MTL - Master of Science and Technology-v2 Chapter 1367 : Extraordinary power officially unveiled

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Time flies, and ten earth days have passed in a blink of an eye.

Just like Ye Zan's information, a federal fleet composed of hundreds of warships silently jumped out of the warped space and appeared directly on the edge of the star system.

After that, without any hesitation, the Federal Fleet spread out into an enveloping formation, and went straight to the base of the Black Flag pirate regiment like a pocket.

If it weren't for Ye Zan's previous reminder, only with the black flag pirate group's detection and alert capabilities, I am afraid that the Federal Fleet would not be able to detect it in front of the eyes.

As for the federal government, the reason why the interstellar pirates can't be helped is never because they can't beat them head-on.

In terms of equipment, technology, and training, the federal army absolutely abuses interstellar pirates.

However, you have to have a chance to display it first.

Interstellar pirates are not stupid || Son, can you stay and wait for death if you grab something and don't run?

The universe is so big, as long as you don't face the Federal Fleet, as long as you don't be tracked to escape, it will be no different from the water droplets merging into the sea.

No way, the universe is too big, no matter how the Federal Government || expands its army, it is impossible to cover the entire universe.

Therefore, when dealing with interstellar pirates, the difficulty is not to fight head-on, but how to find their hiding place.

Just find the right place and let the Federal Fleet block the pirates in the den, then you can really clean up as you want.

This fleet, from the commander of the fleet to the soldiers below, all have this idea.

For them, this is a military exploit in vain, which is about the same as bending over to pick up money.

The only "regret" is that the order given above is to directly destroy the satellite where the pirate base is located.

And this also means that not only the pirates will end up with the base, but the "stolen goods" in the pirate base will also be destroyed together.

Even if there is storage space for different dimensions, the "space key" is not an indestructible existence. In the end, nothing can be found.

Of course, regret is also regret.

The senior officers of the fleet look down on the pirates' wealth.

And those who can see the wealth below are not qualified to disobey the order above.

"General, the target is in range!" The young staff officer reported to the fleet commander.

A middle-aged blond man in the uniform of a lieutenant general, his eyes still on the chessboard in front of him, only raised the hand holding a chess piece, swung it to the side twice, and said: "Just execute the plan. Go home early when the end is over."

There really isn't much to say.

But it was just a group of rats stuck in their dens, and there was no need for the Confederate Lieutenant General to personally command, let alone hold any pre-war combat meetings.

Although there are not many hundreds of warships, it is no problem to destroy a moon-like satellite with one salvo.


There are no accidents!

Even if the pirates discover the Federal Fleet, relying on their small broken base and their small boats, how much waves can they make?

Therefore, the blond general didn't think it was worth distracting from the chessboard.

Perhaps, after finishing this game of chess, the fleet has returned to the military base, and he just came home from get off work to attend the party.

However, before his chess piece fell, a cry of exclamation suddenly came from the command hall.

"What it is!"

"People are individuals, how can it be possible!"

"Is there something wrong? How could a person be in the universe!"

On the huge display on the front of the command hall, it was a person "walking in space" displayed at this time.

Can one walk in space?

Yes, but you have to be equipped.

Not to mention warships and fighters, full-covered single-soldier mechas are also okay, and at the worst, a spacesuit is required.

But now, the scene outside the ship shown on the screen, the person who was walking in space, was clearly wearing everyday clothes.

The people inside the battleship can zoom in on the screen and even clearly see the brand label "Baleno" on the clothes that person is wearing.

how can that be!

How can such a thin and weak body be able to resist the low temperature and radiation in space!


The chess piece in the general's hand fell on the chessboard.

He was originally annoyed by being interrupted, but after looking up and seeing the scene on the monitor, he was suddenly shocked and out of control.

"Fire, shoot, whatever it is, knock it out for me!"

After all, the general is a general. Even though he saw something incredible, he quickly reacted and gave orders immediately.

You can stop the low temperature and radiation in space, can you still stop the battleship's main guns!

As the order was given, the display screen was instantly flooded with thousands of light beams, and all the light beams went straight to the strange person.

Although, due to the high concentration of energy, these thousands of shots did not seem so dazzling.

However, compared with the battleship, the human body is still too small after all, so that it is instantly submerged in the cannon light.

"I don't care what you are, I don't believe you can live like this!" said the fleet commander bitterly.

His performance was a bit gaffe, not because there was no city or stupidity, but because he had a bad premonition inexplicably.

There is a joking law in film and television dramas called "Smoke without injury".

This means that in most film and television works, when there is a big scene where smoke or flames obscures the character, that character often does not suffer death or injury.

From the perspective of film and television works, this kind of scene is to create suspense, highlighting a certain characteristic of the character in a way of first suppressing and then raising.

From a realistic point of view, since this person doesn't hide from the scene opposite, either he can't hide, or he doesn't need to hide.

Therefore, the law of "smoke without injury" can be achieved with a half chance in reality.

Sure enough, after a wave of cannon light bombardment, as the thousands of cannon light dimmed and dissipated, the locked target was exposed again.

It is no exaggeration that a person was bombarded by such fierce artillery light to be bombarded into an atomic state.

However, at this time, in the display screen, the person walking in the space stood there unscathed.

"Is it a holographic image?" The fleet commander asked nonsense in shock.

Don't think that the ceasefire has ceased, the shots have dissipated, and everything is back to normal there.

The high-energy radiation left by the cannon light cannot completely disappear for a while.

Therefore, under the interference of such high-energy radiation, it is impossible for the holographic image to continue to exist there.

"But... it's not a holographic image, is it really a human being?"

"How could it be a human! Under such firepower bombardment, even the satellites would be shattered, so how could humans survive!"

"What is that, it will never be our hallucinations at the same time!"

