MTL - Marvel Reverses Wolverine-Chapter 292 The Wolf Emperor and Thor, a battle that goes without saying

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  Chapter 292 Wolf Emperor and Thunder God, a battle that needs no words

  The violent snowstorm in the Arctic Circle vaguely covered the tall figures of the two Asgard brothers, like two travelers lost on the ice field, wearing ancient Viking costumes that can only be seen in history museums.

  Luo basically thought that he would dislike the icy environment, and he never had the opportunity to visit Jotunheim, the world of ice giants in the Nine Kingdoms.

   But in this icy and snowy land belonging to Midgard, He inexplicably felt a kind of refreshing coolness and comfort, like a summer night after a heavy rain.

  Brother Saul didn’t care much about the wind and frost. He was born stronger than any Asir Protoss. He once fought on the lava mountain in Muspelheim and put down the rebellion in Alfheim. He is a born warrior.

   "Sol, do you still remember the secrets of the Protoss that my mother told us about the difference between the 'True God' and the ordinary Aesir or Vanir Protoss?"

  The skinny cheeks of Odin’s youngest son always looked so fragile. He walked beside Sol with flickering eyes, casually mentioning it like chatting.

   "Of course, this should be common sense in Asgard."

  Sol looked at his younger brother sideways with a strange expression, not understanding why he would mention this.

"Yes. Every member of Asgard can be called a 'god' in the eyes of mortals and ordinary life on the planet. They have a naturally strong physique and a long lifespan. Those who may be called 'true gods' Very few."

   Loki spoke slowly, picked up a pile of ice and snow with his fingertips and held it in his palm to watch carefully. Sol, who was still striding forward with high spirits, then said in a rough voice:

   "That's natural. Only possessing 'divine power' is the only criterion for becoming a true god, like the 'power of Odin' of the father, Heimdall's penetrating eye to see the universe, and—"

   "There is also your power to manipulate thunder, but I have never felt the existence of 'divine power'."

   Loki interrupted Sol's words and said, holding the white snowflake in his hand for a while, but it still didn't melt.

   "How come Loki, you are a great magician recognized by your mother, and being able to confuse Heimdall is not something ordinary people can do."

  Sol waved his hand carelessly, and the one-handed hammer hanging on his waist swayed slightly as he stepped in the thick snow with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

   "Hehe. Magic is not 'divine power', my dear brother. A mortal can become a true **** in the mouth of my father, why should I?"

   Loki smiled narrowly, and suddenly stopped making a sound and walked muffledly, but Sol in front of him stopped.

  He raised his neck slightly, his brow covered with frost and snow trembled, and stared closely at the blurred shadow in the distance in the white hair wind.

   ". Loki, you said just now, that mortal is, 'True God'?"

  Loki heard his brother's ecstasy muttering questions, but his attention was also attracted by the tall black shadow in the distance, where someone seemed to be waiting for them.

  Colin Pete didn't know why Lord Wolf Lord stopped, so he stood silently in the snowstorm. He led two teams of Winter Wolf Warriors and waited quietly behind him without any doubt.

  Until Colin sensed that two exuberant breaths were gradually approaching like a fire in winter.

  The whistling wind and snow in Greenland gradually diminished, and the creaking of two pairs of footsteps in the snow could be heard clearly. James looked at the two figures with clear faces, and kept comparing and guessing between them and the little impressions deep in his memory.

   "You are here to find me."

   "If you're James Howlett, the current owner of the Rubik's Cube, then yes, we're here for you."

  Loki stood beside Sol and said in a blank voice. The opening remarks of the two sides were strange and blunt, as if the cold demeanor of each other had already explained many problems.

   Saul Odinson didn't know why he was already looking like a lion aiming at its prey, with two steaming air columns blowing from its nostrils, and the heaving of his chest was much more obvious.

  James looked at the blond man who was taller than himself, and didn't stay long on the rough but heroic face of the opponent. Instead, he stared at the one-handed war hammer hanging from his waist, and nodded slightly.

   "I am. Asgardian?"

   Loki blinked unexpectedly, but then he thought that his father had left all kinds of legends in the mortal world, and even today there are humans who believe in the gods of the Asa Protoss, so he is not surprised.

   After all, the other party has also held the "Universal Rubik's Cube" for many years.

   "Well~ I like to talk to smart people, by order of Odin Poulsen, the king of the gods, please—"

   "—Hand over the Rubik's Cube! Come with us."

Loki was like a goose whose neck had been strangled suddenly, and he glared dissatisfiedly at Sol who suddenly spoke out, but this brother who only had words such as "strength" and "battle" in his mind said such blunt and rude words, It was completely in his expectation.

