MTL - Master of Science and Technology-v2 Chapter 1366 : Plans, opportunities, and peace through war

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"Why do we have to help the world to become transcendent? If we stop at this stage and hold transcendent power in one's own hands, wouldn't it be equivalent to holding the world in our hands?" Coning asked his question more clearly. , Or it can be said to be a suggestion to Ye Zan.

If there is only one transcendent in this world, and his realm and strength have reached Ye Zan's level, then he is undoubtedly the **** of this world.

To put it bluntly, no one can do anything to him, he can do whatever he wants in this world.

The so-called "freedom" that those monks, or transcendents, pursue is nothing more than that.

If this is true, Ye Zan actually doesn't mind making such a choice.

But it's a pity.

"That's impossible!" Ye Zan smiled and shook his head, and then explained: "Once the path of transcendence is opened, you can only continue to move forward until the whole world is elevated to the transcendental world. If you stop in the process, this All transcendent elements will be transformed into nothingness, and no one can become transcendent."

If you don’t advance, you will retreat.

A lot of things are like this, there is no chance for you to press pause, let alone stop somewhere forever.

This is especially true when the world of origin is elevated to an extraordinary world.

Or it can be understood that the dark energy and algorithms that Ye Zan has come up with are actually just an existence between illusion and reality.

Just like that Schrödinger’s cat, it may be alive or dead.

Or, the world of origin smoothly becomes a transcendent world, and all of this is completely transformed from illusion to reality.

Or, the upgrade process is interrupted, the Origin World returns to its original state, and all this is completely vanished.

Coning laughed at himself, shook his head and said, "Uh... indeed, it was me who was crazy."

After hearing Ye Zan's answer, Koning and the others were a little disappointed, but they were not too surprised.

There is no big surprise, because even if they don't understand the mystery, they can guess that things are not that simple based on common sense.

At the very least, Ye Zan didn't have that plan at the beginning, obviously it couldn't be because he didn't expect it.

It's just that, many times, even if you know the result in your heart, you still want to ask it out and get an exact answer.

After all, there is one more case!

In case it is really possible, only Ye Zan and a few of them are extraordinary, wouldn't they become the "Olympic gods" in myths and legends?

It's a pity that life is unsatisfactory eight out of ten||Nine!

"How do you plan to promote this... and put the Transcendental Road on the Internet? Or where to build a Transcendental Academy?" After solving a question, Coning asked curiously, what exactly did Ye Zan plan to do next.

The two methods that Coning mentioned are also conceivable by ordinary people. They can be used separately or together. There is no question of which one cannot be used without this.

It's not to play Galgame, it gives you several different options, so you can only click one of them.

"What you said is also being planned." Ye Zan nodded and agreed with what Coning said, and then continued: "But there is one thing that cannot be bypassed. It is better to have the federal government||government and The support of those chaebol families."

Hearing Ye Zan’s words, Coning couldn’t help being silent for a moment, with a strange expression on his face, and said, “Do you know, from my feelings, you’ve never left. So that, these words of yours, give I have a very torn feeling, like...changing someone..."

In the impression of Coning and others, with Ye Zan's former temperament, it is almost impossible to cooperate with the federal government or with those wealthy chaebols.

Why did Ye Zan choose to cross?

Yes, others don't know about crossing, and they will only think that Ye Zan is "preferably jade broken, not tile complete" or something.

But even if it is crossing, Ye Zan is obviously gambled with his fate. Who dares to say that he will be 100% successful in crossing?

So, it boils down to one word, "gang".

It is "I would rather destroy than compromise."

Of course, it can also be said to be naive.

"People always grow, don't they?" Ye Zan smiled, gestured to himself up and down, and said, "Strictly speaking, even if only calculated by the time of this world, I am now more than 700 years old. Up."

After crossing, he really calmed down, and Ye Zan also knew where his problem was.

Therefore, no matter what he did later, he would have an important prerequisite, that is, he would not eat alone.

