MTL - Marvel Reverses Wolverine-Chapter 291 odinson brothers

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  Chapter 291 Brother Odinson

  Greenland, the largest island in the world, is famous for its land area of ​​more than two million square kilometers.

  About three-quarters of the island is located in the Arctic Circle, the annual average temperature is below 0°C, and the coldest central inland area can reach as low as -70°C.

  The aboriginal population that once belonged to Greenland was only about 10,000, but with the development of the Howlett Group, the number of residents has not increased but decreased.

The Inuit aborigines on the island and a small number of residents who immigrated from Europe and North America began in the 1960s. Under the temptation of excessively generous relocation conditions, they immigrated to Canada or the United States in batches for decades. Completely got rid of this cold and desolate land.

  The Howlett family, who had to rely on Jay Gatsby's forged identity and the aboriginal referendum to completely control the land, no longer needed such trouble.

  Greenland is still an independent country in the United Nations and international law in various fields, but its citizens have long since become members of the Howlett Group and family.

  So the most extensive island on earth has completely belonged to the mysterious Howlett family from all aspects, and it has also become a hidden continent with the most powerful energy and influence on this planet.

  At the southwest corner of Greenland near the Atlantic Ocean and the Davis Strait, a little norther than Nuuk, the main early population settlement, there is a mountain with a very special shape and geographical structure standing here, and it is close to the sea.

  The coastal cliffs seem to be a cylindrical groove, embedded with mountain rocks more than a thousand meters high and completely covered by thick frost and snow.

  The continental framework around the mountain is layered with layers of space, and several areas are propped up and divided by superalloy structures, like a large-scale underground city.

James Howlett stood on a long bridge in front of the Zhenjin Meteorite Mountain in the "Wolf's Nest", looking at a large number of Zhenjin raw ores that were continuously excavated from the mountainside on the conveyor belt, and asked the members of the scientific team who were accompanying him exhorted:

  “. This project is of great significance. The ship technology of the Cree and the captured Skrull kingship must be fully understood before proceeding.”

A blue "beast" as strong as a millstone, Dr. Zola, a robot with a tentacled brain floating in its abdomen, and a material science master named Mai who has replaced nearly half of his organs and flesh with many slender metal arms through mechanical transformation. Dr Len McLean.

  The science team of the Howlett family is becoming less and less "humanlike", as if the "abnormal" and weird appearance is directly proportional to their scientific research ability.

  James pointed to this olive-shaped mountain that was relocated from another continent decades ago and embedded in the edge of Greenland, explaining his requirements one by one.

  “. The integrated super solid effect must be done well, and Eric’s help may be needed for some subsequent projects, but they have planned to relax for the past two years, so there is no need to worry.”

"Hehe. Sir, I heard that Captain Rogers has left the earth with his wife, and plans to go on another 'honeymoon trip'. Charles has finally been able to become the principal as he wished, and there are newcomers to make up for 'order'. I It is recommended to recruit some talented scientists from the outside world to enter the 'wolf's den', we are all old guys."

  Hanke's sharp animal claws supported the Toggins glasses, and he grinned with sharp teeth and said.

  After the War of the Cree Empire, the older generation members of the Howlett family all had a vacation at their disposal, especially the soldiers who woke up after the "Winter of the Wolf" relaxed to enjoy the fun of a new modern life.

   Peggy Rogers handed over the duties of the SHIELD's intelligence department to Nick Fury, a top agent whom she had promoted and favored for many years.

   At the same time, it is considered that Mr. Stark has withdrawn from the three-person council of S.H.I.E.L.D. due to physical reasons.

  This American "official" extraordinary institution whose status and functions have become very embarrassing due to the existence of the "Whip of Order" has been reorganized and adjusted again.

  The original "Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistic Support Bureau" completely broke away from the nominal jurisdiction of the White House government, took over part of the internal security affairs of extraordinary forces, and became a world-wide extraordinary affairs supervision and intelligence armed organization.

   If nothing else, Nick Fury will also become the first director of the newly reorganized S.H.I.E.L.D.

And Bucky Barnes, the warden of the "Wolf Tower", finally left the "non-existent" island, took over Steve Rogers' duties as the executive officer of the order, and added and retired many Executive officers of the "Whip of Order".

  The extraordinary world of human beings has changed from an indestructible shield to an iron fist forged in the cold wind and snow.