  James' dark pupils suddenly narrowed for a moment, resembling olive-shaped wolf eyes. He only felt that the skin on the back of his hand and between his finger bones was very itchy, very itchy!

   "Less than ten days ago, the last so-called interstellar empire that wanted to grab something from me was marked by me on the home planet and its foundation was destroyed. The Cosmic Rubik's Cube came from Asgard, but now it is mine."

   "Sol, don't be impulsive. He is a powerful fighter that his father and king value. You may not be his opponent. Let me talk about it!"

  As soon as James finished speaking, Loki watched his brother pull out the hammer from his waist, his handsome cheeks became a little whiter, and he pulled his thick arm and said urgently.

   Ke Sol suddenly opened his eyes angrily, with a more aggressive look, and forced Loki back with a pair of compelling eyes, and then lightly flipped the square hammer in his hand, grinned and smiled.

"Hey! Mortals, things in Asgard will always belong to Asgard, even the land under your feet, Midgard, the kingdom of mortals, is also part of the nine worlds, and it is the territory ruled by God King Odin. You should Kneel before us."

   Loki suddenly felt that his brother's words were very pleasant. If he didn't want to see Thor fight with this human being who was suspected of being as powerful as a protoss, he would not have such kind words pretending to be weak.

  Loki likes to conquer, and likes the thrill of being surrounded by power when people kneel and look up.

  James raised his eyebrows noncommittally, and did not directly respond to Sol's words, but turned sideways to Colin Pete and said:

   "Lead the team away and not participate in the battle."

Colin can't remember the last time Lord Wolf Lord was in such a suppressed state of excitement. He leaned over and beat his chest without saying a word, and quickly led ten winter wolves of his generation in the snowstorm that hadn't stopped. Hidden figure.

  Although they are the wolf pack fighters of the Howlett family, they have never had the idea that the wolf master needs to be protected for a day.

Soon there were only three figures left on the ice field. James raised his right hand to see the white jade-colored bone blade slowly stabbing out between the thick but radiant finger bones, and then slammed the bone claws of his left fist, both claws slanted pointing to the side.

  Looking at the other party, he raised his chin provocatively:

   "Stop staring, Thor."


  The suddenly thrown warhammer made a strange buzzing sound in the air, and almost at the moment when Sol made his move, James' black cloak fell apart under the gushing red fierce energy.

  With his upper body naked, he trembled and exploded a sonic boom horizontally. After dodging the hammer that was coming straight at him, he continued to push away the wind and snow, and slashed at Sol in front of him with a swipe of his claws.

Known as the strongest warrior in the Nine Realms, Thor, the **** of thunder, has fought for thousands of years, but he has never seen an opponent with such a fast and integrated fighting rhythm. He can almost see a waterfall of white waves exploding, followed by sharp claws that slashed his cheeks .

He raised his elbow with his right hand to cover his forehead, and stretched out his left palm. With his arm, he caught the bone blade that James had chopped off. The solid frozen soil and ice layer under his feet exploded and fell deep, and the surrounding area collapsed into a huge cobweb-like pit. .

  At the same time, the warhammer that was thrown in the air was automatically retracted, and it hit James' back.

   Bang bang! It is also an unreasonable instant lateral movement of the figure, as if any angle of this human body has a strange and powerful driving force.

  Blood-red marks began to cover James's jade-white skin inch by inch. Looking at Sol who had retracted his warhammer, he shook his head in dissatisfaction.

  The bone claws that slashed down with all their strength did not cut off the opponent's blocking arm.

   "Hahahaha! There are mortals like you in the Nine Great Kingdoms, so enjoyable!"


  Sol glanced at the three bloodstains cut on his arm, laughed and swung the hammer in the air, and a thunderbolt blasted from the top of his head.

The plasma bathed in plasma peeled off his leather clothes and cloak inch by inch, casting fine silver and black armor pieces on the back and abdomen of his limbs, and heavy armor with six round emblems cast on his chest. The blood-red cloak extended from his broad shoulders. Hunting and dancing in the wind.

  In just an instant, the shabby-clothed man turned into a majestic thunder god, holding Mjölnir, the hammer of Thor, and thundering and electric shocks with his raised hands, causing storms and lightning to occupy the sky.

   "Tsk tsk tsk, brother is mighty!"

   Loki raised his fist, his eyes bent into crescents and smiled to cheer for Sol. He stepped back early, waved his hands and used magic to shape the ice and snow, creating a comfortable and gorgeous ice crystal lounge chair.

