MTL - Little Sweetheart-Chapter 70

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"How long do you want to keep me on the blacklist?"

Gu Siyi saw this text message, stunned, opened WeChat, released him from the blacklist, and re-added friends.

As the name suggests: "Happy New Year~"

X: "I just got off the plane."

As the name suggests: "Will you return to China?"

X: "Yeah."

As the name suggests; "The training time is so tight, then you go home quickly."

After a while, the WeChat prompt sounded again, and Gu Siyi quickly picked it up and watched it.

X: "I got on the bus. Now the road is very good. I arrived in Beicheng Tianjie about half an hour later."

As the name suggests: "???"

X: "Will anyone come to give me a New Year's greeting?"

As the name suggests: "You have come over?"

Gu Siyi knows that he is not a casual joke, so it should be over.

She was still in bed for the first second, and she got up from the bed and dressed and washed. Pick out your favorite red coat in the closet, put on your hat and run downstairs.

Mom and Dad are preparing to call her up for breakfast, seeing that she is dressed so neatly, squatting, "Going out?"

Gu Siyi nodded. "A classmate has come over. I will not come back to dinner at noon."

Xu Jiahui said: "But we got to send you to your second uncle at noon." Today, Gu family reunited at their second home.

"It’s late... my classmates have a hard time coming to play and I’m not familiar with it. I can’t leave it alone.” Gu Siyi said, the whole face is written with a strong willingness to go out.

Gu Zhiyuan: "Go, go early and go back early."

"Good." Gu Siyi smiled happily.

"Wait!" Xu Jiahui called her. "First eat breakfast."

Gu Siyi looked at the table and the variety was quite rich. She took a porridge and put a small steamed buns into her mouth and said, "Okay, have enough, go."

Xu Jiahui looked at her back and jumped out of the door. She smiled a little helplessly: "I have to go out to play in the New Year."

Gu Zhiyuan said: "Playing with you, I have learned a lot of heart before, and I don’t want to play around for the New Year. I am afraid that I will remember the problem."

Gu Siyi called the car and quickly rushed to Beicheng Tianjie, which took only 20 minutes.

The business district is very lively, people come and go, but mostly couples or families. Gu Siyi is alone, and his hands are copying his pockets.

From time to time someone looked back at her.

The girl, dressed in exquisite fashion, looks sweet, tall, black hair like satin on the shoulders, when a person is shopping, the joy of the face can not hide, the watery eyes are full of hope and joy.

Almost the same time, she walked into a Starbucks and bought two hot drinks and a dessert.

Sitting in front of the glass window, looking at the pedestrian street where people come and go.

With one hand on his chin, he sipped his coffee slowly.

She did not urge him to ask him, and waited patiently to wait here, inexplicable, even waiting to make people happy.

WeChat whispered.

X: "I am here."

Gu Siyi put down his mobile phone and looked out.

The summer coat of a black coat is too outstanding, tall and straight, and can be seen at a glance in the crowd.

He walked slowly and looked around.

Gu Siyi looked at him with a smile, and did not rush to say hello.

When Xia Zhishao’s gaze passed over somewhere, he turned back and settled.

The girl in the window, the black hair and white skin, under the small round hat is a pair of watery eyebrows, the cheeks are dotted with two small dimples. The warm sun of winter shines into the glass window, illuminating the girl, and illuminating his chaotic and disorderly inner world in an instant.

Xia Zhixi could not help but bend his lips and smiled.

It’s worth seeing her across the ocean.

Xia Zhizhen walked into Starbucks and instantly attracted a lot of attention.

He sat next to Gu Siyi and said, "This young lady, I think you are familiar."

"Is it?" Gu Siyi asked with a smile.

"Well, especially when I laugh." He looked at her and whispered, "It’s like my sweetheart."

"..." Gu Siyi broke the work, lowered his eyes, and the uncontrollable cheeks were red.

Others looked at the two of them, suspected that they were watching idol dramas, such a delicate and beautiful boy and girl, came to a so-called suspense encounter?

Gu Siyi handed the cup of hot black tea latte to Xia Zhiyu.

Xia Zhijun took it and took a sip.

