MTL - Love Rival Romance System-Chapter 24 Tick

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In the lesson, Jiang Yang and Qin Xu looked at each other tacitly, and quickly got up and walked to the corner of the corridor. There was no place for anyone, and I planned to talk about it.

First of all, of course, they each explain the system and what tasks have been released. It is not voluntary to do this yourself, and it cannot be counted on your own.

Qin Xu’s system only appeared less than a day, and a few words can be finished. Waiting for Jiang Yang to make clear the various oolongs of the previous week, he was relieved and finally said: “So, cover the quilt at the same table. It’s a mission to send breakfast or something, don’t take these to make me joke, and say what I like you.”

Hearing almost, Qin Xu has become more and more embarrassed, knowing that he had misunderstood before. Now Jiang Yang mistakenly thought it was a joke. Qin Xu certainly was happy to pick up this step, and it made a smile without any sense: "Just kidding." We are all boys, how could it be... haha."

Of course, he does not know now, how much pain he has to face in the future, swollen and powerful.

At this moment, he heard that these were not what Jiang Yang really wanted to do. He was somewhat disappointed in his heart, and he did not know why. It was just that the mood passed by, his eyes flickering, and he was too lazy to think about it. He turned this into a person who was so handsome and so good, and some people hated it.

What Qin Xu thinks of, he asked: "The last time I forgot to take a towel, you also helped me because of the task?"

Jiang Yang did not expect that he would suddenly mention this, and instantly remembered a picture that was not harmonious. He was bluntly white: "No, this little thing, I just helped you."

Qin Xu looked a little slower, and his mood suddenly became better.

They figured out the situation between each other, and they negotiated a good task, and they tried their best to help. It was barely a temporary alliance. There was a secret between the two people that could not be known to the third person. Suddenly there was a tacit understanding and the other side was also pleasing to the eye.

In any case, it is always a good thing to have someone to share this weird situation. Jiang Yang feels a lot easier and feels that it is not difficult to do at least in the future. If you have a clear relationship, then you don't have to worry too much.

Physical education class.

The teacher first let them jog two laps, do warm-up exercises, then let the boys go to play basketball, girls play badminton, let them always sit in the classroom to study, and take a look at the body.

But not all students will cooperate. Some people don't like sports, hate tired and sweaty and sweaty, and some learn to grasp all the time to learn, and Xiao Yuxin, one of them who doesn't like sports, he would rather sit in the shade of the trees. Back English words.

Xie Zhe met, suddenly made a teasing of his heart, ran over and wanted to pull him over to play together, Xiao Yuxin did not want to turn around and hide him. So, it became two people around the tree and kept spinning. Xie Zhe was also addicted, and it was very interesting and interesting. The rest of the boys looked at them and couldn't help but laugh at them.

Xiao Yuxin was forced to exercise inexplicably, but also because of too little exercise, suddenly violently running, panting, and his face was red, so that the face that had been sitting in the classroom was a bit more healthy and vivid. Xie Zhe deliberately ran slower. When he was tired, he grabbed his arm and smiled. He showed a white tooth and said, "The squad leader, don't patronize learning, the body is very important, run one. Is it very cool to run?"

Xiao Yuxin gasped and glanced at him. He felt that he had to be scrapped.

Xie Zhe smiled and patted his shoulder. "Squad leader, you sit here and let you see how handsome I play."

After that, he turned to the stadium and joined the team of boys in the class.

Xiao Yuxin saw that he was not tired at all. He couldn't help feeling, and he was also a human being. The difference was so big. He couldn't help but wonder if he really should exercise and exercise, but if he thought about it, he would still be lazy and give up.

On the basketball court, a group of teenagers sweated and ran wildly, playing well. Every time I go to a physical education class, it is always the most happy time for boys.

Jiang Yang was agile and grabbed the ball from another person, but he was quickly besieged by several people. He swept his eyes and moved forward. He stopped for a moment and lifted the ball over his head. Take off, throw the ball hard, throw a sharp and stable arc in the air, and the basketball rotates into the ball frame.

It seems so easy to throw away, I entered a three-pointer.

The boys sneered and laughed, Huang Shao hooked his shoulders and raised his eyebrows: "Brother, arrogant."