Thousands of Miles Vivid, Void God Realm, Spirit Rice, Rail Transit, etc., will basically draw other people to share the cake.

If this were not the case, I am afraid that Ye Zan and even Yu Qingzong would have been devoured by various sects.

What's more, in the current matter, Ye Zan's real conspiracy is not a petty fame, and cooperation with others is only good and not bad.

As for those enemies, has anyone said to forgive them?

And revenge, to solve those enemies, will not hinder Ye Zan from cooperating with the forces to which the enemy belongs.

"Well, I forgot, your age..." Coning didn't doubt Ye Zan's words, but if he really faced this age problem again, he would still feel a little absurd, so he skipped the topic of age and asked: "That How do you plan to cooperate with the Federal Government||Government? You know, sometimes people will be willing to cooperate with you if you don't want to cooperate."

Cooperate and divide the cake. It's not that when the upper lip touches the lower lip, others obediently do what you say.

You have the right to choose, and others have the right to choose.

A beggar ran to the local gentry and said: I have an idea to make a fortune, let's work together!

What do you think will be the result?

Or, the other person is greedy, you don't want to eat alone, but you can't stand the person wanting to eat alone.

You make two steps one step at a time, but you may get the other side's pressing step by step.

"Don't worry, growth doesn't mean that you will only be complacent, and a lot of time will also be used to promote peace." Ye Zan smiled and made a supplement to avoid any misunderstandings on the other side.

"Using war to promote there a plan?" Coning asked curiously.

"Not only is there a plan, but this opportunity is still in sight." Ye Zan sold it off.

"In front of you?" Coning raised his brow.

"Your base has been exposed. The Federal Fleet is coming here, and it will reach the periphery of the star system in about ten Earth days. Then, they will encircle the target and directly destroy it with a star-smashing weapon after arriving here. The satellite where the base is located." Ye Zan didn't worry at all, slowly speaking out the information he had learned seven hundred years later.

But when Coning heard this, he couldn't help being so calm. He couldn't help but be surprised: "What, is your news reliable?"

"You forgot, but I came back 700 years later. At that time, the information collected from the network||network said that. Moreover, when looking back in time, I also deliberately confirmed the accuracy of the information from the long river of time. Sex." Ye Zan replied very affirmatively.

Net||The information on the net may still have some changes after all, such as making changes when it was first released, or someone in the middle moved their hands or feet while being bored.

Therefore, despite the various comparisons, when Ye Zan looked back in time, he took a distracted look at the time.

There is no source of information, it is more accurate than what we can see directly from the long river of time.

"Are we the spies here?" After getting Ye Zan's affirmative answer, Coning asked with an ugly expression.

"Harris." Ye Zan simply gave a name.

"Damn!" Coning couldn't help cursing.

"He was the undercover agent of the federal government from the beginning. This time he made great contributions and went back to get a promotion and raise his salary. Later he became a senior agent of the Federal Ministry of Security. By the age of 123, a lot of children were born, and a lot of children were born. In other words, from the perspective of more people, they are the ones who stand on the right side." Ye Zan took with him. With a bit of teasing, he briefly talked about Harris' second half of his life to Coning.

Indeed, from Corning's point of view, from the standpoint of the Black Flag pirates, that Harris is the **** who betrayed them.

However, from the standpoint of the general public in this world, Harris is the hero who eradicated interstellar pirates.

"..." Coning looked helpless, so he skipped this topic and asked instead: "Then what you said, the opportunity to promote peace by war, refers to the Federal Fleet's action this time?"

"Yes!" Ye Zan nodded.

"Alright, I also want to take a look at what you have learned from another world and what you can do when facing the Federal Fleet." Coning was looking forward to it. After all, I haven't seen Ye Zan make an all-out effort.

However, for Coning’s expectation, Ye Zan shook his head and said: "My power comes from another world. Although it can be used in this world, it cannot be used to make killings. Therefore, this time I really want to take action. It is you who have mastered the extraordinary power."

If you want to shock the federal government and let the other party be willing to sit down and talk, then you can't just make a small mess, killing is indispensable.