Gu Siyi cut another piece of mousse and forked it to his mouth.

Xia Zhizhen naturally opened his mouth to eat. She was asked to feed him to ice cream from the beginning, and later seemed to get used to feeding him with something to eat.

After the things were finished, the two left Starbucks, and Xia Zhiqi pulled up Gu Siyi’s hand.

Gu Siyi is a bit nervous. After all, people come and go on the street... In case of being seen by an acquaintance, they are photographed...

Xia Zhijun loosened her hand and said, "How about we go to the movies?"

"Yeah." Gu Siyi nodded.

The two entered the theater and chose a lively 3D New Year movie.

When I selected the location online, I found that the venue was very empty. Gu Si recalled the best intermediate position for the viewing experience. Xia Zhijun said: "On the last row."

Gu Siyi: "Will it be too far?"

"It doesn't matter." He whispered. "Sit close and hurt your eyes."

Gu Siyi: ...not hurting your eyes?

After sitting down, Xia Zhizhen once again took Gu Siyi's hand. The movie hall is dark and there are not many people. Especially in the last few rows, basically no one, Gu Siyi let go of his heart, let him lead.

The film opened, the beautiful picture slowly unfolded on the big screen, and her hand was gently kneaded by his palm.

After a while, he used both hands to play her hand, like a kind of fun to play with.

Gu Siyi: does this make people watch movies?

Whenever he touched it, her heart and liver trembled and trembled.

All the senses are on the hands of him, not in the movies.

She was even more nervous when he raised his hand to pick up the hair in her ear and the warmer breath was getting closer.

The soft, thin lips gently slammed on her earlobe, Gu Siyi's hand hanging down tightly clutching the clothes, her heart beat like a thunder, and her face turned red.

He gently, slowly, from the earlobe to her cheek, chin, slowly down the side of her side...

Gu Siyi is as hot as boiling, hot, numb, itchy...

Shy, nervous, and mixed with sweetness.

If it was before, she would be ashamed to escape and would reject him.

But this time she didn't...

The two have not been alone for half a year. She missed him too much and even missed such relatives.

Every minute and every second with him, every heartbeat, every joy, is like an extra reward for God, precious and scarce.

Xia Zhijun took her hand and whispered in her ear: "Stand up."

"..." Gu Siyi did not know why, but still obediently stood up.

The next second, she was dragged by Xia Zhizhi and fell into his arms. Gu Siyi bit his lip and stopped the low call that he almost blurted out. He raised his arms and hugged her tightly.

Finally, I’m here.

Xia Zhiqi took a deep breath, her head pressed against her shoulder, and her smell deeply in her neck.

Winter clothes are not as thin as summer, but they just contain unnecessary impulses.

He just hugged her whole child in her arms, eager to love this person, and eager for this taste.

When the movie screen became dark, Xia Zhixuan turned to Gu Siyi's face, and the two were opposite in the dark.

Both eyes are filled with shame and affection.

He bowed his head and kissed her lips. The four lips slowly lick each other, sucking each other, gently, gentle, and fine.

There is no desire - hope, only pure attachment and love.

He was not willing to let go of her sweet, soft lips, and she was not willing to stay away from his warm breath. She stayed with him like this repeatedly... let him take care of him, holding it.

After watching a movie, Gu Siyi did not know what to say.

After going to the bathroom after the break, I found that my lips were too red to be swollen, and there was a slight swelling.

I remembered the relatives who were in the dark shadow hall, and could not help but redden the face.

When the two left the theater, Gu Siyi received a call from her mother.

Xu Jiahui: "It's time to come back. You have to go to your second uncle's house after eating Chinese food."

Gu Siyi whispered: "I play with friends outside, I can't leave people to go back to eat. You eat, I just eat outside."

Xu Jiahui: "Don't come back to eat? Then when are you coming back?"

"You don't have to wait for me, then I will take a taxi to the second uncle."

"Where the restaurant outside is delicious, you bring your friend back to eat."

"..." Gu Siyi looked at Xia Zhiyi. Do not make it impossible.

When she was brewing the rhetoric, Gu Zhiyuan took the phone and said, "Is it summer?"