   "It's time for them to relax. They should all try a different life state, and they should always train young people. The science team should have some new faces. By the way, where is that Dr. Trask?"

  James chatted casually with Hank, looked around but couldn't find the short figure with big head.

"Bolivar is also on vacation. His hometown is in Sweden. Now that he is old, he plans to go back and have a look while he can still walk. This guy also refuses to do body modification. His concept is a bit like Dr. Erskine's." Uh, what a pity."

  The electronically synthesized timbre of the mechanical figure is less and less able to hear the strange texture of the machine, and it is no different from his voice when he was once a flesh and blood body.

Dr. Anim Zola and the dwarf scientist Bolivar Tresk are friends with similar research ideas. Thinking that the other party cannot survive and study for as long as himself, they can't help but pick up the silver-gray mechanical arm and shake it helplessly. head.

James nodded casually when he heard it, and didn't pay much attention. He always gave enough freedom to the scientists under his command, and walked down the corridor bridge built on the Zhenjin transportation line with a group of researchers from the scientific team accompanying the inspection behind him. .

  A tall and colorful figure was walking towards the front, Ophelia "Viper" was wearing a plain and monotonous study uniform, bowed down to salute James in a regular manner, and then reported with serious eyes:

  "Mr. Howlett, the energy detectors at Dr. McCoy's base discovered a flow of heterogeneous high-energy particles that had never been in contact, which appeared briefly in the northeast of the island."

Like holding a scorching red cross sword edge, the runic characters drawn on the ten thousand year ice sheet exudes a curl of white smoke, and the huge black circular imprint left on the wasteland of Greenland is still chirping. .

  A burst of shattering wind and frost blew past, and the veil full of ice crystal particles was layered on the spell imprint lowered by the Rainbow Bridge. Before the two pairs of quaint sticky wool boots walked away, they slowly disappeared.

  Perhaps in a certain summer after several years, the Arctic Circle will usher in a warm current that will blow this piece of land, revealing the mystery of this scene as deep as Qingyan, which has caused headaches for countless semiotics or historians.

  Saul Odinson's outfit doesn't have any meaning of keeping warm for ordinary people.

  He wore a rough maroon cloak around his upper body. Most of his chest and abdominal muscles were soaked in the cold wind of the ice field.

"Midgard is still the same, with ice cubes floating on the familiar deep blue water, barren with no grass growing everywhere, I remember they would stuff the dead bodies of birds in the belly of a slippery animal, and wait After a while, take it out and eat it, ho! The taste is amazing."

  Compared to his stronger brother, Loki is dressed very neatly, but he is also full of the Nordic style of thousands of years ago. He is dressed in fur and covered with a green robe, looking around at the surrounding environment.

  He ignored Thor's loud voice and the stories that were once worshiped and admired by humans in this world, even though they almost overwhelmed the whimpering and howling wind and snow.

  Loki took out a dark golden object shaped like a compass from his arms, with faint blue lights flashing in the upper left corner, which seemed to be used to guide the direction.

"The location of the 'Cosmic Rubik's Cube' has to go west for a while. Heimdall may have been affected by my magic. The drop point of the Rainbow Bridge has shifted a lot. Why don't you take me to fly for a while?" meeting?"

   Loki tilted his head against the fine ice particles slapped on his face and asked, but Sol, who had already strode towards the west side, was blowing the wind comfortably, and he looked very excited.

   "A period of unknown road ahead, a battle to look forward to, Loki, my brother, the warrior must clean up the excess emotions while walking silently, let the spirit fit with the hammer and swing out"

   "Damn it, it's the vulgar sentences in those epic ballads, and it's a virtue when they fight."

"What did you say?"

"Nothing, my dear brother, the cloak behind you flutters and falls with the fluttering of your long hair, just like the flags waving in front of the Hall of Valor! How I want to play the two-stringed violin for you and sing the battle song of Grandpa Pol. "

  The two brothers Odinson’s gags were blowing far, far away along the cold wind

   It has been spread to the ears of a black-haired figure standing silently on the ice field.

  James Howlett sniffled his nostrils deeply. He seemed to be walking slowly too. The skin under the thin black cloak was tightened piece by piece, and the four pointed long canines at the corners of his mouth could not help but shine out.

  (end of this chapter)

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