Not only was the fleet commander shocked, the whole hall was also talking about it at this time, and no one could think of how to explain this scene.

It's just that, after all, there are military||human qualities, and they shouldn't be too flustered.

"That person... that person moved!"

With an exclamation, the entire hall suddenly became quiet, and almost everyone's eyes were on the display screen, including of course the fleet commander.

I saw the unexplainable figure in the display screen, raising his finger to the flagship of the fleet, which is the battleship where the commander of the fleet is located.

After this finger, a huge "phantom" appeared above the figure, which was dozens or hundreds of times larger than the flagship interstellar battleship.

The content of "Phantom" is also very strange, it looks like a million barrels are piled together.

Or, it's like a ball full of nails, but the ball is huge, with millions of nails inserted.

If it is a battleship, it really doesn't look like a battleship, and I don't know what kind of energy furnace can support so much firepower!

"What is it, is it invisible, or is it... a holographic image?"

"It looks like a lot of gun barrels are tied together, is it possible to actually fire it?"

"It's scaring people!"

"Does he think this thing can really scare us?"

Just as they didn't believe anyone could take a spacewalk without the aid of equipment, everyone in the battleship didn't believe that the strange illusion had any offensive power.

After all, that is too unscientific!

However, logically speaking, since the other party is in this posture, it is impossible to say that it is useless at all!


The millions of barrels in the "phantom", the muzzle is really lit up as if a weapon is charged, densely packed like...the sesame seeds are scattered on the biscuits.

At the same time, harsh sirens sounded in the central control hall of all warships.

"Dangerous energy detected!"

"The battleship is locked by a high-energy weapon!"

"Impossible, how could that thing be real!"

"Open the defensive field!"

In an instant, countless beams of light bombarded and flooded all the outer-view display screens of the battleship.

The battleship shook violently, as if returning to the period of great voyages, as if outside was not a silent space, but a rough sea.

The stern siren connection sounded, and the artificial intelligence of the main control system kept playing alarming alarms in a calm tone.

"Alarm! The defensive force field consumes energy to enter the alert zone!"

"Alert! The enemy's attack intensity exceeds the defense limit of the battleship!"

"Alert! The port side armor is severely damaged!"

"Alert! Alarm!"

"What the **** is that? How could a group of pirates have weapons of this level!" The fleet commander couldn't calm down, and roared a little angrily.

No one would believe that a "person" can actually do this, and can put a fleet of hundreds of warships into such a crisis.

Therefore, in the mind of the fleet commander, or in the hearts of everyone, this must be what secret weapon the pirates possess.

But even so, the logic is still difficult to make sense.

As the commander of the fleet said, this is just a group of pirates, how can it be possible to have more advanced weapons and equipment than the federal military?

The attack stopped, and the fleet was not completely destroyed.

Although the conditions of the warships are not very good, the monitor screens are flooded with words such as "errors" and "warnings".

The display in the main control center showed the "health" status of the entire ship, and the icon of the battleship was "painted" in red.

"General, the warship's engines are all damaged and cannot be repaired in a short time..." An adjutant synthesized all the information and reported to the fleet commander in a horrified manner.

"What about other warships besides the flagship?" the fleet commander asked.

"According to the report, they are already in a paralyzed state." The adjutant replied very nervously.

Yes, the fleet has not been directly destroyed, but all warships have lost their mobility, and it is completely impossible to escape.

This also shows that the other party is probably not unable to destroy them, but deliberately made them just paralyzed.

In this case, it shows that the other party has other plans, at least it should not dare to completely offend the federal military.

When the fleet commander thought of this, he felt a little emboldened in his heart, and said to everyone: "Don't panic, wait and see what the other party wants to do!"

Don't worry if you have to talk!

Even if they were kidnapped and asked for a ransom from the federal army, although it would make their faces unsightly, at least their lives could be saved.

"What on earth do we want to do? I think it should be me asking you, what on earth do you want to do!" A voice sounded in the main control hall, and was beside the fleet commander.

After this voice sounded, it naturally gathered everyone's attention immediately.

Seeing the commander of the fleet, in the empty space, a figure appeared out of thin air.

For this figure, the people on the Federal Fleet side in the lobby are no strangers. After all, they are also the people who have hung up the high bounty, the young master of the dignified Black Flag pirate group.

Coning appeared next to the commander of the fleet, but he didn't intend to subdue the opponent. Instead, he came to the chessboard and sat down casually.

It's just that, regardless of what Conning said, the EFF people here can't do nothing.

There was a loud noise in the hall. Almost everyone took out their guns and pointed them at Coning.

"Hehe, I advise you to put your guns away, unless you think that thing is more powerful than your battleship's main gun." Coning said indifferently, and while talking, he randomly placed||fucked the pieces on the chessboard.

" mean, the one who fought with us just you?" The fleet commander frowned, feeling that Coning's words were unbelievable, and at the same time he couldn't imagine what else could be possible.

"I don't want to go around too The reason why I left you is because I want to talk to you about one thing, about the power I have." Coning said straightforwardly.

Elephants don’t make jokes with mice, phoenixes don’t flock with sparrows, and the emperor doesn’t treat the grassroots politely...

Coning has reached the stage of dark energy engine, and his life level has already surpassed ordinary people.

Although the commander of the fleet has a very high social status, his life level is just an ordinary person.

Therefore, in the face of such an ordinary person, Coning is also not interested in being polite, nor does he feel that selling off can have much fun.

"What power do you have?" The commander of the fleet immediately refreshed when he heard this.

The commander of the fleet is not stupid. Even if he feels he can't understand it in his heart, the experience just now lies there. It is impossible to forget it in a blink of an eye.

And since the other party mentioned this point, it would definitely not be boring to show off, it must be their use in this kind of power.

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