Gu Siyi was nervous and speechless.

Gu Zhiyuan said with a smile: "Is it a classmate, you are too ignorant? People come over the New Year, don't invite people to come to the house to eat? Are you planning to wander outside on New Year's Eve?"

"What?" Wandering, it sounds too cold. They are dating, very romantic, good!

"I will cook a few more dishes, and you will bring the people back." Gu Zhiyuan finished talking and hung up.

Gu Siyi looked at Xia Zhijun and said helplessly: "My parents told you to go to my house to eat."

"Okay." Summer nodded, and agreed quickly.

"Are you not afraid of being uncomfortable?"

"No." Xia Zhiqi smiled low. "Your parents are very easy to get along with."

On the way back to the two, Gu Siyi was relieved of the shock by the sweet surprise, which found the wrong place.

This is a big New Year, today is New Year's Eve, why didn't he go home and ran here?

Gu Siyi asked: "When are you going home?"

Xia Zhixuan said: "Don't go back, I will take a look at you and fly to the US tomorrow."

During the winter vacation, Xia Zhisheng took the initiative to sign up for training initiated by a famous foreign school. He also paid a bad balance at home, and time could not go back.

"Ah... this way, not good..."

"Nothing, they are busy anyway, I am not much different."

If you are in the house, you will be taken to participate in large and small gatherings, and you may encounter Zhang Yin’s family in some occasions where you must take care of the whole face. Xia Zhizhen is now bored with those people. He would rather breathe free air alone.

"Then you come back thousands of miles, just to see me?" Gu Siyi asked this sentence, there is a kind of indescribable feeling in his heart.

Xia Zhijun looked at her and smiled. "New Year, my little girl grew up one year old. How can I not see it?"

"We are as big, I am not a little girl." Gu Siyi Jiao Jiao.

He raised his hand over her head and said warmly: "If you are eighty years old, still my little girl."

The driver's uncle, who was driving in front of him, laughed at the corner of his mouth.

Now this young man, dating is really sweet, just thinking about it...

In the villa of the family, during the Chinese New Year, Auntie went home and Gu Zhiyuan personally cooked and cooked.

This is not because Xia Zhijun is coming over, and he starts to drum and drum to get more dishes.

Gu Zhiyuan tangled while looking at the ingredients. "I don't know if the child has any taboos? Why didn't you ask a question..."

Xu Jiahui helped the kitchen and said: "The light and heavy tastes are all made, and there is always an appetite."

Gu Zhiyuan nodded: "It's a good idea."

Xu Jiahui asked: "How do you know that she is going out to play with Xia Zhi?"

Gu Zhiyuan: "The big year's eagerness to go out and happily ran out. After the end, I still don't want to come back. Even my parents are not with me. Is it so attractive to everyone except Xia Zhizhen?"

"But they are like this...will it..."

"Don't worry, it's normal to play together for the New Year. It's normal to play with each other. I can still be friends. I believe that there is a sense of distraction, let's not over-repress the child's inner desire."


"In fact, I like Xia Zhizhen very much." Gu Zhiyuan said while choosing vegetables. "Smart, calm, knowledgeable and knowledgeable. There will be great achievements in the future." He has countless people in his age, and he still has confidence in this point.

"I like it too." Xu Jiahui echoed, but her reason was very simple and rude. "He looks good. Such a handsome boy, afterwards, he thinks that he is going to dinner. The baby they are born will be very beautiful." I used to worry that my eyes were not good, and I found a son-in-law who was looking for melons and melons."

Gu Zhiyuan smiled and said: "You have a man's eyes, how can your daughter be worse?"

Xu Jiahui followed with a smile, "Blowing yourself."

The couple were laughing and joking in the kitchen, and they burned a few dishes soon.

When Gu Siyi came back with Xia Zhixuan, the meals at home were ready.

Xia Zhixuan learned that he would like to go to visit, and he specially went to buy some gifts.

"Uncle, aunt, happy new year." He put down the gift and greeted the two elders.

The two warmly welcomed him into the house.

