away cautiously.

When the three of them saw the priest on the horse raised his arms, they immediately ignored everything, and the three of them immediately rolled and avoided in three different directions.

Rumbling, a wave of divine power pushed forward, but nothing was hit, and it missed.

The place where the three of them were originally gathered was empty the next moment, and the air wave only blew away a layer of soil on the ground, blowing up a puff of smoke and dust with a grassy and earthy smell.

If Keir was here at the moment, he would definitely complain about the law that smoke does not hurt.

Sure enough, before Priest Batar could drive the protective statue in his hand to launch a new attack, the three bandits scrambled and retreated in embarrassment in the direction they came from.

The young refugees applauded immediately when they saw this, but before Priest Batar could say a few words and face the other side of the line of defense on the trade road, there were screams and commotion.

As soon as the priest turned his head on the horse, he saw a scene that made him ashamed.

The bandits with crossbow arrows on their shields were dragging two male and female refugees, while getting rid of the entanglement of the refugee crowd and the stone attack, they dragged them to the darkness across the commercial road.

The stones picked up by the young refugees were thrown at the bandit leader's cronies in simple leather armor, but it had no effect at all. If it was a bandit wearing only soft and thick leather and animal fur, it could be said that it hurt the other party, but facing the hard and thick leather armor, except for the thumping sound, it did not hurt at all.

If angering the ferocious bandits is considered a result of the battle, it is also a negative effect.

The confidant of the bandit leader who made the ax was already more ferocious. When he was retreating, he was thrown by the young refugees with stones, which immediately aroused his viciousness. He pulled a self-defense dagger in his hand and aimed at him Refugees who threw stones threw them back.

With a cry of pain, the young refugee whose neck was pierced by the dagger fell to the crowd.

Seeing this scene, Priest Batar immediately slapped the prairie horse under his crotch and rushed over at the fastest speed, intending to rescue the two captured young men.

"Save me! Save me!"

The refugees who were dragged away kept screaming miserably, because although the two guys who were dragged away didn't know what happened after the robbers took them away, the series of terrifying screams still made everyone think about it. in this way.

"¥%, call again! Dare to call!"

But the two bandits who were dragging people didn't like the captured refugee wriggling and resisting. They just raised their feet and stepped on them. After a few consecutive kicks, the struggle of the young refugees became smaller because of the pain.

"Let me go!"

Priest Batar rushed out of the crowd on horseback, and rushed straight towards the three bandits on the trade road.

Because the bandits were side by side with the captured refugees, it was not easy for Priest Batar to use the divine power of the statue of protection to attack the enemy. I was afraid that I would hit my own people too.

If it is a church priest who often uses the statue of amulet to enforce the law in the town, then they may be able to use this ability accurately to subdue the bandits. But Priest Batar hadn't used this thing much before, and every time he used it now, it was the greatest power of a certain function of the amulet statue.

Just like before, if you hit the front of the person, you can easily blow the enemy away, at least you can break the enemy's hands and feet. If you are unlucky, if your head hits the ground or a wall, it is possible to die directly. And when it hits the ground, it can even blow off a whole layer of the ground, which is simply a good hand at scraping the ground.

The priest himself knew that he could not master the use of this magical tool well, so his left hand was only holding the reins and the protective statue, but the metal long staff in his right hand was raised early.

Facing the young priest who was chasing him, the murderous bandit with the ax smiled proudly. Obviously, the leader's plan to lure him out of the crowd and take him down alone has worked.

But at this moment, the bandit suddenly had a whim, he wanted to prove his bravery, and at the same time try to see how much the priests of this church weighed, and whether it was worth their fuss to lure people out to deal with them.

After finishing this vote, the team will soon leave the area where the north and south are mountains, and the trade road area runs from east to west. When it comes to the southern provinces that are gradually becoming chaotic, perhaps, the team's old-fashioned way of doing things may also need to be changed.

And he can also make a step forward from several cronies of the leader. He dare not say that he can replace the leader, but becoming the deputy leader of the team is also worth fighting for, right?

Therefore, the bandit did not retreat further north, but stayed where he was, holding an ax and shouting: "Haha!" Then he rushed towards the priest on horseback.

"This idiot!"

The bandit leader lying on a slightly higher place not far away cursed in a low voice, rolled his eyeballs, and waved his hand to attract the scouting bandit who was squatting aside: "Now take the captured person to the forest immediately, remember to go with that The young priests kept their distance. I also withdrew."

After explaining, the bandit leader threw the colorful animal skin covering his body to his subordinates, then turned over and jumped down the slope, without looking at the situation ahead, he turned and ran towards the trap in the woods.

And the bandit who took his own animal skin clothes didn't bother to put them on, and ran quickly towards the direction where the refugees were captured, notifying the companions who were guarding the refugees there to retreat as planned.


Facing the oncoming ferocious bandits, Priest Batar said that he was not afraid of that, but it was a lie. The arrogance of the other party made him even lose the ability to think for a moment.

But immediately, seeing the world a little bit, and the support from faith, let him come back to his senses and realize what he should do at this time.

On the raised right hand, on the top of the long metal staff, a huge amber gem wrapped in a metal net bloomed a circle of dim yellow light at this moment.

Facing the ax blade slashing towards his waist and abdomen, Priest Batar did not dodge the defense, and directly swung down the long stick in his hand heavily, letting the amber gemstone on the head of the stick hit the bandit's body directly.

"Haha, die!"

The bandit with a ferocious smile swung his horizontal ax over the priest's waist. He wanted to cut the church priest in half, because he also liked the horse of the other party.