  The green light flashing all over his body also transformed, he took off his mortal attire, wearing a dark golden God's Domain battle armor, a dark green cloak on his back, and a helmet with curved long horns, lying down comfortably, and even raised his legs.

  The phantom behind him flickered, and there were two more "Loki" standing behind, holding golden cattail fans, fanning the wind in the ice and snow.

  Sol raised his head and proudly swung the noose at the end of the hammer, "Mjölnir" quickly spun into a blurred shadow, and streams of electricity shot out from the hammer, converging into a vortex of lightning.

  Thunder God raised his arm above his head, another waterfall of lightning struck down, and a silver-white battle helmet with wings cast on both sides appeared in the palm of his hand, and then he slowly put it on his head.

His boot armor rose up little by little, and with the dancing of Thor's hammer, Sol looked down at James condescendingly, and a thunderstorm suddenly surged, sweeping the endless frost and snow on the ice field, turning into a majestic lightning tornado.

   "Mortal! You cannot withstand the storm!"

  Sol’s shout seemed to be an edict issued by the heavens. He could not remember that the last time he shed blood was hundreds of years ago. Someone in the kingdom of mortals could hurt him. This made the God of Thunder both excited and ashamed.

  The tenth-level hurricane-like wind pressure is like a chisel to the ice, changing the terrain of the ice sheet little by little.

   James, who was under the pressure of the center of the storm, had already exposed the black permafrost under the large ice sheet. He was like a reef standing on top of the waves, except for a violent black hair, his body did not tremble.

   "Saul Odinson I, the Storm."

  James only spoke softly, but it was transmitted to the sky very clearly. The scars of the **** secret technique were branded on his naked upper body from the depths of his flesh, and a crimson column of air suddenly rolled up!

   "Above Odin! What is this!"

   Loki sat up abruptly from the recliner. He watched an equally huge crimson tornado facing away from the thunder storm stirred up by Sol's swaying hammer, like two giant pythons standing upright, shaking each other and preparing to bite.


A dazzling red light rushed into Thor's thunder storm circle, and the blood-colored air column also mixed with the thunder and lightning tornado. In the chaotic airspace where the lightning and the evil energy collided with each other, an event worthy of being recorded in the history of Asgard The war has begun.

James Howlett no longer dodged the hammer that Thor swung down with thunder and lightning, and there were continuous fine cracking sounds when the bone blade of his left arm was resisting. Gruesome broken marks.

   When the bone claw collided with Thor's Hammer again, it had already healed and was intact.

   The one-handed hammer that seemed to be light in Saul's hand, every time it hit it, it seemed to carry the weight of a whole mountain.

  James' perfect body and perfect martial arts skills have long been able to withstand the opponent's attack evenly on every inch of skin and bones.

However, the strength of Thor's hammer still caused his whole body to be broken for a moment every time he fought. With his unparalleled vitality and self-healing ability, James continued to meet him without stopping, with one hammer and one claw. .

   "Very good, very good! This hammer is really a good thing!"

  The more James fought, the more he became mad. His roar resounded between heaven and earth, but it was full of joy from the bottom of his heart.

  The undead warrior keeps clawing the son of the **** king with his sharp claws shining red, tirelessly and without fear of pain!

  Sol suddenly remembered that in the myth of Asgard, there were berserkers who were obsessed with blood and wounds and fought crazily. The more pain they had, the more terrifying they were.

  Thunder and lightning baptized on the mortal body in Thor's eyes, and large areas of scorched black skin fell off and regenerated in the blink of an eye.

James was branded with black and red marks all over his body, and four **** arms sprang out from behind, also piercing the claw blades, and the six-armed hob slashed towards him, and the battle armor made of thunder burst out a cloud of lightning debris .

  The originally majestic and majestic **** suddenly turned into a tragic battle-damaged appearance.

  The severe pain on his body stimulated Sol to swing the hammer desperately. Mjolnir smashed James' arm and slammed into his chest, pushing the general back more than ten meters away from this crazy man.

   There is still zero.

   On the one hand, I want to reiterate to you that the setting of combat power should be based on this book, and the details will be explained later.

   In order to balance the strength of the characters, it is impossible to follow the movie-like formula, such as the severely weakened purple skin bully.

   What makes Panpan laugh or cry is that everyone may be frightened by the sudden eunuchs of many authors. I also understand that, after all, some of the authors who are concerned about the same period, even Wanding, have several eunuchs.

   But the most difficult stage of writing this book in black disk has passed. After the days of unstable updates survived, no matter what, the story will be completely written.

   Everyone misunderstood, just sauce, love everyone!



  (end of this chapter)

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