When eating, Xia Zhijun said, "I came directly from abroad, time is tight, I have no time to go home. My parents don't know that I am back, I don't want to run back and forth."

The meaning in this statement is very clear. He didn't go home and didn't want his family to know that he was going back to China.

Gu Zhiyuan nodded. "Okay, my uncle understands, you can arrange your own time."

Xu Jiahui asked: "When are you flying?"

Xia Zhijun said: "Tomorrow at noon."

Gu Zhiyuan immediately said: "Then you will sleep at our house tonight, we will send you to the airport tomorrow."

Gu Siyi nodded madly. "Right right... just sleep in our house. You said you can't go home. Can't you go to the hotel?"

"Lu Jiayu's apartment over there..." Xia Zhi's words have not been finished yet, and Gu Siyi interrupted. "Ah, it's a long way. You have to run on the road for the New Year? You will stay with us for the New Year!"

Xia Zhijun nodded, "Is disturbing my uncle and aunt."

"How come, people are more lively." Xu Jiahui laughed.

Originally, their family was planning to go to the second day of the family, and the grandparents were there. Because of the arrival of Xia Zhizhen, Gu Zhiyuan temporarily changed the itinerary, and said to the other side, the family came to the guests, not to pass.

His heart is clear, Xia Zhiyi does not want the family to know that he is returning to China, and certainly has contradictions with his family. This is a 17-year-old youth, not a few years old, he took his own ideas, Gu Zhiyuan naturally respects his meaning, and entertain him.

After eating, Gu Siyi pulled Xia Zhizhen to the side, and the two of them wore together on the sofa to play games.

Gu Siyi was close to him without knowing it, until she reached his shoulder, she still has a consistent style, while talking and talking, hot and busy. Xia Zhiyu is quiet, with a smile on his lips and a look at her from time to time.

Xu Jiahui looked at the harmonious picture of the two men and suddenly felt that there was nothing in the early love. I don't have to worry about my child not finding a good object in the future. Look at the parents who are surrounded by children, and they have broken their hearts for their children.

She went to the kitchen to cut the fruit and sent it over.

Gu Siyi forked a cherry, the first reaction was to send it to the mouth of Xia Zhi, and waited to wake up. It was in his own home, ready to retract from the circle without traces, and it was too late, Xia Zhiyi had already bitten.

"It's very sweet," he said.

Gu Siyi: "..." The face is thick and thick.

Happy time is always fast, eating New Year's Eve, and in the blink of an eye, it is evening.

On the TV, there is a happy Spring Festival Evening, and Gu Siyi’s Laxia is in the group to grab the red envelope.

Xia Zhijun made a big red envelope, bigger than the previous red envelope.

Several people shouted again and again: "The boss is generous."

Xia Zhijun replied: "The boss is happy today."

Zheng Pei-pei: "I am still happy in the Chinese New Year?"

Lu Jialu: "Is the foreign moon more round than the domestic one?"

Xia Zhiyi glanced at Gu Siyi next to him and replied: "My moon here is especially beautiful."

Gu Siyi: ... is not convenient to reveal his whereabouts, only silently resisting not talking.

Gu Zhiyuan and Xu Jiahui couldn't stay in the night and went to sleep at less than twelve.

Gu Siyi and Xia Zhixuan play while watching the age.

When the bell of the Spring Festival night sounded, Xia Zhisheng raised Gu Siyi's face, bowed his head and kissed her lips.

Xia Zhijun: "Happy New Year."

Gu Siyi: "Happy New Year."

She looked at him and laughed. He said, "Is it good to have a New Year together every year?"

Gu Siyi nodded with a smile and nodded hard.

On the first day of the new year, she made a happy dream, and when she woke up, she smiled.

However, at the thought of it, soon after the summer is about to leave, the happy mood will be low.

Everyone sleeps to wake up naturally. After eating breakfast, Gu Zhiyuan drives to Xiazhi to go to the airport.

Gu Zhiyuan and Xu Jiahui are sitting in the front row, Gu Siyi and Xia Zhizhen are sitting in the back row. Because the parents are in front, Xia Zhizhen is very honest, and even Gu Siyi’s hands are not taken care of.