And Ye Zan's power, after all, has not been transformed into a dark energy system, and the killing will attract the attention of the will of the world.

Therefore, they can only rely on Koning.

"We?" Coning was very surprised. He only felt that Ye Zan was joking, and said: "You are joking! At our current level, it will simulate firearm shooting, and it is still an old-fashioned kinetic firearm. Let us challenge one. Fleet?"

"Don't worry, I won't cheat you. Don't forget that I can control the time. Ten days is enough for you to reach the dark energy engine stage." Ye Zan didn't sell any more, and directly revealed his confidence.

Ye Zan's power can't be used to kill, it's just that it can't be used to kill, and it's okay to use it in other ways.

Otherwise, Ye Zanguang would go back 700 years to the present, and it would be enough to be watched by the will of the world.

"What are you going to do?" Coning asked.

"It's very simple. I will create a time-independent space, so that you can have ten or even a hundred years in these ten days. Then don't you have enough time to increase your extraordinary power?" Ye Zan said with a smile. But it made everyone feel like listening to a fantasy.

Of course, whether it is traveling through another world or traveling back from seven hundred years later, for anyone in this world, it can already be said to be a fantasy.

And Coning and others, even if they have seen and heard from the front, are far from the point where they are accustomed to.

Therefore, it would be hard for Coning and others to imagine Ye Zan's plan to "play with" time.

"Uh...then if some of us can't be promoted, and can't extend their lifespan, they won't die in your space!" A pirate next to him asked with some worry.

"Relax, since I chose you, I naturally know that you have the qualifications in this area. Besides, even if one of you is really bad, I can help you look back in time, and I won't let you die in it directly." Ye Zan told everyone. A dose of reassurance was given.

This is not a flicker.

Although Ye Zan couldn't directly "initiate" everyone, he forced everyone to step into the dark energy engine stage instantly.

However, if anyone really doesn't work, Ye Zan can reverse the other party's time and let the other party "rejuvenate".

Having said that, as the pioneer of the dark energy system, Ye Zan still has the vision to see whether people have the qualifications in this regard.

"Okay, when will it begin!" Coning believed Ye Zan, so he couldn't wait.

After all, in the Dark Energy Transcendent System, the Dark Energy Engine stage can already be regarded as the backbone of the entire system.

In the most straightforward way, this stage means that an individual has the ability to single out an interstellar battleship.

Maybe, some people think: you are just single-handedly singled out the interstellar battleship, and my fleet of thousands of battleships, can you still kill you alone?

But the problem is, silly||Zicai is fighting your battleship.

A person with the strength of an interstellar battleship rushed to the inside of the enemy battleship. Is there anything left besides massacre?

That's why I said: Only the extraordinary can fight against the extraordinary.

"Start when you are ready." Ye Zan said to Coning and the others.

"Hey, there is nothing to prepare. Anyway, the outside world is only ten days. If you have nothing to prepare, let's start!" Coning said here, glanced at the other people, and did not give them a chance to express their opinions. .

"Haha, let's start now!" Ye Zan smiled and pointed at the crowd.

Suddenly, Coning and others only felt that the surroundings had changed, as if they had suddenly come into space.

Everyone looked around, not only there were no other people, but also they couldn't even see any stars.

Fortunately, UU reading www. Ye Zan's explanation in front was detailed enough, and everyone was not too panicked, and quickly remembered what they should do.

Turning back to Ye Zan's perspective, of course, it didn't really move everyone to space. These people still don't have the ability to survive in space with their flesh||body.

However, in the training hall of the base station, these people are indeed absent.

Ye Zan established an independent time and space for everyone, and pulled their time and space to the "dark energy layer", which is equivalent to allowing them to directly contact with dark energy.

Although the promotion of the Dark Energy Transcendental System does not rely on purely piled up Dark Energy, it is absolutely necessary to do without Dark Energy.

Just like the cultivating system, promotion to the realm depends on qualifications, opportunities, comprehension, etc., but the accumulation of mana is not enough.

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