As a member who is about to become the commander and manager of the bandit team, how can he ride without a horse? Not to mention anything else, only by riding a horse can he be distinguished from other walking bandits, revealing his noble status as a superior. Even their leader himself has no horses to ride.

But this guy's imagination lasted less than half a breath, and it stopped abruptly after the ax fell on the priest.


After the heavy and sharp killing ax hit the priest's waist, he was not split in two as the bandit expected.

Not to mention being cut into two halves, he even watched helplessly as the ax splashed with a blue light, and didn't even cut off a thread from the priest's robe.

Then it was pushed and slid away by the blue light.


With a strange cry, the bandit was immediately hit by the head of the priest's stick. In the dim yellow light, he raised his hand and rubbed his head, feeling a little puzzled.

The bandit was not injured, after all, the amber covered by the metal mesh was not so hard and heavy. As the head of the staff, it does not rely on 'physical' blows to deal with the enemy.

Priest Batar and the ax-wielding bandit fled immediately after touching each other. The two fought for a round, and then separated. Priest Batar touched his abdomen nervously. After finding no damage, he breathed a sigh of relief, picked himself up and rushed towards the darkness ahead.

And on the head of his long metal staff, the halo of amber gemstones seems to have faded slightly after the fight?

It's a bit darker indeed.

Because of the faint yellow halo on the amber, at this moment, part of it was stuck on the head of the ax bandit when they were fighting just now.

As soon as the dim halo touched the bandit's body, it immediately spread, gradually covering the bandit's body from top to bottom. And at the same time as the halo was diluted, the entire body of the bandit also became bright, and the whole person emitted a faintly diluted bright yellow light from top to bottom.

The bandit was a little puzzled, wasn't he injured?

But everything after that terrified him completely.

He inadvertently looked up at the timid refugees in the open space to the south, and then he was horrified to find out, when did those timid and incompetent guys become so nimble and quick?

One by one, they swayed back and forth and left and right in the crowd, swinging back and forth quickly as if they were dancing in a group. Even the weapons in those people's hands were constantly raised and lowered, raised and lowered again and again.

Before the bandit figured out what was going on, he saw flames from some scattered firewood on the ground not far away, flickering with the ups and downs of the flames, almost faster than the blinking of stars in the sky.

It seems that everything around is not right.

He was a little scared, because he heard the strange and thin screams from the refugees who were originally 'harmless' to him, as if their throats had been kissed by the devil.

"What's going on? Woohoo, ah! What's going on?"

He panicked and waved the ax in his hand wildly.

But the whirring sound and air waves brought out by swinging the ax in the past are gone, and he still feels strange, the rabbits digging in the fields not far away are wearing strange smiles that make him frightened, Acrimonious and harsh laughter and short unintelligible words.

"What's going on? What's going on? Ah? Ah? Ah? You guys! Laugh again, laugh again and I'll kill you! Aww!"

He shouted wildly and terrifiedly, but he didn't know that in the eyes of other people on the battlefield at this moment, the really weird person was actually himself!


Ever since this guy was hit by priest Batar's staff, not only was a layer of bright yellow light like a mark quickly shrouded his body, but even his movements became sluggish.

The refugees only saw that guy moving slowly in place, and the expression on his face slowly changed as if on purpose.

There was a dull, slow grunt coming out of his mouth, and even the wide-eyed frightened eyes looked ridiculous.

Everyone pointed at this man's changes. Although most of the refugees who were peasants had no experience, they also guessed that this strange change of this man should be made by the Batar priest.

After all, this guy became like this after being hit by the long stick in the priest's hand, so it must be the priest's hand.

Everyone guessed and discussed nervously what happened to this person.

Some people said that this guy was stunned by the priest's stick, so he was so dull and stupid at this moment, he couldn't even speak clearly.

Others felt that the magic in the story must have caused this change in the guy.

Some people directly felt that this person was locked down by the priest, so they should go up and finish this hateful guy at this time.

After all, this person cut off the hands of a refugee a moment ago, and they took the injured to the crowd center with great the method handed over by a priest, they tied the injured arm with a rope to prevent injury Those who bleed to death.

If it weren't for Priest Batar's claim that he could take back the injured man's arm and connect it to him, everyone would have been terrified of fear.

But at this time, with the strange appearance of that ferocious bandit, everyone still dared not step out of the invisible wall, and rushed out of the crowd to finish that guy.

Even if the other party is 'wielding' the ax in his hand at this moment, he doesn't have the terror and power of before at all, and his movements are so slow that they are not as good as old men and old ladies.

Everyone still dare not go forward.

Xueyasite sighed on the carriage, raised and lowered the crossbow in his hand, but in the end he didn't try to shoot the glowing bandit on the other side of the trade road not far away.

Only with a little knowledge did he guess what happened to the bandit.

The man was slowed by the weapon in the priest's hand.

Looking at the situation, before the light from the whole body dissipated, all perceptions on that person were several times slower than normal people.

He guessed that at this time, even a child could go up and use a dagger to kill the ferocious bandit that dozens of refugees could not beat with all their might.

But the problem is, none of the young refugees around the carriage dared to step out of the crowd.

The crowd gave them the courage and will to stand up against the bandits with their bodies, but firmly restricted their footsteps to the side of others.

Perhaps, Xueyasite thought so, maybe not just footsteps, standing with other people provided the bottom line of courage and will, but also firmly fixed the upper limit of courage and will.

The timid people dare to stand up and fight at the moment of crisis, but they also drag the footsteps and bodies of the truly brave people into the crowd.

Read The Duke's Passion