At the airport, pick up the ticket and wait for the security check.

Gu Zhiyuan and Xu Jiahui said: "My key seems to be on the car, let's look at it."

"Then you wait, let's go and see." Xu Jiahui said.

Gu Siyi nodded.

The husband and wife walked out of the airport hall, and Xia Zhiyu hugged Gu Siyi.

The two finally got tired and tired when they were separated.

"When are you coming back?"

"Look at the situation, it has been arranged for two months."

"...will studying abroad be very hard?"

"Fortunately, after all, I am smart."

"Smelly fart."

"You don't want to be too tired. It's not the most important to get a prize."


"Anyway... you are the best in my heart!"


When leaving, Gu Siyi reluctantly, Xia Zhiyi waved, turned and passed the security check.

Until his figure disappeared, she still looked at the security checkpoint.

The phone prompts to sound, she picks it up.

X: "I am very happy to come back to my little girl for the New Year."

X: "Wait for me."

Gu Siyi looked at the screen of the mobile phone for a long time and replied: "Yeah."

When Gu Siyi returned to God, he found that his parents had not come over and called in the past. "How have you two yet?"

Gu Zhiyuan: "Oh, by the way, sit in the car... Did you leave?"

Gu Siyi: "Yes."

Gu Zhiyuan: "Okay, let's come right now."

After hanging up the phone, the couple got off the bus and Xu Jiahui said: "We have not said goodbye to the child."

Gu Zhiyuan laughed: "He wants to say goodbye to Si Yi. Let's leave time for him, just give him the best farewell."

After the winter holiday, the new semester begins.

During the summer of this semester, I went to various places and participated in various large-scale competitions, rarely in school.

Gu Siyi has no chance of even encountering.

However, she knew that he was playing outside, and that the two men had passed the New Year together. She was very practical, and although she missed him, she was not sad.

She thought that he was busy with the game and he didn't have time to pay attention to her class, but he still prepared a book for him. The content of the entire semester has been completed. When Zhou Wei took this thick book to her, she couldn't tell the impression.

She is really convinced that he is good to her, so that she does not know how to return.

Of course, the best response at the moment is to study hard.

For another year and a half, she must do her best and get admitted to a prestigious school.

Because Xia Zhizhen is not in school, the original look is not pleasing to the eye but there are taboos, people who dare not treat her, have the courage to start. For example, Xu Na has been holding a bad smell.

Taking advantage of the holiday, Gu Siyi, when she went out to school to buy things, took four or five people to plug her on the side of the road.

Gu Siyi holds a mobile phone in her hand and is still talking to Zheng Pei-pei. She looks at Xu Na and says, "What is it?"

"Now no one covers you? Do you dare to swear?" Xu Na sneered.

Gu Siyi looked at her with cold eyes. "What are you looking for?"

Xu Na added, "Do you know that you and the photos of Xia Zhijun are all shot by me... You are a small watch, doing a blind eye with the dry brother and sister, and secretly Chen Cang in private, I was almost cheated by you. ..."

Gu Siyi said coldly: "Put your mouth clean!"

"Don't dare to cross me now?" Xu Na jerked her. "Do you think someone still protects you!"

Gu Siyi put things on the ground and stood up. He looked at Xu Na and said, "Are you not a boss? The boss is strong. Do you dare to single out?"

Xu Na was provoked by her, and her blood was pouring up. "Hey, you really have to be very capable! Come, single-handed!"

On the mobile phone side, Zheng Peipei heard the voice over there and was shocked to bounce off the position. "Someone is looking for a trouble!"

She and Zhang Xinyi were studying together in the library with the three of the pears. I heard the news and the faces of the two men changed.

Zheng Pei-pei couldn’t attend the novel he was watching. He hurried out: "She just said that she is coming to school and should be outside the school."

Zhang Xinyi and Xiang Li quickly followed the footsteps of Zheng Pei-pei.

"I have to hurry to call Zhou Xiao." She said, she immediately acted.

When the three men ran together outside the school, Zheng Pei-pei said: "You two still don't go. You don't care if you go to this small body. You can't live in the market."

Xiangli is a glasses girl, Zhang Xinyi looked down on all kawaii.