Not far away, Qin Xu looked and felt happy, subconsciously laughing, and then frowned and frowned, and the body stopped, striding forward, straight toward Jiang Yang, suddenly hugged him, saying: "Great."

Jiang Yang squatted, stayed in his arms, forgot to dodge, and replied whispered, "Task?"

Qin Xu nodded.

Jiang Yang suddenly understood that he also patted his shoulder in response, just like the usual reaction to win the game.

Next to the boys laughing: "Xu Ge, have you forgotten which team you are?"

The boys in the class play and score two teams. If there is competition, they will have more motivation to play. Jiang Yang and Qin Xu are two generals. Of course, they have entered different teams and have average strength. But now, in this game, Jiang Yang’s team won, and he also ran to congratulate the hug.

Xie Zhe also laughed at him: "We don't want to face, Xu Ge."

Qin Xu shrugged: "What are we, aren't we all in one class? Wait, I will pick you up next time."

He smiled confidently and swaggered back to his team.

In the next game, Qin Xu said that he really did, and they really won with them.

This time, it turned into Jiang Yang coming over, reaching out and hitting him to grasp the hand, another hug.

The boys around me wondered, and the two parties exchanged their eyes that only they knew.

Inexplicably, suddenly there was a **** battle that was really playing, and the boys were all aroused with a bit of passion. Once they won, they also hugged and hugged with the next brothers. Hahahaha, they played more than ever. Have fun.

The physical education teacher who came from the badminton court met, and then laughed. This group of boys is really young and young.

After class, the boys played with some disappointment. When the ball was returned, they pulled the neckline and rubbed the sweat on the neck and strode to the canteen. After playing the ball, of course, I have to pour a bottle of cold drink, that is cool.

This time, of course, is the peak period, and the crowds in the commissary are so crowded that it is difficult to squeeze.

Qin Xugao, with long legs and long legs, took advantage. He quickly squeezed into the front of the freezer. When he took his bottle, he subconsciously asked: "Jiang Yang, what do you drink..."

I did not expect that Jiang Yang just squeezed behind him. There were still many students who were eager to get what they wanted. Jiang Yang was pushed by others and almost kissed Qin Xu’s face. Fortunately, Jiang Yang reacted quickly, raising his hand to support the door of the freezer, forcibly stabilized his figure, and annoyed: "Who is the **** who pushes me?"

In this chaotic situation, everyone knows who hits who, and this question is of course inconclusive.

Counting the last chair, Qin Xu gathered Jiang Yang’s second freezer niche. And this time the situation is noisy and chaotic, Qin Xu is not clear about the soft touch that just flashed over his face, is true, or an illusion.

Jiang Yang said: "Ice black tea."

Qin Xu stooped to take it with nothing, and with this moment, Jiang Yang quickly wiped his mouth, slightly sloppy, salty.

On the other hand, Xie Zhe was buying a sweet cone. When he got it, he looked up and saw Xiao Yuxin, who was struggling on the edge of the crowd. He tried hard to move forward, but was crowded away by the crowd, like a little chick, just silly. Oh.

Xie Zhe looked and couldn't help but smile. He reached out and pressed his head. He screamed. "The squad leader, so slow, you can't get it in class. Let's talk, what do you want, I will help you." ”

Xiao Yuxin, who was suddenly touched, looked up and confused, and then he licked his lips uncomfortably and said, "Chocolate cone, thank you..."

Xie Zhe took the chocolate cone he wanted, didn't hand it to him, but went straight to the checkout counter and brushed the meal card to give the money. When Xiao Yuxin squeezed in the past, it was too late to stop. He could only hesitate to pick it up under the smile of the other party and said, "Thank you, returning to the classroom to pay you back."

Xie Zhe shrugged, don't care. "No, three. Just mind, if you mind, please come back to me next time."

Xiao Yuxin tore open the wrapping paper, took a sip, sweet and cold, and thought that if the friend had such a relationship, he nodded: "...oh."

The author has something to say: Yes! Just kiss! To! Now! Finally, there is a little substantial progress, it is not easy, the author’s old aunt has broken his heart [not], and then the system has to start doing things again~

Thank you for your good mine ~mua!