MTL - Love Rival Romance System-Chapter 23 Feeding cookies

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Jiang Yang picked up the pen and wrote a sentence on it and threw it back to him.

Qin Xu opened it and found that it was the four words of the back of the paper - sick and taking medicine!

Qin Xu was a little wronged, and he was boasting about him. So, he transferred his little emotions to the system. "Is it not? So I said that your programs are useless, give up, you are not suitable for this, make friends with your heart, rely on your sincerity!" ”

He has already begun to sprinkle chicken soup, and he has no choice but to influence this stupid system.

But the system did not realize his good intentions at all, only that this host is very difficult to engage, it is the most terrible one! How does humanity describe it as a terrible thing? correct! Don Juan, this guy is a living Don Juan! Such as fake replacement!

The system strives to maintain its own cool system: "Task is completed, congratulations."

Qin Xu is dissatisfied: "There is no reward for completion, and punishment for failure. Your mechanism is very bad."

The system's response is also a bowl full of chicken soup: "Friends, isn't that the best reward? This is the most precious priceless treasure."

Qin Xu, who used to play with his mouth, was so awkward that the chicken soup came too suddenly and too strong, and his goose bumps were all up.

He shouted indifferently. "You said it makes sense. Oh, I am --"

A series of non-stop thick mouths were silenced, and Qin Xu was amazed, but did not expect this operation.

The system is faint and said: "It is wrong to speak dirty words."

Qin Xu: "..." actually realized the grievances of Jiang Yang, and the retribution always came so fast.

Unconsciously, it was time for class, Qin Xu estimated that there would be still about 20 minutes to speak, so let’s take a moment to concentrate on playing the phone. It’s better to be thankful that the teacher didn’t ask him to answer the question, otherwise he also Can only cough two sounds, writing and explaining that he has a serious cold can not speak.

The system suddenly said: "Random task: Please share the biscuit with Jiang Yang, for a minute, the penalty for the change of the failure will be delayed to 24 hours."

Come again.

Qin Xu, who is eating pocky biscuits, vomits, but in order to avoid the funny sound that continues to damage his handsomeness, he pushes the biscuit to Jiang Yang and signals him to eat.

Jiang Yang glanced at him, his eyes became more and more weird, and he looked at him and shook his head. "Thank you, no."

But time is limited, Qin Xu will give him the opportunity to refuse, and if he doesn't say anything, he will take one out of the bag and put it firmly into Jiang Yang's mouth. Jiang Yang is not prepared for a moment, squatting, biting the biscuit, watching dullly. Holding him.

Qin Xu bent his lips and smiled at him. He seemed to be rude.

Jiang Yang was speechless, but the biscuits were stuffed into his mouth. He had to bite his upper and lower teeth and smashed it. Without a hand, only half of the biscuit stick stayed outside the lips. As he twitched and twitched, it became shorter and shorter, and he looked at the feeling of a little hamster and melon seeds.

Unexpected, pretty cute.

Qin Xu looked at him and thought so.

In fact, Qin Xu’s view on the system is similar to that of Jiang Yang. The degree of resentment against these tasks is actually not very intense. Compared with this, they are more annoying because they are asked to do something. They like to be able to follow their own. The real idea is to be tempted.

Jiang Yang was stuffed with biscuits, and Qin Xu’s favorite taste is of course he likes. It’s impossible to hate it. He just thinks that Qin Xu’s brains are still pumping, teasing him, and giving him a glance, why do you want to continue doing it? .

Until the bell rang, Jiang Yang was still the same with no expression on his face. Qin Xu was forced to harass Jiang Yang several times, and was still smashed when he passed the paper, so he wondered if Jiang Yang was annoying. He is in a bad mood. In the past, he deliberately provoked Jiang Yang’s affairs. It was from his heart. Of course, there was nothing. But now these times, the system is tossing out. He feels that he is innocent. After thinking about it, he decided to explain it to himself. .

He wrote on the note - you may not believe it when you say it. In fact, I was forced to do so. I began to doubt science.

Jiang Yang looked at these two sentences without any sensation, strange words, and sometimes confused, could not understand.

Qin Xu bites his teeth and writes the system on the paper strips, but it is clear that he can still write normally. As soon as the two words are manipulated by his mysterious force, he draws a circle of forks. It is extremely strange to write a word. He twisted his eyebrows and then wrote anything else, and his mother returned to normal.

Actually still not allowed to disclose, there are restrictions!

Jiang Yang saw that he was graffiti on the paper, and he was sure that he was fine and joking. He felt that he was a little funny when he thought he knew something. He looked up at the blackboard and continued to attend classes.

But after a minute, I gathered a fluffy head and whispered: "...the system forced me to do it."

Jiang Yang’s eyes widened and he turned his head sharply, and he was equally surprised by Qin Xu’s expression. Qin Xu did not expect that he could even say it.

But almost at the same moment, Jiang Yang also found his strange voice. After stunned, he couldn't help but smile and tried to scream. "What is your voice?"

When it comes to this, Qin Xu is extremely annoyed and muttered: "It is not a ghost of the system..."

They whispered head to head and the teacher on the stage was certainly not embarrassed. They immediately smiled and cheered Jiang Yang and brought Qin Xu.

"You two, come up and do these two questions."

The small eyes of the warning swept over the faces they almost met. They were a spirit, and immediately shrank back, picked them up, and went to the podium to get the chalk.

Three questions were written on the blackboard, and the teacher randomly named a girl, but it happened that the girl was a crush on Jiang Yang. Suddenly, some well-informed students smiled.

The girls were quite calm, and they were a little shy when they heard the laughter of the classmates. They walked slowly and slowly, picked up a piece of chalk, stood by Jiang Yang to solve the problem, and when they turned their heads, they could see the beautiful boy’s good looks. Side face. The girl bent her lips and bent her head.

Jiang Yang is also laughing, very hard to suppress, but the voice of the guy who has always been arrogant and arrogant has suddenly become the ghost, and seems to know what he knows, suddenly excited, there is a kind of turn to be the master's pleasure, can not wait Immediately opened up and said clearly.

Qin Xu stood next to him. Of course, he could clearly see his overflowing smile. He knew that he was laughing at himself, but he couldn’t speak. He was very stubborn and could only use his eyes to smash. When Jiang Yang thought of his funny voice, he didn't feel fierce at all. Instead, he only remembered the Xiaomeng's Meng Meng.

The teacher who looked at it couldn’t help it: "You two are enough, are you on the podium and still in front of my face?"

Sitting in the first row of a certain schoolmaster is a bit embarrassed, whispered: "Teacher, this word is not so useful..."

The author has something to say: Teacher: Of course I know that I deliberately want to play these two guys!

Qin Xu & Jiang Yang: ... Should you tell the teacher that he is right?

Thank you, Zhou, your good mine, what?

Read The Duke's Passion