"I can!" To the pear, in order to prove his own line, the sleeves were picked up. "I also played a frame when I was young."

Zhang Xinyu said: "I can also! Don't look at me short, concentrate is the essence!"

"..." If you are not too worried about the safety of Gu Siyi, Zheng Peipei must be teased.

Finally, these people found Gu Siyi in the old yard outside the school.

She is just picking up with Xu Na, Xu Na is getting more and more downwind...

She couldn’t take care of her face, and she shouted, "What are you doing with TM?"

Zheng Peipei yelled, "When we remember that no one is in the world?!"

I took all the glasses to Pear and rushed into the battle circle with Zheng Peipei. Zhang Xinyi looked at the little man and jumped up to be fierce, like a chihuahua.

The heads-up became a group stand.

Although there are five people over there, there are only four people here, but they don't fall.

Zheng Peipei is a **** swear to protect their friends. These are not the same people who are playing with Xu Na, they don't want to pay the price. These people have strong beliefs, and they will go out and fight more.

When Zhou Wei arrived with Su Han Lu Jialu, he saw an unexpected picture.

The helpers were severely beaten by Zheng Peipei and asked for a truce. Xu Na was forced to play heads-up with Gu Siyi.

Gu Siyi put her on the ground, riding on her, and arbitrarily throwing a fist.

Zheng Pei-pei cheered at the side and shouted: "Remember the brothers! Recalling the brother 666! Recalling the best!"

Su Han: "...I never thought of it."

Lu Jialu: "Society I remember my sister, it is amazing."

Zhou Wei: "The woman’s owe, clean up and pack."

Before I learned that the photo was taken by her, they wanted to teach her, but these big men, it was a girl, a little hesitant, I don’t know how to do it.

This is good, she sent it to the door, let Gu Siyi rubbing on the ground.

Zheng Peipei thoroughly convinced Xu Na, she did not care about the above, no dignity, a pleading for mercy, tears raging on the face of the hanging color: "Let me... I was wrong... let me go..."

"Isn't it a good fight?" Gu Siyi said coldly. "Whoever catches a relationship with Xia Zhiyu wants to learn?"

"No... I don't have..."

"You like this person like Xia Zhi, it is an insult to him!"

Gu Siyi opened Xu Na, stood up and looked down at her, cold: "He can't have a dime relationship with you in this life! You die this heart!"

Zhou Wei knew that Xu Na had a bit of background. She stepped forward and pulled over Gu Siyi. She said to Xu Na on the ground: "Don't think that Auntie is not there, you can bully Gu Siyi. I am here today, who will dare to touch and remember, wait for me. Let's settle the bill."

Lu Jialu also stepped forward and kicked Xu Na's foot. The bad voice said: "Yi is our person, your TM eyes are bright!"

When these people returned to school, Gu Siyi found that Zheng Pei-Pei had a wound in his mouth and had scratches on his neck and Zhang Xin’s neck. Of course, she is also a little bit hurt.

Su Han said: "You should go to the school doctor's office to open some medicine. Be careful not to get infected."

Zheng Peipei waved his hand. "Small problem, nothing."

Gu Siyi said: "You can't neglect the general idea. Let's go to the school doctor and take a trip." How many friends can be sloppy because of her injury. "Fortunately, you have come over... otherwise I will be smashed."

Zheng Pei-pei said: "She actually wants to teach you more and less, and whimsical! Even if you don't study, you still have us!"

Lu Jialu rushed to the interface. "And I still have me, a small dimple. Afterwards, we will call our male classmates on the fight."

Gu Siyi smiled low. Her father is right, there are these friends, and it is also the most precious wealth of her life.

When Xia Zhisheng was playing outside, the good news of winning one after another was passed back, and the school kept pulling banners for him.

When the international Olympics physics competition came to an end, Xia Zhisheng stood out among the world's players and won the first place in theory, the first in experiment, and the first in total. Became the most highly regarded gold medal player.

The school posted his award-winning photos on the Hall of Fame with news, and a prominent publicity banner outside the campus gate.

The school knows the summer of the gods, once again let everyone worship.

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